Can't live long? !

Shen Rui's heart was clenched all of a sudden, "You seem to be saying your last words."

Su Yuan lowered his eyes and stopped watching TV.

Shen Rui sat up straight, made Su Yuan sit upright, and looked into Su Yuan's eyes seriously.

"Are you worried about your illness?"

Su Yuan nodded.

Shen Rui got up and went to the desk to get a piece of paper, and put it in Su Yuan's hand.

"The last time you were hospitalized, a doctor came to check your pulse. If you take this prescription continuously every day, you can live until all your teeth fall out."

Su Yuan looked down at the precious medicinal materials such as Ganoderma lucidum, ginseng, ambergris and deer antler on the prescription, and couldn't help but be speechless.

"It's such an expensive prescription, do you still have to take it every day?"

"Yes, it can't be broken for a day."

"But what's wrong with me?"

Shen Rui touched Su Yuan's hair and laughed softly, "It's not a serious illness, as long as you take the medicine on time, you will live a long life."

"That's it." [It turns out that the Su family can't afford me, so my early death is doomed. 】

"Don't worry, the Shen family has a lot of medicinal materials. My dad plans to enter this industry in the past two years. You will definitely not stop taking medicine."

Shen Rui said nonsense on the spot, this was his own plan, his wife's lifeblood cannot be held in other people's hands.

Su Yuan shook his head lightly, "These medicines are too expensive..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted, "No, you are wrong, it is not the medicine that is expensive, but the doctor and this prescription that are really valuable."

After a pause, Shen Rui held Su Yuan's shoulders with both hands until their eyes met.

"Su Yuan, we are very good friends. I hope you will always be here in my future life. Do you understand?"


Su Yuan sighed, "I always feel that my life is not long, you go to pursue the person you like, and then let me meet her, so that you can entrust you to her. Listen to me first, even if I am healthy, it may not be There will be no accidents. Life is not about the length, but only God's will. The only thing we can do is to cherish the people in front of us."

After speaking, Su Yuan smiled, with a little joy and relief.

Shen Rui greedily absorbed the rare smile, her heart was sore and numb.

"Then I may be different from you. What I want is to grow old together with the person I love, or to die together. I will not let him leave alone."

Shen Rui paused, and said cautiously, "I know, you don't want to go home because your family doesn't love you enough. But it doesn't matter, you still have me, you can go to my house during the Chinese New Year, or I will take you out on a trip No matter at home or abroad, go to see the outside world, see some people and scenery that you have never seen before, do whatever you want. Just like the animal world you like, don’t you want to see it with your own eyes?”

Su Yuan's expression was dazed, as if he had fallen into the picture scroll he was drawing, and a layer of water was slowly covering his eyes.

"Well, you're right, the world is wonderful. If I'm healthy, I can go skiing, skydiving, scuba diving, rock climbing, whatever. But I can't climb mountains, I can't swim, I can't even bike I can ride around the campus for a short period of time. No matter how good the world is, what does it matter to me?"

Tears kept falling from the corners of his eyes, Su Yuan lowered his head and pursed his lips, his shoulders shook up and down, and the crying was almost inaudible.

Shen Rui panicked immediately, hugged him immediately, and kept stroking Su Yuan's back.

"Su Yuan? Su Yuan, don't cry. It doesn't matter if you can't climb the mountain. I can take you up with a helicopter. It doesn't matter if you don't know how to swim. I will. I will take you swimming, diving and skiing. I can also take you on a bicycle Ride across the city, I'm here, you can do whatever you want, okay? Okay?"

What answered him was Su Yuan's continuous tears, and the pajamas on his chest were already wet.

Animal World is still playing, but no one watches it.

Shen Rui didn't know what to do, his little friend cried without a sound, which made him feel very distressed.

The time quickly passed 0 o'clock.

"Su Yuan? Su Yuan? I'll get a hot towel to wipe your face. Are you sleepy? Do you have a headache?"

Shen Rui wanted to see if his eyes were swollen, but Su Yuan stretched out his arms to prevent him from looking.

"Okay, okay, I don't want to watch."

Shen Rui helplessly picked him up by the waist, took him directly to the bathroom, twisted a hot towel, and put it on Su Yuan's eyes.

"Do you want to brush your teeth before going to bed?"

Su Yuan nodded slightly.

Shen Rui backed out and closed the door behind him.

Su Yuan took off the hot towel and turned to look in the mirror. It was a very strange face, and he had never seen it a few times.

It must be admitted that this is a veritable beauty face, even if it is ruined by him like this, people still can't take their eyes off it.

The young man in the mirror stared blankly ahead, as if staring into the abyss.

He slowly forced a smile into the mirror, but it was more like crying.

After taking care of his personal hygiene, except for some redness at the corners of his eyes, he is no different from usual.

He returned to his bed without saying a word, and quietly covered himself with the quilt.

[It's late, and my roommate is sleepy, I want to be quiet. 】

Shen Rui's voice was extremely gentle, "Su Yuan, good night."

[Good night, roommate. 】

After the lights were turned off, the house was dark, and it began to rain lightly outside the window.

Su Yuan started to cry inexplicably again without moving. He tried his best to suppress his voice, but every little voice was loud in the dark. Fortunately, it was raining tonight.

