I was rescued by my roommate after wearing a book

Chapter 47 Run fast, don't start the chapter

"...Okay, I'll wait for your return."

Shen Rui looked at the people around him with a good eye, as if he wanted to engrave Su Yuan in his heart forever, even with the baptism of time and vicissitudes, it could not be erased.

"Come up." Shen Rui took a stride. The climbing uphill just now was too exhausting, and his legs were shaking slightly at the moment.

Su Yuan clenched her lips, and stepped on Shen Rui's leg, tears streaming down her cheeks, and then stepped on Shen Rui's shoulder, her hands clinging to the rock and being washed by the water, there was no warmth at all.

Shen Rui stood up slowly, the road above was barely even with Su Yuan's chest.

Su Yuan couldn't climb up to this height, Shen Rui held Su Yuan's ankle and lifted it upwards, gasping for breath.

"Yuan Yuan—"

"Climb up—"

Su Yuan took a deep breath. Under his feet, Shen Rui was trying his best to help him get out of trouble. He must climb out.

The rain washed the ground, and the rain on the driveway mixed with the loess from the mountains on the other side, and it came towards the two of them without stopping.

His hands were already stained yellow, and Su Yuan had veins popping out of his hands. He struggled to hold onto the ground, turned over and finally lay down on the wide road.

"Ruirui—" Su Yuan stuck his head out.

Shen Rui sat on the ground exhausted, looked up at Su Yuan with a wish-fulfilling smile.

"Wait for me to come back—" Su Yuan shouted with all his strength, took off his orange raincoat and threw it to the other party.

Orange is the brightest color, and when he comes back with people, he can see where Shen Rui is at a glance.

"Run, don't look back, find someone to save me—" Shen Rui could barely open his eyes, the sound of rain was roaring in his ears.

Su Yuan nodded fiercely, turned his head and started running in the direction they came from.

He can climb up, Zhong Lang and the others must be fine.

As long as Zhong Lang is found, Shen Rui can be saved.

At this time, Zhong Lang and the other three bodyguards all joined together.

The plank road was flooded, they made the same choice as Shen Rui, climbed up in unison, and then gathered at the top of the cliff.

The difference from Shen Rui was that the bodyguards were numerous and powerful. They sent Zhong Lang up first, and then climbed out one by one with the help of broken tree trunks.

Zhong Lang anxiously looked at the current situation around him, "Hurry up, the terrain here is too steep, the young master will definitely not be able to get up with Su Yuan."

"Let's search along the road and move quickly. The rain is too heavy, in case the mountain collapses..."

The bodyguards silently watched the turbulent turbulent water rushing down from the high mountain, their hearts tightened, and a terrible word flashed past.

— Mudslides.

No one flinched.

No one ran away either.

The Shen family has said beforehand that if they die in their line of duty, the Shen family will take care of their parents, wife and children for the rest of their lives.

However, if someone fled before the battle and abandoned the master's family with a salary far exceeding that of his peers, the Shen family would definitely pursue it to the end.

When the contract was signed, everyone agreed.

And now is the time for them to deliver on their promises.

Several people separated tens of meters, and carefully searched along the side of the road with a net, for fear that they would miss it if they crawled too slowly.

There was another roar in the sky, and the white light that suddenly appeared disappeared quickly.

Zhong Lang's pupils constricted, and the thing he was most worried about happened.

Not far away, a mountain was collapsing, completely blocking the road ahead in just a moment.

"Captain, is this...a collapse?" Alin was startled, his feet spread apart, and he kept his body stable amidst the violent shaking.

"Someone—" Arong saw a figure running towards him in his dim vision.

He stumbled and ran very erratically, as if he would fall to the ground the next moment.

Zhong Lang carefully identified it.

——It's Su Yuan.

He quickly ran forward and brought people back to this relatively open safe area.

"Su Yuan, where is the young master?" Zhong Lang didn't see anyone just now, and his heart sank suddenly.

Su Yuan bent over and kept panting, "Hurry up and save him, the roadbed is too high, Rarity can't get up—"

Zhong Lang remained motionless.

Su Yuan followed his line of sight suspiciously, only to see that the way he came had been blocked, and even the ramp below had been buried.

