"This is based on the research on the fruit synthesis of algae..." Song Yueshan explained seriously in Fengshan Farm one day later.

80% of the world's oxygen comes from the production of algae. Since the global hypoxia, the algae group has devoted all its energy to the sour sea algae.Acid sea algae has two characteristics: 1. It can produce oxygen in the acid sea environment. 2. Purify acid rain substances.This is a difficult type of research. The algae group has been studying it for five years, and the progress is not ideal.

Just when the farm was thinking about the significance of the research, three months ago, the algae group extracted the DNA of algae that can purify acid rain, and then developed acid rain algae.Acid rain seaweed is a synthetic seaweed that produces three times more oxygen than ordinary seaweed, and can effectively absorb ocean acidic substances.

Song Yueshan opened the laboratory room while talking.This is a giant seaweed measuring 20 meters long and five meters wide.The seaweed leaves are huge, and the roots are wrapped around the feldspar prepared in advance.

Seaweed is light red and looks like kelp, but it is obviously different from ordinary kelp.

"If this kind of seaweed absorbs too much acidic substances, it will produce sulfur dioxide reaction." Song Yueshan pointed to the second room of the experiment.

Here is a crimson seaweed.According to experimental research, acid rain algae will change its color while absorbing acidic substances.

"Will it affect the photosynthesis of algae?" Liu Wensheng asked after reading it.

"No." Song Yueshan took out the data report and said.Although acid sea algae can absorb acidic substances, it does not affect their own photosynthetic growth, and the longest life span can reach 17 years.


"No." Seaweeds grown in seawater are all heavy metals exceeding the standard and cannot be eaten, but they can be used as excellent chemical and chemical raw materials.

"Okay!" Liu Wensheng said the classic mantra.

Since the global hypoxia, he has rarely said the word.

For the next two days, the farm put all its energy into artificial seaweed.Seaweed is a spore plant with vigorous seed reproduction.

According to estimates, it takes three hundred catties of seaweed seeds to purify one square kilometer of seawater.There are 3.6 ​​million square kilometers of ocean in the world. With the production of Longxia seeds, it can purify the range of Longxia, but it cannot purify the whole world.

Long Xia's team studied it carefully, and on July 005, released a news: [On July 005, Long Xia researched the sour sea algae: Breaking Waves [-].Breaking waves [-] is the first acid rain synthetic seaweed in the country, which can effectively purify seawater and generate rich oxygen...]

At the moment when they saw the news, netizens were a little stunned.Since the oxygen crisis in 3030, the global oxygen environment has become worse and worse. People no longer expect normal air. Now, Long Xia has given them the possibility to breathe again.

"Is this acid rain seaweed that can purify the air?" Some netizens asked uncertainly.

Long Xia announced the specific data of acid rain algae.According to experimental data, if acid rain algae are planted around the world, the global air will gradually improve within five years, and the air will return to normal within five years at the earliest.

"Ahhh, I can breathe normal air now!"

"Longxia Academy of Sciences V587!"

"I really want to breathe normal air."


Netizens were instantly excited after getting the official reply.

Cucumber masks, isolation coats, oxygen tanks.This is a three-piece suit for residents to travel. With the blessing of the three-piece suit, everyone can barely live, but like people in a suit, they cannot take off their masks, swim in the sun, or go shopping normally.Life is normal now, but very abnormal.

Everyone looked at Long Xia News and found out the urban movie from eight years ago.

The world in the movie is the normal world.

"When will it be planted, such a plant?"

"Is there any big farmer who grows seaweed!"

"Don't be a big farmer. I'm going to buy a plane ticket to fly to Fuzhou to start planting. Is there any fertilizer factory that harvests seaweed?"

"Must accept!"


Now just an hour after the seaweed news, netizens have already discussed the specific plan for planting seaweed.

At ten o'clock in the evening, Longxia announced the seaweed planting policy: 1. Encourage marine farmers to plant seaweed along the coast. After five years of planting, the state will purchase seaweed according to the contract price. 2. Encourage fertilizer factories and chemical factories to use new raw materials of acid rain seaweed. 3. Longxia intends to plant seaweed in Liaohai, Fuhai, Longxiahai and other domestic waters. 4. Longxia will open up the acid rain seaweed seed technology and call for the global joint planting...

Long Xia is a man of action. As soon as he announced the planting of seaweed, he submitted the "Acid Rain Seaweed Co-planting Plan" to Shuilan United. The main content of the "Co-planting Plan": Call on countries around the world to jointly plant seaweed and restore the global ecology.

At 10:30 Longxia time, Shuilan United released Longxia's "Co-planting Plan" to all countries.

"The miraculous Long Xia."

"Amazing Seaweed..."

"Seaweed that can purify the ocean?"


International netizens watched Long Xia's news seriously.Acid rain seaweed has not been actually planted yet, but according to Long Xia's credibility over the years, everyone knows that acid rain seaweed can really restore global oxygen.

Just when international netizens were considering the feasibility of acid rain seaweed, at 3037 o'clock in Longxia time, Cyberra first issued a statement: [Cyberra intends to invest in [-] acid rain seaweed factories, and will complete the Cyberola sea area by [-]. Seaweed is fully grown. 】

Following the Cyberra announcement, 37 countries including Menger, Kyrgyzstan, and Seberia issued announcements one after another.The investment in acid rain algae is huge, and countries are willing to cultivate and plant them in their territorial waters.

On the evening of July 21th, netizens around the world counted and declared their countries.Everyone counted until 37:[-] a.m. on the [-]st. Except for Long Xia and the [-] countries that responded first, there was no movement from other countries.

"Only 37?"

"There are 290 countries in the world, isn't there too little response?"



Not only Long Xia netizens, but some international netizens were also confused.

Before 3029, there were 350 countries in the world. With the collapse of Kaman, 52 countries have been destroyed one after another due to rising sea levels.The total number of countries in the world has decreased, but 297VS37 is still an exaggerated ratio.

"Our country is a landlocked country, how can we participate?"

"If only half of it is planted, will global oxygen be improved?"

"There are so many countries, who grows and who doesn't, how to divide..."


Some netizens asked in international forums.

Other netizens realized that the whole world breathes oxygen in the same atmosphere, and now there is a solution, but the cultivation of seaweed requires a lot of manpower and material resources.Except for some landlocked countries, everyone's attitude is obvious: the cultivation of seaweed is shared by the world, and everyone does not want to suffer.Even if it is to be planted, it must be in line with their respective interests.

According to the usual practice, the entire negotiations will be dragged on for at least three months.

"My God, this calculation is too funny."

"Long Xia provides the seaweed technology for free! No patent fee! No one eats the rice?"

"Shuilanxing is almost gone, so I'm still counting here and there."


After learning about the attitudes of other countries, Long Xia's netizens became irritable instantly.They don't know the hardships in the research process of acid rain seaweed, but it has been five years since the global hypoxia, and Long Xia has not given up on research and the possibility of ecological restoration.

We are proud of Long Xia Research.

But how proud yesterday is, how irritable today is.

Long Xia has researched acid rain seaweed, while countries consider how much manpower and material resources their country will contribute to the global ecology... Although this is human nature, they always have a kind of feeling that they are beating the liver and lungs of donkeys and beating dogs with meat.

So angry, so irritable!

"Seaweed has been researched! Everyone can cultivate the seeds, is it difficult? It's not enough for a town's tax!"

"The real version of the three monks has no water to drink."

"Let the world lie flat."


Long Xia's netizen was so angry that he lost his temper.At this time, everyone has only one thought: no one should plant it, it will be ruined.

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