Zhu Zhi glanced at the time after Ye Shengwan left, only to realize that it was already so late.She wouldn't say that she actually planned to pretend to see a ring on someone's hand when she went to the shop for breakfast this morning, so she told Ye Shengwan that she thought wearing a ring on his hand looked really good, and she There happened to be a pair of rings here, and I wanted to give Ye Shengwan one.

As a result, the soup was a bit serious.

Ye Shengwan came back not long after, and brought breakfast for Zhu Zhi. She tasted a little more when she went in the morning, and the ones she bought here were all delicious ones that fit Zhu Zhi's taste.

Zhu Zhi took it over, and seeing that it was for one person, he knew that Ye Shengwan had already eaten, and got out of bed and wandered to the table where Ye Shengwan was reading. The air conditioner is turned on in the room with a window, so the heat is not very obvious.

Zhu Zhi narrowed his eyes in enjoyment.

The weather was too hot, and the two of them didn't have any plans for the next one. They didn't set off to see the sea until the early four in the afternoon when the sun began to recede.

Zhu Zhi likes the sea very much, even if the sea is not new to her.

In fact, she just likes this kind of surging feeling, like when the waves pass by one after another, when the wind pushes towards her step by step, and when the green hills wind and scatter towards the horizon, she will feel very happy. happiness.

There are still a lot of tourists on the beach at this point, and most of them are bending over to find some shellfish.

Zhu Zhiben didn't have much interest in these things, but when he thought of Ye Shengwan next to him, his interest suddenly arose, and he excitedly dragged him to the small beach to buy tools.

"Come on, let's dig too."

After buying two shovels and a small bucket, Zhu Zhi went to buy two pairs of slippers. Shoes are inconvenient for walking on the beach.

When paying, the aunt said: "If you dig a lot on the beach, we can help cook it, and if you don't, we can also sell it."

Zhu Zhi didn't have such a heart at all, and was anxious to go down with Ye Shengwan, and replied casually: "Okay."

When Zhu Zhi pulled Ye Shengwan to run on the beach, it attracted a small amount of sideways glances, but Zhu Zhi didn't care, because she could understand that although her and Ye Shengwan's auras became more and more harmonious, but at first glance At first glance, their combination is a bit special.

"Laughing," Zhu Zhi inserted a shovel into the sand, but let go to pile up the sand. When he was a child, he had a soft spot for this kind of thing. He wished he could spend a whole day building a building that fit his inner imagination. Castle, "You are not happy, and your special occupation makes me think that you are just here to catch the sea hahaha... I was wrong."

Before Ye Shengwan even started to show that he wanted to say something, the other party gave up.She couldn't laugh or cry, and asked, "Don't you want to eat clams?"

"No, I just thought it would be fun." Zhu Zhi shook his head, "But I probably can't find anything yet, it's a bit early."

Ye Shengwan nodded.

Zhu Zhi suddenly said, "Why don't you go swimming now?"


"Let's go."

"Wait," Ye Shengwan held Zhu Zhi, "Are you going to go in like those uncles as soon as they take off their clothes?"

It was only then that Zhu Zhi realized that the clothes on her body were indeed not suitable for going into the sea, and even if she found a shop selling swimsuits now, she didn't know where she could change clothes or take a shower nearby.

Zhu Zhi was discouraged, and squatted down again: "Then let's continue playing with the sand."

Ye Shengwan bent the corners of his mouth and piled sand with Zhu Zhi.

Ye Shengwan used to study architecture before, and was no stranger to splicing and building, but Zhu Zhi, who was keen on piling up sand from the beginning, seemed to be a troublemaker on purpose.

Zhu Zhi worked hard for a while, and when he noticed Ye Shengwan's smile, he simply let go and went to torment Ye Shengwan.

Ye Shengwan stretched out her hand once and she followed suit, but instead of landing on the "fortress", it landed on Ye Shengwan's hand.

"Don't make trouble."

Ye Shengwan uttered a voice to stop him, but Zhu Zhi just smiled and did not hold back his movements.

Ye Shengwan's hair was long and then cut short. Because Zhu Zhi liked it, he kept it a little below the shoulders, just enough to make a bun.

She is a person who is too lazy to change, so the ball head has almost become her fixed hairstyle, and it is still today.

The casual Xiaowanzi's head hangs behind her head, and a little bit of hair floats down on her forehead. The sea breeze sways her hair little by little. Because the sand has been piled up, there is no hand to hold it up, so she has to wrinkle a little Brow endured.