Mud and gravel are constantly sliding down the mountain, and it is impossible to climb over it. If you are not careful, you will be washed to the bottom, fall into the rolling river and never get ashore again.

Su Yuan froze in place, his mind went blank.

How could this be?

He found Zhong Lang.

He was just one step away from getting Rarity out.

"Zhong Lang... what should we do now..." Su Yuan's face was so pale that it made people frightened.

Zhong Langdun stood there for a moment, gritted his teeth and said, "Let's go out first, and then find rescue..."

This is not something they can solve at all. They can't see how much area the mudslide covers. Manpower cannot open the way in a short period of time, and large tools such as excavators must be used.

As long as the outside world is contacted, the Shen family will immediately send someone over.

Su Yuan suddenly raised his head and stared at Zhong Lang, "We can't wait that long, if the mudslide expands, Rarity will have no way out! If you don't go to rescue, I will go—"

After finishing speaking, he walked forward, completely ignoring the terrifying natural force in front of him, and the huge raindrops hit his body painfully.

If Shen Rui died, he would also be buried with him.

On Huangquan Road, if the two walk together, Rarity will not be afraid.

Su Yuan didn't turn his head back, Zhong Lang had no choice but to knock the opponent unconscious, and started to retreat with him on his back.

"A Lin and A Rong went to save others on the way, and A Liang and I went out to ask for help first, be careful."

The bodyguards nodded and started to act separately.

Su Yuan seemed to be running all the time in his half-dream and half-awake state, and the bitter taste flowed down his throat, as if flowing into his heart.

"How is Su Yuan?"

"He's fine, but he has a little fever. He's been drenched in too much rain, and he's almost gone after taking antipyretics."

"Doctor Luo is troublesome. Su Yuan's tonic can't be stopped for a day, otherwise the young master will definitely scold us when he comes back."

"Okay, don't worry, how is the situation now? Has the road been dug yet? Do you need to wake up Su Yuan and ask where Mr. Shen is?"

"Wait, the young master has a locator on his body. The satellite of the group has already aimed at this place, and a lot of manpower has been mobilized. As soon as we dig through, we can search and rescue immediately."


What search and rescue?

save who?

I seem to have forgotten something?

Su Yuan woke up suddenly, and opened his slightly swollen eyes with difficulty.

It was Zhong Lang, Dr. Luo and two of his classmates standing at the door.

Zhong Lang immediately noticed that the person on the bed had moved, and strode to the bedside, "Su Yuan, do you have any discomfort?"

Su Yuan's throat was burning, "... Where is Rarity?"

"...the road hasn't been cleared yet," Zhong Lang closed his eyes and spoke calmly, "But don't worry, we have mobilized manpower and machines as quickly as possible, and the rain will stop after a while. We will be able to rescue the young master soon."

"How long have I slept?"

"...It's been almost three days." Zhong Lang's throat moved.

Su Yuan coughed violently.

three days?

Can Shen Rui really survive such a cold day?

He was wrong.

He shouldn't have left Shen Rui there alone, he didn't dare to think about how Shen Rui spent these three days alone...

No, he is going to find the other party now.

Can't wait for a moment.

Su Yuan didn't care what he said, and got up after struggling.

He did have a fever, only a little fever and sloppy feet.

Zhong Lang was taken aback, "Don't worry, the young master's father is also here, and he is on the spot directing."

Originally, the rain would not have stopped so quickly, but the Shen family used cloud-repelling bombs regardless of the cost, which shortened the rain period by one day.

"Take me there, and I'll show you the way." Su Yuan put on his clothes and walked outside the house.

Although Zhong Lang was worried, he cared more about the young master's safety, so he acquiesced.

Yu Jiaxiang and Wu Wenhan also followed. They escaped, but Shen Rui stayed there.

Balingcuo Scenic Area.

Two heavy excavators are working non-stop, excavating a part, and the rainwater is constantly backfilling, making it difficult to speed up the progress.

Father Shen was sitting in the car, looking at the little red dot on the screen that represented his son's physical signs, it was much weaker.

It's been three days, and the son's departure from the Man of Destiny has exceeded the limit.

