A gust of wind blew from far away, rustling the bushes not far away.

Yu Wenrui listened quietly to Yang Muqing's explanation, she raised her eyebrows and showed interest in her eyes.

Yang Muqing said: "You must not use it casually, if someone with ulterior motives finds out about it, it will definitely cause disaster!"

"Okay." Yu Wenrui didn't care much, and then threw the ear of the sandstorm together with the box into the space ring.

She wasn't interested in hearing other people's voices, but the stone itself was what she wanted.

"Thank you, military advisor, and thank you leaders for me." At the end, Yu Wenrui said.

Yang Muqing breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at her for a long time, "Actually, you don't have to thank me. Over the past few hundred years, how many people in our tribe have fought for the top position, for this so-called tribal treasure. The power represented, and its own function, has always been a hidden evil."

Having been with Yu Wenrui for a long time, knowing that she is sincerely helping the tribe to seek development, Yang Muqing also took the initiative to break the estrangement, trusted her a lot, and was naturally willing to tell her the old things in the tribe.

"I once heard from the elders of the tribe that the leader's father was murdered by his subordinates who plotted to usurp the throne. The leader hibernated for a long time before he avenged his father and came back to power."

He took two steps forward and stood with his back to Yu Wenrui, "To be honest, the previous leaders loved and hated Sandstorm Ears, and they had long wanted to get rid of this stone, but they didn't have the right opportunity."

"The tribe has always been able to take office, and the strong is respected. The leader has never agreed to put the intrigue power struggle above the development of the entire tribe, let alone the absurd statement that those who win the gems win the oasis world."

Yu Wenrui couldn't see his expression clearly at the moment, but he could tell from his ups and downs that what he said was true.

In my impression, Yang Muqing has always been indifferent, and rarely has any mood swings. He guessed that he had drunk today and became emotional.

He turned around again and looked at Yu Wenrui with serious and complicated eyes.

"Do you know that the leader's favorite successor is actually me."

Surprise flashed in Yu Wenrui's eyes, but it quickly faded away. She didn't say anything, and waited for the next article.

"The ear of the sandstorm has always been in my hands. I said that the leader regards gems as important as life, but I lied to you."

"He quietly gave me the gem, not for me to give it to you as a gift of gratitude, but as a precaution against one day. If one day in the future, when there is another dispute between the tribes, the leader hopes that I can hold the gem and quell the civil strife. Leap to the top."

"I'm an outsider, how can He De let the leader sacrifice so much for me..." In the end, his voice was low and inaudible, as if blown away by the wind.

Yang Muqing stretched out his feet, crushed the sand on the ground, and didn't speak.

But Yu Wenrui understood the unexpressed meaning in his words.

No one in the tribe would have thought that the ear of the sandstorm would be given to Yang Muqing by the leader. When there was a dispute, those people would take it for granted that the gem was on the leader, and they would plunder and assassinate the leader instead of Yang Muqing.

No wonder Yang Muqing lied to her, but he was afraid that she would leak the news.

Struggle and shame flashed in Yang Muqing's eyes, and he suppressed: "The leader made a plan in advance, and also took all unknown dangers, and ignored his own life and death, but I dispose of the gems privately against his wishes."

So Yang Muqing gave her the ear of the sandstorm, so the leader didn't know...

Yu Wenrui said lightly: "Power... so many people dream of it, but you just don't want it."

"This power is too hot, I..."

Yu Wenrui looked at the opposite person expressionlessly, seeing that he clenched his fists and his whole body was tense.

It seems to be extremely depressed.

"Do you know?" Yang Muqing took a long breath to calm down his emotions, and then used the strength of alcohol to say what was in his heart.

"I don't want the leader to bear so much for me, and I don't want him to take all the risks and hand over the responsibility of thriving the tribe to me. It is my wish to share hardships, life and death with the leader."

