"Oops! That referee is squatting on the roof and going to jump off the building!" Pan Damei noticed the flirting looks of Qu Beixi and Xiang Nan after she finished speaking, and she was very envious of his cuteness. didn't show up.

But business matters, he came up to the two with his mobile phone, "Look, at this juncture, he suddenly made such a move. He turned his head and jumped off the building just after our press conference was broadcast live. Most of the charges will be It's on our heads." Pan Damei's anxious words became normal.

Qu Beixi held the phone upright, looked at the referee standing on the edge of the top floor inside, Yintang's face turned dark and lifeless, "He is possessed."

"What?" Pan Damei was so frightened that she immediately retracted her hand. Fortunately, Qu Beixi took most of the mobile phone, otherwise it fell to the ground.

"Possession? Ghost?" Pan Damei asked tremblingly with her arms in front of her chest, she couldn't help but glance at her phone curiously because she was afraid.

Qu Beixi nodded and handed the phone to Xiang Nanfeng, "Let's go, exorcising ghosts."

The car drove all the way to the building where the accident happened, and Pan Damei was nervous and excited, "Then it doesn't mean that someone intentionally harmed Xiao Beibei, this is an accident?"

Qu Beixi was still observing the actions of the referee in the video, who was walking back and forth along the edge like a naughty kid, "Not necessarily."

Xiang Nanfeng on the side did not know who to call, "Yes, everyone around the scene is prohibited from filming."

Qu Beixi felt particularly moved when he heard his commanding tone, and when he glanced at him, he didn't expect Xiang Nanfeng to be quite like that. Too many things lost their original meaning because they were too entertaining.

Some things should not be recorded unscrupulously by the bystanders.

After Xiang Nanfeng hung up the phone, he made another call, "Yes, I will arrive at the scene within 10 minutes with the filming equipment. I have already restricted other people's filming. This episode will be used as Qu Tianshi's ghost hunting show." first issue of

Qu Beixi: ...

It's too early to boast, slap in the face!

Feeling his gaze, Xiang Nanfeng put down his phone, "What's wrong?"

Qu Beixi hesitated to speak several times, he wanted to persuade him to be a human being, but this was too difficult for Xiang Nanfeng and had to be reincarnated, so he was speechless——

Shaking his head, the phone suddenly went silent.

He looked down at the phone to see that the live broadcast had stopped.

He is now really curious about Xiang Nanfeng's identity. According to the memory of the original owner, Xiang Nanfeng is the youngest son of Xiang Han, the current leader of one of the three major families in this world. It must be very cowhide, but Qu Beixi didn't expect him to be so cowhide that he can do whatever he wants.

He glanced at Pan Damei, forgetting that now is not the time to inquire about this matter.

When they arrived at the building where the accident occurred, Zhang Fu was very happy that they had already set up all kinds of machines downstairs, and the speed was as fast as Xiang Nanfeng's family background.

"Director Zhang~" Pan Damei's voice attracted everyone's attention, and then mercilessly turned their gaze away from him to Qu Beixi and Xiang Nanfeng. Qu Beixi took a look The referee who is still "walking the tightrope".

Hulala ran over and several people worked on him and Xiang Nanfeng together, and after saying "Okay", they hulala returned to work.

With this work efficiency and work status, if the company hadn't just started, he would have wanted to give them a raise.

Not much to say, he and Xiang Nanfeng entered the building. When entering the building, he glanced at the policemen who had already arrived. Not only did he not stop them, but he nodded to them, got on the elevator and went straight to the top floor.

There were also policemen on the top floor, and Qu Beixi nodded to them, "Sorry, for safety's sake, I hope you leave temporarily."

The two policemen glanced at Nanfeng and left without saying anything, "Then leave it to Qu Tianshi."

Qu Beixi opened his eyes, and then blinked twice in a daze. He didn't see the possessed ghost on the referee. He came to him in a daze, grabbed the wall and stretched his head out to see the referee blocked by the wall. Lower body, only then did he see the possessing ghost, it was indeed a little guy, he almost didn't see it.

"Little devil!" He yelled, and the referee, who was walking forward with his back turned, stopped and turned around.

Next, Pan Damei acts as the temporary host, "Hi~ Dear viewers and friends~ Welcome to the first episode of the brand new Qu Tianshi Hunting Ghosts. Are you surprised~ Are you happy~ Do you miss others? ~"


grandfather!The show you were chasing is finally on the air: Damn it!What an ugly man!Get out of the way!

Three-year-olds: Celebrate with flowers!

Uncle of the three-year-old boy: Let me see Xiao Beibei quickly, let me lick it, suck it!

The second uncle of the three-year-old child's uncle: The pervert upstairs is still there, it really lingers!Go away!


Qu Beixi looked at the little ghost who turned around, and hooked his hands at the little ghost, "Come here, brother has something delicious for you."

