This pair of earrings has appeared in SKP shopping malls, Bulgari counters, the hand that the counter lady handed over and then took back, the rear selfie camera, Weibo photos from two years ago, the conversation last night, and the present in front of Li Yu. in the box.

Li Yu clutched the box, his mind was in a mess, with countless questions stuck in his tongue, but he couldn't ask any of them, he just said in a stuttering voice, "You..."

"I have a friend who is in the jewelry business. I asked him to pick a pair and bring them to me early this morning." Gu Heliang picked up one of the earrings and placed it in the palm of his hand.

The earrings are shining, even for men, they are too beautiful.

Li Yu's throat was dry, "I..."

"Teacher Li." Gu Heliang seemed to know what he was going to say, "It can't be returned if it is not a quality problem. If you don't accept it, it can only stay with me in the dark."

"But..." Li Yu's drooping eyelashes trembled, like the fluttering wings of a butterfly when someone caught it.

He had thousands of reasons for refusing to accept this gift, for example, it was too expensive, too sudden, too polite, for example, it was clearly himself who held the horn...

But he didn't name any of them.

Because it is undeniable that the emotions of surprise and joy are like steam rising from a hot water kettle. Even if one mouth is blocked, it will work hard to get out from the other mouth, humming loudly, and announce to the world hapiness.

Li Yu felt that his face was very hot, he raised his eyes, looked at Gu Heliang, and met those dark eyes mixed with expectations.

He realized that Gu Heliang wanted him to accept it.

Li Yu lowered his head again, shook off his long sleeves, stretched out two fingertips, brushed across Gu Heliang's palm, pinched the earring, slowly placed it in front of the earlobe, and flickered twice embarrassingly Eyelashes, tentatively asked: "Does it look good?"

"It looks good." Gu Heliang's voice was not as clear as before, "The sleeves of the coat are a bit long, Mr. Li, the earrings have been sterilized in advance, I can help you put them on, is that okay?"

Li Yu nodded silently.

He thought, if he were tossed into the pile of glowing red apples now, he wouldn't be able to see anything unusual.

During competitions or performances on weekdays, I often do things like helping each other put earrings on with others, but why is Gu Heliang the only one who feels a tingling sensation in his body like an electric current when he touches his ear with warm fingers? Spread out, making him almost untenable.

You're worthless, Li Yu, isn't it because you're almost cuddling with Boss Gu!

Li Yu secretly cheered up in his heart to make his state look normal.

But what makes him a little depressed is that seeing Gu Heliang skillfully unplug the earplugs, knead the earlobe, align the front and back ears, and put the earrings in a set of movements, it is obviously not the first time he has done it.

He didn't seem to understand Boss Gu's emotional state.

They had just put on an earring when there was a faint noise outside the door, gradually approaching, among which Meng Chunyang's noisy voice was particularly obvious.

I don't know when the door was locked by Gu Heliang, and someone outside pushed hard, but the solid wooden door didn't budge.

"Hey, didn't Senior Brother He Liang arrive early, why is the door still locked?"

"Have you gone for breakfast?" Another voice answered.

"It's past eleven o'clock, what kind of breakfast are you having? Besides, Senior Brother is a good watcher, so if we come at this hour, he must be inside."

"What the hell, whore?"

Meng Chunyang made false excuses, "This is not a bitch, what are you thinking about!"

The people from Xiyuanshe chatted casually, which was like talking about cross talk. Li Yu was very happy to hear that, and said to Gu Heliang who was removing the other earplug, "Xiao Meng is really fun."

"Well, meet me in private. It will be more fun when I open the door later." Gu Heliang gently rubbed Li Yu's ears with focused eyes, and the soft touch under his fingertips made people unwilling to let go.

There was a lot of noise outside the door, but they were silent inside.Li Yu originally thought that Gu Heliang had to help him put on the earrings before opening the door so that people from outside could come in, so he was not in a hurry.

But at this moment, another wave of people seemed to come.

"Xiao Nianer is here too?" Meng Chunyang called, "Brother He Yun, you are late, do you have a key? Open the door, Senior Brother He Liang is busy somewhere!"

