Half an hour later, Qin Yun and Liu Wensheng came to the farm.Now at three o'clock in the afternoon, Zhou Yuanheng is leading a team to inspect wheat on the farm.

"Didn't eat?" Liu Wensheng noticed the unopened food by Tian Bian.

"I walked inside for a while just now." Zhou Yuanheng came out of the field, then turned to the researcher behind him: "You guys eat first."

"Mr. Liu, Secretary Qin..." The researchers greeted Qin Yun and Liu Wensheng, and while taking their lunch boxes, they talked about their work for the past two days—

"Fengshan No. 15 and Sanliang [-] cannot be hybridized, we have to change the direction."

"Smoky Mountain 17?"

"I think Dongnong 58 can try..."

Only farm employees can enter the farm, and non-farm employees have the [infected person] logo.

[Infected]: Non-farm employees receive random DEBUFF, and DEBUFF increases with time. (Refresh period is 50 days)


Farm DEBUFF will appear from the third day, and non-farm employees will not be damaged after leaving.According to this feature, Long Xia's team studied the method of BUG: researchers enter the farm in batches, leave after three days, and then cycle again after [-] days.

Research on the farm is more efficient than in the laboratory, and because of this, every researcher cherishes the time on the farm very much.

"Why come here at this point?" Zhou Yuanheng asked after taking two mouthfuls of boxed lunch.

Now that the agricultural policy has just been implemented, Liu Wensheng is in charge of the national grain reserves, and is usually processing documents at this time.

"The mission is completed..." Liu Wensheng didn't hold back.

Qin Yun opened the system interface.

"Using [worn field protection]?"



The moment Qin Yun clicked, a [-] cm brown fence rose around it.

The fence has three modes: [Hidden] [Standard] [Open].

Qin Yun clicked [Hide], and all the fences were hidden underground.He switched to [Open] again, a circle of light blue film rose from the fence, the film slowly extended, and finally evolved into a new technology vegetable greenhouse.

Qin Yun can set access permissions for employees. When the permissions are enabled, employees can enter through the small door outside the fence.

"Awesome." Liu Wensheng knocked twice. These films not only have a sense of technology, but also are very thick. Not to mention pikas, even elephants cannot easily rush in.

Now the researcher still needs to study, Qin Yun familiarized himself with it, and set all of them to [hidden] mode.

"The technical department is going to be busy." Liu Wensheng said looking at the slowly lowering fence.With the Long Xia team stuck with the BUG, ​​other groups also sent farm cycle researchers.

"Mr. Liu!" Everyone chatted for a while, and an electronic researcher came running from a distance.

"Talk about the technical department, and the technical department will come." Liu Wensheng was a little amused.The researcher is from the science and technology group, and he has met twice before.

"Mr. Liu, a breakthrough has been made in the high-pressure irrigation machine." The researcher first saluted and got straight to the point.

"Let's go!" Liu Wensheng ignored the ink marks and followed the researcher directly to the position of the technical team.

During this period of time, the technical team has been doing research in Fengshan Lake.Half an hour later, everyone came to the position of the technical team.

"Mr. Liu." Sun Yiping was tinkering with the motor of the irrigation machine, and greeted Liu Wensheng when he saw him.

Sun Yiping is an academician of the Chinese Academy of Electronic Engineering and is responsible for the research of the science and technology group.

"The details haven't been optimized yet, but generally it works." The two chatted for a while, and Sun Yiping connected a 50-meter hose to the motor, and then put it into the water.

The motor and hose technology were modified based on primary irrigation machines. Due to different materials and performance, they studied for five months. For this reason, three irrigation machines were dismantled...

In this explanation, Sun Yiping operated the remote control, and the hose stood up from the water like a wedding air arch.

The vertical height of the arch can be adjusted automatically.

After Sun Yiping explained the principle, he pressed the start switch.

The motor roared, and all the surrounding lake water was sucked into the hose. Immediately afterwards, the nozzle connected to the top of the hose sprayed out a powerful stream of water.

The nozzle can be installed by itself, and the technology group installs a three-meter-diameter one. Looking from the bottom, it looks a bit like a dragon sucking water in a movie... After watching it for a while, the hose does not tip or fall, and the stability is very good.