Zhu Zhi squatted opposite her, watching her being constantly harassed by restless hair, and as the sun was approaching, the sea breeze was also gentle, so he reached out to help her fasten.

This movement came a little suddenly, Ye Shengwan looked up subconsciously, and once again bumped into Zhu Zhi's eyes.

Zhu Zhi swallowed his saliva and said, "Has your house been built yet?"

The model built with sand, although there are still many details that are not in place, but at first glance it looks much more detailed than the result of ordinary people playing with sand.

"Huh?" Ye Shengwan knew that Zhu Zhi would not simply ask such a question.

"I'm a little hungry." Zhu Zhi said.

"Let's go then."

"Wait." Zhu Zhi patted the sand off his hands and took out his phone, "I took a picture of this, it looks so good."

"If you like, I can order a model online, and then we will make it together." Ye Shengwan smiled and said, "Now find a place to wash your hands."

"it is good."

Finally, they went back to the hotel and changed their clothes.Before going out, Zhu Zhi threw the messenger bag to Ye Shengwan, mumbling that he was too tired to carry it.

Ye Shengwan fondled Zhu Zhi's head and put the bag on his body.

Ye Shengwan found a restaurant, which has a high rating on the software, and you can choose the inside and outside seats, and you can see a good night view outside.

Zhu Zhi immediately fell in love with a place in the corner outside, mainly because there was no one around, and few people would like to eat out in summer, after all, it was a bit hot.But Zhu Zhi is a person who can accept it as long as it looks good. This seat can not only see the night view, but also has green plants beside it. The only dim light in this area is hanging by the table, and there is a fan. good.

"Excuse me, are you two?" the waitress asked.

Zhu Zhi nodded, and pulled Ye Shengwan to the position he wanted.

The waiter hurriedly stopped and said, "Excuse me, please sit here if you two are concerned."

"Isn't that okay over there?" Zhu Zhi pointed to the table and asked.

"On that side we are only open to more than four people."

"Where should I add money?" Zhu Zhi asked.

"Sorry, this I..."

"It's okay, you can go and ask, I'll wait for you." Zhu Zhi said, "It doesn't matter how much money you have, I'll sit there."

The waiter compromised: "Okay, then I will take you there."

After ordering, Ye Shengwan took a sip and asked, "Why do you suddenly have a soft spot for this position?"

"Because it's hidden." Zhu Zhi raised his eyebrows, "Do you understand the happiness of the grove?"

Ye Shengwan tapped: "It's time to eat."

Zhu Zhi smiled.

It didn't take long for the food to be served, and Zhu Zhi started rambling about again.

"God, this is too delicious." Zhu Zhi shook his head intoxicated, "But it's a little worse than Ye's private kitchen."

"The waitress just now is also very beautiful and has a good figure." Zhu Zhi said again, "But it's a little bit worse than Ye Shengwan."

Ye Shengwan put down his chopsticks and said, "What do you want to express?"

"It's nothing." Zhu Zhi coughed lightly, "By the way, I'll keep it with you. Please help me open the jewelry in my bag. Actually, I haven't seen it myself."

It's fake if you haven't seen it, but in order to surprise, the acting had to do a full set.

Ye Shengwan took out the square box as he said, and opened it to find a ring. Looking at the mold, it should be a pair of rings, but I don't know where the other one is.

Ye Shengwan was stunned for a moment, then looked up at Zhu Zhi who was looking away and pouting cutely.

"What is this ring?"

Zhu Zhi still didn't look at Ye Shengwan, but just stretched out his hand towards Ye Shengwan. He was wearing a ring on his ring finger, which happened to be a pair with Ye Shengwan's.

"When did you put it on?" Ye Shengwan frowned, stretched out his hand to hold Zhu Zhi's finger, stroked the lines on the ring, and said without reproach, "You lied to me again."

Zhu Zhi withdrew his hand at once, finally willing to look at Ye Shengwan, but this time he stared at him: "Just say, do you want this ring?"

"Yes." Ye Shengwan took out the one and put it on for himself, "I just ordered a pair too, so I shouldn't be able to return it."

"It's okay," Zhu Zhi said with a smile, "Your pair is for marriage, and mine is a couple ring."

Ye Shengwan knowingly asked, "What about me?"

"Wedding ring, you're mine when you wear it."

The author has something to say:



...Actually, I want to come too, but I am addicted to eating and broadcasting, so I don't want to code

In fact, the inspiration tonight is not bad, but I think it feels more broken here. That's it liao

see you tomorrow!

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