Zhu Zhi woke up early in the morning and was still reminiscing about the kiss last night. Although it was a superficial kiss on the cheek, the other party did not take the initiative or showed a happy reaction, but she was still very happy, thinking that Ye Shengwan did not wipe away the kiss , I couldn't help laughing.

I woke up a little early today, so excited that I didn't feel much sleepiness at all.The sky was still cloudy, and my body felt a lot lower than yesterday, and the weather forecast also said that there would be rain, so Zhu Zhi changed into the sweater of the same style as Ye Shengwan.

At noon, Zhu Zhi still planned to go to Ye Shengwan's shop, after all, he had expressed his attitude yesterday.

Last night, after Ye Shengwan frowned and said she was messing around, Zhu Zhi said: "I didn't make trouble, I was serious. I like you, I don't need you to respond to me now, you can tell me after a long time I answer, I just let you know and let you get ready."

"Just wait." After she finished speaking, she got into the car, and after driving for a certain distance, she looked in the rearview mirror at Ye Shengwan who had been standing there watching him off.

She really intends to come for real.

She didn't bother Ye Shengwan after she came back yesterday, so she sent a message only now.

[Zhizhi is not a mouse: Good morning!How did you sleep last night? 】

[Zhizhi is not a rat: You haven't sent me the link to the T-shirt yet, and do you have a recommendation for a watch? 】

After finishing, Zhu Zhi checked Ye Shengwan's circle of friends again, and found that the circle of friends she commented on had been deleted by Ye Shengwan.

I thought you wouldn't leave.Zhu Zhi clearly remembered these six words. She hadn't asked who "you" was, but since Ye Shengwan deleted it, it meant she didn't want to say it.Zhu Zhi suppressed his doubts, and planned to ask questions after the relationship progressed.

Zhu Zhi didn't get entangled in this, and after breakfast, he went to think about how to look better today.

When Zhu Zhi drove to Ye's private restaurant at twelve noon, there was only one thought left in his mind: take a gamble.

Ye Shengwan didn't reply to the news in the morning, probably because he was frightened by Zhu Zhi's confession, which made Zhu Zhi a little nervous to see her in the store.When receiving the award in front of thousands of people and giving her acceptance speech, she never experienced stage fright and nervousness among so many seniors in the industry, except for one, Ye Shengwan.

Zhu Zhi was used to knocking twice before opening the door before opening it, and the person inside seemed to be sure that he would do that only Zhu Zhi was the only one, and he didn't look back, continuing to be busy with the matter at hand.

Ye Shengwan wore a thin woolen sweater jacket, which was probably either a T-shirt or suspenders.Zhu Zhi walked over, and the first thing he said was: "Is it so thin? The temperature has dropped in the past two days, and I'm worried about catching a cold."

By the way, I observed what the inner wear is, fortunately, it is not a suspender.

Ye Shengwan was silent for a while before saying, "I know."

Zhu Zhi knew why and asked, "So you don't want to talk to me?"

Ye Shengwan still acted like no one would want to get close to him, but after Zhu Zhi's words, he said "no" in a low voice.

Zhu Zhi didn't tease her knowingly anymore, she was afraid that she would pretend not to hear Ye Sheng's party and drive her out directly, so she changed the way and said: "It's fine if I don't, thank you Boss Ye for being willing to talk to me, you If you bother me, my heart, this life, this person will be for nothing."

Ye Shengwan pursed his lips, frowned slightly, skipped Zhu Zhi and called Liang Hua to come in and deliver food to the guests.

Zhu Zhi is not someone who likes to disturb people when they are doing things, so Meng, who silently sold her for a while, failed to attract Ye Shengwan's attention.Tired from standing, Zhu Zhi stretched her legs and planned to continue acting cute, but Ye Shengwan suddenly said: "Go outside and ask Xiaofeng to move you a chair."

Zhu Zhi laughed immediately, turned around and went out, and saw an empty chair beside Lin Fengning at a glance, and said, "Feng Ning, I'll move a chair."

Lin Fengning stretched out a hand to block Zhu Zhi: "No, let me help you."

Zhu Zhi breathed a sigh of relief, a little puzzled.

Lin Fengning said: "The writer's hands are more precious, our boss will feel distressed."

Zhu Zhi laughed a few times, didn't take it seriously, and took the chair over: "I think too much, let me do it."

Lin Fengning didn't say anything, just smiled ambiguously at Zhu Zhi, Zhu Zhi was influenced by Ye Shengwan, and shook his head helplessly like Ye Shengwan.

The front desk was very close to the kitchen, and the door was open. When they spoke, they didn't deliberately lower their voices. Normally, Ye Shengwan must have heard them.

Zhu Zhi actually didn't think of this at first, but when he first came in, he saw Ye Shengwan's state was not right, so he remembered it.

So as soon as Zhu Zhi closed the door, before putting down the chair, he asked first, "Did you hear everything?"

"Hear what?"

Ye Shengwan didn't look over and spoke a little unnaturally.This kind of unnaturalness is very mysterious, and it cannot be seen at a glance. Zhu Zhi can't tell where the unnaturalness is. He just intuitively feels that Ye Shengwan is a little embarrassed now, as if he is lying.

Zhu Zhi smiled and asked, "Seriously, will you feel bad when my hand is hurt?"