If I don't rescue him, I'm afraid I'll go half-crazy.

Father Shen closed his eyes to calm himself down, he couldn't panic.

"Su Yuan, you can't go there, it's still too dangerous." Zhong Lang stood in front of Su Yuan, feeling like he had a headache.

He knocked Su Yuan out before, but now he can't do the same thing again.

The locator is not accurate through the clouds, and the young master still needs him to guide the way.

"Hi Su Yuan, I'm Shen Rui's father."

Su Yuan paused, turned his head slowly, glanced at the other party guiltily, and said with trembling lips, "...Uncle, I'm sorry, it's all my fault..."

Dad Su shook his head with slightly red eyes, "No, it's not your fault. The rain came suddenly. The weather on the plateau is like this. It changes faster than in the mountains. It can only be said to be fate."

"But uncle, it's been three days, if I wait any longer, I'm afraid that Shen Rui will..."

"He has a locator and a biological detector on him. Look," Su's father turned the tablet over. "The red dot is still there, which means that Shen Rui is fine. Otherwise, can I sit still? Wait a minute, it will rain soon." Just stopped."

Su Yuan raised his head in a daze, and murmured, "Hurry up and stop..."

He couldn't bear it anymore.

A ray of sunlight broke through the clouds and shone on Su Yuan's head.

The rain finally stopped.

There was joy on everyone's face.

Su Yuan was out of trouble that day.

Shen Rui looked at the receding figure and gradually disappeared from sight.

He just picked up the orange raincoat, tied it firmly to the nearest tree, and then hid in the pothole.

The surrounding fields are vast, and the rain is like a waterfall. Only here can barely shelter from the wind and rain and keep the body temperature.

Shen Rui took out the snacks that he had prepared for Su Yuan, put the bag on the ground, trying to isolate the cold air on the ground, and gathered up his white raincoat.

He wanted to hold on until Su Yuan came back.

They still have a long time, and he is still reluctant to die.

"Yuanyuan should come back sooner." Shen Rui whispered, "If it takes too long... I will go crazy."

The rain has been falling.

Outside the pothole seemed to be the end of the world. Lightning lit up the sky from time to time, and the rain did not stop at all.

In such repeated scenes, Shen Rui didn't know how long it had passed, and the snacks around him were eaten up no matter how frugal they were.

His sanity was on the verge of collapse, and his mind was full of Su Yuan's appearance.

"Why didn't Yuanyuan come here... I, I really want to see you, I want to hug you..."

Shen Rui picked out the photo hidden in the phone case, which he asked Lin Jing to print out specially, and Su Yuan in the photo was looking at him with a smile.

He can hold on a little longer.

Yuanyuan will definitely come back.

If he died, Yuan Yuan would not belong to him anymore.

Shen Rui fell asleep in a daze. He dreamed that Yuan Yuan came to pick him up and went home. When he woke up, he found that the rain was still falling, and he was still where he was, without any change.

Slowly, the photos could not soothe the panic, paranoia, and heart-wrenching pain in his heart as if he had lost his beloved.

"Yuan Yuan... Su Yuan..."

Shen Rui's eyes were red, and he opened and closed his lips soundlessly, the corners of the photo were almost crushed to pieces.

"Why... why don't you come? I can't bear it anymore..."

Until a long time passed.

Shen Rui heard someone calling his name in his ear.

— Rarity.

Is he dreaming again?

Shen Rui opened his heavy eyelids, stroking his head with warm hands.

"Rarui, hold on, we'll go to the hospital right away."

Shen Rui moved her pale lips silently, but could not make any sound, "Yuan...Yuan..."

But Su Yuan understood, "It's me, Rarity, I found you, don't be afraid, you'll be fine soon, hold on, we still have to go to the prairie to see lions..."

Not a dream.

He finally got his Yuan Yuan.

The author has something to say:

Ruirui: The first day Yuanyuan was away, I missed him.

Ruirui: The second day Yuanyuan is away, I miss him.

Ruirui (smile fades away): On the third day when Yuan Yuan is away, I will build a golden house to hide Yuan Yuan.


Thanks to the little angel of irrigation nutrient solution: 1 bottles of tea tea;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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