my god is from hell

Chapter 131 God War

"Really? I don't think so, Father God."

Yan Qing raised his eyes, the silver eyes were clear and pure, without the slightest fear or retreat, instead there were little waves, which turned into a storm that could overturn the world, and the long silver hair fluttered in the wind.

"Do you want to do something to me? You are too young, Yan Yan, come back, you are still my favorite child."

Father God's voice was gentle and persuasive, and he would not hesitate to be more patient with this child he loves the most.

"Pamper? Father God, I don't like to be pampered. I like to take everything into my own hands."

Yan Qing stretched out his arms, and his figure flew up into the sea of ​​stars. The faint light of the stars flickered on and off, reflecting a little bit of darkness on his delicate and fair cheeks.

"You used to... never like to think about complicated things."

"Father God, you forced me, have you forgotten? If you weren't stubborn, I wouldn't have to stand here."

" lose if you lose."

"I don't think I've lost... You see, you can't convince me, and I can't convince you, so—"

Yan Qing's hands gathered enough power to destroy the world, and his figure suddenly entered another layer of space.

The flowers bloom there all the year round, and the soft light supported by the divine power of the father shone faintly here. The lake is clear and quiet, and space and time are eternal here.

"—then let me take your place, Father God."

Yan Qing didn't use honorific words anymore, because at this moment, he was no longer a child who had grown up and stumbled under the watchful eyes of the Father God, but a newly promoted Supreme God who was qualified to challenge him. His strength!

"For those humans who betrayed you?"

"No, for your own eyes to see, you are wrong."

"Very well, then, I'll watch..."

A bitter wind blew on the grass covered with flowers, and dark clouds gathered in the sky. In the precarious wind and rain, the petals were torn apart by force, and the lake water set off huge waves.

The corners of Yan Qing's silver robes were blown up by the wind, and his waist-length hair fluttered wildly among the flowers and leaves, but his expression was calm, even leisurely.

A towering giant tree grew from behind him, the moon climbed to the top, and the power of creation flowed from the moonlight, making the world tree quickly covered with green buds, and the edges glowed with a thin silver light, just like a sacred tree.

On November 2516, 11, darkness suddenly swept across the entire world.

The 350 six galaxies and 360 habitable planets registered by Yulian were shrouded in pitch black night without warning. Because they were caught off guard, even the lighting equipment did not have time to respond.

The world fell into a period of blackness for a second.

In this short span of one second, a terrifying and indescribably huge aura ruthlessly and coldly swept across the entire world.

The plants and trees on the planet could not help but lower their bodies, and the intelligent animals hid in their nests without daring to raise their heads. The sea was calm and the waves were calm, and even the erupting volcano paused for a moment, and the ominous atmosphere swept across all human beings.

The time of the universe stands still for a second.

No one knows what happened at this second, but only one second later, a big green tree with new shoots grew out of thin air on each planet, and the soft branches seemed to be coated with a layer of silver light. There is a faint light in it.

The terrifying aura was firmly blocked by the hazy silver tree. Everyone who was looking up at the sky saw a two-thirds position of the giant tree. A silver-white long-haired figure sat barefoot on the branch, and the green branches hung down to cover it. His face was covered, but the silver figure remained in people's hearts for a long time.

"Yan Qing..."

On Kashgar, Zuo Luoxing looked at the darkness of the sky, and softly called out to the figure on the green tree.

No one answered.

Zuo Luoxing endured the anxiety in his heart, and did not interfere with the battle between the other party and Godfather, but just pressed his body against the tree trunk, as if he could touch the other party in this way.

Kashi star over the sky.

Both the Yulian Legion and the academy battleship were stopped by Li Qiwu and others. The battle broke out in a small area for a while, and then was interrupted by the strange thing that the summoning god disappeared out of thin air. The towering giant tree, and the familiar figure on the tree.

On the Full Moon Square, the Yue Family Moon Altar emitted an unprecedented dazzling light, illuminating the dimly lit square, and one after another people saw the unusual light.

