With Shen Rui's smile, it was as if the phantom of sunlight had been crushed and scattered in his pupils.

Su Yuan choked for breath.

He was dragged into the gate of Tianzhao Temple by Shen Rui without realizing it, his mind was blank.

Today, the gate of Tianzhao Temple is opened to welcome pilgrims from all over the world.

Although the remodeling of the golden body has not been widely publicized, it has spread in serious Buddhist circles, and there are many pilgrims today.

Fanning invited the Buddhist Association and the abbots of various temples to come to watch the ceremony together, and also to bless Su Yuan.

Believers came to worship the Buddha early in the morning, but they saw that today's temple is very different.

The Daxiong Palace was surrounded, and the police and monks guarded a large box in front of the hall.

Some believers were puzzled when they saw it, so they asked the people around them casually.

"What are you going to do? Are you not allowed to offer incense today? I even got up early on purpose."

"Hey, then you didn't come in vain. I don't know. A few days ago, someone made a wish to reshape the golden body of the Buddha. Today is a blessing ceremony for the start of work."

Suddenly there was a sound of breathing——

"It turns out that what you are guarding is gold! No wonder you are still worthy of grabbing it."

"The Buddha in the Daxiong Palace is seven or eight meters tall. What are you asking for when you make such a big move?"

"I know, I know, I was there when that one made his wish a few days ago, and he prayed that the person next to him would live a long life."

"Well, that's no wonder, probably because of bad luck, hurry up"

"It's such a real gold and silver thing, so what if it's a bad fate, if someone spoils him so much, it will change his life, it's not bad in this life."

"I really want to know what kind of person it is that can make someone spend such a lot of money to protect him"

"Hey, look well, they will come today too, they look so good, it's nothing more than a fairy coming down to earth"

"Okay, okay, I won't leave today, I must take a look at that fairy"


Su Yuan came to Tianzhao Temple for the second time. Today, there are many more people than last time, and everyone's face is beaming.

Shen Rui: "It's still early, let's shoot the pigeons first, the wall behind the sofa is still much empty."

He had already asked Zhong Lang to arrange someone to catch a few in advance, and now they are locked in a cage.

Su Yuan's eyes lit up, and he had already begun to imagine the feel of the pigeon, "Okay."

He wanted to touch it a long time ago, and his face was a little eager to try.

Zhong Lang gave Shen Rui the fried rice he had bought, and nodded to him to indicate that it was ready.

That person is also the bodyguard of the Shen family. The family has been raising pigeons for generations, and it is easy to catch the pigeons without losing a single feather.


Su Yuan tentatively touched it while feeding it.

It's just that although the pigeon has short legs, it still runs so fast.

Another day of not touching hair.

Su Yuan sighed.

Suddenly, a pigeon was handed over, still fluttering its wings slightly.

Su Yuan was pleasantly surprised, "You caught it!"

Shen Rui curled his lips slightly, and lifted the pigeon to Su Yuan's hand, "How does it feel to try? If it's not fat enough, I'll catch another one."

until you are satisfied.

His gaze followed Su Yuan's fingers as they moved over the pigeon, and his slender, jade-like fingers gently stroked the fat pigeon.

If this hand was touching him...


Can't think any more.

Shen Rui tightened his throat and gave Zhong Lang a wink.

Zhong Lang understood and immediately asked the photographer to come and take pictures.

It was the same photographer Lin Jing who was shooting the starry sky tent before.

The close-up of the pigeon, the group photo of Su Yuan and the pigeon, and the interaction between the two and the pigeon. In addition to the photos, a lot of videos were also taken.

In the evening, like last time, I had to edit a small video for the sponsor.

Su Yuan didn't touch it for too long, during which time he even fed this fateful fat pigeon a good meal of fried rice.

The palms were pecked a little red, but it was worth it.

"Stretch out your hand." Shen Rui twisted open a bottle of mineral water, washed off the crumbs of fried rice for Su Yuan, and stroked the small red mark distressedly.

Fortunately, he only took one pigeon. If he came to feed them all, wouldn't the skin be broken?

I won't catch pigeons next time.

"Su Yuan? What a coincidence, you're here too."

Su Yuan heard a familiar voice, turned around and saw that it was Ping Jiang.

He glanced at Shen Rui lightly.

【Didn't you say last time that Ping Jiang won't come to see me again? 】

Shen Rui also turned around and smiled at Ping Jiang.

Ping Jiang's heart skipped a beat, and he quickly got rid of himself.

"It's just a coincidence, it's all a coincidence, I just came to see the excitement. You don't know, today in this courtyard, the golden body is going to be rebuilt. I definitely can't miss such a rare scene. Maybe it can be a hot search, hehe .”

Hearing this, Su Yuan's eyes widened slightly.

[hot search?So do I have to wear a mask? 】

Shen Rui hugged Su Yuan's shoulders, patted his arms reassuringly, and looked at Ping Jiang coldly, "Well, then don't think about it. I have already communicated with various channels, and the hot search is not available. "

"Ah? Why is that? What a wonderful thing..." Before Ping Jiang finished speaking, he immediately realized, pointing at Shen Rui stutteringly, "You are the one who wants to reshape the golden body?"

He had already picked up all the wealthy people in Beijing, and guessed that they were all older family members.

But it never occurred to him that it was someone he knew, who was still so young.

No, it is said to pray for a long life, Shen Rui is young and strong, where is the need for...

Be puzzled.

Shen Rui nodded, then put his arms around Lou Suyuan's shoulder, "It's getting late, let's go see Master Fanning first."

"Okay," Su Yuan felt relieved when he saw that he wouldn't be on the trending searches, and waved at Ping Jiang, "Then let's go first."

