"Fengshan fans have 6023W, and the sales volume is 720W. The sales of fans are not directly proportional."

"3028, wool that I don't want to squeeze."


In the next two days, topics related to Fengshan continued to ferment.Fengshan is a veritable private pioneer. Netizens like to squeeze wool, but this kind of wool that is obviously bullying people really doesn't want to squeeze it.

As the topic fermented, key searches such as #不想拥的肖##野性网络# continued to rise.

On June 6.15th, Longfeng Express issued an announcement: From 6.31 to [-], Longfeng will transport Fengshan Express at a discount of [-]%. @wind hillfarm.

After Longfeng finished delivering, other couriers also issued announcements——

"From 6.15 to 6.31, Fangtong Express...@风山农场."

"From 6.15 to 6.31, Ruitong Express...@风山农场."


There are [-] courier companies making announcements this time.The theme is simple and clear: during the one-yuan welfare delivery period, major express companies provide discount services for Fengshan.

"The courier company has finally done something big!"

"Give Longfeng a thumbs up."


The first time after reading the express announcement, many netizens liked it.

"Don't discount it by [-]%, it can be paid on delivery."

"Can the courier company pay the original price, and then repay the excess postage to Fengshan?"

"The shipping fee is 35 yuan, the courier company is five yuan, and the rest can be given to Fengshan!"


Netizens diverged their thinking and began to think about fancy ways to reject wool.

During this discussion among all members, on June [-]th, Qin Yun opened the Dragon Treasure interface.

Store: Fengshan Farm Flagship Store.

Sales volume: 1200W

Inventory: 18800W

Fans: 1.5 million


"Why don't you use a discount?"

In Fengshan Farm, Liu Wensheng looked at the Long Bao interface complicatedly.

During this period of time, apart from breeding on the farm, he has been paying attention to the data of Longbao.Now the media is full of reports like "I don't want to squeeze wool" and "wild netizens".With the media reports, the number of shop fans continued to grow, and the sales of potato flour were crawling.The farm has already prepared [-] million orders. I didn't expect this scene...

"It's so stupid." Liu Wensheng felt his eyes turn red.

Maybe he felt that his current mood did not match his temperament, so he took a sip of hot water and asked, "Is the potato flour ready?"

"The car is loaded." Qin Yun checked the task progress.

The sweet potato factory produces 50 tons of potato flour per day. For this event, the farm has sorted out the event products in advance.Now the product has just been loaded and is expected to be shipped to customers within a week.

The two chatted for a while, and Liu Wensheng looked at the number of fans again.

Fans: 1.5 million.Sales volume: 1200W.

Liu Wensheng sighed. Although he complained about the stupidity of netizens, he knew that this was their support for Pioneer during the disaster.

After drinking the hot water, he felt warm in his heart.

In the next two days, the farm fans continued to increase.

According to the current speed, the task is expected to be completed by the end of the month.

During this busy task, on June [-], Qin Yun and Liu Wensheng came to the wheat field.Now the [-]-mu wheat field is all planted with hybrid wheat, and the wheat is lush and lush, like an endless green sea.

"After the wheat in the three provinces is harvested, we can plant something else." Liu Wensheng looked around.

According to the documents of the Ministry of Agriculture, a total of 3000 million mu of Longfeng 001 has been planted in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and An’an. These are not only grain, but also sufficient wheat seeds.

"You can also plant some corn and potatoes." Qin Yun followed.

Now the farm seeds are: Wheat, Corn, Potato, Sweet Potato.Wheat and sweet potatoes are the main research direction, and there are two research and experimental fields for corn and potatoes.According to the report of the staff of the Agricultural Research Institute, there has been new progress in hybrid corn. If the research goes well, good news is expected by the end of the year.

"I hope time will be faster."

Liu Wensheng looked around with emotion.Fengshan Farm is like a seed factory. Only by localizing the seeds of the factory can the residents not be afraid of acid rain and truly hold the food bowl.

