"Too bullying!"

At [-]:[-] p.m. on July [-], Gao Shengliang turned off the news angrily in Longhuwan Community, Huzhou Province.Gao Shengliang is the wine sales manager. The global food price rises, and the price of liquor rises accordingly.He has been busy with the liquor business during this time, and now he just took a break when he saw the overwhelming international news.

At this time, the international community is calling on Longxia to take out the seeds. According to Natal's proposal, this will not only require Longxia to move out the grain storage, but also Longxia to plant land for the world for free.There is no such bully in the world!

The more Gao Shengliang thought about it, the more angry he became, and he directly picked up a crispy cucumber.

"I'll make cold dishes at night, so save some." Xu Xiucai hurriedly stopped.

"There is still a balcony." Gao Shengliang pointed to the balcony.Before the state supported self-planting on balconies, they followed suit and planted some cucumbers and cabbages.The cucumber is a cucumber vine bought by Long Bao, and it has grown five small cucumbers, which looks very fulfilling.

Just after Gao Shengliang finished speaking, Xu Xiucai was not happy: "The cucumbers in the supermarket are [-] catties, let's just have these few, and save some food."

After Halma, 70% of the vegetable base in Lake Province was affected. Vegetables are more important living materials than food.The phenomenon of replacing garlic with celery and radishes with potatoes has already appeared in the owner group.This would have been half a year ago, and it would have been impossible.

"Just one cucumber..." Gao Shengliang said, and put the cucumber back on the table.

Xu Xiucai came out of the kitchen and gave Gao Shengliang 200 yuan: "Go to the supermarket to buy some eggs and milk, and then weigh some pork."

"Pure milk or yogurt?"

"Pure milk."

Gao Shengliang put on his shoes and asked, "Will Xiaoshuai come back?"

Two months ago, his son Gao Shuai came back from Jinghe to be a volunteer.Now the post-disaster work in Changping is about the same. He is mainly responsible for dredging some roads, and he often does not go home for ten days and a half months.

"I'll make a call." Xu Xiucai called her son, and said half a minute later, "Come back at nine."

"it is good!"

Gao Shengliang hummed a ditty and went to the supermarket.He originally wanted to buy some pork heads and knuckles, but he was stunned when he arrived at the supermarket.The pork heads and knuckles in the supermarket were sold out, and there were two long queues for the egg group and the milk group.

"So many people?" Gao Shengliang asked doubtfully.There was a shortage of poultry eggs before, but it began to ease after the Longxia APP was opened. I didn’t expect it to start again now...

"The chicken farm doesn't have enough feed. I heard that there is already a factory selling hens." The uncle in front explained enthusiastically.After the acid rain, Zhongnan was rich in materials for a period of time.However, these materials such as vegetables, poultry and eggs are provided nearby.Now the production of vegetable greenhouses is reduced, and the egg factory has no feed. These problems are like piled up hills, and each one is getting more serious.

"Oh." Gao Shengliang sighed.

Half an hour later, he returned home with a catty of eggs and a carton of milk, followed by his son Gao Shuai.

"Have you read the news? The foreign media is too disgusting!" Gao Shuai talked about the latest news as soon as he got home.In the past two days of the Shuilan meeting, Natal suggested that it should be frequently searched.They volunteered to chat together, very worried that Long Xia could not bear the pressure, so they sent the seeds out directly.

"Can we get food abroad?" Xu Xiucai asked as she brought out a dumpling.She listened to Gao Shengliang all afternoon, and she had some understanding of the hot spots in the past two days.

"Yes." Gao Shuai looked at the dumplings: "What kind of flour do you use?"

"Fumantianxia." Fumantianxia is an old brand, and she had just stocked up on five bags before.

Gao Shuai took a bite of the dumpling: "I'll stock up on Longfeng 001 tomorrow. Now that the country grows grain, we must let the country know that we support new varieties."

A meal is finished in a lively manner.Early the next morning, when Gao Shuai was about to go out, Gao Shengliang stuffed two boiled eggs and two bags of milk into his bag.

Gao Shuai opened the backpack: "One egg and one milk will do."

"You are busy in and out every day, one egg is not enough."

"Our volunteer group is in charge of lunch, and there are eggs."

After Gao Shuai finished speaking, he took his backpack and left.

Gao Shengliang stared at the eggs on the table in a daze.He didn't go to the supermarket for a week. After eating yesterday, he chatted with his colleagues.Now not only Changping, but also other areas are experiencing material shortages.

Poultry, eggs and meat dishes...