"Ten years, I have been in the tribe for a full ten years, but the relationship with him is far from what can be measured in ten years." Speaking of this, Yang Muqing's eyes turned red.

Because of his words, the atmosphere was weird for a moment, and Yu Wenrui suddenly had a bold guess in his heart.

Yu Wenrui tried his best to keep himself serious, staring at his face for a long time before saying: "Don't you think your words are easy to cause ambiguity? You and the leader..."

Yang Muqing stared straight at her, hiccupped without any image, and said word by word: "That's what you think."

Yu Wenrui: "..."

She seriously suspected that Yang Muqing had drank the wine with great stamina and only now had an attack. Either he went crazy or uttered the truth after drinking.

"I think it's ridiculous and deviant, right? I, a big man, have such thoughts about the leader..."

Yu Wenrui complained in his heart: I don't think so at all, I just want to know who will attack and who will suffer.

"Brother!" Yang Muqing staggered and couldn't stand still, he stretched out his hand to wrap Yu Wenrui's shoulder and leaned half against her.

"I look like a man?" Yu Wenrui turned his head and glanced at Yang Muqing's hand holding her shoulder, his tone was quite dangerous, and the big knife in the space ring was about to move.

Yang Muqing didn't notice the gloomyness in Yu Wenrui's tone at all, he said intermittently: "Not only does he look like a man, he is also tougher than a man! That day... that day when I brought goat's milk into the tent and saw you for the first time, you held your hand The big knife is staring at the appearance of the leader of my family, as if he wants to dismantle him into eight pieces!"

Yu Wenrui pushed Yang Muqing's fingers away from her shoulders, pushed him to the ground, and looked down at him with a smile.

How serious this person's painting style was before he was drunk, and how shocking he was after he was drunk.

Yang Muqing got up suddenly, shaking his body, but kept talking: "Woman, I think you are eighteen or nineteen, and you look like an unmarried... Hehe, you say you are such a vicious woman." , which man is willing to marry you..."

The smile on Yu Wenrui's face gradually widened, but his eyes were full of gloom.

Hearing that the leader has opened a new Wanhua Building on the oasis, and that the prostitutes in the building have their own characteristics and styles, Yu Wenrui suddenly had a bold idea.

Yang Muqing, who was deeply drunk, didn't know this at all. He sneezed and felt a chill down his back.

Half an hour later, Wanhualou.

Yu Wenrui lowered his voice and said mysteriously: "The military division is in the right mood, let the best girl in the building serve the military division well!"

The enthusiastic bustard smirked professionally and nodded understandingly. She greeted two beauties and helped Yang Muqing into the house, one on the left and one on the right.

"I wish you a smooth journey, and become the leader's ten thousand year old shou for the rest of your life!" Before leaving, Yu Wenrui took a deep look at Yang Muqing, and said "blessing" sincerely from the heart.

Dare to say that she is a tomboy, could it be that she is tired of work!

An hour later, the leader who got the news went to battle in person, and angrily took his drunken military adviser back from Wanhualou.

In the afternoon of the next day, the leader dragged Yang Muqing to Yu Wenrui's tent.

"Hey, what's wrong with the military division, why are you walking with a limp?"

Yu Wenrui put the books on the case aside and looked up, only to find suspicious red marks on Yang Muqing's face and hands.

She teased with interest, obviously thinking about it.

Yang Muqing looked down at the ground in embarrassment and shame, not daring to look at Yu Wenrui.

But the leader stood in front of Yang Muqing, and explained quite straightforwardly: "You think too much, he was beaten up by me last night, and his ass is hurting!"


Yu Wenrui elongated his voice.

"I heard from the bustard that you sent him to Wanhualou last night?" The leader walked up to Yu Wenrui, put his hands on the table, and asked condescendingly.

"Last night..." Yu Wenrui pretended to recall.

