"There are a few larvae here, but no eggs."

"Deal with the larvae first."

In the cornfield in Zhaojiazhai, Li Dongkai gave orders in a hurry.

Li Dongkai is the head of Zhaojiazhai Village. Since Longxia issued a call for locust disaster prevention, he organized Zhaojiazhai to carry out an operation to search for eggs.Because of the quick action, it was posted on the Agricultural News of He Province yesterday.They were looking for possible locust egg masses, but it was the first time everyone came into contact with locust egg masses, and the progress was not smooth.

At this time, the villagers are digging up the soil with iron rods to find eggs. Now that the sun is strong, they are all wearing short clothes and short sleeves.Everyone has been busy for 36 hours from yesterday to now, and it is no longer sure whether there are locust eggs.

During this repeated search, an excited voice came from a distance: "I found the locust block!"

The location of the locust block is located on the southern slope of Zhaojiazhai, and Li Dongkai went there with other villagers.Half an hour later, there was a thin loess ditch in front of everyone. On both sides of the ditch were yellow cornfields, and the fields were full of plastic garbage washed down from the high slopes by the acid rain.

"Where are the locusts?" Li Dongkai looked around and asked.

"Here." The villager picked up the plastic bag in the soil.Under the plastic bag is a layer of loess, and inside the loess are densely packed white eggs.

"It's disgusting." The villagers are used to it, but seeing so many insect eggs densely packed together, they are instantly dense and terrifying.

Everyone went to pull other plastic bags. In addition to eggs, some of them had newly formed larvae.

In the next two hours, the villagers pulled out the eggs from the ditch and burned them in the ditch.

The fire was raging, and a villager said: "There are 20 locusts..."

One catty of insect eggs can hatch 20 to [-] locusts, and they have three catties of insect eggs here, which can hatch [-] locusts.

"Yeah." Li Dongkai nodded.Zhaojiazhai is just a small village in He Province. They have twenty catties of locust eggs here, so they are worried that there will be more in other places...

"Everyone go back and have a rest, and act early tomorrow." Now that the sky was overcast, Li Dongkai clapped his hands.

According to news from Mali, the locusts will enter the surrounding urban villages after eating away the crops.Zhaojiazhai is surrounded by mountains on all sides. The current locust control is not only to respond to the call, but also for the safety of the villagers themselves.

Early the next morning, villagers from Zhaojiazhai came to the canal to look for insect eggs.At this time, in addition to the villagers of Zhaojiazhai, there were other teams from Shili Baxiang in the canal.

Li Dongkai set his eyes on a man he knew well: "Mr. Bai?"

Village head Bai is from the nearby Baijiazhai, and the two often meet each other when they go to the city for meetings.

"Now the locust plague in the southeast is serious, we have to find a way by ourselves."

Village Chief Bai sighed.Yesterday afternoon, many villagers in Zhaojiazhai burnt the fire and sent it to Moments. Everyone was disgusted.I still admire Zhaojiazhai's work progress very much. This time, the village locust extermination team is not only encouraged by the village brigade, but also spontaneously supported by the villagers.

As Zhaojiazhai thought, protecting locusts now is to protect one's own safety.

"On August 22, Mountain Province and River Province issued a joint cooperation document, and the two provinces will cooperate according to the border terrain."

"On August 23, [-] towns and villages across the country began self-inspection of locusts. Residents interviewed: the locusts must be wiped out in their cradles."


At this time, not only Zhaojiazhai and Baijiazhai, but also all over the country have the same idea.

On August 23, the locust plague in Mali has been brought under control, but the control method is extremely tragic: the only vegetation is destroyed, the roof of the village is destroyed, and the water source is destroyed... The locust plague in Mali is not so much control as locusts starve to death without food .

Now the Mali government is organizing the burning of locust corpses.If there is any life in Mali after the acid rain, it is all dead now.

The post-disaster scene in Mali was dire.

If possible, everyone does not want to repeat the tragic scene of the locust plague in Mali.

On August 25, locusts spread from a small part of Shanshan River to 21 provinces across the country, covering 27% of the country's locust-infested area.


