Xunyang Notice

Chapter 15 Run away?

Jiao Yang stalked and invited Jiang Ning to sleep with him in the hotel, saying that he would sleep together in the future anyway, so he could feel it in advance.

Jiang Ning couldn't shirk it, and couldn't say indifferent words to his identical face, so he had to follow his will.

After receiving my brother's call, I rushed all the way to Yunshan City, and followed the ancient tomb before I had time to rest. At this time, I was exhausted.Although he didn't show fatigue, Jiang Ning could feel that he was tired, so he gave the bathroom to him to wash up first.

Jiao Yang didn't show any politeness to him, he came out to dry his hair, and Jiang Ning went into the bathroom.He was a little excited at first, and wanted to chat for a while after he got out of the shower, turn on the phone to watch funny videos, but his eyelids became heavier and heavier, and he fell asleep holding the phone in a few minutes.

After taking a shower, Jiang Ning saw this scene a little funny, took out the phone and locked the screen, put it beside Jiao Yang's pillow, covered him with a quilt, and took a few more glances at the familiar face.After opening the eyes, the expression and temperament are quite different. When the eyes are closed, the two are more alike, even more alike than ordinary twins.

Jiang Ning was not used to living in a hotel, he tossed and turned on the bed for some time, and a little light came in from the window before he realized that neither of them had drawn the curtains.He got up and put on the clean T-shirt Jiao Yang gave him, closed the curtains tightly, and opened the door to go out.

Jiang Ning's door had already been opened, and suddenly there was a noise outside, and several people got off the elevator.He stood still, intending to wait for them to enter the room before going out, so as to avoid meeting them head-on.

I didn't expect it to be an acquaintance. Although the other party deliberately lowered the volume, the corridor was very quiet at this time. Jiang Ning could still tell that it was Jing Rong's person who was talking. He must have played outside all night before returning to the hotel to rest.

"I wonder if Mr. Jing and the others are back?"

"How late they can play with their two children, they must have come back early to rest."

"Hey, have you noticed that Brother Jing is very patient with that kid named Jiang Ning."

"Ai Wu Ji Wu Bai, who doesn't know that Brother Jing likes Jiao Yang, otherwise how would the scorching sun come like fire?"

"It's also the first time I've seen him today. He's really smart and so much fun." Kou Yuhao was deeply impressed by Jiao Yang, and his tone was full of smiles.

"Brother Jing will definitely give the Jiao family face." Several people said one after another.

"Don't talk about it, be careful to be upset if Brother Jing hears it."

"What's the matter?" Qu Lin was puzzled.

"Jiang Ning doesn't know what the Jiao family means. Anyway, no matter now or in the future, don't tell outsiders what happened in the past few days. Let's go along with what the Jiao family says."

"This is really strange. The dignified Jiao family in Jincheng made their child suffer outside for years. After seeing that video, I really feel sorry for him..."

"Why don't you let it talk and talk about it, children are sensitive, don't let Jiang Ning hear you mention him." Yu Yuan's voice was lower again.

"I have no other meaning."

Qu Lin was a little dissatisfied, "You are too careful."

Seeing this, Cui Ting said: "What Yu'er said makes sense." No wonder Jing Rong likes to entrust him with everything, he is indeed very thoughtful.

Those who were very thoughtful never thought that the people from Jiangning would stand behind the door and listen to them, and then they would go out quietly after they went back to their rooms.

Yunshan City is not big, and the urban area is even smaller. Although Jiang Ning has only moved here for two years, he is quite familiar with the surrounding environment, so he walked into a noodle shop in a detour.Because the time was relatively early, only the boss was in the store, seeing Jiang Ning greeted him warmly.

Jiang Ning ordered two large bowls of Pan Mee as well as braised eggs, lion heads, and tofu skewers. The boss saw him ordering so many things by himself, so he took a second look curiously.After the noodles were delivered to the table, the boss went to work on his own, and when he looked up again, he found a man in black sitting next to the little guest.

Not eating alone!It's just that when did this person come, why didn't he see it at all?

"Are you okay?" Jiang Ning picked a red pepper from the bowl and put it in his mouth, feeling that it was very authentic and fragrant.

"I've been beaten up like this, do you still have the heart to sit here and eat?" Xi Ze lazily leaned on the chair, feeling weak when speaking.

"Didn't I come here specially to make up for you?" Jiang Ning picked up a piece of meatball while speaking, feeling a bit salty.

Jiang Ning quickly finished a bowl of noodles without making a sound, and the boss didn't notice that he was the only one eating.

Xi Ze looked at him silently for a while, and said: "Little friend, the Xunyang contract has expired, and some of the reincarnation towers have collapsed. Not all souls can be reincarnated. Your grandfather was sent to reincarnate by me personally. He knows your temperament. Afraid that you, Fan Sha, would not allow him to leave, I specially chose a time when you were not around."

Jiang Ning took back the hand holding the stewed egg, and said sincerely: "Thank you, Xi Ze." He put down his chopsticks, "I never doubted this, I wonder why you didn't mention the Xunyang contract to me , Do you think that I am young, there is no need to know these things?"

Xi Ze watched Jiang Ning sit up straight and stared at him without blinking, knowing that the kid was serious.He hesitated for a while, and said: "The Xunyang contract has stronger binding force on the soul and the monster race. It is not a bad thing for me that he loses its effect..."

Jiang Ning narrowed his eyebrows, "It means that we have different positions on this matter, and Master Mirror and I should be on the same side."