"My family just made a phone call for a long time, so it's late. Boss Gu isn't here? Impossible." The softer voice was Zhou Heyun, "Wait for me to touch the key."

Now Li Yu in the room raised his heart to his throat, swallowed, and unconsciously grabbed Gu Heliang's sleeve.

"Huh?" Gu Heliang paused his hands, and laughed lowly, "Why are you suddenly nervous?"

"The two of us..." Li Yu glanced at Gu Heliang's hand that was still on his face from the corner of his eye, and said truthfully, "It's easy to be misunderstood."

Gu Heliang didn't answer, he put on the other earring for him without haste, put his arm down, turned around to get the earring box on the table, Li Yu just happened to see that his ear was also very faintly pink.

It's the kind of secret that you can't see if you don't pay attention.Li Yu blinked, reached out to touch the still warm earrings, and a lingering smile appeared on his lips unconsciously.

At this moment, the door of Xiyuan Society was pushed open, and the dazzling sunlight jumped in along with the crowd.

"Hey, Boss Gu, are you there? And Teacher Li?"

"Old, teacher? Why are you wearing my little uncle's gown?"

"Hey, Mr. Li's suit is really not bad. What's the matter with you two? How about rehearsal? Brother He Yun, it seems that you are going to be laid off." Meng Chunyang was happily "smashing", but suddenly his mind changed , this senior brother has been inside for a long time, isn't it just that the high-spirited talk about "exquisite appearance" at the door has been heard!

Meng Chunyang gave a dry laugh, and retreated weakly behind Zhou Heyun, trying to minimize his presence, but as expected, Gu Heliang was the first to call him by name.

"Meng Chunyang, come backstage with me."

Meng Chunyang's small eyebrows drooped immediately, and amidst the false blessings of "good luck" from everyone, he sneaked into the backstage, just in time for Gu Heliang and Li Yu to return to the backstage from the exit gate.

Before Gu Heliang could open his mouth, Meng Chunyang said something good to Li Yu, "Mr. Li, wearing a gown is a real sign. You are a gentleman of a scholarly family. You look beautiful and have a temperament!"

His eyes have always been sharp, and he immediately noticed that the earrings on Li Yu's ears were not the same pair as yesterday's, "Hey, your earrings are new, right? It looks noble and classy!"

Li Yu brushed the broken hair by his ears, and a sweet dimple appeared on the side of his face, "It was a gift from a friend, I really like it."

Seeing Gu Heliang's eyes flickering over, Meng Chunyang secretly thought that something was wrong, this friend meant a lot, if it was... wouldn't his senior brother fall behind?I just boasted casually, wouldn't I step on the thunder point so accurately?

"Ah cough cough cough, what do you like in the future, Mr. Li, you don't need to find someone else, just tell my senior brother directly, my senior brother is willing to be this friend." After finishing speaking, Meng Chunyang gave Gu Heliang a friendly squeeze Eye.

Gu Heliang ignored him, but obviously he didn't care about the fine words, he just said: "Young poor, take that big map of Beijing to the front."

Seeing that the flattery was effective, Meng Chunyang responded with a smile, and went to the bottom of the bookshelf to take out a large map.The map is made of kraft paper, and it has turned yellow and curled because it has been placed for too long.

This is their drawing today.

Meng Chunyang swept the floating dust with a small feather duster, and spread out the whole map on the table where the guests used to drink tea and eat snacks.

Everyone stood in a circle around the map, and the planning of Beijing City was immediately in front of them. Each district, river direction, and mainstream streets were clearly marked.

Zhou Heyun sighed softly, "I didn't expect that the old man's previous paintings can still be used now."

Li Yu asked in surprise: "Is this hand-painted by Mr. Gu?"

"Yes, the old man went to the Beijing Municipal Planning Bureau and spent more than half a year copying a copy of the official planning and non-confidential drawings." Gu Heliang said, "He thinks that people who talk about cross talk always take the local customs as a burden, and they have to understand this .”

