Such legends have always been circulating in the ancient Liyue Port.

The rock king is the god in charge of rock elements. The earth and mountains are like his flesh and blood body, moving up and down with every breath of his, overlapping and sinking with every thought of his.

Of course, this kind of legend is definitely exaggerated, but Morax, the rock god, has the right to land, which is beyond doubt.

The speed of the spreading crystallization was extremely fast, and within a few breaths, it touched the corner of the man's clothes. He watched helplessly that the soft fabric of his clothes also turned into crystallization, and shattered into slag in the next moment.

He can't drag on any longer, he needs to save himself!

Under the overwhelming coercion, the man shook his hands and took out a few talisman papers from his arms, but instead of using them on the crystals, he slapped himself with his backhand.The instant pain made the man tremble, and red blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

Regardless of the internal injuries of his body, under the support of the spell, the man finally got rid of the heavy coercion for a short time, and quickly jumped to the rear where the crystal had not yet spread, trying to get out of the range of the crystal.

"How could it be possible for you to escape—"

Facing the dizziness caused by excessive blood loss, Zhong Yuanzhong also activated his ability.The sudden increase in gravity dragged the man who was caught off guard and fell down, and fell awkwardly on the ground completely covered by crystals.

The bright yellow crystals swarmed up like piranhas who saw blood.

The man let out a fierce "tsk", and without any hesitation reached out his hand to cut off his two legs covered in crystals, the talisman paper flew out from the cuff, and instantly condensed into two hollow artificial legs wrapped in talisman paper.The toe of the talisman was on the ground where the broken leg hadn't been eroded, and the person finally fell lightly out of the attack range.

The feeling of being locked in did not reappear. The man had no time to think about it. He didn't even glance at the Central Plains Zhongye who was still coveted before. He broke the window on the side and was about to jump out.

"Although he is an enemy, he is so ruthless and decisive that it deserves a compliment."

The sound of dark fire in the calmness came from behind itself, and the originally bright windows were almost instantly closed by rocks, and several sharp stone edges even protruded due to their large size.The man involuntarily took a few steps back, turned his head stiffly, and his gaze was fixed on the slender figure who appeared beside the little supernatural being at some time.

"Sir..." Bracing himself to confront the man, Zhong Yuanzhong, who was still a nine-year-old child, finally couldn't resist the pain and fatigue coming from his body, and staggered and fell down.

He fell into a warm embrace.

Zhong Li gently hugged the boy who couldn't keep his eyes open, and said softly, "You've done well, Zhong Ye, you can sleep now."

The soft elemental power was transmitted along his palms to all parts of his body, quickly repairing various small wounds caused by the battle and the serious penetrating wound on his shoulder.The elemental force flowing like warm water made Zhongyuan Zhong also let out a comfortable hum, and finally fell asleep in the familiar breath.

On the other side, Zenyuan Shier, who was still wearing a wedding suit, had already started a unilateral fight with the man.

"Hit her? Just rely on a scum like you?"

The beasts whose territory has been touched don't care about it, they almost beat the man like a sandbag. The power of the spell blessing can't compete with the overwhelming physical power of the sky and the curse. He could barely protect his weak points, and had no time to fight back.

Fortunately, the man's purpose has never been to fight back.

He was sent flying out again, the angled back slammed into the wall, and he rolled outside.The man saw the opportunity, and several talisman papers that played a disturbing role were slapped on Zenyuan Shier who was following him at the same time, causing the opponent to pause, and at the same time, he took the opportunity to immediately break away from the rhythm of the attack, and was about to run away at the maximum speed.

Although he failed to cast a curse on the sky and the cursed woman this time, it is not a loss to find a new power.Neither the child's gravity nor the later suspected force of the earth mattered.

It seems that we need to check the situation of the supernatural beings carefully. I didn't pay attention to the group of wastes that have evolved to the end before, but maybe they can be recycled...

"Is this going to go?"

Plain words sounded behind him, and at the same time, a strong wind that tore through the air came straight to his back. The man was startled, and tried to deflect to the side, but his arm was still torn apart by the spinning sharp weapon.

It is generally the same as the position where he runs through the ocher-haired child.


Blood poured down like a fountain, and half of his arm fell to the ground dully.The man staggered for a moment, and wanted to continue running, but he was horrified to find that one of his talisman legs had been covered with crystals again at some point.

The blood-stained gun was deeply nailed to the ground, and then turned into golden light spots and dissipated.Zhong Li slowly withdrew his right leg that kicked the spear, and the spear that pierced the rainbow condensed in his hand again.

"Although it's an evil guest who trespassed without warning, Mr. Zenyuan is still here. If you are allowed to leave like this, how can a gentleman treat guests." He said lightly.

Zenyuan Shi Er stretched his neck from side to side, said with a grinning smile: "Mr. Zhongli is wrong, I am not a gentleman, the way of hospitality of a villain is my code of conduct."