The little ghost stared at him and then walked towards him. Xiang Nanfeng quietly came behind Qu Beixi, as if he was ready to strike at any time.

Qu Beixi took out a piece of candy from his pocket, "What's your name, little ghost, and when is your birthday, brother will burn this piece of candy for you."

The little ghost stared straight at the candy in his hand, controlled the referee's hand and swished the candy away, Qu Beixi watched the referee who quickly peeled off the candy wrapper and stuffed the candy into his mouth and explained to the little ghost : "If you eat what you can't eat like this, you tell your brother your name and birthday, and your brother will burn you a lot of delicious food, toys and clothes, and you can leave this stinky uncle happily and go back, okay? ?”

Xiang Nanfei looked at Qu Beixi who was gently coaxing the little devil's head, he just treated him like an ordinary child.

The top-level equipment clearly captured their every move, every expression and tone of voice and played them out.


Give me a man: I'm dumbfounded!What is the big brother wearing!Deep V!Chest and eight-pack abs!

Home in the world: Damn it!This one is open!I have become a tramp!


The little ghost shook his head.

Qu Beixi's head was spinning rapidly, clapping his hands and turning his head towards Nanfeng, he said, "By the way, go and ask the program team if you still have the Appearance Talisman that was used in the small building on the second floor last time?"

He can draw live, but needs some props.

Xiang Nanfeng: "I posted that, why does Master want to show the talisman?"

Qu Beixi: "Let the police see the appearance of this little devil and find out the identity of this little devil. Knowing the cause of death is easier to purify and send him away."

"Master is so smart." Xiang Nanfeng praised Qu Beixi, broke his fingertips and began to draw on the roof of the building.

Qu Beixi was really surprised, he thought that Xiang Nanfeng was just responsible for posting, but he didn't expect him to be able to draw.


Thirsty: I've got it, Xiaobeibei is always the best in Xiaonannan's eyes.

Hungry: They have definitely done that look of pampering!


After Xiang Nanfeng finished drawing the Appearance Talisman, the bullet screen was silent for a while, and Qu Beixi shouted to the police, "Help find out the identity of this little devil."

Then he looked at the little ghost who had been standing obediently next to him. The other party should have not met anyone who could talk for a long time, so those big wooden eyes had been staring at him. Qu Beixi smiled and stretched out his hand wanting Rubbing his head, just as he raised his hand, the kid suddenly trembled and lowered his head.

Qu Beixi's hand stopped in the air. The other party was obviously scared and even had a conditioned reflex when he saw the movement. He gently put his hand on it and rubbed it twice, "Little devil, why do you keep walking?" This edge?"

Feeling that he didn't seem to be hurting him, the little ghost let him rub his head as if enjoying himself, and even put his head under his palm in a fawning manner.

Seeing Xiang Nanfeng in his eyes, his face was so cold that it turned into a piece of ice.

Qu Beixi: "Little devil, why don't you talk?"

He took two steps back after the little devil's head was finished, and suddenly there was a somersault in the next second, and the people below yelled in unison. Qu Beixi watched the little devil's head and then controlled the referee's body to show off Actions.

He frowned, and the little ghost returned to him, bowing his head to him.

Xiang Nanfeng clasped his hand first, Qu Beixi was startled, "Don't be foolish!"

"Master, don't worry." Xiang Nanfeng gently rubbed the little devil's head, "Your somersault just now was very beautiful."

The little ghost turned his gaze around Xiang Nanfeng and Qu Beixi, then backed away and did a series of somersaults. Qu Beixi hurriedly called him, "Okay, you don't need to flip over, little ghost!"

The little ghost stopped and controlled the referee's body and bowed to the left and right.

At this time, a policeman ran up, "Mr. Xiang, the information has been checked."

Xiang Nanfeng took the information and handed it to Qu Beixi. The two looked at it together, and the little ghost came over.

There is a photo of the little devil's head posted on the information, and he looks very simple and honest, wearing a pair of green overalls, which is very cute.

He An'an, the main body panda.


He died of cerebral insufficiency and suffered violence during his lifetime.

related case

In the illegal circus case detected in 5366, after investigation, He Anan was abducted by the founder of the circus, Zhao Ke, and trained to perform on stage.

After Zhao Ke was arrested, he took the initiative to confess that he had accidentally killed a little boy whose body was a panda.


Qu Beixi looked at the numbers above and his hand holding the information was trembling, Xiang Nanfeng silently held his hand.

Qu Beixi looked at the little ghost in front of him, tremblingly took out another piece of candy from his pocket, and said the little ghost's birthday and name in his mouth, the candy disappeared in the blink of an eye, and the little ghost looked at his hand Tang, who suddenly appeared in the movie, looked at Qu Beixi foolishly.

Qu Beixi wiped his eyes, "Eat."

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