The surprise came too fast, Qin Yun directly confirmed it under the signal of everyone.

Name: Wind Hill Farm.

Level: Intermediate.


Upgrade reward: random lucky draw X1.


"Good, good!" Liu Wensheng looked at the system interface and said two good things in succession.

Although there is only one big draw for this upgrade, the area of ​​farmland has doubled, and more importantly, the upper limit of employees has doubled from the previous 25 people.This will reduce the number of loops and make farm research more flexible.


Then there was the sound of a bird beating its wings outside.

Liu Wensheng looked out the window. They just followed their heart to help the animals before, but they didn't expect such a surprising achievement.


Nature is a circle, full of magic.

Now at [-]:[-], everyone looked at the shed with flashlights. After making sure that the animals were safe, they gradually fell asleep against the wall.

At seven o'clock in the morning, the rain outside gradually lessened.

Now the fence of the earth building is full of birds, Qin Yun thought for a while, and opened the door cautiously.


When the birds saw Qin Yun, they all looked over.

Qin Yun raised his vigilance, and a white-shouldered eagle flew towards Qin Yun.The white-shouldered eagle turned around around Qin Yun's side and landed directly on Qin Yun's shoulder.

Qin Yun stood up straight and did not move.

The bald eagle rubbed its head against Qin Yun's chin, and another golden eagle flew to the other shoulder.

Ten catties of bald eagles and twenty catties of golden carvings.Before Qin Yun could react, another adult eagle stared at the position above Qin Yun's head...

Qin Yun:! ! !

Qin Yun moved his body, got the bird off his body, and signaled to Liu Wensheng and the others: "It's all right."

He now has a peaceful animal heart, which is a very peaceful feeling.Although he cannot communicate with the animals, he can be sure that within the scope of the farm, both humans and animals are safe.

Liu Wensheng observed for a while, then walked out of the room.

Liu Wensheng was always wary of the birds approaching, but the birds just glanced at him without any indication.

Birds cannot fight within the farm range, but it does not mean that there is a pro-human behavior.

Liu Wensheng also discovered this, and was instantly depressed.But anyway, they can go out now.

Over the next two days, the rain became less and less.

Two days later, the flood outside the farm dissipated, and the animals walked out of the farm shed. After confirming that the outside environment was safe, they walked towards the deep no-man's land.

Although the farm is a perfect shelter, there is no food here. Compared with the stability of the farm, they prefer the competition outside the farm.

The predators leave.

The herbivores circled the farm and then left.

Although Heart of Peace can protect the safety of herbivores, Heart of Peace has a DEBUFF: animals cannot eat farm food.

Except for sweet potato and wheat, the farm has no edible pasture.

It's not a place for carnivores, nor for herbivores.

"all gone……"

Liu Wensheng thought the animals would stay, but unexpectedly they left one by one.In nature, the weak prey on the strong, and he was worried that the heart of peace would affect the relationship between animals.But the rain receded, and the animals knew the rules of survival better than humans.

"These acid rains should not be borne by them."

Liu Wensheng said.This acid rain is caused by uncontrolled human emissions, but now, plants are degrading, animals are having difficulty surviving, and marine fish production is decreasing... These should not be borne by them, but their consequences are more serious than humans.


Qin Yun looked at the direction the animals left.Since yesterday afternoon, Xiao Bai has been wagging his tail at himself.He knew that this was Xiaobai saying goodbye to him... Now that the wolves were leaving, Xiaobai followed suit.

Xiaobai belongs to a pack of wolves, and needs constant fighting to hone his ability to survive.

The two watched for a while before returning to the office.

In the next week, the acid rain continued to fall.According to Long Xia's data, 30% of the land in the no-man's land has degraded, which is even worse for the no-man's land.

On July [-]nd, the rain lasted for half a month and finally stopped.

"It smells so bad..."

On July [-]rd, as soon as all the birds flew away, Qin Yun ordered [-] AIs to start cleaning.Now the corridors and stairs of the earth building are full of dirty things. After the AIs cleaned for a day and then disinfected them with disinfectant, everyone felt that they were alive.

On July [-]th, the researchers returned to the farm one after another.

Qin Yun put away the farm shed, and the wheat fields and sweet potato fields had been trampled beyond recognition.Whether these plants are fully mature or not, the farm researchers carefully inspected and can only clean up all the grains.

Although these grains are not edible, they can be roughly processed into industrial feed, which can be regarded as making the best use of them.

After everything was done, Qin Yun expanded the farmland area to [-] mu.


The researchers were excited at the moment when the farmland expanded.

Now the area is enlarged.Not only can they breed, but they can also grow more food!

In the afternoon of the same day, Liu Wensheng handed over a list of farm employees arranged by Long Xia, most of whom were agricultural and scientific and technical personnel.

Qin Yun read it carefully and set it as an employee.

Now that the farm is running in an orderly manner, Qin Yun opened the system interface to check the upgrade reward: random lucky draw X1.

With the previous lottery drawing experience as the basis, he clicked directly.

"Congratulations to the host for getting the farmland seed: rice full of happiness."

Rice full of happiness: 3000 points/mu.Yield per mu of the farm: 1500 catties.Planting requirements: Paddy field planting.

"The staple food."

At the moment when the reward appeared, Liu Wensheng was very excited.

Rice, corn, wheat.

These are the three major staple foods of Longxia, among which corn and wheat are mostly grown in the north, and rice is grown in the south.Now there is Longfeng 001, but due to the different planting environment, these seeds are not suitable for paddy fields.Long Xia was worried about the large-scale waste of land in the south before, but now that rice seeds are available, there is a possibility of researching hybrid rice...

Liu Wensheng was excited after watching it, and reported the situation to his superiors immediately.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the task of [Directly-operated store] and getting a reward: Miraculous Vegetable Seed X1."


Liu Wensheng had just finished his report, and the system was updated again.

Qin Yun opened the Dragon Treasure interface.

Name: Fengshan Farm Flagship Store.

Sales: 2200W

Fans: 2.1 million


After 1.5 million fans, the growth rate of fans is relatively slow.At this time, it happened that there was acid rain on the farm. Qin Yun had been concentrating on the acid rain, but unexpectedly, the task was completed without making a sound...

Qin Yun looked at it carefully for a while, and the system reminded: "Vegetable seeds are random seeds, do you want to open it?"

Qin Yun asked Liu Wensheng for instructions and opened it directly.

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining a random seed: the magical lettuce."

Magic lettuce: 3000 points/mu.Yield per mu: 5000 catties.Cultivation Requirements: Farm-wide, not limited to specific fields.

Fresh and crisp lettuce is one of the most common vegetables in Long Xia.Lettuce yields between 2000-3000 kg per mu.The yield per mu of lettuce in the system is not an exaggeration, it's just...

The two set their sights on planting requirements.

Now the farm area is [-] mu, and the farmland area is [-] mu.Except for the farmland, the rest of the farm is bare, and now the range of oily wheat is not limited, which also means...the farm can have other greens!

Now at three o'clock in the afternoon, the two of them finished watching, when the office phone rang.

Liu Wensheng answered, and then looked at Qin Yun excitedly.

"What's wrong?" Qin Yun was curious.

Liu Wensheng put down the phone and said excitedly, "The wheat in Changlong County, Suzhou Province is ripe!"

Changlong County is one of the first areas in the country to plant wheat. Now that the wheat in Changlong County is mature, this also indicates that July will be a harvest month amidst acid rain!

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