Half an hour later, Qin Yun and Liu Wensheng came to the seed laboratory. At this time, there were more than 300 scientific researchers in the laboratory, and everyone rushed over after hearing the news.After Qin Yun greeted everyone, he clicked System Sharing.

Host Name: Qin Yun

Farm Level: Intermediate. (The farm area has increased to [-] mu.)

Unlock permissions: My Plantation, My Ranch, Biology Lab, Technology Lab, AI Program Lab.

Upgrade privileges: farm employees increased to 3000, unlimited farm equipment purchases. (Agricultural range only)

System credit: 8300W.


"Good!" At the moment when he saw the system interface, Liu Wensheng felt unprecedentedly comfortable.

After team planning, the farm decided to choose the farmland area on the south side of the farm.

Qin Yun opened the farm sand table and bought the latest farmland.

"The host has insufficient authority and cannot be used temporarily." A mechanical system sound sounded.

"Insufficient authority?" This time not only Liu Wensheng, but also other personnel were very surprised.

Qin Yun tried two more times before he found out that the prerequisite for buying land is that the host has the ownership of the farmland.

The area under his name is [-] mu, and the area of ​​the system now obviously exceeds the standard.

"It's not a problem." Liu Wensheng decided to apply to his superiors, this time enclosing all the idle no man's land for Qin Yun.

Qin Yun closed the sand table and looked at the second content: farm authority.

"Is there an independent laboratory!" The members of the biological team were the first to be excited.

The current farm has six departments including the agricultural group, the biological group, and the scientific and technological group, and each department is divided into several groups.Since the agricultural group got the seed laboratory, other groups are very envious of the exclusive laboratory, and now... it has finally come true!

"Everyone is doing research, so stay calm." Liu Wensheng said with a smile, then looked at Qin Yun.

Qin Yun directly clicked on [Biological Laboratory]. [Biology Laboratory]: Built on Bola Planet, it has the most complete biological research equipment on Bola Planet.Price: 20 billion base points, 20 billion star points.

Qin Yun used it after reading it.

"The host points are insufficient, and there is no right to purchase it at the moment."

Everyone in the laboratory was taken aback.The farm has also unlocked the farm area before, but they are all system cards. This is the first paid area.

Qin Yun clicked on other areas.

My Plantation: [-] million base points, [-] million star points.

My ranch: [-] million base points, [-] million star points.

Tech lab: 20 billion...

AI program lab: 20 billion...


The main ways to earn farm points are: 1. Income from the sale of farm products. 1 dragon coin = 1 point. 2. Comprehensive values ​​such as residents' attention and satisfaction to the farm.This regional update requires a combination of both parties to purchase.For example, [Biology Lab], with 20 billion credits, needs 20 billion starlight points...

"It's a bit difficult." Liu Wensheng read the rules.The current farm has 8300W points, not to mention the star value, even the basic points are still far behind...

"It's too strict." At this time, other groups were also very depressed.They've been on the farm for a year and have only one thought about the system: it's doggy!

Everyone read the interface reluctantly, and then focused on the last item: farm upgrade.

This upgrade has a total of [-] employees and unlimited equipment to purchase two contents.

"Mr. Liu, our biological experiment team has been short of people."

"Our physics team missed ten indicators last time, and we must make up for it this time!"

"The AI ​​team is short of technicians."


Immediately after reading the introduction, the agricultural research staff quickly gathered around.Although farms can be researched cyclically, due to the impact of DEBUFF, non-farm researchers can only enter the field for three days in January.Now the number of farm places has increased, which greatly improves research stability.

"Leave the assignment to the planning team..." Liu Wensheng was a little dazed by the siege.

In the next two days, the farm will focus on quota allocation and unlocking of the five areas.

The five areas require a total of 66 billion points and 66 billion star points. 66 billion points are easy to obtain, but the starlight value... After the advertising bombardment at the beginning of the year, Long Xia's starlight value has approached saturation, and now even if it is redeveloped, it can get up to [-] million.

"It's not easy." In the office, Liu Wensheng closed the file wearily.

Now that the domestic market is not up to standard, Longxia decided to export its products overseas.

After the baptism of Halma, 70% of the countries in the world are not suitable for growing food.Overseas countries mainly rely on technological planting and food imports to maintain the basic survival of residents.As the only country in the world that grows food in acid rain, Longxia's food exports from March to May accounted for 3% of the world's total.

Longxia's main export destinations are severely affected backward countries such as Cybola and Wutaner. Although some developed countries were also affected by the disaster, but their countries have certain grain reserves, Longxia temporarily refused to cooperate.

In the past year, in addition to breeding, some sweet potatoes and wheat were also planted on the farmland.The system grain depot has a perfect quality preservation function.After a year of preparation, the farm has 2 million tons of wheat, 8000 million tons of sweet potatoes, and 3000 million tons of rice.The amount of food reserves is already close to the consumption of a small country for three years.

After inspecting the farm reserves, Longxia's team decided to sell Fengshan's crops globally at a price 1.2-1.5 times that of domestic ones.In addition to the price, Longxia also has two rigid conditions: 1. The purchasing country conducts certain advertisements for Fengshan crops. 2. Sell Fengshan grain first in China.Those who sign a rigid contract will have certain procurement priorities.

After Long Xia announced the terms of cooperation, Guccia took the lead in condemning: "This is terrible trade discrimination!"

