"Mr. Jing?" E Xiangshuai, who was on standby outside the interrogation room, heard the abnormal noise and hurriedly opened the door to check.

Jing Rong's forehead was red and swollen from being kicked, and there was an indistinct blood mark on his chin.There was an extra bruise on the corner of Jiang Ning's lips, and the two of them were restraining each other and wrestling secretly when they heard the voice and turned their heads at the same time.

Not an interrogation?A smile flashed in E Xiangshuai's eyes, he coughed hastily to restrain his emotions, and called out, "Come and separate them."

Jiang Ning was furious, and was pulled off Jing Rong, and couldn't help but sneer: "If you can't beat Dad, call him, are you a man?"

There were five or six people in the action team present, all with strange expressions on their faces.On the surface, no one has ever mentioned this person's identity, but in private, everyone knows it well, calling himself father in front of this person, isn't it boring and crooked?

Jing Rong was amused, it was rare for him to meet an opponent, and he thought that if this kid was his own, he would be a good helper with him when he went out on missions, it's a pity.

While everyone was waiting to see how Mr. Jing would deal with this brat, there was a loud bang from the east, and the whole building seemed to shake.

"What's going on?" Everyone looked out at the same time. They were all elites of the city bureau, and they were much more vigilant than ordinary people. They immediately considered whether their location was safe, and then contacted relevant departments to inquire about the situation.

The incident happened suddenly, and the City Bureau did not receive any useful information, but Jing Rong's brows were already deeply frowned. The calm sky in everyone's eyes was suddenly covered by a cloud of black air, and the black air dispersed very quickly. Like a tide, it came from the east.

"Did you do it?" Jing Rong suddenly looked at Jiang Ning, watching every change in his expression.

It is in the direction of Mount Tutai. This A-level natural scenic area has a large part of the forest that has not been developed. It is said to be for the protection of the natural environment, but it is actually known because of the reason.

The gang of grandsons who bluffed and deceived in Yunshan City were hiding in an ancient tomb in Tutai Mountain. Jiang Ning fought with them several times alone, but he never found a chance to copy their lair.Let Li Yunqi just want to make some noise in the past today, and turn back to let the people from Xunyang clean up the mess, but such a big noise is absolutely unexpected, is there any accident?

Seeing the fleeting worry in Jiang Ning's eyes, Jing Rong stepped forward and punched him in the face.

Jiang Ning, who was still thinking about Li Yunqi's safety, was unprepared. His brain buzzed for several seconds before he felt pain on his face. Jiang Ning licked the inner wall of his mouth that was broken by his teeth, feeling that his mouth was full of blood I really want to spit it out on Jingrong's face.

E Xiangshuai was afraid that Jiang Ning would hurt Jing Rong violently, so he signaled his team members to hold him down.

Jiang Ning couldn't break free, gritted his teeth and confessed: "Don't you want to ask where they are? I'll take you there."

Jing Rong raised his eyebrows, "Stop playing tricks."

"You are so unreasonable. You have told me to take you to find it. If you still don't believe me, then what do you want?"

Just now he fought viciously with him, but in a blink of an eye he acted as if he had listened to his arrangements, Jing Rong snorted coldly, wanting to beat him until he completely lost his fighting power before taking him out.

However, Jiang Ning raised his eyes at this moment, facing this familiar handsome face, Jing Rong didn't make a move for a moment.The Jiao family members are all good-looking, especially the boss Jiao, who has the elegance of an ancient scholar. In comparison, Jiao Yang is much more handsome and handsome, and he always thinks of the glorious light that Jiao Yang shed when he broke through the clouds.

Right now, the child's face is covered with bruises, and most of the time his eyes are slightly lowered, not in the mood of Jiao's family.This is the difference caused by the growing environment. The boy who was supposed to be like a lonely pine in the cold winter, now only has a tall and straight pine, not a proud pine...

Jing Rong's fingers tapped on the table. Although this child is young, but he can do such a detrimental thing, it would be a disaster if the Jiao family took him back.

Now the Jiao family is looking for him all over the world, and the news leaked out, Boss Jiao will definitely come to find him himself.When the Jiao family takes care of him in every possible way, wouldn't he be even more lawless?With the power and reputation of the Jiao family, even the father has to give some face.

If he was allowed to die quietly in Yunshan City...

When Jiang Ning was taken out of the interrogation room, Jiang Yuan was negotiating with the police outside to hire a lawyer for Jiang Ning, so Li Jun had to accompany him helplessly.

Liu Qi was ignored by Jing Ronghang, and a police officer approached curiously to ask him what he had done, but he frowned at what Liu Qi said, his face was full of what you were talking about, how could I not understand expression.

As soon as the door of the interrogation room opened, Jiang Yuan saw that Jiang Ning's face was covered with wounds, and immediately rushed up, "What did you do to him? Extorting a confession by torture is illegal, and I want to sue you."