Shen Rui didn't miss the subtle voice, "Su Yuan? Are you crying?"

There was no reply, Su Yuan seemed to have fallen asleep.

[I don't know, am I sad, it seems to be a little bit, just a little bit]

"Su Yuan?" Touched the corner of his eyes with one hand, and patted his shoulder with the other, as if coaxing a child.

Su Yuan immediately stretched out his hand to take him down, crying on Shen Rui's chest just like before.

Shen Rui hesitated, "Can I sleep with you tonight? Don't cry."

After a moment of silence, Su Yuan leaned against the wall, agreeing.

He usually doesn't get so close to people, but tonight the sky seems to have turned into an ocean, and even the air smells of sadness.

He didn't fall asleep until Su Yuan was tired from crying.

And Shen Rui glanced at the time on the phone, it was four in the morning.

Eleven o'clock in the morning of the second day, room 1212 for graduate students.

When Su Yuan woke up, his eyelids were heavy, and the sequelae of crying a lot last night came.

"Are you awake? Are you hungry?"

Shen Rui's voice was so close that Su Yuan could feel the slight breath in his ears.

After opening his eyes, he remembered that it was he who cried so much last night and held on to Shen Rui that his roommate reluctantly slept with him on this small bed for a night.

The 1.3-meter bed is more than enough for him to sleep alone, but with the addition of Shen Rui, an adult man with normal physique, one can imagine how close the two of them slept.

Su Yuan was almost hugged in his arms, but he did sleep peacefully.

"I... I was not good last night, did you have a stiff neck?" [Sorry, I have troubled you again]

Shen Rui rubbed Su Yuan's messy hair, the tenderness in his eyes was clearly visible.

"I'm fine with everything. I've already asked you for leave. If you're sleepy, go back to sleep."

Su Yuan nodded, closed his eyes and continued to sleep.

It rained last night until now, and Shen Rui even felt that the rain was because of Su Yuan's crying.

Until one o'clock in the afternoon, Su Yuan woke up again.

Seeing the person in his arms move, Shen Rui breathed a sigh of relief, "You're hungry, wash up, I'll make something to eat right away."

He can really sleep, but going to bed hungry is harmful to his body, not to mention that he hasn't taken the medicine today.

The food will be on the table soon, simple stir-fried meat, scrambled eggs with tomato, and egg skin soup with vegetables. It will take some time for supplements.

Seeing that Su Yuan's face was pale and his eyes were a little blue, Shen Rui was very distressed.

"Come on, drink porridge first to warm your stomach."

Su Yuan just stirred the porridge in front of him, but he didn't lift it up.

Shen Rui changed the seat next to him, picked up his bowl, and fed the spoon to Su Yuan's mouth.

"Come on, this is the latest fragrant rice. It's fragrant and sweet. Try it?"

Su Yuan turned his head to look at him for a while, and finally compromised.

He drank it down one mouthful at a time, and even ate a lot of food. It wasn't until Su Yuan hiccupped that Shen Rui stopped still.

It's the same animal world, which has always been their favorite after-dinner show.

The difference is that Su Yuan lay directly on Shen Rui's lap from a back-to-back position, and added a pillow to make it easier for Shen Rui to feed.

The rain outside the window became heavier and heavier, and even turned into a torrential downpour.

"It's a good thing that you didn't go to class today. The rain hit a little bit, and you're going to catch a cold again." Shen Rui didn't know whether it was luck or misfortune.

Su Yuan also looked out of the window, the sky was dim, as if it was the end of the world.

Glancing again at the roommate who was feeding him snacks, he reached out and grabbed a macadamia nut, intending to peel it for him to eat.

Peeled... not peeled.

"Don't move, which one do you want to eat, I will peel it, this one needs tools, you see."

Shen Rui held a small silver piece of metal, plugged it into the opening of the nut and turned it, and it opened.

"Open your mouth." Shen Rui stuffed the macadamia nut into Su Yuan's hand, then grabbed his hand and looked at the nails, "it's a little red if it's not cracked, it can't be broken, next time I come, you just have to wait Just eat."

Su Yuan changed to a raisin before leaving the teacher, and put it to Shen Rui's mouth. [I should have just fed my roommate raisins. 】

Only then did Shen Rui realize that the macadamia nut was for him. He took a deep look at the other party and ate that raisin, which was the sweetest raisin he had ever eaten.

"Thank you, very sweet."

Su Yuan felt that his roommate looked very hungry just now, so he fed him another piece of chocolate.

His fingers were licked a little bit, but he didn't care, after all, his roommate's fingers couldn't escape the same fate.

[The animal world is so beautiful. 】

At dinner, Su Yuan finally did it himself.

Shen Rui was naturally willing to feed him with his own hands, but he hoped that Su Yuan would eat it himself.

After dinner and medicine, the two of them nestled on the sofa and watched the animal world again.

After watching this show with Su Yuan for so long, Shen Rui even felt that it had almost become a part of his life.

It was getting dark slowly, Su Yuan leaned into Shen Rui's arms unknowingly, this was a very attached gesture.

Shen Rui deliberated and said, "Su Yuan, do you want me to sleep with you tonight?"

He had never been so caught between a rock and a hard place.

The author has something to say:


Thanks to the little angel of irrigation nutrient solution: 30 bottles of joy;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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