When Duan Chuyi and Zhong Xiaolian were arguing, Xie Haichen received a call from Zhan Guanglian.

They haven't been in touch for a long time since the last meeting.

Zhan Guanglian heard that something was wrong with Xie Haichen's voice, and asked, "Have you caught a cold?"

Duan Chuyi touched Xie Haichen's ear, he washed it twice frantically, and then felt nauseous again, retching for a long time.

"No, what's the matter?" He didn't think that Zhan Guanglian really cared about him, more likely he just asked casually, but it didn't matter, he didn't need anyone to care about him.

Zhan Guanglian said: "Recently, I have something to do here, and I need your cooperation."

Xie Haichen said, "No problem."

Zhan Guanglian asked again, "Are you really okay?"

Xie Haichen lives alone and has just returned to China. If there is a problem, he may be more helpless.Although the relationship between two people is difficult to define as friends, at least they are not pure strangers.

Xie Haichen said: "It's okay, how can I cooperate with you?"

Zhan Guanglian felt that he was a bit reluctant, but since the other party declined his concern twice, Zhan Guanglian no longer offended, and just said: "My family has a family banquet the day after tomorrow, you can come over tomorrow."

Xie Haichen thought of tomorrow's summit forum and asked, "Aren't you going to participate in the summit forum tomorrow?"

Zhan Guanglian was slightly surprised, "You also participated?"

Xie Haichen said: "I will go with the boss."

Zhan Guanglian thought for a while and said, "That's just right, let's go together after the summit forum is over."

Xie Haichen said, "Okay."

Zhan Guanglian: "Then you have a good rest, and you can call me if you have anything to do."

Xie Haichen: "Thank you."

After hanging up the phone, he felt a little more relaxed. He stood up while leaning on the wall, looking at his pale face and lifeless eyes in the mirror, he suddenly felt extraordinarily at a loss, what was he doing?

Isn't what he's doing now the kind that he hates the most.

But he didn't care about that much anymore, he just wanted to make Duan Chuyi and Zhong Xiaolian pay the price, he didn't think about what he should do after that, maybe, he should return this body.

Dust to dust, dust to dust.

Although he had a breakdown the day before, Xie Haichen regained his composure the next day.He put on the suit, shirt and leather shoes that Duan Chuyi bought, and looked in the mirror.

It is undeniable that the man in the mirror is exceptionally handsome, he smiled, and the man in the mirror also smiled, but Xie Haichen never regarded this man as himself.

Many times, he felt that he was really like the walking dead.

After he packed up, he received a call from Duan Chuyi, who was downstairs at his house.

Xie Haichen took the information and invitation letter and went downstairs.

Duan Chuyi watched him approaching from a distance, and found it pleasing to the eye, and the mood that was spoiled by Zhong Xiaolian this morning also gradually cleared up.

Xie Haichen opened the door and sat down, and said good morning.

Duan Chuyi smiled and said, "You are very handsome today."

Xie Haichen said: "A man depends on his clothes."

Duan Chuyi smiled and said: "A man depends on his clothes, but he also needs to have a foundation."

Xie Haichen said with a smile: "Then I have to thank God for giving me food, and secondly, thank the boss for taking good care of me."

Duan Chuyi laughed out loud, as if he was in a happy mood.

"Today's summit forum is by invitation only." Duan Chuyi said, "They are all big names in the investment world, so it will be good for you."

Xie Haichen knew that this was just what Duan Chuyi said on purpose, probably because he wanted to sell himself as a favor, as if he was being kind to him, and wanted him to appreciate his kindness.

But this is not the case.

What the capital circle pays attention to is the exchange of resources. When they meet, they first send out business cards, look at the company and title, and only communicate if they are valuable.

Perhaps this is the so-called "effective social interaction", but there is nothing wrong with it. Everyone is very busy, and only when resources are equal can we have equal dialogue.Otherwise, they are not at the same level, and they will not be able to expand their social network if they do not enter, and they will be looked down upon.

Xie Haichen knew that his trip was nothing more than to observe, Duan Chuyi just wanted to create a very tall image of himself.It's a pity that he is no longer a fledgling young man, and he will not be easily deceived.