Jing Rong had a headache from the chaotic noise outside, and signaled the captain to calm down the emotions of the people. At this moment, the mobile phone rang, and he glanced at the incoming call and knew that the reinforcements had arrived.

Li Jun is a researcher at the Tutai Mountain Academy of Sciences. Their colleagues often form teams to collect plant research ingredients in the deep mountains. Today is their first night in the mountains. When they were setting up camping tents, an armed team ran past not far away.

"Is this a drill?" People are always curious about areas they are not familiar with. Colleagues stopped what they were doing and looked in the direction the team left.

"Did you see that one of them was handcuffed. It should be that some gangsters ran into the mountain and they came to hunt them down."

"Let's keep our spirits up tonight, so as not to encounter any danger."

Li Jun felt uneasy and hesitated to go down the mountain overnight, but his colleagues didn't say that he was not easy to mention, as if he was very timid.However, it didn't help that Li Jun struggled for a long time, and the group of them were expelled by the Tutai Mountain Management Committee, saying that there was a heavy rain in the mountain area tonight, and they strictly ordered everyone to go down the mountain immediately.

Several of them were veterans in the mountains. They had read the weather forecast in the morning, and it didn't look like it was going to rain during the day. It was a bit inexplicable to receive such a notice all of a sudden.Fortunately, they were barely regarded as cooperative units, so they didn't want to embarrass each other, so they collected their things and followed down the mountain angrily.

Not long after walking, I saw a mountain off-road vehicle ignoring the bumpy road conditions, and the accelerator was fully used to go up the mountain.

"Hey, why is there still going up the mountain?"

Sitting on the off-road vehicle, Ji Jingyan looked confused, "When Teacher Jing separated from us, didn't he say he was going to a relative's house?"

"Good luck, did you bump into it?" Yu Yuan's family and Jing Rong's mother's family are family friends, and some circles overlap. Kou Yuhao's big mouth has already yelled about this matter so that the whole world knows, and he more or less listened to it. Said something.

"Brother Jing must have smelled the scent of those people as soon as we arrived in Yunshan City. If you say that Brother Jing's skills are not much better than those in the bureau, it's a waste of time to stay in Guxue."

Qu Lin in the driver's seat couldn't help laughing, and turned around and said, "Still smelling? Are you swearing? What's wrong with Guxue? If you want help in the bureau, you have to come and invite Shao Chu himself."

"Drive your car well." Cui Ting pushed Qu Lin's face back, "Watch the road, watch the road."

"I said you were too careful. Brother Rongcheng Rally won the ranking, and he was afraid of running a mountain." Qu Linyi happily gave Cui Ting a corner drift.

"Hey, hey." Ji Jingyan was startled, "Brother, Teacher Jing is not here for you..."

Cui Ting's fate is special, he belongs to partial seven evil spirits, his fortune is extremely low, accidents of one kind or another often occur, and his body is injured all the year round.This situation has only improved since he entered ancient studies and had more contact with Jingrong.

There is a saying that if you don't do anything, you will not die. Before Ji Jingyan's words fell to the ground, the off-road vehicle flew out.

"Here we are." Jiang Ning looked at the exposed corner of the ancient tomb, with an uneasy expression on his face.

There were already a lot of ghosts and ghosts in Mount Tutai, so it would be difficult for anyone to make such a big commotion and recruit something they couldn't afford to mess with.Moreover, the ancient tomb collapsed, and the evil spirit was so heavy that it enveloped half of Yunshan City. The owner of the tomb must be a powerful character.

"You guys wait here, and if you meet someone suspicious, stop it first." Jing Rong gave orders to E Xiangshuai, then turned to Jiang Ning, "Follow me."

In fact, Jing Rong is very unwilling to bring an armed team up the mountain. Although these people are skilled and obedient, and they can keep their mouths shut when they encounter something, it can be said that there are many benefits, but ordinary people may not be able to encounter supernatural and strange things once in a lifetime. He does not want to ruin people for no reason. View, let the well-armed elites become believers of gods and Buddhas.

"I'm not going." Jiang Ninghao didn't hesitate, "I've already brought the place, the rest is your job."

Jing Rong glanced at the handcuffs on Jiang Ning's wrist, "Don't you have any sense of being a prisoner? If I tell you to go, you have to go."

Jing Rong pushed Jiang Ning and pulled his arm towards the ancient tomb.

"Mr. Jing, I'm afraid this is inappropriate." Seeing that Jing Rong was about to leave, E Xiangshuai blocked his way.

Jiang Ning looked like a child, but he was actually a dangerous person. Jing Rong took people to the barren mountains alone, and what happened when he turned back, how did he explain?

"Obey orders." Jing Rong's expression became serious, revealing the majesty of being in the top position for a long time.

As if seeing the oppression of the chief, E Xiangshuai immediately straightened his back and gave a military salute, "Yes."