"I went out for a walk last night and saw the military division was drunk, so I went to say hello out of good intentions, but I heard him muttering something like 'I heard that the new girl from Wanhualou is good'. I was thinking about asking the general to help me back, but the military stopped me and refused to let me go, yelling at me to send him to Wanhualou to have a look at the new girl."

Yu Wenrui didn't seem to see the leader's increasingly gloomy face, and lied without changing his face: "Don't look at the military commander who is usually weak, he has great strength when he is drunk, and I am a girl with little strength. I can fulfill his wish and send him to Wanhualou."

Open your eyes and talk nonsense!She has little strength as a girl?Return the girl's house!

Yang Muqing gritted his teeth, but he didn't dare to say anything more. Although he was drunk last night, he still remembered some things, but at this moment he could only let Yu Wenrui make nonsense, but he couldn't say anything to justify in front of the leader, let alone Dare to restore the truth.

"So the military commander misses my girl from Wanhualou?" The leader turned his head to look at Yang Muqing, his tone was not quite right.

Yang Muqing felt guilty for a while: "Didn't you be drunk at the time? After being drunk, you went crazy, and you can't count all the words and things!"

"No, there is an old saying that one speaks the truth after drinking." Yu Wenrui added.

Yang Muqing glared at her fiercely, didn't he just say to her, 'I can't get married like a man', why hold grudges like this?

The leader walked to Yang Muqing's side, slapped his shoulder heavily with his big hand, and said inexplicably, "I think what she said is right, she speaks the truth after drinking, right?"


"Who allowed you to go to a place like Wanhualou? Huh?"


As soon as Yu Wenrui looked at the two, it was obvious that they were tricky, but no normal man would react like this when he heard that other men went to the brothel.

She continued to fan the flames from the side: "Leader, don't be too strict with the military division. The military division is also a 30-year-old man, and there is no woman. It is normal to have some physical needs."

"Really..." The leader's face was as black as the bottom of a pot.

The leader also couldn't understand why he would be so angry when he learned that Yang Muqing had gone to the brothel, but he wouldn't be so angry when facing other subordinates.

"Excuse me!" He suppressed the irritability in his heart and dragged his army division away from the tent.

A few days later, the leader made an appointment with Yu Wenrui alone.

After Nan Rongyue knew about this situation, she didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in the gourd of the leader and the military adviser. Both of them wanted to meet Yu Wenrui alone, and they kept it secret.

When Yu Wenrui came to the designated place, he couldn't help but support his forehead. The leader and the military adviser had chosen a place where they had an appointment with her. He really had a good understanding.

Seeing Yu Wenrui's arrival, the leader cut straight to the point: "You are the benefactors of the tribe. You have contributed to the qualitative change of the tribe from being backward to prosperous. A few words of thanks are not worth your kindness."

"The leader is polite." Yu Wenrui pursed his lips and smiled "kindly".

The leader went straight forward and continued: "I decided to order someone to carve you into the tribe, and your contributions will be passed down from generation to generation by the tribe and will be remembered forever!"

Yu Wenrui didn't veto it, nor was he overly surprised or excited, but asked lightly: "So the leader asked me this time..."

The leader nodded secretly, not surprised by favor or humiliation, talented and really admirable.

"We don't have anyone who is proficient in painting. I heard from the military adviser that your paintings are good, so the model of the statue still needs to rely on you to draw a rough draft, and the shape you want to pose is up to you!"

"Is that so..." Yu Wenrui stroked his chin.

In fact, it would be nice to be carved into a sculpture and be worshiped by others. If she painted herself and Nan Rongyue as a couple sculpture, she would be a little excited just thinking about it.

Yu Wenrui nodded, and it was accepted.

The leader also smiled heartily, and continued: "I hope that you will have the opportunity to come to the barren desert often in the future. If you have any requirements in the future, as long as it is within my power, it doesn't matter!"

Yu Wenrui was silent for a moment before asking: "As long as it is within your ability, I can bring it up?"

