Men are really troublesome.

I want to be thankful for everything.

Ye Li thought for a long time but couldn't think of how to thank Qi Linyuan. Qi Linyuan saw him wrinkling his little nose, looking embarrassed, and nodded his ears in a funny way: "Well, go back tonight and step on my back."

Ye Li: "..."

Let the kitten do such a hard job?

How wide is your back and how small is my jiojio.

It really is a cannibal capitalist.

The cat had to bow its head under the eaves, Ye Li accepted the humiliation.

Jiang Wanzhi was very happy to hear that the eldest son agreed to attend the Ye family banquet. She never thought that when the eldest son took the initiative, does this mean that the relationship between the two brothers is developing in a good direction?

She was very happy, and felt that her long-cherished wish had finally come true. As long as her two sons were in harmony, she would be fine.

As a result, at the door of Ye's house, I saw the kitten who came with me, and the beautiful fantasy disappeared completely.

And again!

Jiang Wanzhi stared: "What are you doing with it for dinner?"

Qi Linyuan pampered the little guy in his arms: "The little guy wanted to come, so I brought him here."

Jiang Wan had a mouthful of old blood stuck in her throat, her heart felt so bad, it was so sour.In front of her son, she was not as good at talking as a kitten, she was so mad at her!

Tang Manqiu and Xie Mingxuan were even more shocked when they saw the kitten. The shadow of being bitten a few days ago was still in front of their eyes, and they felt a dull pain when they saw the cat's wound.Not to mention, the mole under the corner of the cat's eye looks more and more like Ye Li who was pushed downstairs by them, so he is afraid and guilty, so he can't speak well.

Xie Mingxuan smiled dryly: "This cat is really lucky. You don't forget to take it with you when you go out for a meal."

Qi Linyuan said: "Didn't you two say you wanted to apologize to him? That's why I brought him here."

The two were taken aback, they did say this, but it was just an excuse, who would have thought that Qi Linyuan really brought the cat.Immediately more embarrassing, he agreed with his scalp: "Yes, yes, we were indeed wrong last time, and I have wronged the little guy."

Seeing how aggrieved the two of them were after eating shit, Ye Li felt much happier, resisting the "cut" from the edge of his mouth, and softly meowed at Qi Linyuan.

Woohoo, you are the best, I love you.

As soon as I heard it, I knew that the little guy was acting like a baby to him. Recently, I have been very diligent in acting like a baby, and I would call him softly at every turn. Do you like him that much?

Ye Li was led by his assistant into the gate of his house, he had left for a short time, but it seemed like he had been away for a long time.As soon as he entered the door, Ye Li's nose became sore.

The first time I went to find my grandparents, but after searching for a long time, I didn't find that only Xie Mingxuan and his wife and Xie Yunchu were receiving Qi's mother and child.

Originally, he wanted to visit his grandpa and grandma, but Ye Li felt a little discouraged, and lay listlessly in the cat bag. Hearing the voices outside, he felt more and more uncomfortable.

Qi Linyuan had nothing to say to these people, but everyone couldn't do without him here. Even though it was Qi Chengze and Xie Yunchu's home game, the topic repeatedly turned around him, and the compliments never stopped, so he was no stranger to it.

The only thing that worries him is the little guy in the cat bag.

It was fine just now, but now there is no movement, and I don't know what I'm doing, could it be that I'm hungry?

Taking advantage of other people's chatting time, Qi Linyuan tapped the cat bag lightly, Ye Li heard two "dong dong", looked up, and met Qi Linyuan's eyes from the grid.

Looking at those blue eyes, Qi Linyuan felt even more wronged, as if he was being bullied. He couldn't see his baby being wronged, so he thought for a while and asked, "Can I let the cat out?"

Qi Linyuan is the most authoritative person in the room, no one dares to disagree with him, Xie Mingxuan hastily offered his courtesy: "Yes, yes, if you are hungry, there is freshly cooked beef in the kitchen."

Qi Linyuan said: "He doesn't like to eat beef."

Xie Mingxuan didn't expect such hospitality to be so difficult to show, he doesn't even eat beef, what kind of cat is so delicate.

But why did it sound so familiar? He suddenly remembered that his eldest son, Ye Li, didn't like beef either.My heart skipped a beat, and the mole on the kitten's face looked more and more like——

"Mingxuan?" Tang Manqiu called out but no one answered, and touched it with his hand, which startled Xie Mingxuan.

Everyone looked at him, Xie Mingxuan coughed, his back felt cold, he was so frightened just now, his back broke out in cold sweat, "It's nothing, nothing." He withdrew his eyes, never daring to look at the cat again.

Qi Linyuan was worried and went out with the little guy.

As soon as he went out, Ye Li went straight to grandpa and grandma's room, Qi Linyuan frowned, he looked listless just now, and ran faster than anyone else after he was released.

He laughed, his short legs didn't hinder him from running, and he ran a long distance with his little buttocks. He said, "Slow down and don't run around."

The little guy didn't listen, and stopped in front of a room door with his tail cocked, tilted his head to listen, jumped on the window sill again, and then meowed in disappointment.

Grandparents are not at home.

Where did you go?

Ye Li was extremely disappointed, he finally had a chance to go home, and his grandparents went out, it's too miserable!

"Meow!" The kitten pitifully rubbed against Qi Linyuan's leg, and the man's expensive suit pants were immediately covered with white hair.Qi Linyuan nodded his little round head amusedly, "What's the matter? This is not our own home, please stop running around."

But this is really my home.

Ye Li was very melancholy, and finally took a reluctant look, and followed Qi Linyuan away. Unexpectedly, as soon as he reached the door of the reception room, he saw someone coming at the door.

The cat's eyes are good, and Ye Li immediately saw that it was his grandparents, and ran towards the gate. When Qi Linyuan saw it, he had already run a long way.