"It's designed according to the sprinkler head of the irrigation machine." Although the hose looks like an oversized water pipe, it has various cartilage supports in the fabric layer, and the design is very complicated.

Sun Yiping showed it for a while, then looked at Liu Wensheng: "Can you help Zhuangjia?"

Now the country is vigorously developing the planting industry. For example, in plain areas, some mountainous areas are difficult to irrigate because of their steepness and complexity.At present, the main irrigation methods in mountainous areas are: rainwater, water pipelines, sprinkler irrigation pipes, and drip irrigation belts.

Among them, rainwater depends on God for food, and water pipelines and sprinkler irrigation pipes are generally planted on a large scale in mountainous areas.If there is only three acres of land on a mountain, there is no need to invest in the cost. This makes many mountain lands completely unplanted due to drought and irrigation.

"It's very helpful!" After Sun Yiping finished speaking, Liu Wensheng spun around excitedly.

The sprinkler irrigation machine in front of us is simple and easy to carry with high water pressure. If it is widely promoted, it can solve many irrigation problems.

"Still in the research stage..." Sun Yiping seemed to see his thoughts.

Liu Wensheng didn't care, and continued to ask: "How many meters is the highest?"

"One hundred and fifty." If there is a hose in front of the nozzle, let alone one hundred and fifty, even 300 meters is possible.

"Okay!" Liu Wensheng gave Sun Yiping a thumbs up, then looked at Qin Yun: "How do you feel?"

Qin Yun lowered his head in thought, but didn't hear.

"What are you thinking about?" Liu Wensheng asked again.

"Thinking about how to use it..." Qin Yun asked after returning to his senses: "Can this technology be used for high-level firefighters?"

Now the maximum extension of the fire water cannon is 80 meters, while most ordinary high-rise buildings start at 100 meters.It is necessary that the irrigation machine can really be extended by [-], which will not only enable rapid rescue, but also reduce the cost of disaster relief.

Liu Wensheng, Sun Yiping:! ! !

Why didn't they think of it!

Qin Yun gave Sun Yiping a new idea, everyone chatted until five o'clock, Qin Yun and Liu Wensheng returned to the farm.

Qin Yun opened the system backpack.

[Sprouting Hope Tree]: Plant a seed and harvest the hope of summer.

[Hope Tree] The introduction is concise and to the point.Qin Yun directly clicked: use.

[Congratulations to the host for successfully planting: [Sprouted Hope Tree], plant a seed, and harvest the hope of summer...]

A gust of wind blew by, Qin Yun and Liu Wensheng looked at the system notification, and looked at the calm lake, with only one thought in mind: where is the tree?

The two walked around the farm, and finally saw a small sapling on the south side of the lake.

The sapling is about ten centimeters high, and there are two blue leaves on it. If it is not reminded by the system coordinates, it looks like an ordinary peanut seedling...

"Hope Tree?" Liu Wensheng asked with some uncertainty.

"It should be..." Qin Yun opened the sand table again.

The coordinates of the small sapling and the sand table coincide.

The two studied for a while and decided to leave the problem to professionals.

"never seen it."

"It should be a new type of plant."


Zhou Yuanheng and the researcher analyzed it carefully, and finally concluded that this is a plant that has never appeared on the water blue star.

Now [Farmland Protection] is still [-] mu. After careful discussion, everyone uses [Farmland Protection] next to the saplings.

Tree of Hope Details: Harvest Summer's Hope.

Now that winter is not over, they plan to study while waiting for the saplings to grow.

Early the next morning, Liu Wensheng returned to Jinghe.His purpose this time is simple: to apply for the farm advertising program like the upper class.

Farm advertisements are helpful to increase the star value, and the star value is helpful to improve the farm... After clarifying this logic, we must do publicity.


"Let me ask, I will send it to you in two days."

"Don't worry, you can definitely buy it..."


On January [-]th, Wu Mingrui hung up the phone in the program group of "The Sound of Song and Dance" in Hu Province depressed.

"Sister-in-law called?"

Colleague Xiao Li approached and asked.Wu Mingrui made a phone call for half an hour, but the other party's voice was too loud. Now not only him, but the entire studio is also very curious.

"My mother beat me..." Wu Mingrui sighed.He is the assistant director of "The Sound of Song and Dance", mainly responsible for stage layout and coordination of guests' conflicts.Although he is an assistant director, he is similar to a handyman in a studio.This call has nothing to do with work, and my mother opened it to ask about flour.

