"@Natal, get your own problems fixed first."

"Hurry up and save the ship, don't stare at our seeds every day."

"Laughing to death, the backyard is on fire, it doesn't matter how wide it is."


Both Natal and Guccia are water blue developed countries.Natal is the largest food exporting country in the world, located in the blue northern hemisphere, and the export of food was banned as soon as Longxia purchased food.According to international media reports, Natal has completed its ten-year grain reserve.Natal is currently stockpiling frozen meat and canned food, and is preparing to further increase residents' supplies.

Guqia is located in the south of the water-blue equator. It is mainly engaged in aquaculture and port trade. It has always been an ally with Natal. On July [-], Harma storm landed in Guqia, and Guqia was seriously affected.

Guccia asks Natal for food aid.Natal delayed again and again, and finally humanitarian sympathy: Natal has limited food and cannot help for the time being.

Although Natal could not help, he still suggested that Guccia could exchange resources such as car chips and seaport contracts for food, and the exchange conditions were close to the level of robbers.

Natal was unanimously scolded by Guccia.After half a month of international operations, Guccia imported 50 tons of grain from Sola.

The Guccia food crisis has been suspended, but the conflict with Natal continues to escalate.The afternoon before yesterday, Guccia detained three cargo ships from Natal, and the two sides are currently arguing over customs clearance fees.The international community is paying attention to this scolding battle, but Natal is still thinking about Long Xia seeds...

"The backyard is on fire, put out the fire quickly!" Some netizens went to Natal's official media to comment.Now Natal's official comment is 100W, and the bottom is full of scolding battles between Natal and Guccia netizens.

"A terrible country."

"Guccia strongly condemns Natal's inhumane actions!"

"Natal Guccia Friendship Contract is just a joke."


Although Guqiya netizens are also curious about Longxia seeds, compared with seeds, Natal's behavior is more worthy of scolding.

"that's terrible."

"They broke the friendship contract!"


Netizens from Long Xia originally wanted to join the scolding battle, but they watched and ate melons from the other side.During the previous honeymoon period between Guccia and Natal, Long Xia was struggling in the hands of both parties.Now that the two sides have turned their faces, Long Xia expressed deep sympathy for the victims of Guqiya, but for the scolding war between the two sides... well done!

While eating melons in an all-round way, on August [-], the Longxia Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a news.

1. Longxia seeds are native seeds, and outside planting has great limitations.Longxia Agricultural Institute has been committed to seed improvement and to more large-scale acid rain seeds.

2. Longxia Seeds has applied for an international seed patent from January to August 3028.According to Article 1 of the "International Seed Protection Law", without the permission of the patentee, other countries are prohibited from cultivating the patentee's seeds.Natal tried Longxia's seeds through abnormal channels. Longxia strongly condemned and reserved the right to hold Natal accountable.

Seed planting requires on-the-spot inspections. Long Xia first stated that his ability is limited, and then proceeded from the "International Seed Law" to strongly condemn Natal's behavior.His attitude is well-founded, neither humble nor overbearing.

"Seed research requires on-the-spot investigation. You have the ability to open up the country. Let's do research in the past!"

"I checked, and there really is an International Seed Protection Act."

"Laughing, Natal doesn't like others to use their seeds. It's exciting for them to steal them themselves."


At this time, netizens watched Long Xia's response, and felt a very solid sense of being protected.


"You shouldn't have come back." Just as Natal's scolding was escalating, Migada was a little worried in the small town of Cyberrapopol.

Megada and Mike have been married for ten years and they have two sons and a daughter.Mike worked in Longxia before, and she took care of the elderly and children at home, and the family lived quite warmly.Only Halma broke all the peace.

Cyberra acid rain fell from February to May.Aquatic pollution, water and electricity cutoffs, house collapses... They thought they could survive the acid rain and live again, but the acid rain was only the beginning of the disaster.

After Cyberola was impacted by Halma, 30% of the people in the country were homeless, and 52% of the people in the country were unemployed.Compared with the ultra-high unemployment rate, their most serious problem is food shortage.Cyberola is an import-oriented country. Now the global export is restricted, and the domestic demand for food continues to increase.In one decrease and one increase, on May [-]th, there was the first incident of rice snatching in Cyberola, followed by more rice snatching.

Cyberola's economy collapsed, and Mike returned to China at this juncture.

"You can go back to China, it's very safe there." Michael is often concerned with international news, Longxia is a peaceful country.

Migada looked too worried, Mike took the glass of water and said: "Now that the visa expires, I have resigned and I can't go back."

Now that international air tickets are on the rise, big countries like Natal and Sola have stepped up their immigration checks.He has worked in Longxia for ten years, and he can go back to China with his previous relationship, but he left his family in the disaster area...he couldn't do it.

The moment he got on the plane, he knew the consequences very well.

After Mike finished speaking, he drank the contents of the cup in one gulp.The water had a severe pungent smell, and he had to adapt to it for two days before accepting the smell.

Now that there is a food crisis in Cyberola, even the functions of municipal drainage and municipal water filtration are shaky, and Cyberola is worse than he imagined.

"Duddu—" During the chat, a siren sounded outside the window.

Their home is a two-story old building. Due to its high location, refugee tents are now arranged around the building.It is also because there are too many refugees nearby that Migada has been afraid to go out during this period. Only when Mike comes back can she find the backbone.

