"On March 27, the precipitation in Yunyu and Longnan reached 552 mm, and the rainfall is expected to last until the night of March 31..."


In the next two days, Longxia, Yunyu and other places became completely flood-stricken areas.


While people across the country were paying attention to the disaster situation, Song Xiaoxin nervously watched Yunyu News in a residential building in Jinghe Xinxin Home.

Song Xiaoxin is 27 this year, a staff member of an advertising company, and a bachelor's degree in Yun Province.She has been watching the news of Yun Province for the past two days, and she always feels that her heart is being pulled.She searched for keywords just now, and now the school is flooded, and the students are all concentrated in the teaching buildings on the third or fourth floors.

Song Xiaoxin swiped it over and over again, and then opened the Kunshan 3023 group.

"Wang Lujie, Si Xiaoman, Liu Chen...are there any missing reports?"

"Zhao Xiaogang. @Squad Leader."

"take note of it."


Everyone in the group was reporting the numbers seriously, Song Xiaoxin looked at it for a while and asked: "???"

The squad leader replied skillfully: "Longnan disaster volunteers are recruited, if you want to go, please register."

There are various public welfare organizations in the society. During the heavy rainfall in Yunyu, Long Xia voluntarily issued a solicitation order, intending to prepare for the next disaster relief work in advance. The members of 3023 are all graduated from Kunshan University. Although they have graduated for five years, they all miss their alma mater immediately.

After reading it, Song Xiaoxin asked, "How many days are you volunteering for?"

"From three days to half a month, we are social in nature. The specific allocation depends on the arrangement of the voluntary association."


Now there are more than 20 people signing up in the group, Song Xiaoxin thought about it and signed up.

"Is there any more?" The squad leader continued to ask in the group.

"Me alone."

"When is the deadline? I'll ask the unit for leave."

"I can go!"

Many students responded to the application.


"Mom, I want to go home..."

It was raining heavily, on March [-]th, in Yuhezi Village, Huilong Town, a little girl shivered.

A middle-aged woman held him in her arms: "Persist for another two days, and we will be able to return the day after tomorrow."

Today is the fifth day of rain in Longnan. Since March 27, the villagers have been gathered in the village brigade.The village brigade is three stories high, and now the water on the first floor overflows the ankles, and the village party secretary is leading everyone to block the door to block the water. More than 1000 people were gathered on the second and third floors. Now it is crowded, and everyone feels unprecedented despair.

"Mom, my hands are itchy." The girl scratched the back of her hand and said.

"When you get out, just apply some iodophor and you'll be fine." The middle-aged woman was very distressed.

Now it is stormy outside, and at some point, the girl has scattered little red dots on her back.She asked the village doctor in the morning that it was the skin infection caused by exposure to acid rain.

Now there are more than [-] people in the village brigade, and seven or eight red spots have appeared.Acid rain is not contagious, but the atmosphere of terror continues to spread.

The little girl kept weeping, Zhao Fengxia saw this, and handed over an orange: "Put something for the child."

"Thank you."

The village brigade has sufficient supplies, but they are all basic supplies such as rice noodles.Now it has been acid rain for five days, there is no shortage of food, but there is not enough drinking water...

Zhao Fengxia chatted with the woman for a while, then took out her mobile phone.

There were three missed videos on the phone, so she called back.

"Mom, how are you doing?" As soon as the video was connected, Liu Xiaoyuan's big face appeared in it.

"There is food and drink, but going to the toilet is a bit more troublesome."

"I'll see my grandma."

Zhao Fengxia moved the phone aside.

The old man was resting against the wall, and waved his hands when he saw Liu Xiaoyuan: "Yeah, I'm fine..."

Liu Xiaoyuan was completely relieved.

The two chatted for a while, and Liu Xiaoyuan hung up the phone.

In the dormitory building of the University of Finance and Economics, everyone saw Liu Xiaoyuan hang up the phone, and quickly asked concerned: "Are you all right?"

"It's okay." Liu Xiaoyuan shook his head.

Although she said she was fine, she remembered the room just now: the room was crowded with people and there was no place to turn over.

I heard from my mother that half of the house in the village has been flooded, and their house is located in a high place. Even if it is not completely flooded, some of the floor and furniture will not be able to survive.

"Oh, it's good that people are fine." The students in the dormitory sighed.

They complained that the country was too tense before, but they didn't expect the acid rain to fall as soon as they said it, and it was still a disaster level...

Everyone chatted for a while, and a roommate suddenly said: "Look at the trending searches!"

Everyone opened the hot search.

Hot search title: [UAV shooting: Dashan Village under acid rain. 】

Dashan Village is located in the south of Annan City, Yunnan Province. There are [-] mu of vegetable greenhouses and [-] mu of open-air vegetable bases.

Dashan Village at this time: the [-]-mu vegetable base has been swallowed by the muddy flood, and the village has become a sea, with a few vegetable greenhouses exposed outside, and various plastic green plants floating in the flood, against the surrounding environment Next, it seems to be a doomsday blockbuster.

At the end of the video, a donkey is struggling hard in the water. The donkey is trying to get stuck in the big tree next to it, but the flood is so fast that it drifts away without moving.

