"What is changing flowers and planting land?"

Half an hour later, Zheng Yunjie and the flower shop owner came to the property management office. Now the property is surrounded by nearly a hundred merchants, and everyone is asking about the group notice just now.

"This is a planting policy for merchants in disaster-stricken areas. Our flower market has a quota of [-] mu..."

Manager Zhao is a middle-aged man in his early fifties. While talking, he took out a stack of promotional materials from the table.

Everyone opened the file.

Now the state has distributed 100 million mu of sweet potato seeds, and Kunshan has a share of [-] mu.After research, the Kunshan government plans to divide the sweet potato seedlings into two parts.Some of them are sold to large-scale planting bases, and the other part is sold to merchants in disaster areas.

Kunshan Flowers suffered heavy losses and received [-] mu from the government.Merchants purchase must meet three conditions -

1. Local merchants in Kunshan (not limited to urban areas).

2. After the contract is signed, the sweet potatoes need to be planted in a ridge within half a month.

3. The planting range is uniformly arranged by the government, up to ten acres.



"How much is an acre?" Some merchants asked the most concerned question.

"Two hundred seedlings, three hundred land."

"The price per acre?"


Merchants have been paying attention to Zhongzhi 002 recently. According to the introduction of the Ministry of Agriculture, Zhongzhi 002 produces [-] catties per mu, and the overall planting cost is [-] per mu.Now the flower market has suffered serious losses. If we can grow sweet potatoes, we can solve part of the income problem, but...

"What if it can't be planted?" A merchant asked.

"If the quality and output of sweet potatoes fail to meet the standard, the state will compensate for the cost and loss of work. You don't have to worry about not being able to sell them. The government will buy them at the market price." Manager Zhao pointed to the details of the contract.

"When will the contract be signed?"

"It's covered this year, how about next year?"

"How long does it take to mature?"


The quota of sweet potatoes needs to be determined within a week, merchants have priority planting rights, Kunshan has enough sunshine, and it is expected to mature in 90-120 days...

After the merchants asked questions, they signed up directly.

Now that food is in crisis, and the government is behind it, this is definitely a profitable business!

"I have my ID card, how do I sign the contract?"

"Is it the intention to sign today, and then go to the Agricultural Bureau to sign formally tomorrow?"


Merchants ask about the process.

During the rush of registration, Zheng Yunjie came out at five o'clock in the afternoon with a form of interest.

"How many acres have you signed?" The neighbor boss waited outside.

"Ten acres."



Ten acres is the maximum authority of the market, the two chatted for a while, and then went back to their respective homes.

Now in early May, the green belt in Kunshan is dry.On the way home, Zheng Yunjie saw two sanitation workers cleaning up dead branches on the side of the road, and two high-altitude workers cleaning billboards.

He took two photos at random.

Now there is acid rain all over the world, but life goes on.


The next morning, Zheng Yunjie and the neighbor boss came to the Agricultural Bureau.

This time, the Kunshan government has [-] mu of sweet potato seeds. In addition to the flower market, the insect and bird market in the South District, and the clothing market in the North District, there are [-] mu of quota. In addition, some households with big losses can plant [-] mu.

This is the first batch of sweet potato seeds.According to expectations, there may be a second batch in the second half of the month.

At ten o'clock in the morning, Zheng Yunjie and the neighbor's boss finished the formalities.

Two-person contract——

Planting address: No. 303, Baixiang Base, Kunshan.

Planting address: No. 305, Baixiang Base, Kunshan.

"It's still a piece."

The neighbor boss joked a little.

"Is this the Baixiang base?"



An hour later, the two were standing outside the base.The Baixiang base is a state-owned flower base, covering an area of ​​[-] mu. Because of the large variety of flowers, the two often come to the base to buy goods.Baixiang base has been selected as one of the top ten most beautiful bases in the world.The two had already made preparations for the acid rain, but at this time: all the flowers on the [-] mu were withered, and the flower branches fell into the soil, and the soil turned from dark brown to black.

"I can't see the most beautiful base." The neighbor boss sighed, and then found his own land.