An extremely ugly worm-body curse spirit clings to Shier's shoulder in the monastery. It is the curse spirit "ugly treasure" he has subdued during this period, and its only function is to store things.The former sorcerer killer pulled out the long knife from the curse spirit's mouth with his backhand, and slashed at the immobile man.

The man's pupils shrank, and he was about to separate his legs, and his whole body rubbed against the blade and fell down.The moment his body touched the ground, he immediately tried to roll over with his intact hand, but watched helplessly as the hand that touched the ground was covered with crystals.

This time the long knife finally pierced through his back.

"What is this..."

Blood froth welled up his throat, but the man had no time to take care of it. He raised his head and fixedly stared at Zhong Li who was strolling towards him.

Formless and ubiquitous, even the air seems to be being eroded, but it also carries the thickness and majesty of the earth.

Not being able to perceive the spell power proved that it wasn't a spell, but he had never heard of such a compound ability!

"It's nothing more than a false accusation by the fence to claim that people with supernatural powers are failures." Zhongli approached and looked down at the man. Surprise."

"Ahem, you want to say that this is a curse from the earth?" The man acted as if he had heard something ridiculous.

"All spirits on the earth are born in softness and return to geography, this is the truth." Zhong Li leaned slightly, his voice was as low as a breeze, "However, those who violate the truth will also be rejected by the truth, this is also the truth. "

"This land is not cursing you, it is just rejecting you."

The man's eyes widened, and he was about to say something, but the Zenyuan Shier behind him suddenly withdrew his sword and retreated.At the same time, Zhong Li stretched out his right hand in front of him, and his index finger tapped lightly in the void.

There is some kind of silent fluctuation spreading at this moment.

The power originating from the earth reappeared, pushing the man into the ground fiercely, and the bright yellow crystals spread from the contact surface like a virus, eroded to the neck in a blink of an eye, and continued to climb and assimilate.

If this continues, even his brain will be assimilated into crystals.

The scene is silent and absurd, with a touch of unnatural beauty.The man who was almost unable to move raised his eyelids and tried to look up, but he could only see a pair of golden pupils that were so calm that they looked beyond the mundane world.

Those are not eyes that humans can have.

This idea flashed in my mind, and then the world fell into darkness.

At the last moment, a certain spell engraved on the inside of the skull just in case activated the preset final effect.

Zenyuan Shi'er, who had keen senses, immediately sensed something was wrong, but Zhongli's movements were faster than him, and with just a sweep of the tip of the lance, the skull that was barely stitched together was easily lifted off.

The pink brain that had not been eroded twitched a few times as if it was dying under the gaze of the two, and then remained silent.

"Finally let him run away."

The Chanyuan kicked the body that had completely crystallized in displeasure, and the crystal that was slowly shattering was suddenly broken into pieces, and then turned into light spots and dissipated like melting ice and snow.

Zhong Li did not see any annoyance, and said lightly: "The imprint of the rock is still engraved on his soul. Those who violate the laws and principles can only be calmed down by escaping into the world."

"At least for a period of time, he won't have the time to trouble anyone else, so let's relax."

"Heh, I just killed him when he came." Chanyuan Shier sneered, "Even if it is a god, I don't want to take away what I have."

The god Zhongli was very pleased with the awakening of Shier in the Zen garden.

"This matter is over for the time being. Mr. Zenyuan should go back and change this clothes first. Just leave the repairs here to me." He said meaningfully, "I still have some private matters to deal with."

The Chanyuan looked at the black-haired child who was shrinking behind the wall watching over the sleepy brown-haired child.

"It's really hard to raise a child." He sighed irrelevantly, and walked away in a good manner.

Zhong Li came to Edogawa Ranpo.

"Mr. Zhongli..."

The child who had buried his head between his arms heard the movement, slowly raised his head, and looked at the man who was also staring at him with red eyes from crying, "This is... the... world you want me to see?"

Zhongli was silent for a moment, what he wanted to say was not spoken, and he sighed, "I'm sorry, I never thought of telling you in such a violent way."

What this pure and kind child has always lacked is guidance, patient teaching and correct example.Those methods shouldn't be so intense, shouldn't be so... bloody.

"Why are you apologizing? The one who should me." Edogawa Luanbu's voice was a little choked up, his widened eyes were filled with mist, and his words gradually became incoherent, "It's my stubbornness, it's me My arrogance... It's all my fault! Obviously there is a better solution, Mr. Orange was seriously injured and almost died because of me! I obviously, I obviously—”

"Random steps."

A soft voice came from above, and the body was embraced, and the hand covering the back comforted and patted, bringing warmth to the trembling body, "You are still a child, and you have the right to make mistakes. And As I told you then, I'm still here."

"Until you can take on your own world alone, I will be there for everything."

Tears were pooling in his eyes, and the 13-year-old boy finally couldn't bear it any longer. He hugged the man's broad shoulders tightly and cried loudly as if he wanted to release all his emotions.

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