In short, Lin Tong was completely unaware of how extravagant and wasteful he was.

After being a young master for a long time, I don't have much idea about food. In the end, Ji Xing packed more than half of it before eating, which benefited the boys in the surrounding dormitories.

Otherwise, it would be a pity to see so many things wasted.

Lin Tong saw that after Ji Xing opened the door and came in, he had nothing in his hand, "What are you doing?"

Ji Xing replied to him: "For the benefit of mankind."

What he did was indeed something that benefited mankind. Lin Tong didn't speak, but just lowered his head to pick up the food.

Because the school was built in a relatively remote place, he could order so many takeaways at most, otherwise he would have to order more good things to eat.

Ever since Lin Huaiyu froze his bank card, Lin Tong has never been able to experience the previous happiness. This time can be said to be a long-lost luxury.

Seeing Ji Xingxing approaching, Lin Tong looked at the words "low blood sugar... eat" on the search bar on the screen, and calmly turned off the phone screen.

Ji Xing looked at the bowl of hot porridge in front of him, picked it up, and took a sip.

Just this one bite made him feel something was wrong.

"Brother Tong." Ji Xing hesitated, "Did you add all the sugar in the restaurant?"

With this taste, he would believe it was a bowl of white sugar.

Although I usually know that Lin Tong likes to eat sweets, it can't be so sweet, right?

Lin Tong's expression didn't change, he just chewed the vegetables, "Why do you eat so much nonsense?"

Ji Xing suppressed a smile, pulled out the chair and sat down, took the chopsticks.

But this meal is really getting worse the more you eat it.

Except for the small pickles that come with the porridge, the other dishes are too sweet to understand, even the small cabbage is added with sugar.

Even the staple food is red bean paste buns.

Ji Xing looked hesitantly at the handsome guy who was so white and gleaming, he never thought that a person who looked cold was actually a little cripple who liked to eat sweets in private.

"I'm done eating, you go on."

The young master took out a piece of paper, wiped the corners of his mouth slowly, and then pushed the wheelchair by himself, leaning against the table next to him.

Ji Xing responded, and moved his gaze to the plate of cold dishes that Lin Tong loved so much just now, only then did he realize that something was wrong.

Cooperating with this whole table of dishes, this one is normal.

Lin Tong had nothing to do, so he started to play games on the account, and he also took a few orders for playing games on behalf of his companions. Although he didn't make too much money, it was still enough to make ends meet.

As I was typing, I saw a message pop up on WeChat.

Lin Tong always hated when someone sent him a message while playing games, and he swipe his fingertip to hide the message directly.

Unexpectedly, it didn't take long for the message to pop up again, and even one after another, which seemed to blow up his WeChat if he didn't reply to the message.

Lin Tong held back his anger, accidentally pressed the wrong skill, and watched his character fall to the ground.

Taking advantage of the tens of seconds of the resurrection, he checked the news from the backstage, and found that it was a friend from the former No. [-] Middle School.

There were too many messages, and he didn't have the patience to read them carefully. He just glanced at them casually. Just as he was about to switch back and continue calling, the next second, the call came directly.

"Are you fucking finished?" Lin Tong was completely annoyed.

He managed to sneak into the proxy fight group, and after squatting for three days, he got the list, which cost ten yuan a game.

Fortunately, a phone call directly cost him ten huge sums of money.

Shi Shi on the other end of the phone smiled naively: "Isn't there an urgent matter for you, otherwise it would be impossible to call you... Are you busy?"

Lin Tong switched back to the game, saw the defeat on the screen, and had the heart to kill the stone.

Shitou is a friend he has played with since junior high school. His surname is Shi Mingzhen, but because of his tongue-twisting, people usually call him Shitou.

People are easy to get along with, very righteous, but their grades are not very good, as long as it involves things related to study, they basically need the assistance of physical plug-ins.

And Lin Tong is one of his physical hacks.

"Speak up if you have something to say, don't talk nonsense." Lin Tong, who lost the game, naturally had a bit of dissatisfaction in his tone.

"Hahaha, I just want to care about how you are doing in the new school. After all, I haven't seen you for such a long time." The voice on the other side of the stone was a little noisy. He covered the microphone, as if to warn the group of people, but after a while It became quiet.

Lin Tong clicked his tongue, "Concerned about me? What's the matter, just tell me."

Shitou smiled naively: "Sure enough, I can't hide anything from you, but there is a small problem... The school said that there is a physics competition recently, which is at the national level, and I want you to represent our school to participate."

Lin Tong didn't speak.

Just the four words of our school can already hear a lot of things.

"Originally, Teacher Xu wanted to contact you directly, but there was a dispute with our old class, and the old class didn't send you a message. Now, Teacher Xu asked me to do it. If you say this, I'm sorry if you don't agree. Right?" Stone tentatively asked.

"Whether I agree or not is up to me. You have nothing to be embarrassed about." Lin Tong moved the wheelchair back, raised one foot lazily on the table.

Shitou: "Oh, you understand the truth. Now that the teacher wants me to give you an answer, you can just say whether to go or not."

Lin Tong: "No."

Shitou: "Really? This is a national award. If you win the award, there will be a lot of benefits..."

Lin Tong: "No matter how good the benefits are, I won't go."

"A bonus of [-] yuan for winning the second prize."

Lin Tong was silent for a while.

5 yuan, grass.

Unexpectedly, one day Lin Tong would be moved by money.