Another torrential rain fell, no one was knocked into the water, and finally the picture was muddy.

"My heart can't take it anymore, is the donkey okay?"

"How can there be nothing wrong with such heavy rain."

"Just now I searched the old photos of Dashan Village, and the beautiful base is gone..."


Pray for a while below the video.

Just praying for blessings until the end, some netizens silently asked: "Is everything going to be okay here?"

We should be fine here?

If it was a month ago, everyone would have happily believed that everything was fine.But Halma has even crossed the highest Ala Mountains... They don't believe that they are safe.

"Fuck! Go to the supermarket to stock up on rice tomorrow."

"My house lives on the 32nd floor, so it shouldn't be flooded."

"Aren't you worried that the quality of the project will blow you away?"


Some netizens panicked.

On March 31, a new wave of food hoarding activities began across the country.Due to too many residents going to the supermarket, before noon, [-]% of the supermarkets were out of stock of rice and flour, and the instant noodles and ham were even sold out.

On the afternoon of March 31, the Ministry of Agriculture of Longxia issued a news: [Longxia has sufficient material reserves, residents do not need to panic excessively, and acid rain protection needs to be done before the acid rain...]

This news first affirmed Longxia's material reserves, and then reminded residents to pay attention to acid rain protection and acid rain hygiene.In the end, it was pointed out sternly: Violations due to acid rain taking advantage of the chaos will be punished twice as illegal.

Under Long Xia's strong implementation, although residents across the country are worried, the whole society remains stable.


"The rain has stopped."

"It seems to have stopped..."


While all the people were paying attention, on the evening of March 31, the rain in Longnan decreased, and in the early morning of the next day, the rain stopped completely.

Back in Yuhezi Village, Long Town, Zhao Fengxia was wearing boots. This was the first time she had left the Yuhezi brigade in five days.

The Yuhezi brigade was built on the hillside in the southern district. Looking from the top of the hill at this time, half of the entire Yuhezi village was submerged.The big trees fell all over the place, they were like isolated islands in the ocean.

"God." The aunt in the same room came out and fell to the ground crying.

She had been thinking about the rice porridge in the pot before, but as the rain got heavier and heavier, she didn't think about the rice porridge, but kept thinking about the electric car in the yard...

Now, she looked toward her house.Now I can’t see the roof, not to mention the electric car, even the house is gone!


"I put my passbook in the stove, I don't know if it's still there..."


At this time, more and more villagers came out.Everyone hasn't washed their faces or brushed their teeth for five days, and everyone is full of fatigue.

In this silent atmosphere, the village party secretary came out from the brigade: "Everyone, register and see if there is any shame in each household. Make sure everyone is safe."

The villagers counted one by one.

According to the final statistics, none of the villagers is missing.

"All the members of Zhaojiawan are here."

"All the members of Baijiazhuang are here."

"All the members of Huzhuang are here..."


At the same time, other villages are reporting their numbers one by one.

At 200:190 p.m. on April [-]st, after reporting one by one, the final data: There are a total of [-] townships in the two provinces of Yunyu, with [-] actual residents and [-] reported residents.

The least three died unexpectedly during the escape, and the official website was very saddened by this result.

At eight o'clock that night, "Longxia News" reported the casualties of the disaster.Three township residents died. Due to the large floating population in the city, the specific casualties will be reported in two nights.

"3000 people, only three people?"

"Will there be any omissions?"

"It feels like the rain is quite heavy, not like three..."

"This time it's Long Xia's supervision. If there is any leak, he will be dismissed directly."

"It feels a little weird..."


After the "Longxia News" announced the results, Weiwen, tree cats, short videos... the whole network's discussion completely exploded.

Long Xia prepared for this disaster a month ago, but flood relief, especially the acid rain disaster, is not as simple as moving your fingers.On the evening of March 612, the rainfall in Longnan had reached [-] mm, which was the largest flood in the country in the past ten years.Everyone was prepared for heavy casualties, and now... it's a miracle.


At the same time as the country was shocked, the results of the Longxia disaster also spread abroad——

"It belongs to Long Xia's miracle."

"Only three casualties among the 3000 people in Longxia, a strong and effective preventive action."


In addition to Mali, rainfall of varying scales has also occurred in the waterfront areas of the world.

Most of the rainfall this time was concentrated from the 25th to the 31st. Although there was a Longxia warning, there were still large-scale casualties in various places.Everyone was ready for casualties, and Long Xia's data shocked them.

"The truth and falsehood of Long Xia's casualties."

"Storm of Halma: A Bad Lie."


With more and more reports, different voices have emerged internationally.

It was a miracle of preparation in advance, a miracle of vigorous mobilization.They... don't believe it!

While the whole world was talking about it, Long Xia didn't pay attention to it. Now they have to take an important step: disaster relief.

This disaster is not only acid rain, but also floods caused by acid rain.

Now many crops in Longnan have been damaged, residents have difficulty drinking water, vehicles and buildings are corroded...

This is to be solved step by step.

What Long Xia wants to do is not to have three casualties, but to make sure that none of them will be missing in the future!

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