Xie Haichen said: "They are all too far away from me, I'd better start from the bottom."

Duan Chu also glanced at him in surprise, Xie Haichen looked down at the meeting introduction, and only now did he have the time and energy to read Zhan Guanglian's introduction.

After graduation, he worked in a Wall Street investment bank. He returned to China three years ago to join his father's group company and became the second largest shareholder of the group's parent company.

Whether it is academic qualifications or work experience, he is gorgeous and golden. He is like a person on the cloud, unreachable and unattainable.

Probably because his eyes lingered on Zhan Guanglian for so long that Duan Chuyi noticed it.

He tilted his head for a glance, and said dismissively, "This kind of person is a born winner, and we are in no way comparable to him."

Xie Haichen asked: "Why do you say that?"

Duan Chuyi smiled and said: "People like them win at the starting line and will be reincarnated."

Duan Chuyi also said this to Xie Haichen back then, he was talking about him then, and Zhan Guanglian is talking about it now, with the same sour tone.

He thought that all of Zhan Guanglian's achievements were due to his good reincarnation, so he easily denied all his efforts.

A typical phoenix man's thinking is narrow and extreme.

Xie Haichen said: "But if he is admitted to such a school, he still has a lot of ability."

Duan Chuyi said: "After all, I received an elite education since I was a child, which is different from my background. Oh, I forgot, you also graduated from a famous foreign school."

Xie Haichen could hear the jealousy and contempt in his words, and sneered in his heart, "Mr. Duan, you are also from a prestigious school, so don't belittle yourself."

Duan Chuyi said: "It's not that I underestimate myself, it's that people like them look down on us."

Xie Haichen was really curious and asked, "Did something happen?"

Duan Chuyi said: "The last time we had a very good equity project, there were many investors, but the number of equity that the original shareholders could transfer was limited. We were originally appointed, but they squeezed us out. There is no opportunity to communicate. The reason for this is just because of the name of Zhanxin Group."

Xie Haichen thought it was funny, it was really interesting to blame Zhan Guanglian even though he was not strong enough.What's more, isn't it normal that a small company like him can't compare to an investment institution backed by the group, and the financing party is not a fool.


During the conversation, they had already arrived at the hotel where the summit forum was held. Duan Chuyi parked the car, and the two arrived at the venue together.

Xie Haichen and Duan Chuyi were arranged in the fifth row, and he saw Zhan Guanglian sitting in the first row.

When Zhan Guanglian saw him following Duan Chuyi when he entered the door, he was a little surprised, but the surprise was too slight, if it wasn't someone who had been observing him, it would be difficult to spot his expression.

But Zhan Guanglian's secretary was an exception. Tan Yue asked, "Boss, what's wrong?"

Zhan Guanglian said: "It's okay." After a pause, he said, "Where is Duan Chuyi sitting?"

Tan Yue looked around and said, "The fifth row."

Zhan Guang hummed, but didn't say anything else.

The forum started soon, Xie Haichen was absent-minded and quite sleepy. It wasn't until Zhan Guanglian went up to speak that he regained his energy.

As soon as Zhan Guanglian came to the stage, Xie Haichen felt that not only him, but most of the people at the scene changed their sleepiness just now and became more energetic.

Even the host joked that it was because Zhan Guanglian was young and handsome, Xie Haichen couldn't help but smiled slightly.

Zhan Guanglian was as serious as ever, and there was no smile on his face. Compared with the previous few people, his speech was more refined and shorter, but he almost finished the whole process with clear and rigorous logic. There was thunderous applause.

Duan Chuyi crossed Erlang's legs and snorted disdainfully, disregarding Zhan Guanglian.

The author has something to say:

Yesterday, I saw a girl who suggested that Xiaochen would be more irritated to do these things by himself, and it is true, so he himself doubted himself, because it is the emotional direction of the characters that drives the plot, so I will not spoil it, everyone Look back ha.

In addition, my Weibo is a pseudonym. If you are interested, you can pay attention to it. There will usually be a notice of new articles~

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