love letter one/

I thought I was not good at loving people, and I also thought I was only suitable for dying alone.

It’s really a long story, and there are too many factors. I’m afraid that you will think that I don’t have confidence in this relationship.

I have, I really have the courage and determination to stay with you forever.There is no second you in the world, I can't afford to miss you.

Maybe I'm really not good at loving people, but I just met you, you tolerated me and guided me.But only five years older, this is what I often tell you, but to be honest, this age difference scared me at the beginning, because five years is indeed a long time, and you will be better than me when I can't reach you. I have more knowledge and insights, and I am afraid that I will not be able to keep up with you.

I didn't expect that when I held your hand, you were willing to slow down and tell me your past life experiences.

I'm grateful that you didn't let go of my hand, at any time, in any sense.In reality, it was also the first time someone held me so firmly.

I love you, I love you, I love you.

Although I will tell you this sentence every day before going to bed, I still want to write it down.

Although I always call you an old rascal (that's because you are really a rascal!), it doesn't stop me from liking you very much.

This kind of love is like when I was young, I missed a toy. I dare not tell my parents, because I am afraid of increasing their financial burden, so I only dare to miss it in my dreams. I look around when I pass by, find every opportunity to enter the store, and pretend to buy it. It’s like a trial play, but suddenly one day this gift is given to me, I can’t wait to spend all my time with it, and I will give it the best and most meticulous care in the world.

No one can touch it, say nothing, because this gift is mine, it's something I've been thinking about for a long time, and I've carefully guarded it.

I will never drop it, because dropping it is tantamount to betraying myself.

You know, I won't betray myself.

love letter two/

The weather is fine today, and you are still at work.

I'm a person who doesn't really need company, so don't worry, I don't mean to blame you, you can come back every night, and I can see you making breakfast for me in the kitchen when I wake up in the morning, that's good.

Come to think of it, I'm such a nice guy.

Today's weather is really good, I don't know if you have time to appreciate it.

I like to watch when the sun is just right, the golden color is sprinkled from a high place, falling on the layers of leaves, gradually turning white, and then turning into a little spot of light, cast on the gray concrete floor.

The cicada didn't know where it was hiding in the tree, singing a never-ending song.

Pedestrians are coming and going under the building outside the window, holding various flower umbrellas in the sun, and the vehicles are also rushing to the destination that has been set.And if I poke my head out a little more, I can see a tall building in front of me. On the first floor below the tall building, you are busy with today's work in the kitchen.

All of this will make me feel that it is good to be alive and life is beautiful.

The last time I went back to Jiangcheng, my mother secretly asked me what I like about you, and I said I like the way you only smile at me, which makes me feel special.

My mother said I was stupid, so I can only like someone because of this.

I said that I don't know, maybe it's because you have money, even if you have money, you are willing to work hard to make money, and you look very handsome.

My mother also laughed, and shook her head with a smile, saying that I was so stupid that I just followed the music.

Maybe this is love, we both have everything and nothing, so we are meant to be together.

Of course, I just suddenly thought, there is another point, you don't care about the world, I appreciate it very much.

Grandpa appreciates you, did you hear me!

(Slips away.)

love letter three/

This is the second birthday I spent with you, and I'm finally going to the third.

what about you.

I used to pretend to be a teenager, wanton and willful, because I thought I was talented, so I didn't care about the world, and because I thought I was an author, I was cynical.

In the end, you told me that I was cute and gentle.

In fact, my first reaction is not that someone finally understands me, but what kind of thing and what kind.

But I have to admit that I have always hoped that I could be a gentle person, but no one has ever described me like this, and I am indeed too rebellious. Many people think that I am a talented woman, so I want to be gentle. People are anxious, saying why should I be gentle.

So I tensed up all over and put on a fighting stance, wanting to scold anyone who scolded me back.When I met you, I really wanted to scold you. Although you never scolded me, you were in such a state, and in the end, you just couldn't bear it.

I have said thank you to you many times, because you affirmed my preciousness and rareness.

You made me really start enjoying life itself.

Perhaps you have also discovered that I am writing to you now, and the state in the letter is much worse than before.

Having said that, shouldn't the letter written for your birthday focus on you?

In fact, it's you who lowered your gaze, whether you look down at me or everything, it makes my heart beat faster.

And when you read the fairy tales in the book, when you coaxed me to sleep, you asked me what I was laughing at, and I laughed at you for being naive, but I didn’t say I was happy to meet you, but I said I wanted to hear someone read me a fairy tale, and you just Really fulfilled for me.

On my last birthday, I gave me to you. I asked you if I looked good. You said I was the collection and embodiment of all beauties. I asked with a smile if I was Sailor Moon. You frowned on purpose and said, " That's it? You are obviously a fairy who came to play in the world for 100 years and returned to heaven."

So now, the fairy wishes you all your wishes will come true, all your regrets will be erased, and all your unwillingness will be reciprocated.

And I hand over my big dream, kissing you endlessly.

The author has something to say:


Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: 1 North North North North North;

Thanks to the little angel of irrigation nutrient solution: 5 bottles of Beibeibeibeibei;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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