While the whole country was concerned about the locust disaster, in the southern suburbs of Changshui County, Shaanxi Province, Zhang Guohai sat in a daze in a transport truck. Outside the truck was the signboard of Xingyue Breeding Factory.

Zhang Guohai is the director of the Agricultural Bureau of Changshui County. Half a month ago, he borrowed [-] ducks from Xingyue Breeding Factory.I vowed to say that I want a lot of them to be sent back.Now……

Zhang Guohai looked behind the car.

There is no shortage of ducks, but they are not like ducks.

"Director Zhang?" Zhang Guohai was too absorbed in a daze, and the staff around him asked hesitantly.

"I thought about something." Zhang Guohai looked at the signboard of Xingyue Breeding Factory, took a deep breath and got out of the car.

The gate of the factory is opened, but the inside of the gate is empty.

"Hello?" Zhang Guohai turned around and stopped a passing staff member.

"Hello." The staff stopped.

"The County Agricultural Bureau has contacted your factory manager." Zhang Guohai handed over his certificate.

The staff signaled Zhang Guohai to wait in the office.

"Something happened just now." Ten minutes later, Director Zhao entered the room with a dusty face.

"Where did you go?" Zhang Guohai asked curiously.Director Zhao's shoes are covered with mud, and he looks like he just came back from the field.

"Catch locusts."

Now that the locust plague is serious, Changshui County has organized a 1000-person locust-catching team, and he is a member of the team.

"How's the progress?"

"Some small locusts are okay, but big locusts are not easy to catch."

The two chatted for a while, Zhang Guohai said silently: "The duck is brought back for you."

"In the car outside?"

Zhang Guohai nodded, and continued, "I'm sorry."

Half a month ago, after confirming the side effects of chickens and ducks, the country stopped the locust control operation of chickens and ducks.In order to prevent the chickens and ducks from mutating, these chickens and ducks were not sent back immediately, but were observed by the provincial agricultural institutes.

These ducks have not mutated, but because of excessive heavy metals in their bodies, they are no longer suitable for laying eggs as meat ducks.The agricultural bureaus of various provinces called the breeding factories and were willing to purchase these ducks at market prices. Some factories agreed, and some factories wanted to continue to raise them.

Xingyue just wanted to keep raising her.

Seeing Zhang Guohai's serious expression, Director Zhao said indifferently: "What's wrong with me?"

After finishing speaking, he continued to ask: "Do you know why I keep these ducks?"

"do not know."

"These have all been on the battlefield, combat meritorious duck!"

At its peak, the farm had [-] chickens and ducks.Now there are only [-] ducks left. These are not only the military ducks that have been on the battlefield, but also the last single seedlings raised by Xingyue. He plans to give these ducks a pension. As long as there is the last duck, he will tell himself that the breeding factory is still alive. of!

"The factory has ordered [-] catties of feed, and I want to get through October first." Director Zhao continued to ramble.

Now the scope of the locust plague has expanded. In addition to the reduction in food production, the newly planted pastures have also encountered varying degrees of damage.If the plague of locusts can be controlled, there will still be meat to eat this year. If it cannot be controlled, this year will be more difficult than last year.

Half an hour later, the staff sent [-] ducks back to the factory.

Although the precious metals of these ducks exceed the standard, their bodies are fatter than before.Director Zhao grabbed a handful of feed and threw it in: "I don't know when the locust plague will end..."

After Director Zhao finished speaking, there was no movement behind him.

"What's wrong?" Director Zhao turned around, and Zhang Guohai froze on the spot with his mobile phone.

Zhang Guohai raised his head after listening: "It's about to end."


"The bureau called just now, and the country has developed a special pesticide."


The feed in Director Zhao's hand slipped into the ducks, and the ducks ate more happily.


"Longxia News Department: Longxia researchers have developed an insecticide for acid rain, and the new insecticide is named [Longfeng Insecticide]."

"Longxia insecticide kills acid rain rats, cockroaches and cockroaches within half an hour at the fastest time. The hardest-hit areas such as Longxia, Shanxi and He provinces will carry out aircraft killing work on the morning of the 27th."

