"The heat has come down." At the same time as the whole network appealed, in Fengshan Farm, Liu Wensheng put down the document in his hand.

Now "Fengshan Scientific Research" and "Fengshan Ten Years" have fallen out of the top ten.Netizens' attitude is very clear: wealth is not revealed, and brocade clothes go out at night!Netizens are curious about the national reserve, but the international situation is unclear, and it is most important to keep a low profile now.

"My classmate Kan Peisheng is studying abroad. The day before yesterday, I was stopped by two foreigners asking for food. It's too unsafe!"

"Dim sum, everyone, stop bragging about B outside."

"@龙夏新闻, don't talk about sensitive information, our family knows our own affairs."


At present, many countries are paying attention to Long Xia's every move. Netizens are proud, but also worried that the country will run out of its food reserves and strategic reserves. This is a horrible incident without a sense of security!

"The areas prohibited by the country are high-voltage power grids, and no one can touch them!"

"The economy is not good now, everyone should regulate their behavior and don't add chaos to the country."

"Everyone can eat with peace of mind, and don't let foreign countries inquire about our news."


Netizens spontaneously regulate their own behavior.While netizens regulate themselves, they also don’t forget to remind the official account: “Be low-key. @龙夏新闻@龙夏日报…”

As authentic Longxia citizens, they urgently need to impart survival experience to the country: keep a low profile and make a fortune in silence!

Now that the international situation is tense, only when the country is safe and secretive can everyone live in peace and stability.This is not alarmist talk, but after Longxia released the Fengshan crop export policy, many foreign media published related articles such as "Longxia under the Global Crisis" and "A Great Country in Adversity".

Although these are released by some entertainment media, they are suspected of exaggerating.In short, with the current global crisis, Long Xia must act in a low-key manner without compromising his own interests.

The netizen is like a chattering old father, and his heart is broken in an instant.

"It's pretty cute..." Liu Wensheng seldom pays attention to online news, but seeing netizens' replies at this time, feels warm in his heart.

Qin Yun was sorting out the documents, and said with a smile: "Everyone has different opinions, but they are clear in front of big right and wrong."

"Indeed." Liu Wensheng nodded.The current international situation is relatively stable, but many countries are closely watching Longxia Food.For potential threats, Long Xia doesn't make trouble, but he is definitely not afraid of trouble.

As one of the few countries with large-scale weapons, Long Xia has always been neither humble nor overbearing in the international arena, sticking to his own principles.It is also because of this that although other countries continue to condemn, but if they really take action... they dare not for the time being.

"This is confidence!" Liu Wensheng is very proud of Long Xia's development and changes in recent years.

The two chatted for a while, and Liu Wensheng asked, "Are there any negative buffs?"

This time, the state assisted in the operation of the farm. Although Long Xia had made sufficient predictions, he was still worried that Qin Yun would have a negative BUFF due to this order.During this period of time, Long Xia's medical team paid special attention to Qin Yun's health, for fear that Qin Yun would be affected by this order.

"No." Qin Yun checked his body and said.Now there is no DEBUFF reminder in the system, he guessed that this should be related to this farm upgrade.With the system upgrade, he also has more system permissions.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, the two went to the technology group.In the technology group, technology members are debugging aseptic storage equipment, which is similar to a refrigerator compressor.General use process: prepare fully enclosed space - install storage equipment - carry out storage commissioning - successful use.

Aseptic storage has higher requirements for closed space, which can improve the storage efficiency of vegetables and meat by 70%.For example, the longest shelf life of ordinary frozen meat is one year. If it is stored aseptically, it can be increased to one year and eight months. For example, some soybeans and corn can be stored for up to 20 years, which will greatly improve the efficiency of national storage.

The technicians were operating extremely professionally, and Liu Wensheng joked on the side: "It's a meritorious service."

Now all major platforms are discussing aseptic storage technology, and the popularity is in the TOP.3 of the whole network.

After Liu Wensheng asked, Sun Yiping smiled from ear to ear: "It's all luck."

Although he said so, the technology team has been stationed on the farm for a year, and there have been no breakthroughs in inventions other than irrigation equipment during this year.The members of the science and technology group were all suffocated. Now that the aseptic storage research has been successful, the entire science and technology group feels the joy of a breakthrough.

Liu Wensheng was infected by the joy of the technology group: "Give everyone a five-day holiday?"

"Don't!" Sun Yiping quickly refused.Now everyone is working hard to conduct research, and they don't want to disrupt the rhythm because of the holiday.

Sun Yiping refused, but still thought of one thing: "Commander Liu, we don't want a holiday, can we give [-] more places?"

Now [-] of the [-] places have been allocated, and the rest will be redistributed among various departments.During this period of time, all departments are also focusing on the [-] places, and the 'competition' among the groups is very fierce...

Liu Wensheng had a headache for a moment: "This has to be arranged by the planning team."

"Go and say hello to the comrades in the planning team."

"What assessment is the planning team based on? Can we add points this time..."

In the next half an hour, Liu Wensheng was surrounded by comrades from the science group.Everyone made a fuss, but they also knew that the allocation of these personnel was the optimal allocation based on the current situation of the farm, and all groups agreed with the allocation results very much.

For the next two days, the farm will focus mainly on international orders.

After half a month of see-saw, all orders for 120 million tons have been booked, involving a total of 300 countries. The largest order is 5 million tons, and the smaller order is 10W tons and [-]W tons.