Sweet potato planting is generally divided into multiple steps such as seedling selection, ridging, planting, fertilization and mulching.Now that the sweet potato seedlings have arrived at the Bureau of Agriculture, they can apply for planting as long as they have raised the ridges.

The Baixiang base is relatively flat, and many growers are doing preliminary work.

"Can you plant?" Zheng Yunjie looked at the neighbor's boss.

"I planted it when I was a child, and I forgot the steps."

Sweet potato cultivation is simple, but in order to keep improving, the two hired three agricultural workers.

Now the acid rain affects the employment rate, and the small workers who used to be [-] a day can now be hired for [-].

In the next two days, the two stayed in the field with Xiao Gong.

Two days later, ten acres of sweet potato fields were successfully planted.

After two days of labor, the Baixiang base has been contracted in sevens and eighties. The two stood in their sweet potato field, looking at the dark soil, and suddenly felt a little uneasy in their hearts: Can sweet potatoes be grown in such a dark land? ?


"Can you get sweet potatoes?"

"do not know."

"It will be three months at the earliest."


Can I have sweet potatoes?

Now not only Zheng Yunjie and others, but also residents across the country are concerned about the same issue.

Acid rain is now covering a large area. If Longfeng Zhongzhi is successfully planted, this is Quan Longxia's hope. If the acid rain cannot be stopped...

Can't think deeply.

On May [-]th, the Longxia Meteorological Bureau issued another warning——

[Storm Halma is expected to land in the Jianghuai provinces from May [-]th to May [-]th. The governments and residents of the two provinces need to do a good job of protection. [Red Warning]]

"Red Alert..."

"It's never over."

"If the Jianghuai River is finished, will we cross the Yellow River after that?"

"Ahhh, the north cannot fall!"


Netizens felt very heavy after reading the warning.And the most direct consequence of this: continue to hoard goods.

Stockpiling goods this time was not as smooth as before: the supermarkets were sold out of vegetables, the price of rice noodles doubled, and all noodles and dumplings were sold out.

As long as there is food in supermarkets, residents are in a state of panic buying. In some small grain trade stores, rice has jumped from 15 yuan to [-] yuan.As the price of grain, rice and noodles rose, there was a slight panic in the Jianghuai area.

In the panic of the whole people, the Longxia Agriculture Department issued another news——

1. Long Xia will severely crack down on unfair competition that raises prices on the ground, speculates, and spreads panic.

2. Longxia has opened a grain special purchase channel. Residents can log in to the Longxia Granary APP, and each person can purchase 10KG of rice and 5KG of flour per month. (The delivery address must be the same as the permanent residence address. False registration and false purchases are strictly prohibited. If the circumstances are serious, they will be subject to criminal detention.)

3. Long Xia resolutely implements: no resident is hungry, and everyone has food to eat.


According to the details of the news, the granary app’s grain is shipped from the official granary, and 10KG of rice and 5KG of flour can fully meet the monthly needs of an adult man.Residents can purchase food according to the number of members...

This policy is like a tonic, and residents across the country feel at ease immediately.


On May [-]th, acid rain fell on the Jianghuai River, and the residents stayed at home behind closed doors.

Some low-rise residents learned from the experience of Yunyu and the Central South region, and put furniture and appliances in waterproof bags in advance. In addition, some low-lying residents directly booked high-lying hotels.

The acid rain in Jianghuai came as scheduled, but compared with the previous two times, the residents were calmer.

While the people of Jianghuai were fighting the acid rain, Zhao Xuan looked out of the window in Xinxin District of Huainan City, worried: "The bakery can't be kept."

Sun Yunxuan turned on the TV and said, "We have emptied out everything, even if there are blisters, it is just some furniture decoration."

“Furniture decoration is also quite valuable.”

Zhao Xuan sat back on the sofa, when an advertisement appeared on the TV——

[No man's land is a forbidden area for life, it is barren and desolate, every plant is a symbol of life...]

Zhao Xuan was in a daze: "Half a year."

She remembered that half a year ago, when Fengshan flour was advertised on the whole network, she followed suit and stocked up a batch of flour.The Fengshan puffs and Fengshan bread slices in the store are widely praised by the nearby residents.

She had already discussed with Sun Yunxuan about opening a branch, but she didn't expect that there would be heavy rainfall in Mali before choosing a location.And then... like this.