The price of wheat sold by Longxia to Saibola is 12 yuan/jin, and that of Fengshan wheat is 20 yuan/jin.

At this time, Guccia was wronged, very wronged.

In July last year, Guccia suffered a nationwide acid rain disaster, which damaged 82% of the country's area.As a food-importing country, he asked Natal for help as soon as the disaster happened, followed by the arrest of a cargo ship that shocked the world.

Guccia imported high-priced food from Will and other places, and this was the only way to maintain the survival of the country.

After the Halma storm, Long Xia developed acid rain seeds, which can only be planted in Long Xia's native land.

Guccia decides to import grain to Longshar.Long Xia's official reply: 1. Gu Qiya has the food to survive, and does not need help for the time being. 2. Longxia has limited food, and there are weaker countries that need assistance. 3. If Long Xia has the ability, he will help Gu Qiya in times of crisis.

Guccia wanted to hijack the Longxia cargo ship like Natal, but gave up after thinking about it.

Long Xia is not Natal.

To survive for a long time, one must establish a good relationship with Long Xia.

Just when it was worrying about the latest season of food, Longxia released a cooperation policy that does not limit regions, but this policy is not good...

"It's unfair discrimination."

"We need basic price parity..."


At this time, not only Guccia, but countries such as Fenli also issued complaints.

20 yuan belongs to the international basic price, but compared with Cyberola and other places, this price is higher than the Longxia assistance line.

Long Xia didn't say much, but directly issued a statement——

1. Fengshan crops are Longxia's research and development crops. The cost of planting is high, and the price will increase accordingly.

2. Long Xia is voluntary and equal, and international cooperation is not mandatory.

3. Fengshan crops are the global version, with a global limit of 1 million tons.

4. A certain purchase discount can be obtained by signing a special contract.


After Long Xia issued the statement, he directly opened the global ordering platform.

Global ordering is a publicity platform for national cooperation, ordering process: ordering at the national level - Longxia review.The country only has a certain price fluctuation, and each country can order a maximum of 300W tons, and resale trade is prohibited.

"This is an unfair cooperation." Guccia continued to condemn Long Xia's policy.

It's just that with the condemnation, the number of countries responding internationally has plummeted.

Guccia opened the ordering platform, Longxia's global order: 3000W tons.There were seven countries that placed the order immediately. In addition to the developed economy, there are also some serious disasters.

Longxia's Fengshan orders are global.Weak and small countries are suffering from disasters, and they will understand after experiencing it. In the face of a catastrophe, only by ensuring survival can there be infinite possibilities.

Within three hours of Longxia's global order, 5000 million tons were ordered worldwide.

Guccia saw familiar countries in the purchase list: Natal, 100W tons of wheat, 100W tons of sweet potatoes...

Guccia:! ! !

International orders need to pay half of the deposit first. In order to prevent currency inequalities between countries, Long Xia coins are used for settlement.

Guccia directly placed an order of 300 million tons.

"At present, 70% of the countries are suffering from the food crisis, and we should not become loose sand." This time, Gu Qiya did not condemn Long Xia, but focused on the country that placed the order first.

Guccia's logic is simple: the price of Longxia Fengshan is relatively high, and if countries refuse to cooperate, then the price of Fengshan may be equal to the price of aid.But obviously, this cooperation without war failed...

"Help! No one is forcing you to buy it, you can buy Will's!"

"I don't even want to sell it, the domestic Fengshan is not enough to eat."

"Laughing to death, it's like you didn't test when you placed the order."


Netizens Long Xia couldn't sit still watching Guccia speak again and again.Now that milk tea shops know how to do research in advance, Guccia looks like a noob in the world. Is this possible?It's impossible!

Some economic big V guessed that Guccia had obtained all the product information of Fengshan before Longxia announced the export of Fengshan.

The price of Fengshan is slightly higher than the price of ordinary grain, but it is on par with the international price, which is far from prohibitive.Gu Qiya's move not only lowered Fengshan's price, but also wanted to reduce Longxia's international influence.Of course, this belongs to the political level. Netizens discussed it and focused on Fengshan's export policy.

Fengshan is the most legendary farm in Longxia. The main crops exported this time are: wheat, sweet potato, and corn.

At present, the domestic market is mainly dominated by acid rain grains and stock grains.There is Fengshan in Longbao Supermarket, but the inventory is too small.Now that Long Xia is exporting food, it's like the fried chicken he was waiting for was bought by someone else... How angry!

"Whooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo this this is " netizen is very reluctant.

During this nationwide discussion, some netizens discovered the key point: "[-] million tons?"

"How did [-] million tons grow..."

"According to the yield of 700 jin of sweet potatoes per mu, and three crops a year, at least [-] million mu of land is needed."

"How big is No Man's Land?"


Netizens didn't care at first, but now the more they talk, the more strange it becomes.

There are 20 billion mu of arable land in the country, and 700 million mu of land can be planted, but Fengshan is just a private farm, and a private farm can grow [-] million tons of grain...impossible.

Just in this dizziness, a travel blogger posted: "Ah, can someone tell me if this is no man's land! [Video]"

This is a very short video of ten seconds. The video is a wheat field, a corn field, a rice field... A gust of wind blows, and netizens think of the scene before the Longbei flood.This is a scene engraved in my mind, but now it is very strange.

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