Li Yu was speechless to himself.No wonder Gu Baoshen can be called a national treasure-level cross talk actor. His attitude towards professionalism is really awe-inspiring.

Gu Heliang: "Teacher Li, please tell me about the format."

Li Yu nodded and explained to everyone: "Tomorrow, although we will not have any audience at the scene, there will be tens of thousands of audiences online. It will be in the form of a ring battle. Whoever wins this round will be the first to compete in Beijing." Choose a venue that is laid down in the city, with five as the upper limit."

Almost everyone already knows about this, and in fact, there is no way not to know about it. Just scroll through Weibo twice, and all the fans are talking about it.

Xiyuan Club has its own official Weibo account, and employs a professional team to operate it. It mainly posts performance information on weekdays, and is also responsible for the management of Chaohua and the official fan group.

Therefore, Li Yu proposed to let the operation team start a live broadcast through the official account, so that the audience can listen to a cross talk competition for free.This is to warm up for Liandi, and the second is to help Xiyuanshe with marketing. After all, this form of fighting competition is full of modern sense of variety. It is fresh and interesting to watch, and will attract more young people's attention.

Upon hearing this, manager Xiao Wen found that the suggestion was good and the operation was simple, so he immediately arranged a team to prepare for the publicity and live broadcast, and then promoted Hou Renji's name, which spread throughout the folk art circle for a while.

Hey, it's fun, my master and nephew are calling for a competition, and even invited Mr. Hou, who claims that the heavenly king doesn't care about me!

There was a lot of speculation for a while, and the draft of the marketing account that speculated on the grievances and grievances between the few people could not be read.

This year, the degree of topicality is traffic.So over the years, even if there are many old rules like Gu Heliang, he is trying to renovate these old things so that they can develop with the trend, instead of standing still and letting them be eliminated by the times.

Li Yu's nimble thinking brought fresh blood to Gu Heliang's conception.

"There is another advantage of live broadcasting. It is where we choose, and no one can regret it. We don't need to win every game, but we have to win early and have the right to lead, so that we can win the position we must occupy." Li Yu said, "But this I don't quite understand the arrangements, but you have to come, Boss Gu."

"It's already arranged pretty close." Gu Heliang took out the tablet and handed it to Zhou Heyun. On the electronic note, he wrote down the strengths and weaknesses of each pair of Qiu Donglin and the others in detail. Corresponding to it was the plan that only one of them would be able to compete. It's like a complete military deployment analysis map.

Standing on the periphery, Meng Chunyang listened to Zhou Heyun's order of appearance. He didn't have him in the first and second rounds, so he couldn't help but feel a little helpless.Most likely it was because he didn't behave well yesterday, and he contradicted Qiu Donglin again, and in the end he relied on Mr. Li, an outsider, to make up for him, embarrassing Xiyuanshe.

He pretended to be absent-minded and put his hands on the shoulders beside him, making a gesture to rub the other's hair.

"Hey, Ancestor, don't touch my ears." Peng Yan shrank his shoulders and avoided his hands.

Meng Chunyang took a look, "Hey, you also changed the earrings? They are very beautiful. But why are your ears and belly a little red?"

With a bitter face, he quickly glanced at Gu Heliang, and said in a low voice, "I'll talk to you later."

Meng Chunyang was curious, so he heard Zhou Heyun say: "Chunyang, you are the second best <big bodyguard>."

"Number two?" Meng Chunyang was taken aback for a moment, then grinned and patted Ping's shoulder, "Qingzi, we're doing well, we're two!"

Before he could say anything, Zhou Heyun said again: "Gu Nian, you give him a compliment. Qingzi don't play this game, let's talk about it when he is on the ground."

This time, not only Meng Chunyang and Gu Nian were dumbfounded, but the rest of the people were also in an uproar.

Could this be changing partners for Meng Chunyang?

The author has something to say:

Beijing Municipal Planning Bureau: It is now called the Beijing Municipal Planning and Natural Resources Commission. As for the official planning and unclassified drawings, I kneaded many categories into a fictitious map, haha

Middle waist and bottom two, everyone should remember what position the program is in, haha~ Guiding Chapter 2!

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