The sound continued, and the two walked towards the window.

They thought there was a fight, but they just followed the sound and saw three military trucks parked downstairs.The police got out of the car and said something to the victims.Half a minute later, victims lined up in front of the truck.The truck opened, and inside were sweet potatoes with plump purple skins.


The victims made a gesture of looting, but were directly stopped by the truck police.

The whole order was maintained for 10 minutes.

Before Mike recovered, the landline at home rang, his wife picked it up, and hung up half a minute later.

"What's wrong?" Mike asked.

"The phone number from the Municipal Council. Cyberola has opened the food ordering software, and will implement the minimum living guarantee from today." The wife opened the ordering software while talking.

According to the introduction of the software, each person in Cyberra has the minimum food supply every week. Citizens can place an order on the software. If the order is successful, they can go to the local city hall to buy it. The identity of the purchaser must be the same as that of the person.

Grain software, minimum supplies, same identity... Mike instantly thought of the Longxia Grain APP.

[Cyberra latest news: Longxia 10 tons of sweet potatoes and 5 tons of wheat have arrived at Cyberola.This has greatly eased the food crisis in Cyberra, and this batch of food can last until the end of 28 years.Cyberola has signed the "Longxia Grain Mutual Aid Contract" in Longxia, and Cyberola will reserve new grain for Longxia 3029...]

In this trance, the latest news about Cyberra came on the TV.In addition to Long Xia's food aid, this news also focuses on Long Xia's aid plan for next year.

"So fast?" Migada was a little stunned.

The cooperation contract signed by Cyberra and Long Xia at the end of July.This contract was sent back to China, and everyone has been looking forward to Longxia's food aid, and because of this cooperation, many victims of the disaster are struggling to survive.

Cyberola is more than half a blue ocean away from Longxia. According to speculation, they thought that the batch of food would arrive at the end of August, but now... it was a surprise!




Migada looked out the window when some young victims bypassed the police line and climbed directly onto the roof of the truck.Victims tossed sweet potatoes like expensive gold trophies.


“Beautiful sweet potatoes!”


More and more disaster victims climbed onto the roof.Car roofs, roofs, tulou roofs... as long as they are meaningful places, they are full of victims.There are also young victims holding bags of sweet potatoes and throwing them directly under the roof.Below are the victims who are constantly looting. Some victims were smashed by sweet potatoes, but they didn't care. They picked up the sweet potatoes on the ground and ate them raw. This was the most delicious sweet potato they had ever eaten.

The policemen stopped at the side, but they couldn't stop them in the end, so they directly joined the ranks of throwing sweet potatoes.These sweet potatoes are distributed to refugees by the country for carnival, regardless of APP.At this moment, not only Mike downstairs, but other places in Cyberola are also sending out sweet potatoes. This is a carnival in a disaster.

"Go down?" Migada looked a little ready to move.

"Go." Mike put on his sneakers directly.

After 10 minutes, the two joined the crowd very easily.The places where the disaster victims gather are prone to poor security. Before Mike came back, Mijiada hadn't left the house for half a month.She was afraid of the outside world and the desperate expressions of the victims.But now, amidst the despair, there is hope for the victims.

For the next three days, Cyberra was in a sea of ​​excitement.The residents took their information to the city hall to collect sweet potatoes. These sweet potatoes were clean and delicious. Many residents made them into sweet potato flour, and every bite was extremely pious.

"Thank you Long Xia for your assistance!"

"Thanks to Long Xia, we can cooperate with leather shoes!"

"We have the best assembly line workers for electronic collaboration."


Thanks to the popularization of sweet potatoes, many Cyberola people actively seek jobs.At this time, they understood that only continuous labor can rebuild Cyberola.Cyberra is suffering, but they don't want to give up.Without aquaculture, they can engage in service industry, production industry, and manufacturing industry... Only by constantly looking for a way out can they find the hope of Cyberra.

"Bolton wants to buy Longxia grain, and hopes to sign a grain mutual aid plan with Longxia."

"Longxia has completed 300W corn sowing, can Fengshuang 003 continue the acid rain miracle of Longfeng 001 and Zhongzhi 002?"

"Longxia Seed: The Retrograde in the Acid Rain World."


With the changes in Cyberra, many countries have turned their attention to Long Xia.Now Halma has spread throughout the water-blue equatorial region. Against the background of the global food crisis, Long Xia is completely a retrograde in the acid rain.

Crude Oil, Gold, Precious Metals...

With the demonstration effect of Cyberola, other countries directly throw out olive branches, hoping to conduct grain trade with Long Xia.There are still many countries willing to buy Longxia seeds, but Longxia's foreign seeds have not yet been conquered, and they cannot cooperate for the time being.This is not because Long Xia is hoarding goods, but because the Agricultural Research Institute is really researching, but there is really no way to overcome it without field investigation...

Various countries understood it very well, and switched their focus to bartering.

Now that the global currency system is unstable, bartering is also the safest way of exchange for all countries.


Host name: Qin Yun.

Current task: Sprinkle oily wheat seeds to the ground. (Accumulative planting of 5000 million tons of hybrid oil wheat seeds)

Mission rewards: regional random card X1, lucky gift pack X2.


At the same time as this global cooperation, the task system in Fengshan Farm was updated.

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