Xi Ze sighed, "Little friend, you are in a bad mood now, shall we not discuss these things?"

Jiang Ning froze, his tense body slowly relaxed, and softly called out: "Xize..."

"Yeah." The corners of Xi Ze's lips curled up, and he bewitched, "Shall I take you out to play?"

Jiang Ning has lived in this land since he was a child, and the outside world is very strange to him. "Where are you going?"

"Aren't you going to Xunyang to go to school? I think there are still more than ten days before school starts. Let's eat all the way there, it's all a trip."

Jiang Ning pouted, "I have no money."

"I'm a big monster, what's the point of starving to death for the host?"

"Who knows when you fell asleep again." Jiang Ning was actually very worried, "You treat me like a child and refuse to tell me anything. If you are walking, you suddenly..."

"Hush..." Xi Ze hurriedly stopped Jiang Ning from continuing, fearing that his mood would collapse and it would be difficult to coax him. "It's a good thing to improve the realm. I fought with the mirror and used up some mana, so I won't be able to do it for now."

"Really? How long is it for a while, so can you not improve? Isn't it good like now?" Jiang Ning's eyes lit up, and then dimmed again, "Yes, I forgot, you really hated the contract with me. Back then It's just a last resort..."

Xi Ze smiled wryly, "Why can't this be coaxed well?"

It was rare for Jiang Ning to finish his food, scan the QR code to pay and leave the noodle shop.

He didn't want to go back to the hotel, knowing that he couldn't sleep when he went back, and he still subconsciously headed home, but it was actually just a rented house, and there was no grandfather waiting for him to go home.

"Okay." Xi Ze called him to stop, and hugged the indifferent child into his arms, "I was wrong."

It's good that Xi Ze didn't admit his mistake, but almost the moment he said I was wrong, Jiang Ning's tears kept falling.

Seeing that he raised his head slightly, covered his eyes with the back of his hand, and his body was shaking uncontrollably, Xi Ze knew that this was the last time he said that he might leave, which frightened the children.He felt as if he had been stung by a hornet, thinking that he was indeed wrong. Jiang Ning was only seventeen or eighteen years old. When he was seventeen or eighteen years old, he was still a little snake. You have to experience so much at your age.A person's life is only a hundred or so years, is he still short of this time?Maybe it won't take that long, the children won't need him anymore, just wait!

When Jing Rong woke up, it was already daylight, thinking that it was past two o'clock in the morning after returning from the ancient tomb yesterday, and the two children must not have had enough sleep, so they were not in a hurry to wake them up for breakfast.

After washing up, he picked up his phone and clicked on the video sent to him by Ji Jingyan. Although he was prepared in his heart, he was still agitated by the content of the video.At one moment, the old man was so ruthless that his grandson could be left alone; at the other moment, he was angry at Xize, the majestic monster couldn't take care of his own host well, and he wasn't as powerful as he imagined.

It wasn't until I finished watching the second video that I felt a little better, and the child had to work hard.

This is completely leaving the matter of being injured by Jiang Ning behind...

Just about to watch the video again, Jiao Qi's phone call came in, Jing Rong estimated that he was asking him if he got up and when he would have breakfast.After picking it up, he heard Jiao Qi's anxious voice, and asked straight to the point: "Is Jiang Ning with you?"

Jiang Ning didn't know which room he lived in at all, Jiao Qi was dizzy, Jing Rong frowned, "He's not here, can't you find anyone? Don't worry, maybe you're hungry, we didn't wake up , and went to eat by myself."

Jiao Qi gritted his teeth, wanting to find Jiang Ning out and spank his butt, "I've searched all over, and it's my fault, why didn't I even ask for a phone call."

"If he really wants to hide from you, what's the use of having a phone?"

At first, Jing Rong thought that Jiang Ning would not go back to Jiao's house obediently, so he vaccinated Jiao Qi early, but after Jiao Yang came, the two got along very well, and Jiang Ning also agreed to share a dormitory with Guxue. play disappear?

During the whole morning, I cast out all the available manpower and searched all the places I could find, but there was no news at all.

Jiao Yang was very depressed, and couldn't help admitting his mistakes to Jiao Qi, "It's all my fault, I slept like a pig, and I didn't even know when I was gone." He was frightened yesterday, and slept groggyly at night, as if he still had a fever , no usual vigilance.

Jiao Qi rubbed his younger brother's head, "I didn't expect him to leave quietly without showing his face. He didn't intend to go back to Jiao's house, nor did he intend to have anything to do with us."

Jiao Yang glanced at his brother cautiously, and said: "Actually, I don't blame him. If these things happened to me, I would definitely react much more intensely than him. When I saw that video yesterday, I thought of Grandpa. Really well done..."

Jiao Qi interrupted him with a light cough, the son didn't say anything about his father's fault, let alone Jing Rong and the others were there, how could he blame his grandfather in front of outsiders.

Jiao Yang turned his head silently, and rolled his eyes fiercely at an angle that no one else could see.

When receiving the call from Kou Yuhao, Jing Rong was annoyed, and called Xiangshuai E over, and wanted to transfer someone from the army to seal Yunshan City.

Kou Yuhao played with Qu Lin and the others yesterday, and booked a room on the same floor as Jing Rong. While on the phone, he ran to Jing Rong's room, "Little uncle called and said that Jiang Ning went to his place."

Jing Rong was stunned for a moment before realizing who the little uncle Kou Yuhao was talking about was, and regardless of what Jiang Ning was doing there, he waved his big hand and led the staff to Liu Zhenxing's house.

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