On June [-]st, Fengshan's orders were shipped sequentially.

Kyrgyzstan is a small country covering an area of ​​15 square kilometers, close to the Arctic region, mainly based on energy and livestock.In the past year, Kyrgyzstan has not suffered from the Harma storm, but due to the impact of the bipolar snowstorm, the domestic livestock and planting industries have lost 50% of their production.

In March of this year, Kyrgyzstan and Weir signed a grain trade contract, and only then did the basic operations of the country be maintained.The Global Meteorological Observatory shows that Storm Harma will land in the polar regions in mid-July, and exports are now prohibited from places such as Will and Natal.Kyrgyzstan can only rely on imports to maintain its national reserves.

At the end of last month, Kyrgyzstan ordered 300 million tons of Longxia grain as soon as they knew that Longxia grain was publicly sold.Due to the contraction of the domestic economy, these orders are mainly exchanged for coal resources and fresh milk and meat.Now the Kyrgyzstan has held a grain conference, some of these grains are stored in the country, and the rest are sold through major grain companies.

In this full expectation, on June [-]th, the first batch of supplies arrived at the Kyrgyz port.

The freighter came to a stop, and a man from Longxia disembarked.

"Mr. Li Jie." The Kyrgyz businessman at the port stepped forward.

"Mr. Diaz." The man's name is Li Jie, a "specially hired" trader at Fengshan Farm, who is mainly responsible for the transportation of goods and the review of follow-up procedures.

The two sides exchanged simple greetings, and the crew opened the cabin.After customs inspection, there are 30 tons of wheat, 30 tons of corn, and 12 tons of sweet potatoes. Each bag is the best first-class quality.

"Thank you very much!" At the moment when the goods were confirmed, Diaz gave Li Jie a big hug.Diaz, an executive at Jill Grains, was in charge of the trade process.

Jier's order involves 800 billion dragon coins. Before ordering, Kyrgyzstan has checked the quality of Fengshan.The price of Fengshan is the same as that of Will, but it is completely of first-class quality. This kind of quality is not only hard to come by before the food crisis, but also before the crisis.

Because Fengshan's quality is so good, many grain companies began to murmur. Although they have seen the export records of Fengshan's grain, they still have a sense of mistrust.Now... the stone in my heart has settled, Fengshan's quality is beyond everyone's expectations!

Diaz warmly invited: "Kyrgyzstan has the most outstanding ski resorts, and we have arranged ski hotels for you..."

"I have booked another hotel." Li Jie declined, and then reminded: "Will you complete the agreement as agreed?"

"Of course." Diaz made an OK gesture.

There are two points in Long Xia's supplementary agreement: 1. The necessary publicity for Fengshan's crops. 2. The contracting party will give priority to selling Fengshan grain.

These two conditions are not only not strict, on the contrary, in the context of the current crisis, it is not difficult to complete them.

Li Jie went back to the hotel to rest, Diaz checked the goods again, and went directly to Jill's food headquarters.

"This is Long Xia's condition." Diaz reported the receipt status to the company's senior management, and then took out Long Xia's supplementary agreement.

"Only these two items?"

A high-level question in disbelief.Before ordering, they had already learned about the Longxia agreement.Because the agreement is too simple, they have already prepared other supplementary agreements, but now, the result is very surprising.

"Only these two items." Diaz nodded seriously.

When we parted just now, he specifically asked Li Jie, and Long Xia really only had two requests.

"What do you think?" The executive looked at the others.

"Now that there is a food crisis, Longxia wants to expand its brand influence."

"A complete agricultural brand has a greater sense of identity with consumers than ordinary brands..."


The high-level analysis concluded that Longxia wanted to create commercially recognizable national brands such as Jill Beef and Jill Milk. Even if the crisis disappears in the future, Longxia's national brands will still have a certain influence in the international market.

After everyone's analysis, a high-level person smiled: "It's completely unnecessary."

Now Longxia is the world's largest grain exporter, and the world pays more attention to Longxia's grain. A brand does not have much blessing for Longxia.

"Let's go." Everyone stood up after the meeting.

Now that the food has arrived, they have to look at the goods before making further decisions.

Jier Company brought the most authoritative grain testing agency in Kyrgyzstan. According to the test, Fengshan grain is exactly the same as the previous report, which is the world's first-class grain.

The crowd ground the wheat into flour and made a bake of Jill's characteristic sliced ​​bread.

"This is the best bread ever."

"It's a wheat field in autumn..."


At the moment when the bread entered, everyone felt unprecedented comfort.

Diaz ate three slices in a row, and then asked, "Still following the previous publicity strategy?"

In the previous discussion, Jill Company will promote Longxia's crops as agreed, and the publicity belongs to the publicity, but it doesn't care about it.

After Diaz asked, the executive said directly: "A higher standard arrangement can be made."

Jier Company is the largest grain company in Kyrgyzstan, and it is not difficult to advertise a product.He just wanted to deal with it before, but Long Xia's crops deserve better advertising.

In addition to offering an olive branch to Long Xia, Jill Company also has its own selfish intentions: after the 300W order, it hopes to have a deeper cooperation with Fengshan.

The more the top management thinks about it, the more feasible it becomes.

Jill's company is rich and powerful, but how to make an advertisement that satisfies Long Xia...is a bit of a headache.

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