"It's the Moon's the Moon God who is protecting us!"

"Master Luna is the real God of Contract! He has never asked us to return anything. For 800 years, the Summoner summoned under his witness has never lost control!"

"The moon god is the real god worthy of worship!"

Some people in the square gradually came to their senses, thinking of the fear of the past two months, their eyes turned from dazed to fierce, and finally looked fanatically at the Moon Altar.

"What are you talking about? The Moon God is the evil god believed by the polluters!"

"The aura this time was obviously provoked by the Moon God!"

"Damn Luna! Unlucky!"

Some people were fanatical, so naturally some people cursed. Some people in the crowd even wanted to go up and tear down the Moon Altar, but they were stopped by another group of fanatics, and the scene was once very chaotic.

In eternal space.

"Look, these people are still shirking responsibility and arguing with each other! Human beings are shallow creatures, and they can't get rid of their own inferiority."

Even if God the Father created the second generation of creator gods and the polluters without emotion, so that the other party continued to invade the human territory in an attempt to find a spiritual home, which eventually led to the current chaos.

But Father God still despises the superficiality, selfishness, short-sightedness and cunning of human beings.

"Father God, do you know why I said you were wrong?"

Standing in front of the towering green tree, Yan Qing was noncommittal about the evaluation of the Father God. He lowered his eyes to "look" at the chaos in the Full Moon Square, and asked the Father God sincerely again in a child's tone.


Yan Qing's tone obviously pleased Father God very well, and he answered the words patiently.

"Because you always think that human beings have irreparable flaws in their character, and only when these 'bad' qualities are removed, can humans be truly perfect."

"Isn't it?" Father God said grimly.

"Of course not." Yan Qing retorted calmly, "Because of superficiality, they never think deeply and are easily satisfied; because of selfishness, they can't help but favor those they love, making family, friendship and love all precious; Because of their short-sightedness, they can't see the future full of worries, so they dare to devote all their enthusiasm to the present; because of their cunning, they can mediate in various difficulties, from the era when no god came to the present."

"You have eliminated all the emotions in the hearts of new humans, thinking that they are inferior products that hinder human development, but in fact, the polluters—that is, the new humans you created have no greed and disgust, nor cherish and pity; Impulsive and anxious, without enthusiasm and satisfaction. If you touch their bodies with your hands, you will only touch a cold body without any feeling..."

"So what—" Father God interrupted the words angrily.

"So—" Yan Qing's voice cooled down, "They don't know how to cherish and protect, treat their homeland at will, and expand wantonly once the planet's resources are exhausted; The compassionate transformation of human beings has caused countless people in Yulian to lose their relatives and friends, and to be betrayed by close people."

"That's because they are too weak!" Father God said coldly, not thinking there was anything wrong with his thinking.

Yan Qing no longer explained, his body had risen above the treetops, and he said coldly: "If you insist on fulfilling your bet, I will also fulfill mine."

Back then, Father God insisted on erasing the existence of human beings and making the new human beings the masters of the universe, but he disagreed.

The two made a bet that if human beings really had value in existence, he would "abdicate to let the virtuous" and let Yan Qing decide whether human beings would stay or not.If not, God the Father will completely destroy humanity.

After Yan Qing became a human being, he forgot all his memories of being a god, and lived happily until the age of 24. He thought it was good to be a human being; Intervened to try to make Yan Qing "wake up", but Yan Qing never repented.

Angrily, the Father God made the God of Darkness open the gate of the God Realm and released the new human beings he created, intending to let Yan Qing see the perfection of the new human beings and the various ugly faces of human beings when they are in a difficult situation.

Unexpectedly, the god of light and darkness is in opposition to the yin and yang, making Yan Qing the summoning god in the god contract created by himself, and putting him together with Zuo Luoxing, who he pulled away in every possible way, making Yan Qing directly opposed to the new human beings. Said, but also re-contacted humans!