The corner of Jiang Ning's lips curled up, "It's difficult for you to deal with me alone. Once I join them inside, you will die a miserable death."

"Don't worry about it." Jing Rong pulled Jiang Ning like a chicken, and just out of the sight of the armed team, he pasted a talisman on his back.

While Jiang Ning froze, Jing Rong took out the key to unlock the handcuffs, and walked deep into the grave.

At the same time, Jiang Ning followed uncontrollably. Jing Rongmai stepped on his left foot, he stepped on his left foot, and Jing Rongmai stepped on his right foot, his steps were very uniform.

"This is... a puppet charm?"

"Probably!" This talisman was researched by Jing Rong himself based on ancient books, and it can't control people's mind as recorded in the book, so it can't be regarded as high-grade, but it's just right for the current situation.

"Teach this in the Xunyang Ancient School?" Jiang Ning had never seen a powerful talisman painter, so he became interested in Jing Rong.

Xunyang Ancient Learning is not a very secret place, but only people in the "mysterious art world" know something about it. The local people only know that the country has 61 bureaus that deal with all kinds of weird events. Jing Rong glanced at Jiang Ning quite unexpectedly , "I know quite a lot."

Jiang Ning silently rolled his eyes, his relationship with Xun Yang can be traced back to seven years ago - in short, it's really annoying.

"Are you sure it's here?" Jiang Ning was distracted for a moment, and the two of them had already gone deep into the tomb.

Jing Rong has dealt with all kinds of supernatural events for many years, and is no stranger to ancient tombs, but the tomb here is quite different from ordinary tombs, and the feeling of oppression increases as one goes in, which makes people feel uneasy.

"There is nothing wrong." Jiang Ning lived at the foot of the mountain since he was a child, and he often ran wildly all over the mountains and plains. He learned about the hiding place of those people from the mouth of the little devil, and based on the mountain map in his mind, it must be here.

Going deeper, Jing Rong's pace becomes slower and slower, from the entrance all the way forward, there are no organs or tunnels.The stone path is flat, with clear texture and no cracks.The oil lamps embedded in the stone walls are brand new, free of dust, and everything is as exquisite as props specially prepared by a film and television crew.

"Someone has set up a formation here, which is completely closed to the outside world, and the passage of time outside cannot be felt in the tomb." Jing Rong stopped in his tracks, hesitating whether to move forward.

Jing Rong held up a bright flashlight with his right hand to illuminate it. Jiang Ning didn't have a flashlight, but because of the puppet charm, he also raised his right hand and made a gesture of holding something, which looked very funny.

"I said, should you let me go first? This place is so evil. I won't be able to run away if I encounter any accidents later." Jiang Ning twisted his neck following Jing Rong, and looked around the top of the stone wall. "This feeling It’s really like watching teammates, you can’t even control the angle of view.”

Jing Rong raised the corners of his lips and cast a sideways glance at Jiang Ning. At the same time, Jiang Ning turned his head to the right, avoiding Jing Rong's sight.

"What are you looking at? If I die, you will be the murderer. Aren't you people in Xunyang the most particular about these things? Don't injure innocent people indiscriminately."

Jing Rong raised his eyebrows and asked, "Are you innocent?"

Jiang Ning choked, and he took Li Yunqi away in front of Jing Rong, who would believe that he was innocent?

Jiang Ning was depressed when he suddenly smelled a disgusting smell of blood, "Hey, do you smell anything?"

Jing Rong has not yet responded, there are rustling voices in the dark, a dozen fierce ghosts are approaching from the front, they are men, women, old and young, some are holding their heads, some are missing arms and legs, and even more A lot of blood dripping and bloody.

"Wow!!" Seeing those things getting closer and closer to him, Jiang Ning suddenly felt unlovable. Did he ever say that he hates bloody ghosts?

These ghosts walked forward in a daze, not as if they were going to attack the two of them, Jing Rong held his breath, pressed his back against the stone wall, lit an invisibility talisman, trying to avoid this wave of ghosts.

Jiang Ning was very thankful that he could control himself to close his eyes, otherwise he doubted that he would be able to spit it out when watching their descriptions from such a close distance.

After counting for 30 seconds, Jiang Ning opened his eyes a little, and saw the protruding eyeballs on a big face staring at him for a moment, "Damn!" "Jing, did you fucking do it on purpose?"

Seeing Jiang Ning's face turn green in an instant, the vicious Jing Rong moved slowly to keep Jiang Ning's body away from the ghost, "I thought you were quite happy to deal with ghosts."

"Get out, when Dad goes out, I must feed you shit." Jiang Ning, who was frightened and furious, began to speak indiscriminately.

Jing Rong's face darkened, thinking he was disgusted by him, but before he could react, the startled Li Gui looked at the two of them at the same time.

The author has something to say:


Thanks to the little angel who threw mines: 1 puff;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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