As soon as Ye Chongwen and his wife entered the door, they saw a little white dumpling running towards them.Before he could see clearly before his eyes, he climbed up to his body along his legs with lightning speed, lowered his head and kept rubbing against him, and gave a long "meow" as if he wanted to say a thousand words.

Somehow, it hit his heart, and he watched his grandson in the hospital for several days, and the longing in his heart rushed out following the cry.

Mrs. Ye wondered, "Where did the cat come from?"

Ye Chongwen held the kitten to measure it, and was startled after just one glance: "This cat... also has a 'mole' under the eye."

"Hey, let me take a look." Old lady Ye leaned forward, and when she saw that it was really true, and the way the cat looked at her, it always made her feel familiar, and she was stunned for a moment: "It's really..."

Why does she look exactly the same.

Ye Li was about to cry with excitement, but unfortunately cats can't shed tears, so they could only meow to express their missing.He really misses his grandparents, and is also worried about them.

Mrs. Ye petted the kitten kindly, loved the house and the crow, and became fond of this fluffy dumpling. After seeing her grandson's heavy heart, she suddenly became much clearer.

Qi Linyuan came over and took a look, the little guy was leaning on the old man and acting like a baby, this little villain who started messing up and gave up all the time.

"Hi, little guy is causing you trouble." Qi Linyuan was polite. There was something wrong with the little guy today. Even if he let others touch him before, he never took the initiative.

He was a little strange, but he didn't show it.

Mrs. Ye was a little embarrassed: "I thought it was from outside, no wonder she was so clean." She said that but she didn't mean to return the cat. Ye Chongwen didn't let go, and hugged it reluctantly.

At this moment, dinner was ready in the room, so everyone sat down to eat, and the two elders went to play with the cat after eating, until Qi Linyuan left Ye's house, Ye Li stayed by his grandpa and grandma's side, and finally he was satisfied.

On the way back, he obediently lay on Qi Linyuan's lap, tired after playing, and soon fell asleep.

Ye Chongwen and his wife were still very reluctant to see the car going away. They were inexplicably reluctant to part with the kitten. They always felt that the little guy was destined for them and reminded them of their grandson lying in the hospital.

"But when will you wake up?" Mrs. Ye sighed. They really missed their grandson, wanted to hear his voice, and saw his smile.

Ye Chongwen held his wife's hand, "I will wake up, I will, but he is a strong child, he will not abandon us."

Xie Mingxuan and Tang Manqiu had already gone back, and the old lady Ye showed dissatisfaction: "Of course they are still lying on the bed, they can't wait to plan the marriage of the second child, how did this Xie Mingxuan become a father, he can actually laugh?"

Ye Chongwen could also see that Xie Mingxuan didn't care about his grandson at all, and even at this moment, he still had the heart to treat him to dinner.

"He doesn't care about it, we care about it!" Ye Chongwen held his wife's hand tightly and said firmly: "Of course, we are the only ones left. No matter how difficult this difficulty is, we have to get through it. We must not let the villain take advantage of it."

Old lady Ye nodded, she had figured it out a long time ago, and with her last breath, she had to wait for Ranran to wake up, no matter how heavy the wind and rain, with the two of them standing in the way, Ranran would never be able to get wet.

"Of course, if you hear it, wake up quickly. Your grandfather and I are looking forward to your return home."

Ye Li opened his eyes in a daze, and saw that firm jaw that could scratch his jawline.

Someone is carrying him away.

"Are you awake?" Qi Linyuan noticed the movement in his arms and looked down. The little guy was still confused, the tip of his pink nose was wet, and with his half-opened blue eyes, he just woke up from sleep.


It doesn't mean anything, just want to call out.

Qi Linyuan squeezed his pink meat pad, "Are you hungry? I asked the kitchen to make braised chicken legs and sweet corn for you."

Cats have no sense of taste and cannot eat salty food for kidney health, but the little guy is particularly obsessed with human food.It is said that cats can't taste salty, but the little guy can taste boiled and salted chicken drumsticks. He tried several times and only ate salty.

No way, he gave up completely after taking it for inspection two days ago and there was no problem.

Ye Li's saliva was about to flow down, not to mention that he was really hungry, he couldn't wait to eat the marinated chicken drumsticks.

Chucky, while Ye Li was swallowing, he heard Qi Linyuan say, "You know what you're going to do tonight, right? Step on my back and start in 10 minutes."

Holy shit.

Ye Li wanted to die already.

Yaoshou, this little cat is going to break his leg here today!

Ye Li resisted, for some reason in the past two days, his body was always hot, as if something was about to break out of the cocoon.

Just as he was talking, he felt a rush of hot air moving through his limbs, making him tremble.

The author has something to say:

Please accept this book and open this (temporarily rough copywriting)

Desperately pretending to be O's long-haired Alpha Gong×O pretending to be A's combat power explodes Omega

Wei Min has never lost a fight since he was a child. Once he crossed over, he became the only Omega in the Alpha Military Academy of the Empire. Even pretending to be an A did not prevent him from exploding his combat power. He rescued an Omega from a group of Alphas when he first arrived.

Little O has long hair fluttering, and his face is delicate and outrageous. Wei Min feels that it is his responsibility to protect him

Since then, Omega has been beaten and protected by him

If you can't solve the problem, he will teach you

Molested by Alpha, he rushed up immediately

Later, when he was in heat, he arrived at the first time

was flagged...

Not long after, watching the imperial succession ceremony broadcast live on TV, the new emperor was the Omega that he protected all the way and later marked him

Nonsence!Obviously the strongest SSS-level Alpha in the entire universe!

Wei Min ran away without saying a word, carrying the future of the empire in his stomach, and ran away overnight before the new emperor came to pick him up.

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