[My roommate is smart, I can think of this, I hope my elder brother doesn't know about it...]

Shen Rui paused, then continued to walk forward as if nothing had happened.

When he signed the contract at Wen's house that day, he made it clear that this matter should not be spread before the ceremony started, because he didn't want Su Ze to come and obstruct it.

But after today, you can't hide it.

Anyway, it's a done deal, and Su Ze has nothing to do.

"Master Fanning," Shen Rui clasped his hands together and bowed with Su Yuan.

"Benefactor Shen really kept his promise, everything is ready, just wait for the auspicious time." Fanning introduced several senior monks around him, and greeted each other.

"This is also a major Buddhist event for me. I specially invited several eminent monks to help us."

Shen Rui solemnly said, "Thank you all. After the matter is completed, the Shen family will also send offerings to several temples to show our heart."

The faces of several eminent monks were like spring breeze, thanking them one by one.

At ten o'clock in the morning, the blessing ceremony officially began.

Shen Rui and Su Yuan stood in front of the hall together. Both of them were dressed in simple white casual clothes, which looked very suitable.

Ping Jiang was already dumbfounded, "It's so..."

This reshaping of the golden body, Shen Rui is asking for Su Yuan!

Among the crowd, Xie Bin, Wen Yitong and Xiang Zhirou were also watching from not far away.

They promised Shen Rui not to publicize it to the outside world, but to come to watch the ceremony by themselves.

Wen Yitong asked Xiang Zhirou to go out two days in advance, but he didn't tell the reason, and the other party didn't know until now that he was here to watch the ceremony.

Xiang Zhirou gritted her teeth, "What on earth is Shen Rui thinking about? To make such a big show."

She was so aggrieved. Although the Xiang family had a gold mine, it was impossible for them to spend so much money.

Last night, she finally encouraged her parents and asked Su Ze to get Su Yuan's WeChat account, but she struggled and hadn't had time to apply to add friends, and today she found a strong competitor.

The kind that splashes money.

She can't beat him! !

Xiang Zhirou looked at the beautiful Su Yuan sadly, almost crying.

Xie Bin glanced at her, completely ignoring Xiang Zhirou, his only opponent was Shen Rui.

He caressed the golden silk eyes, and the eyes looked at Su Yuan with the light that was bound to win.

A bell rang—

Shen Rui took out the key and opened the big box.

Under the sun, a piece of golden gold is revealed in front of people.

The crowd became a sensation all of a sudden, and they all wanted to get closer to watch but were separated by the monks, unable to take a step further.

"With so much gold, we have witnessed history."

"I heard that the project will be completed by the end of the year, and we will see a brand new Buddha statue next year."

"Hey, why don't you talk anymore? Didn't you say you want to see the immortal?"

"...Really, darling, this look is too painful, and I would be happy to ruin my family and pray for him."

"Tsk tsk, that's not right. I, a big man, look at it, and I can't bear him to frown."

Everyone looked at the man speechlessly, then calmed down and continued to watch the ceremony.

There were a few fierce people in the crowd, staring at Shen Rui and Su Yuan, their eyes were full of greed when they looked at the batch of gold.

After winking at each other, someone took out their mobile phone and took a few photos of the two of them.

In the field——

Shen Rui lit the incense, put it on his forehead, and shouted reverently, "Today, Shen Rui reshaped the golden body of my Buddha, but I hope Su Yuan will live a long life, and I hope the Buddha will show mercy."

Su Yuan looked at Shen Rui's back, never seeing him so dignified.

[Life is impermanent, if you ask for it and you can't get it, I hope the Buddha will bless Shen Rui, live a long life, be safe and happy. 】

Master Fanning walked up to the two of them, and the young monk beside him brought out his pen and ink.

"Please write down Su Yuan's name. This name will be engraved on the white jade lotus and enshrined to the Buddha 200 years ago."

Shen Rui picked up the brush and wrote the word Su Yuan squarely, every stroke was full of love.

Fanning saluted with one hand, looking at Su Yuan, there was an endless stream of light in his eyes, as if years were flowing in it, and the demeanor of an eminent monk was undoubtedly revealed.

"Little friend Su Yuan, please take care of yourself before the year, and don't leave your body with the Buddha beads. When you reach the golden body, come and offer the first stick of incense to the Buddha, and you will live a long life in the future. My Buddha is merciful. "

Su Yuan was intimidated by that gaze, and didn't recover for a while.

It seemed that there was something extra in his body, which aggravated his soul that was ready to disappear in smoke at any time.

The monks in the temple all filed in, sat on the pile of futons in front of the Daxiong Hall, and began to pray and chant.

The front row is full of senior monks with white beard and hair, constantly flicking the beads in their hands.

Many believers have recognized——

"Isn't this the abbot of Baiyun Temple? Why is he here?"

"The abbot of Puhong Temple also came. I saw it once last year when I prayed for New Year's Eve."

"Let me tell you, those in the first row are all eminent monks from famous temples in China. Tianzhao Temple has a lot of face."

"It's not because of the Amaterasu Temple's face, but because of the reshaping of the Buddha's golden body, which is a great event that hasn't happened in hundreds of years."


The ceremony didn't end until noon, and the two left after a fast meal.

Back in the dormitory, Su Yuan stared at Shen Rui, the vague feeling before finally became clear at this moment.

He also understood Shen Rui's thoughts that he had shown to him since the first meeting, and he had never spoken but never hidden, but he thought it was just friendship.

"Shen Rui, do you like me?"

The author has something to say:

Hee hee hee, although Ben Gu can’t touch pigeons, Yuan Yuan can definitely ︿( ̄︶ ̄)︿

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