"Give me that teacher Xu's contact information, and I'll tell her myself." Lin Tong said helplessly, "I'm doing this to save face, not for anything else."

Shitou was happy, and naturally knew that this master was stubborn, so he quickly responded: "Hahaha, okay, then I will send you the teacher's contact information... After finishing it, brothers, don't forget the hot pot meal that was agreed ..."

The voice in the second half of the conversation was obviously much lower, and Lin Tong used his toes to figure out what happened there.

He hung up the phone and continued to earn points.

The lunch break at noon is about two hours, and after a few stars, it's time.

Looking at the rank on the screen, Lin Tong put down his phone and stretched his already sore wrist, and leaned back slightly in the wheelchair.

After the hand has just been placed on the turntable, the next second.

A clear voice came.

Ji Xing happened to be changing clothes, when he heard the movement, he rolled his eyes sideways.

The two looked at each other awkwardly.

The main reason was that the familiar black object in Lin Tong's hand was too eye-catching, and both of them were dumbfounded.

In the end, Ji Xing barely recovered his voice.

"Brother Tong...Actually, if you have any objections to this wheelchair, you can just say so. There is no need to destroy public property of the school."

As soon as the words fell, Lin Tong's ears turned completely red, "What do you mean I damage property! I just moved slightly, who knew he would break it!"

He did use his usual strength, but this thing was so fragile that it was cut off in the middle.

Now that Lin Tong is holding the half of the wheel, he can't lose it, and he can't get it on, so he is in a very difficult situation.

Seeing the anxious look of the little cripple, Ji Xing raised his hand to close the zipper, holding back a smile: "I heard about it when I went to get the wheelchair. .”

As soon as these words came out, Lin Tong's face became better.

He gestured and hesitated: "Then how should this be installed?"

Ji Xing pursed his lower lip: "I don't think that should be considered now."

Lin Tong frowned: "Then what else?"

Ji Xing said seriously: "Class will start soon."

Lin Tong:'s over.

Lin Tong refused to lower his face, and barely supported the side of the bed to stand up: "You go first, I will go slowly by myself."

Ji Xing: "Chinese class in the afternoon."

Ji Xing: "If you are late, you will be in trouble."

Ji Xing: "I'll carry you there."

As soon as these words came out, Lin Tong thought of Qiao Mingyuan's face full of disgust.

He hesitated for a moment, and finally picked up a book casually, looked at Ji Xing, and stretched out his hand reluctantly.

"hug me."

They left the dormitory late, and there was no one on the road, so the scene that Young Master Lin was worried about did not appear.

Originally, they thought that they would come down as soon as they reached the door of the classroom, but no one expected that as soon as they reached the corner of the stairs, they saw a large group of people surrounded outside.

Lin Tong instantly wanted to die, and desperately tugged at the hem of Ji Xing's clothes, trying to make the other party put him down before the students found out.

Just at this time, a familiar loud voice came over.

"Hey, Mr. Ji, Brother Tong, why did you two come here!" Xu Jibei poked his head out from the crowd with difficulty, and greeted them both.

Those who were outside were originally classmates in the class. Hearing this sentence, he naturally turned his head and looked over.

He saw those two figures standing at the stairs hesitantly.

Ji Xing was already tall, plus he usually exercised, so his natural figure looked a lot stronger, but Lin Tong in his arms was thin and fair, and his face was as beautiful as a little girl's. The two formed a very good relationship Stark contrast.

Especially when Ji Xing's hand was still on Lin Tong's waist.

The short sleeves are a bit wide, and the skeleton under the clothes can be faintly revealed, and a small piece is dented where the fingertips touch the skin. Anyone can imagine what kind of scenery is under the clothes.

The girls suddenly began to discuss in low voices like a pot exploded. From time to time, they could hear a few exclamations and gasps, so one could imagine what they were discussing.

Lin Tong could sense the strange eyes of those girls on him, and subconsciously raised his hand to pick up the book he had prepared long ago to block his face.

But at this moment, this kind of action has some meaning of trying to cover up.

"Hahaha I'm so shy! So cute!!"

"Is this the legendary self-righteousness? The contrast is too great."

"Stop talking, I'll be the first to pay respects!"

Those rough men didn't feel the restlessness of the girls at all, especially Xu Jibei, who just glanced at the girls around him with strange eyes, and then moved closer to Ji Xing.

"President Ji, where is the wheelchair? Why did you carry it today?" Xu Jibei asked.

Ji Xing didn't answer, but just looked down at Lin Tong, and found that the other party's neck was covered with red, he smiled and said: "I accidentally broke it."

Xu Jibei exclaimed: "You can break such a sturdy wheelchair? Damn it, what a god!"

Lin Tong finally couldn't bear it any longer, gritted his teeth and said, "Put me down quickly!"

Ji Xing gently bent his knees, letting him land on one foot first, and his hand fell on his wrist along his waist very naturally. It was such a detail that caused the girls to exclaim again.

This finally caught the attention of Qiao Mingyuan, who was registering the list in the classroom.

Qiao Mingyuan stood at the door of the classroom, looked at the group of girls coldly, and said angrily, "What's the noise? Don't you know that the class next door is in class? Quiet!"

Then the line of sight shifted to the two people not far away.

"What are you two doing?"

Ji Xing didn't change his face: "Teacher, we are deepening the relationship between classmates."

Lin Tong: ... a hammer to deepen the relationship!

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