Ye Shengwan finally cast a sideways glance at Zhu Zhi: "If you have time to think about this, why not think about it."

Ye Shengwan took a break and called Liang Hua over again.

Zhu Zhiquan felt distressed when he answered, and after a while, he said, "You've finished everything? I still have a copy. I asked Feng Ning to order it when I first came here, but I forgot to give it to you."

Ye Shengwan took the order, glanced at it, raised his eyes and asked, "Your?"

Zhu Zhi nodded.

Before Ye Shengwan made orders for the rest of the customers, Zhu Zhi was worried that what she said would affect Ye Shengwan's performance, and what she would do was hers, so she didn't worry about good or bad at all, and asked, "Boss Ye, what kind of girl do you like? "


"Boss Ye, you said last time that you occasionally watch dramas, so have you been watching any dramas recently?"


"Boss Ye, I think the Tancheng dialect is very nice, can you tell me a few words?"


But Ye Shengwan seemed to have blocked Zhu Zhi, and didn't reply.

Zhu Zhi persisted, and said, "Boss Ye, why don't I sing for you?"

Ye Shengwan finally replied this time: "I've heard you sing before."

Zhu Zhi is happy, Ye Shengwan has actually heard of her singing in public only once.

"How about it?"

Ye Shengwan paused: "...let me go."

Zhu Zhi was indifferent, and after a while he said coldly: "Do you dislike my bad singing?"

Ye Shengwan put the lid on the pot, moved the kitchen knife away, and replied, "No."

Zhu Zhi lowered her head and played with the hem of the sweater. She also knew that she couldn't sing well enough, so she said, "Then can you answer my first question first, do you like me?"

Ye Shengwan noticed Zhu Zhi's progress, but he also emphasized: "Work."

"Okay, it's not bad, rounding it up means you like me." Zhu Zhi showed a childish smile, and asked again, "What drama are you chasing?"

"Not chasing."

"Then what do you do in your free time?"

"Tai Chi."

This answer really stunned Zhu Zhi for a moment. I didn't expect it to be such a special hobby. Zhu Zhi, who wanted to prescribe the right medicine, suddenly remembered the fear of being dominated by Tai Chi in college.

"You'd better tell me a few dialects," Zhu Zhi sat in a well-behaved posture, "I'll learn."

Ye Shengwan casually said a few words, and gave Zhu Zhi an explanation in Mandarin.Although Tancheng and Jiangcheng are close, the dialects they use are quite different. Zhu Zhi learned each word with style. She has a talent for languages, and her pronunciation is roughly the same as Ye Shengwan.

I don't know if it was the local accent that brought back some good memories, but Ye Shengwan's eyes looked soft.

"I like how you say it in Tancheng dialect?" Zhu Zhi asked.

"Don't trick me."

Zhu Zhi pouted: "Okay."

Zhu Zhi didn't leave until after four o'clock in the afternoon. When he got home, he suddenly found that Ye Shengwan had replied to her message.

[none: /link]

[None: /Recommended by friends]

[None: Not good. 】

Zhu Zhi went to pick out a mint candy to eat, and looked at the screen of the mobile phone with silly joy while eating.

Boss Ye is so cute.

Zhu Zhi went for more than a week, except for a special holiday in the middle, the rest of the time was as usual.It's a pity that the progress is not much. Ye Shengwan doesn't like to talk when he is busy with work, and Zhu Zhi is watching quietly from the side. The two of them have more contact and there is not so much to talk about.

The only change is that when Ye Shengwan was going to give Zhu Zhi candy, Zhu Zhi stuffed the mint candy to Ye Shengwan first, Ye Shengwan was startled, and the expressions on his face could be described as colorful.

Although it is very subtle and colorful, it is enough to wish Zhi happy.

"You also bought this candy?"

Zhu Zhi responded calmly, and said without shame: "There are still clothes, watches and shoes."

Ye Shengwan looked helpless.

After Zhu Zhi returned home, he suddenly reflected on whether this method might not be a good idea.The last time I chased someone was when I was a student several years ago. At that time, everyone had no financial means, and the ones who chased were students in their teens with little experience. When everyone has sincerity, they can still win by shamelessness.And Ye Shengwan is already in his thirties and was born in a wealthy family. He should have heard "I really like you" a lot, and met many people who lick their faces and prescribe the right medicine. The most common thing they see is trying to rely on shame Win it.

Zhu Zhi thought about it, and decided to take a flower with her when she went to the store the next day.

Those who are better than shameless seem to be even more shameless.

The author has something to say:

Zhu Zhi: Take the way of a wife and make me a wife.

I wanted to type quickly today, but when I went to the bathroom (...) I came across a video, you may have seen a man in slippers wiping tears on the subway with a laboratory test sheet, I suddenly felt very sad , I don't know why I burst into tears in an instant, and it took a long time to calm down and continue to code.I hope that everything is fine for that man, that he doesn't have to be so sad, that he can turn around and find out that it was a misdiagnosis, or that it was actually tears of joy, and that life will be smooth and smooth in the future.There have been too many not-so-good things recently, I hope everyone can be well, healthy, safe, safe, full of luck, happy every day.


In fact, I really want to talk about something happy, but every time I want to be sad, I especially want to talk about it.

Then and then, the latest updates seem to be very late~ I will work hard after two days of vacation.

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