"It's the first time the old lady asks me for something, so we must be satisfied." Wu Mingrui chattered with Xiao Li.

This New Year's Day holiday, Taili distributed two boxes of nuts and two bags of flour to each employee.The flour is Fengshan No. [-]. He knew that Cui Ning Duan Yujie had advertised the flour, but it was just a bag of flour, how delicious could it be?In the afternoon, he took it back to his hometown.And then... My mother makes noodles by hand for three meals a day.He and his wife don't like noodles, but Fengshan noodles are enjoyable.

The three got along very happily.

Yesterday afternoon, my mother called and asked if the flour was finished and she couldn't buy it online. Is there any more in the market?

Wu Mingrui immediately agreed.

He thought buying flour was a simple matter, but he didn't know that it was not available online, nor in the unit's warehouse...

"Xiao Li, do you live alone?" Wu Mingrui looked at Xiao Li.


"Have you eaten that flour?"

"I didn't eat it, I didn't eat it..." Xiao Li was a little depressed: "I'm selling idle cats."

Now, a week has passed since the Longxia advertisement, driven by "Longxia Lianbo", the search volume of Fengshan No. [-] has increased dramatically.Just as each unit received benefits, many netizens posted pictures with pictures, and the content was roughly "Fengshan No. [-] noodles are strong", "noodles are smooth" and "taste is fragrant".Some people made the same type of glutinous rice bread and gave Yishui a thumbs up.

If one or two netizens give feedback, it's a bit like marketing, but thousands of people praise a certain type of flour, and with the broadcast of "Longxia Lianbo", netizens have to be curious.

They don't believe in evaluations, but they believe in "Longxia Lianbo" and Longxia Institute of Science and Technology!

Many netizens published information on the acquisition of Fengshan No. 50 on the Internet.The purchase price of Fengshan has increased from 100 yuan/bag at the beginning to 230 yuan/bag, and now it has risen to [-] yuan/bag, and the price is getting more and more expensive.

"I sell it for one hundred and two." Xiao Li is not depressed about selling noodles, but because the price of flour is too low.

Wu Mingrui saw that Xiao Li was not here, so he could only wander around to other colleagues.He asked around, and finally bought a bag of flour for 200 yuan.

"It's too difficult..." Wu Mingrui felt a little distressed, but thinking of his mother's happiness and the taste of the flour, no amount of distress was worth it.

"Director Wu, the advertising board is here!" Wu Mingrui had just sat down when a colleague greeted him from a distance.

He went to the door to tidy up the billboards.

"The Voice of Song and Dance" is a star competition program, and now it's the semi-finals. For the sake of the show, the semi-finals and finals are broadcast live.In order to maximize profits, program advertisements are signed regularly.Now that "The Sound of Song and Dance" is in its seventh episode, three advertisers have been changed.

This time the advertising board was relatively heavy, so Wu Mingrui raised his hand and asked, "Which advertiser is this time?"

The advertising board is wrapped in hard paper, and he cannot see the LOGO inside.

"It should be the Bailan mask." The stage crew guessed.

In the next two hours, Wu Mingrui assisted the stage team to set up the stage, and when everything was almost done, he ordered the staff to dismantle the commercials.Not only Wu Mingrui, but also other colleagues were a little stunned when they saw the advertisement board.

Product name: Fengshan No.[-].

Sponsor: Fuzan Agricultural Production Co., Ltd.

These advertising boards have background boards and small desktop boards for the judging seats, each of which is in the shape of a flour sack, with a big logo of 'Fengshan No. [-]' written in the center.

Fengshan No. [-] is a delicious flour.It is a flour whose popularity has soared recently, but no matter how delicious it is, it is still flour... Wu Mingrui instantly calculated the cost of Fengshan's agriculture.

"I heard that Fengshan's background is quite mysterious. The Taili I contacted directly this time invested this amount!"

"so much?"

"The price of the first installment."


In this trance, Wu Mingrui saw two colleagues from the advertising team passing by.

Wu Mingrui clearly saw the gestures of the two people, the number: 9000 million!

"The Sound of Song and Dance" is a phenomenon-level variety show, but the first advertisement cost 3000 million yuan, and now... his advertisement is not worth 9000 million yuan

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