"Global Weekly: Longxia imported 30260.5 million tons of grain from December to January, a year-on-year increase of 230%, ranking first among global importers."

"Global Times: Since the second half of 3027, global food prices have risen by 23%, and Longxia has become the largest paying country."

"Global Grain Report: Behind Longxia's Grain Imports."


While Longxia was operating in an orderly manner, the international grain market was surging.

According to international news reports, since December 3027, Long Xia has hoarded grain in the international market.As for the reason...

Long Xia showed the environmental proposal three months ago.

Now that the environment is seriously polluted, Long Xia is preparing to stockpile food.

"Bad policy..."

At eight o'clock in the evening on February [-]th, in a high-end office building in Natal, Garcia watched the food report depressed.

Garcia is a trader, last June, he stockpiled 30 tons of soybeans.The original plan was to sell soybeans at their highest point.When it was ready to be sold, Long Xia began to hoard grain on a large scale.Due to excessive supply and demand, the price of international soybeans rose from 3500 yuan/ton to 4200 yuan.

Garcia is ready to wait and see for half a month.

This wait and see, soybeans rose to 4500 yuan, and at the same time there is Natal's latest policy: "Natal Grain Export Restriction Regulations".

The reason why Natal restricts exports is simple: Longxia hoarded [-] million tons of grain in three months, and Natal attached great importance to it because of its abnormal behavior.

After the promulgation of the Natal Restriction Regulations, many countries followed suit.

Garcia is a soybean trader. He doesn't care about the international situation, he only cares about his own 30 tons of soybeans, and now restricts exports. The most direct consequence of this is that his soybeans cannot be sold...


Garcia lit a cigar.

He regretted not selling immediately.

"Mr. Garcia..."

Depressed, the office door opened.

This is George, the deputy manager of the company.

"When will the export regulations be cancelled?" Garcia asked directly.

"At the end of February at the earliest," the deputy manager said.

Natal is the world's largest exporter, and now export restrictions have affected its economy.If the situation remains unclear, Natal can only lift export restrictions.

The two chatted for a while, and the deputy manager asked, "Has the order been shipped yet?"

According to Natal's export regulations, orders before the company's limit can be shipped normally.They had signed an intentional order with Long Xia, but the order was under negotiation because there was no signature.

"How much?" Garcia asked.

"450 Natals."

1 Natal = 10 Long Xia Yuan, and the price of Long Xia is equivalent to 4500 Long Xia Yuan.

Garcia was lost in thought.

If Natal's export restrictions were lifted, global soybean prices would surely drop significantly.Now there are two paths before him. 1. Continue to wait and see. 2, for sale now.

Garcia quickly decided: "Sell."

A businessman is profit-seeking, and he prefers to hold Natal coins in his hands compared to the alarmist food crisis.

"Food for sale."

"Wait and see until March..."

"Troublesome Longxia people."


At the same time that Garcia was selling, global grain merchants were making different decisions.

Although Long Xia behaved abnormally, he had to admit that Long Xia's every move attracted much attention.


"I have imported [-] million tons, which is the limit in nearly three months."

On February [-]th, Liu Wensheng opened the latest file.

In the past six months, Long Xia has been consciously increasing his food reserves.While making reserves, Long Xia also faced two choices. 1. Storing food in a muffled voice. 2. Reminder of the global food crisis.

Long Xia directly chose the second option, the reason——

1. Long Xia's hoarding of grain is too abnormal. Regardless of the reason, the world will tighten grain exports.

2. There are 50 billion people outside Lungshar. If the food crisis is allowed, it will cause global chaos.

3. The food crisis is a war for all mankind.


No matter from which angle, Long Xia must remind.

"We just released "The Impact of Heavy Rainfall in Halma"..." Liu Wensheng continued.

Starting from NO.13, sporadic rainfall occurred in southern Mali.It is normal rainfall now. According to international meteorological monitoring, a relatively cold air mass is forming in the deep sea area of ​​Harma, which is similar to the Harma storm mass mentioned by Qin Yun.

In the past three months, Long Xia had seriously negotiated with Mali on environmental governance, but now technology cannot change the formation of cold air masses, coupled with the international situation, Long Xia has been doing futile work.

After listening to the policies of recent months, Qin Yun said, "I've tried my best."

"I did my best." Liu Wensheng sighed.

Long Xia is not the savior of the world. In the face of global disasters, they must ensure the survival and safety of the people of Long Xia.

"Doo!" In the middle of the chat, there was a knock on the office door.


Zhang Hu first saluted, and then said excitedly: "The sweet potato is ripe!"

Ten days ago, although Qin Yun and Liu Wensheng complained about the stinginess of the system, the first time they got [Mutated Sweet Potatoes], they leveled the land for planting.

The mutated sweet potato is 5000 points/mu, and the maturity period is 10 days. This is also the highest plant planting in the system.

The two of them have been busy with wheat breeding during this time, but they didn't expect the sweet potatoes to ripen quietly...

"Go!" Liu Wensheng put on his coat and went out.

There are now more than 300 workers on the farm. When the two arrived at the sweet potato field, the two workers were digging out the sweet potatoes.The roots and leaves of sweet potatoes are huge, with a leaf at least fifty centimeters long.Before the two of them could react, a huge sweet potato was pulled out with the force of the staff.

Sweet potatoes are huge, like enlarged winter melons.