Long Xia was not short of food, but was short of other things.

Ten minutes later, Xu Xiucai came in with two bags of flour.

Gao Shengliang was taken aback: "Have you bought flour?"

Xu Xiucai had the habit of visiting the morning market. He thought Xu Xiucai was just walking around, but he didn't expect to bring back two bags of flour.

"Didn't my son ask for this brand yesterday..."

Xu Xiucai put the flour on the table.Flour brand: Fumantianxia-Longfeng 001.This is the flour made by Fumantianxia with Longfeng wheat. In addition to the flour, she also bought a barrel of oil and ten bags of salt this time.

"The price of salt has gone up."

Salt has risen from one yuan to three yuan, which is not much, but according to the chatter of the owner of the grain and oil store, now that the Longnan Salt Field is polluted, it will have to rise until the end of the year.If it is not resolved by the end of the year, there may be a salt crisis next year.

Grain, vegetables, meat and eggs, salt... The two thought that the acid rain was just a food crisis, but now they see that food is just the beginning of everything.

Gao Shengliang thought of the news some time ago.Now that there is a shortage of food in the world, are there still people who dislike the new Longfeng variety?If they hadn't researched Longfeng 001, how would they have the time to dislike it here!

Pure idleness.

"We won't really provide food aid?" Gao Shengliang was suddenly worried.

There are two main international focuses: 1. Many countries led by Natal hope that Longxia will export grain to solve the food crisis. 2. I hope that Longxia will grow wheat for the world and provide Longfeng seeds.Both of these clearly damage Long Xia's interests.

Gao Shengliang is not cold-blooded, but Longxia is still facing a food crisis. Natal, Canberson and other big countries are holding on to food and not letting go... This is bullying!

"Store three bags of Longfeng! Support new wheat, support domestic research!"

"Long Xia can provide aid to foreign countries, but the premise is to have enough food. Now that the crisis of Long Xia has not been resolved, don't get involved in the international community."

"Don't pay attention to international chatter, let's concentrate on development."


Goldman Sachs was very angry, and some netizens also commented on the official Weibo of Long Xia Daily and Long Xia News.They were really worried that Long Xia would not be able to bear the pressure and export the newly planted grain.

Netizens are waiting for Long Xia's response.It's just that Long Xia hasn't responded yet, and Sai Bola suddenly calls.

With the acid rain crisis, the global oil price has risen from 400 Chinese yuan/barrel to 800 Chinese yuan/barrel, and there is no market for crude oil.Cyberra's call is very simple: I hope to use crude oil as currency to exchange a certain amount of grain with Long Xia.Saibola is dominated by aquatic fisheries, and is also rich in crude oil resources.According to the price provided by Saibola, their wheat purchase price is 20 yuan/jin.

This kind of price is not only in Longxia, but also in the whole world.


"It seems pretty miserable there."


Netizens looked at Cyberra asking for help, and were a little silent.They can fight against a big country like Natal, but Cyberola is really miserable!Cerbera, with a population of 200 million, did not emit waste in Halma, but it was the country most affected by the disaster.

"Although Cyberra is broken, it has a lot of backbone."

"It's not a shameless prostitute."


Some netizens turned their focus to the content of Cyberra's call.Although Cyberola asked for help, it did not sell miserably throughout the process. Instead, it listed its resource exchange very decisively. Cyberola is a small country.Now there is no large-scale violence in the whole country, which shows that the people still have a certain degree of anticipatory cohesion towards Cyberra.

"Do you want support?"

Some netizens began to worry.With Longfeng 001, Longxia can grow grain in the acid rain, and when winter wheat is planted, they will have enough surplus grain.It's just that there is no shortage and no shortage, they can't guarantee what will happen next year, and they can rest assured that they have food in their hands...

"Sorrowful." This is a difficult choice.

In the midst of this heated discussion, on July 25, the Longxia Agriculture Department issued a news release.

1: Longxia developed acid rain-resistant corn, which is the third acid-resistant grain after Longfeng 001 and Zhongzhi 002, named Fengshuang 003.

2: Longxia plans to use Zhongzhi sweet potatoes as Cyberra trade food, and the specific cooperation will be further discussed.


"Ah, I love eating corn the most! The Agricultural Research Institute is mighty!"

"Using sweet potatoes as trade food...Longxia agrees to cooperate with Cyberola?"

"Are Longnan's sweet potatoes ripe?"


Although the two pieces of news from the Ministry of Agriculture were simple, they were shocking. As soon as they were released, netizens all over the country discussed them enthusiastically.

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