Half an hour later, Qin Yun felt the back of his hands moist.

Liu Wensheng touched the bridge of his nose, and there were two drops of water on the tip of his nose.

The two looked up.

At this time, thin rain lines fell from the sky.

"It's raining?"

Liu Wensheng was taken aback, and quickly shouted to the surroundings: "It's raining, pack your things!"

A week ago, the Longxia Meteorological Bureau forecast acid rain in the northwest.There are currently [-] researchers on the farm. Due to the DEBUFF of the farm, the researchers adopt a circular system.The rain is expected to last half a month. As soon as it rained, the research institutes took the materials and got on the off-road vehicle that had been prepared.

These off-road vehicles would drive to the infantry battalion and return to the farm when the rain stopped.

Qin Yun ordered the AIs to tidy up the equipment, and when everything was done, the time was set to six o'clock in the afternoon.

Qin Yun closed the farmland protective cover and went to the earth building.

"Take the chair, don't block the water outlet..." In the Huangtu kiln, Liu Wensheng, Zhang Hu and others were tidying up the yard.

The earth building is designed with an outer circle and an inner hollow, the yard is open-air, and there is a circle of drainage around the edge.There was light rain on the farm before, and the rainwater was drained quickly, but this time the rain was heavy, and the farm was not sure whether the rainwater could be drained smoothly.For safety, the farm has moved all the valuables on the first floor to the third and fourth floors.Now that the acid rain is really coming, everyone still thinks that they can be rescued and rescued...

Qin Yun, Liu Wensheng and others removed the obstacles together, and the rain was getting heavier and heavier.

Seeing that the courtyard was empty, everyone returned to a safe area.

"4.2." Zhao Zhishun took a piece of pH test paper and tested it. Now the acidity is 4.2, which is already a heavy acid.

"Oh." Liu Wensheng sighed.

In the next two days, the acid rain became heavier and heavier.Everyone woke up three times at night, and after confirming that the yard was well drained, they were completely relieved.

At noon on the third day, Zhao Zhishun sat at the door watching the rain.

Zhao Zhishun joined the army at the age of 20 and is 47 this year.He stayed in the Northwest for 27 years. During these 27 years, there have been several heavy rains in the Northwest.But it's the first time such an upside down.At this time, the heavy rain was pouring down, and Zhao Zhishun was in a daze, as if if it rained again, the no-man's land would turn into a no-man's sea...

"Xusu!" In this trance, there was a sound of wings in the sky.

Zhao Zhishun raised his head. They were two adult eagles.The eagle flew twice in the sky, and then went straight to the eaves of the fifth floor.


Before Zhao Zhishun could react, seven Northwest golden eagles flew in.The golden eagle and the eagle were not in the same group. The two sides roared vigilantly, and then hid from the rain in a tacit understanding.

Zhao Zhishun:? ? ?

He put on his raincoat, took a piece of self-defense gear and went upstairs.

Five minutes later, Zhao Zhishun came to the fifth floor.There is a 5x2 wooden window in the corridor on the fifth floor. He wanted to check the condition of the eagle, but he glanced out of the wooden window and was completely stunned.

At this time, there is a mighty animal world outside, such as cows, white wolves, antelopes, Guanzhong horses, clouded leopards... these are countless Northwest animals.

Behind the animal is a large flood, the animal is running ahead, and the flood is chasing after it.

These floods seem to have been blocked by the hillside before, and then the hillside poured down.

"what's up?"

"what sound?"


At this time, Qin Yun, Liu Wensheng and others also heard the movement.

Zhao Zhishun was stunned for three seconds, and quickly pointed to the direction outside the farm: "The animals in no man's land, come out!"

The farm is located at the junction of the deep no-man's land and the shallow no-man's land. The terrain here is relatively high, and now the deep no-man's land is flooded in large areas.The intention of the animal is obvious: to come to the farm to hide from the rain.

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