"That's right! If you don't believe me, I can swear!" The leader replied sincerely.

"What if one day I ask your tribe to borrow troops?"

"Borrow soldiers?" Hearing the sensitive words, the leader's eyes flashed with puzzlement and vigilance.

Yu Wenrui didn't answer his doubts right away, but instead said: "Your tribe can have today, thanks to the saintess and the Nanrong family behind it. If the situation is tense someday..."

The leader was puzzled, and interrupted: "Wait, what do you mean? What's the matter?"

Yu Wenrui took a deep breath and said slowly: "It can be seen that the tribal people are brave and good at fighting. If one day the situation changes suddenly and the mutual checks and balances within the mainland are broken, please stand by the Nanrong family and the saint no matter what, and give as much as you can. The Nanrong family supports it with force."

The leader showed surprise and doubt, and his face was cloudy and uncertain.

In fact, Yu Wenrui has made it clear enough that there will be great turmoil in the Element Continent in the future, and Yu Wenrui asked their tribe to maintain the same position as the Nanrong family.

But the problem is that the weather is clearly calm now, and the various systems in the mainland are complete and have been developed for 300 years. No matter how you look at it, there will be no major disturbances.Then there is only one possibility, someone has planned to plan riots and overthrow the entire continent.

So who is this person?Why is he doing this?Is this woman in front of me an insider?

Thinking of this, the leader looked at Yu Wenrui with scrutiny, and his face became paler.

Yu Wenrui knew that he was thinking wrong, so he still looked at him calmly, and guided him calmly: "Don't look at me like this, the barren desert is located in the westernmost part of the Western State, and its geographical location is extremely important. You are partial to the Nanrong family, but you want them to have no worries about the rear and no constraints, so that they can concentrate on dealing with the affairs of Dongzhou."

Planning turmoil to change the situation Yu Wenrui had intended for a long time, but the leader can't let the leader know now, so it can only lead to misfortune.

The leader just wanted to ask why the eastern and western states were at odds, but he suddenly remembered what the military adviser told him before. In recent years, the emperor of the mainland favored the western state and neglected the eastern state. The balance was obviously tilted.

The leader secretly heaved a sigh of relief, because he was overthinking. He always felt that the interior of the mainland was calm, but in fact it was turbulent. From this point of view, if the emperor did too much and caused dissatisfaction in Dongzhou, it would be strange that nothing happened.

The leader nodded and said solemnly: "We are also part of Xizhou. Helping Xizhou is also helping our own family. What's more, Mrs. Saintess is the benefactor of the tribe, even if we want to throw our heads and blood!"

After the two finished talking about business, Yu Wenrui was about to leave, but was stopped by the leader.

After a long silence, the leader said: "What did the military division tell you that day? I know that you and the military division chose to keep some things from me."

What happened in the meantime, the two of them kept secret, what happened to a drunken military adviser sent him to a brothel while walking, the leader keenly realized that those were all pretense to confuse him.

Yu Wenrui raised his eyebrows, looked at the leader's determined expression, and said: "The leader seems to care about the military division..."

The leader frowned, and the irritability that had just been suppressed surfaced again.

Yu Wenrui felt more and more that the two were very tricky, probably because they had been in love for a long time, and both of them were interested in each other, but Yang Muqing himself noticed it, but the leader was still in the dark.

Thinking about giving them a push, he asked, "Do you really want to know?"

The leader nodded like a pounding garlic.

Yu Wenrui smiled teasingly, leaned over his head and said softly: "The military division said he likes you."

After she finished speaking, she turned and left with a smile, leaving the leader standing there blankly, as if struck by lightning.

The author has something to say: I suddenly feel that a pair of lilies and a pair of bases is actually pretty good@…@

Ji You and Ji You get excited when they think about it, and they always feel itchy when they don’t write anything⊙?⊙!

The next chapter will open the final volume - face-slapping and domination~

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