The staff took out the electronic scale, and the net weight of sweet potatoes was 30KG.

"Commander Liu, Secretary Qin."

The scientific researchers greeted them, and then reported the latest report on sweet potatoes: "Fengshan sweet potatoes have a net weight of 30-33KG, and the yield per mu is 0.15 jin. The sweet potatoes are thin-skinned and red-fleshed, and the fat content is about [-]%. The specific data needs further calculation..."

Liu Wensheng asked directly: "How much is the yield per mu?"

"Thirty thousand catties."

Sweet potato is an annual herbaceous plant, with a general yield of [-] to [-] jin per mu, and [-] jin in high-quality producing areas.Liu Wensheng knew that the products produced by the system must be high-quality products, and he had already prepared for the yield of sweet potatoes to exceed [-] per mu, but he did not expect that the output of sweet potatoes would directly increase to [-] catties!

"The gene combination of Fengshan sweet potato is similar to that of tobacco potato in Eastern Province of my country. We should try to hybridize Fengshan sweet potato and tobacco..." The researcher is a sweet potato professor of Longxia Agricultural College. He has participated in Dongshu 019, Shenshu 113 and other sweet potatoes Hybrid development.

The hybridization technique of sweet potato is simpler than that of wheat. He has been soaking in the sweet potato field for ten days. According to the measured data, he can try to hybridize sweet potato research.

"Okay, okay!" Liu Wensheng said very excitedly.

The land on the farm is limited, and he felt that there was no need to grow sweet potatoes for the time being, but looking at it now... he was too conservative!


"Longxia News: Talking about the impact of Mali's heavy rainfall on the global climate."

"Longxia Daily: Food saving, energy saving and emission reduction start from me."

"Longxia Agriculture: The first batch of Longfeng 001 was sown successfully..."


While the farm was seriously planting, news related to "Longxia Agricultural Policy" and "Mali Heavy Rainfall" appeared on the hot list from time to time.Driven by the hot news, residents across the country also began to discuss the possibility of a food crisis and consciously reduce food waste.

"Now the news is too exaggerated..."

In the second cafeteria of Suzhou University, Zhao Shengbo brushed the tree cat and complained.

In the past half a month, Treemao has been watching food-saving promotional videos, which become more and more boring the more he watches them.

Zhao Shengbo threw the phone aside: "Now we are just looking for trouble, we have so much food, and we have never seen anyone starve to death."

"We have a huge food shortage. There are [-] million people in the world who don't have access to food." Wang Mengying said on the opposite side.

Both of them are college students in Suzhou. They met last year and fell in love for three months.

After Wang Mengying finished speaking, Zhao Shengbo was not happy: "These are the poor areas in Mali, our country is short of food."

"It's missing." Wang Mengying told him about the promotional video he just watched.

Seeing that Zhao Shengbo couldn't say it, he could only stick to his point of view: "Now a meal outside costs two to three hundred yuan, and the shortage of food is not enough for us."

Wang Mengying: ...It is true that there is nothing missing.

"My dad found me an internship unit, let's go there together, I go to work during the day, and you cook me something delicious at home..." Zhao Shengbo changed the subject.

Both of them are students of the Department of Communication, and now they are interns in their senior year, and many students have already gone to work in other places.

"My grandfather found it for me, I have to go back." Wang Mengying refused.


"Go home and farm."

Wang Mengying didn't just talk about it casually. Her family is in Changlong County, Huainan. Before the country's land was transferred, the old man of the family registered the family's land, and then signed a private plantation of [-] mu.

Now the country is promoting Longfeng 001 in the three provinces of Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and An. The family has called twice and wants her to go back to the business.She has been hesitating for a while, and after listening to Zhao Shengbo's silly remarks just now, she decided to go back to her hometown.

"Just your mountain valley?" Zhao Shengbo was taken aback.


"How much land is your house?"

"Five hundred acres."

"Are you going home to farm as a college student?" Zhao Shengbo felt that Wang Mengying's head was not clear.

Wang Mengying said that it sounds good to go back to her hometown to start a business, but it sounds bad... just graduated and lived in a poor mountain valley. What is the future?

"Is there a future in cooking for you?"

Wang Mengying got up with her bag.She has been in love with Zhao Shengbo for three months, and the two have no relationship foundation, but they are driven by Zhao Shengbo's sense of superiority.

"Let's go." Wang Mengying left directly.

Zhao Shengbo felt that his self-esteem was hurt: "We will split up when you go back."

"Silly X."

Zhao Shengbo felt that he had an auditory hallucination.

Half an hour later, Wang Mengying went back to the dormitory to pack her luggage.

"You really broke up with Zhao Shengbo?" The students who stayed in school were a little surprised.


Wang Mengying didn't think about Zhao Shengbo, but about farming.She has been concerned about national policies during this time and knows that the country has always supported agriculture.Now there is Long Xia's "Halma Influence" article on the Internet. Some netizens think that the Halma disaster is impossible, while others start to stockpile food for preparation.

Early the next morning, Wang Mengying returned directly to Pingshui Town.

At the town entrance of Pingshui Town, Wang Xuecai was waiting at the bus stop.After seeing Wang Mengying, she quickly waved.

"Grandpa!" Wang Mengying gave Wang Xuecai a hug.

"came back?"

"I'm here to plant wheat."

Wang Mengying has no merit, she just believes in the country.

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