Ideal place

Chapter 50

Wen Ran unbuttoned her seat belt, tilted her head towards Shang Zheyu, slightly rolled her eyes, and said "thank you".

"I haven't eaten for a day, be careful that my body can't bear it." Shang Zheyu said, "Go home quickly."

Watching the other party's car disappear into the night, Wen Ran folded his arms and stood still for a long time, then turned and walked into Wanxin Community.His condition is not very good, the comfort brought by Shang Zheyu's company is fleeting, and the scene of arguing with Jian Xize still keeps appearing in his mind, which is intense and painful.

It was not until today that Wen Ran had to admit that Jian Xize didn't care about his feelings at all.The most precious thing between lovers is tolerance and accommodating, Wen Ran did it, blindly obeying Jian Xize's request, but the other party intensified, and would only treat him badly and play with him.

Why is this happening?

Standing at the door of his house, reaching out to hold the doorknob, Wen Ran went back to the time when he felt that every minute and every second was suffering.He was suddenly tired, and he didn't want to pretend to be in front of Pei Nanqiu. He actually began to long for this man who was with him day and night to understand him, understand him, and become his support.

It's a pity that the truth of the matter will only cause great harm to Pei Nanqiu, because he is different from Jian Xize, he will never share Wen Ran with anyone.

Turning the door lock, Wen Ran stepped into the entrance, Pei Nanqiu sat quietly by the French window, the living room did not turn on the lights.After changing his slippers, he walked over softly, bent over and squatted beside the wheelchair, and put his left hand on the other's knee.

"Nan Qiu." Wen Ran called him with a smile, "I'm back."

Pei Nanqiu stared out of the window indifferently, his thin side face revealed a frost-like coldness, Wen Ran sensitively sensed something was wrong, and subconsciously clenched his hands on his knees: "... Nan Qiu?"

His eyes flicked to the end of his eyes, Pei Nanqiu looked at Wen Ran indifferently from the corners of his eyes, his lips trembled very slightly.Wen Ran was half-kneeling in a daze, never seeing Pei Nanqiu's depressed, desperate, and angry look, which made him a little scared for a while.

A few minutes later, Pei Nanqiu handed an envelope to Wen Ran, and said in a hoarse voice, "Look for yourself."

Wen Ran took it suspiciously, quickly opened it and took out the contents, then screamed and threw it on the ground, her heart stopped beating for a moment.

It was a stack of nude photos of Wen Ran, from Tong Zhiyou's hand.

Breathing hard with his mouth wide open, Wen Ran covered his face and staggered back a few steps. He felt that he was too dirty to stand with Pei Nanqiu.

Sometimes he covered his face, sometimes covered his ears, Wen Ran didn't dare to look or listen, his shame forced him to hide in the darkness, watching Pei Nanqiu with fear.An overwhelming hatred arises spontaneously. At this moment, Wen Ran almost loses his mind and tries to kill Tong Zhiyou.

The atmosphere inside the house dropped to freezing point, far exceeding the cold winter outside.After a long time, Pei Nanqiu closed his eyes and looked up, sighing heavily: "I've been thinking about whether I should let you go these days."

Pei Nanqiu, who was tortured by his own feelings, finally opened up his heart and said frankly: "Aran, I admit that there is a large proportion of 'unreconciled' in my love. I think I cherish you more than Jian Xize, but even Even after degenerating into what I am today, I still can't get your heart."

"I tortured you because I had grievances. Only when I see you cry for me, obey my words, and follow my orders can I live a little happier." Pei Nanqiu smiled self-deprecatingly, "But it's not Love, you are willing to cooperate with me, you just have pity and sympathy for me, how much you can't stand me, you will find someone else to do this kind of thing outside."

With snot and tears hanging on his face, Wen Ran shrank his neck and murmured mechanically: "No, Nan Qiu, that's not the case..."

"It's like this, Ah Ran, admit it." Pei Nanqiu wiped away the tears that slipped from his eyes, and said resignedly, "I'm tired, I want to give up."

"From today onwards, you are free, and this family will no longer be your bondage." Pei Nanqiu said, "Just leave if you want to. If you really don't plan to come back, just let me know."

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