"Longfeng insecticide contains a small amount of tetramethrin. During the killing period of the plane, local residents should reduce going out."


As soon as the Long Xia news was released, #液雨实杀剂##龙风杀虫# was directly listed as No. 1 on the entire network, with 3 million real-time hits on the entire network.

"Ah, there is a locust insecticide??? Can it kill a large number of locusts?"

"Kill rats and cockroaches in half an hour!"

"When did I study it? It feels like it suddenly happened."


Netizens excitedly scrolled through the news.

Longfeng kills insects, kills insects in half an hour, kills by plane...

In the past half a month, the Longxia locust disaster has spread from Shaanxi Province to 21 provinces.The Longxia locust plague is not as severe as in Mali, but a large number of crops have been eaten and damaged.Everyone has come from the food crisis, watching the crops being gnawed, and feeling the pain of the skin.

Now locust extermination teams have been formed in rural areas, and locust extermination voluntary groups have also been established in urban areas.The voluntary group is mainly freelancers and retired workers. Every morning, everyone will take a voluntary bus to the suburban crop fields to participate in voluntary locust extermination.

The national food supply is interlocking. If there is a large-scale reduction in food production, urban life will also be greatly affected.

Urban residents followed township residents to hunt and kill locusts. With the cooperation of both parties, the expansion of locusts slowed down.It's just that this time it's acid rain and locusts, coupled with the high temperature, the locusts keep laying eggs, and the work of eradicating locusts seems hopeless.

During this mechanical extermination of locusts, Long Xia released the news!And it is a high-efficiency acid rain pesticide!

At this time, residents across the country have only one thought: they have finally recovered.

Netizens excitedly swiped the comments, and then realized an important point: "What's the number today?"

"number 26."

Netizens focused their attention on the hot news: [Longxia, Shanxi, He and other three hardest-hit areas will carry out aircraft killings on the morning of the 27th...] There are still twelve hours before the morning of the 27th, that is to say, The country not only released the news of locust extermination, but could it directly exterminate the locusts the next day?

"Ahhh, I can't sleep anymore!"

"I really want to watch the live broadcast of locust extermination the next day."

"I don't want to be efficient, as long as I don't expand and die slowly."


Mutated locusts are like Xiaoqiang who can't be killed.Although Long Xia announced the high-efficiency locust extermination, netizens still lowered their requirements to the minimum: they don't seek high efficiency, they only hope that the locusts will not continue to expand, and they can slowly grind to death.


"K329173 tons, confirmed to be correct!"

"K221182 tons, confirmed to be correct!"



At ten o'clock in the evening on August 26, at the special airport in Gansu Province, staff transported bags of medicinal powder onto the plane.This is the powder that participated in the spraying work.One catty of medicinal powder mixed with water can spray an area of ​​ten acres. Now the three provinces of Shaanxi, Shanshan and Hebei are severely affected by locusts.According to the process, these powders will be transported to specific areas, and then sprayed by professional spraying planes to locust-infested areas.

"It's time to test the results..." Liu Wensheng said with emotion as the planes flew away to Gan Province Special Airport.

The experimental group is NO.19 who developed Longfeng insecticide.As soon as the research was done, the country did not announce it immediately. The reason: there are certain differences between the research experiment and the actual application. They need to conduct pilot experiments to confirm the efficacy of the drug before announcing it to the public.

Now the whole country is tense, and the country must be responsible to the people.

At one o'clock in the morning, all the planes in Gansu Province left.

"Why don't you talk?" Liu Wensheng looked at the plane for a while, then turned to Xiang Qingchuan.Since the evening, Xiang Qingchuan has been unusually silent.

"It's okay." Xiang Qingchuan looked nervously at the airport.He is 47 this year. He has studied and taken the exam all his life, but now... he feels more nervous than the college entrance examination back then.


"There is a plague of locusts now, and Wen Wen has just given birth again, what are you doing back here!" Zhao Shunhai just woke up at 27 o'clock on August [-] when he received a call from his wife.There is no other reason: the son and daughter-in-law have returned from the city and will live in the village for a few days.

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