"Is there any Fengshan flour?" Sun Yunxuan asked after watching the advertisement.

"There are three more bags."

When Fengshan flour was selling well in the country, she contacted the supermarket to stock up a batch.Now the whole country has run out of flour, and there are still three bags left on the balcony at home.

"I want to eat buns." Sun Yunxuan was a little greedy.

Zhao Xuan baked two pieces with the home bread machine.

"good to eat."

Sun Yunxuan ate with a satisfied face.

"Really delicious."

Zhao Xuan took a bite, the flour is still the same as before, but the world has changed too fast...

The Jianghuai rainstorm lasted for five consecutive days, with a maximum rainfall of 473mm.This rain caused large-scale power outages across the city, but residents made preparations in advance.They lit candles when there was a power outage, and watched the rainstorm in a daze without internet access.

Life is fast-paced now, and they never thought they would have such a patient moment.

On May [-]th, the rainstorm ended.

Zhao Xuan waited until the water level downstairs had almost dropped, and came to the store with Sun Yunxuan wearing a raincoat.

At this time, the signboard of the cake shop was half slanted by the wind, Sun Yunxuan borrowed a ladder from the side, and hung the signboard upright. Immediately afterwards, the two walked into the cake shop together.

The bakery was flooded up to the calves, some bread racks were soaking in the water, and the wallpaper on the walls was all wet.

Sun Yunxuan tore off a corner of the wallpaper and sighed: "It can't be used anymore."

When he came, he was still holding on to the last ray of hope, but he didn't expect that the store was completely destroyed.

Zhao Xuan put the backpack on the bread rack, then walked into the operating room.They moved all the things in the operation room before the rainstorm, leaving only two tables.Looking at the place where they worked for ten years at this time, the two felt very uncomfortable.

"Is the store still open?" Sun Yunxuan asked, smoking a cigarette.

"How can this be done?" Zhao Xuan touched the shelf next to her.

This food crisis is sudden and devastating.Since the rainstorm, the store's business has been worsening day by day.

In addition to global food shortages, the food crisis has also caused a series of problems such as economic downturn, increase in unemployment rate, and employment difficulties.

Now that the economy is difficult, with the same budget, residents prefer to buy three catties of rice, and a piece of cake is not as valuable as rice.

"Oh, I just lost my job." Sun Yunxuan laughed at himself.The cake shop was bought with full payment before, and he plans to close it to see if it can be changed into a small supermarket in the future.If the supermarket doesn't work...it seems that there is nothing to do.

The two stayed in the store for a while, ready to go back.

Zhao Xuan was just backpacking when the wind chimes rang at the door of the store.Zhao Xuan raised her head, she was a middle-aged woman in a flower skirt.

"Sister Zhou." Zhao Xuan greeted with a smile.

Sister Zhou is a regular customer in the store. Besides herself, she is also holding a seven-year-old girl in her hand.

"I saw that your shop is open, and the children want to eat cakes, so come and have a look." Sister Zhou said.

"Now things are broken and there is no cake."

"Hey, when are you going to reopen?"

Zhao Xuan thought for a while: "No way."


"Now that the economy is in a downturn, the bakery business is not doing well."

"Yes." Sister Zhou understood very well.

The two chatted for a while. Sister Zhou was about to lead the girl away, but the girl looked up: "Mom, is the cake shop closed?"


"Then there will be no more sweet cakes?"

"Running out."

"Wow!" The little girl cried directly: "The cake is so delicious, why is there no cake in the future, I want to eat cake..."


Sister Zhou dragged the little girl away in embarrassment.

Zhao Xuan and Sun Yunxuan felt a little uncomfortable watching them leave.

The cake is sweet and delicious.

But now it's a matter of survival first, and as for the cake... no chance.


Just as Zhao Xuan and Sun Yunxuan were feeling very uncomfortable, a post on the Internet quickly went viral.

post title -

[Reducing the burden of planting for the country: bean sprouts, leeks and Chinese cabbage!Now that there is a food crisis, I recommend everyone to plant on the balcony!Bean sprouts can be cooked in three days!Come on, sister! 】

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