However, human beings did not disappoint him. Not only did they destroy the statue of God of Fire and abandon the contract, but they also split into two factions to kill each other. He ultimately won the bet.

Humans are such despicable creatures!

Father God thought he had won the bet, and so did Li Qing.

He has been to the pollution star of the polluter several times. The buildings are not as good-looking as humans, the food is not as delicious as that made by humans, and there are almost no entertainment items. Even his personality is not as fun as humans. Although he has become the god of polluters, But he still wants to say: Human race is high!

A gust of wind blew up in this sea of ​​flowers near the lake, the soil was overturned by the strong air flow, thick lightning shuttled through the dark clouds, huge waves were set off on the quiet lake, and the sound of the waves was turbulent.

Yan Qing closed his eyes, the raindrops fell on his eyes and wet the eyelashes, and then he opened them, and the figure disappeared in place.

There was no sign of him in the entire field of flowers and grass.

He blends into the space.

"See" God the Father.

human world.

The dark days lasted for a whole month.

During this month, wherever there were people, the sky was shrouded in a dark and terrifying atmosphere, and thick black clouds weighed down heavily. An oppressive darkness.

This kind of despair and fear shrouded in eternal darkness has penetrated deeply into the hearts of everyone in Yulian through the repeated reflection of pupils during this month.

Only the silvery green tree that grows out of thin air on the planet can give people a little comfort. More and more people are used to gathering at the foot of the green tree, looking up at the ethereal figure that gathers silver light on the tree.

The battle on Kashgar Star and Hewu Star had long since ceased, and Yulian and the academy rarely cooperated. They had several discussions on the dark shadows in the sky, but none of them could dispel the darkness. They could only use divine spells to illuminate them for a short time, and everyone fell into anxiety. , can only monitor Bishu's movements at all times.

Those who have become gods like Li Qiwu have a deeper feeling than the gods. They have already felt the breath of the father god on the huge black shadow of destruction. The faint confrontation between the tree and the black cloud of destruction made everyone worried.

Zuo Luoxing was always red-haired and red-eyed almost all the time, worried in his heart no less than everyone else, but strangely suppressed his temper, and did not participate in the battle between Yan Qing and Father God.

half year later.

The people of Yulian are almost used to the terrifying black clouds in the sky and the towering green trees glowing with silver light on the planet. From time to time, some people go to pray devoutly under the only tree that naturally emits light.

On Kashgar, Li Qiwu and the others had to stay in the Forest of Green awakened by the sun god to keep their bodies pure because of becoming gods.

Li Qiwu sat on the tallest treetop in Green Forest, looking at the silver trees in the distance through the heavy sky, his eyes were long and quiet, with a hint of worry.

The little witch sat on a thick tree root with her chin poised, her eyes staring blankly at the flower elf who was waving her wings, and she subconsciously grabbed a blond doll with her other hand, she was a little absent-minded.

Seventeen and Lin Ze were listening to the beautiful lyre of the Sun God, but occasionally they would be distracted for a moment, and the Sun God raised his golden eyes between playing and took a look. There seemed to be hesitation in his eyes, but he still lowered his head and stroked the strings.

Odin and Sene were still bickering, and they would not stop until they hurt each other a thousand times a day. At first, everyone was curious to watch the battle, and soon they drove the two gods to the corner in boredom.

Mingyou and Yuexuanzhao stood on the edge of Green Forest, closed their eyes and tried to feel the situation of Yan Qing, but unfortunately, the eternal space cut off all investigations, unless Yan Qing took the initiative to contact them, the two could feel nothing .

Just when Mingyou and Yuexuanzhao opened their eyes, sighed and were about to give up, the silver light and green trees in the distance suddenly shone brightly!

At the same time, a long-lost voice came from Green Forest, which was still soft and cool in memory.

"Lolo, come help me."

Zuo Luoxing stood up suddenly.

The author has something to say:

At the end of the next chapter, let’s talk about a relationship by the way XD

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