"Master Wang, are you on the night shift today?"

"Old Chen is resting, I'll be on duty."


On the afternoon of March 602th, Wang Baogang came to the Jinghe Bus Terminal in a dusty environment wearing an isolation mask.Wang Baogang is the driver of Jinghe Road [-], mainly running the line [Xining Village Station-Wangjia Courtyard Station]. [Xining Village-Wang's Courtyard] is [-] kilometers long. During this period of time, there was a lot of wind and sand. Several bus drivers fell ill due to cold problems. He is in good health and is on duty for his colleagues today.

At 602:[-] p.m., after signing in, Wang Bao went to [-] to wait for the bus.

"Master Wang." Ten minutes later, a 10-year-old young man boarded the bus. The young man was the conductor on the bus.

Wang Baogang opened the car door and looked outside: "Xu Juan didn't come?" Xu Juan is the conductor of Route 602 and his old partner.

The young man said: "Sister Xu's child is sick, so she asked for leave this afternoon to go to the hospital."

"Why are you sick?"

"Looks like asthma."


Now the air pollution is serious, and cough and asthma are common diseases in the past two years.

Wang Baogang sent a letter of condolence to Xu Juan, and then drove the car to Xining Village Station.

Now it's time to get off work, and after a while, the bus is full of passengers.

"Everyone wear masks, and the passengers in front squeeze back." Wang Baogang skillfully maintained order.

"Have you watched the news?"


"Such a big town will be flooded if it is said to be flooded."


After the passengers got on the bus, the acquainted passengers began to chat with each other.Guccia is an island country. Affected by global ocean currents in the past two days, a large-scale tsunami occurred in the southern region, and 27 people were affected in the southern region.According to the news footage, the sea water flooded Soya Town in the south of Guccia, and the affected area reached 20 mu.

Everyone clicked their tongues at the news of the past two days. After chatting for a while, a passenger suddenly shouted: "Look at the trending searches!"

Wang Baogang was driving and almost stepped on the brake.

Passengers open Longbo Hot Search. 3 minutes ago, a piece of news airborne hot search: [At [-]:[-] p.m. on March [-]th, a huge tsunami occurred in the southeast of Natal, and the Dororo Tower was severely damaged...]”

The Dororo Tower is located in the city of Dororo in Natal and is a landmark building in Natal.Everyone clicks on the video——

In the video, Dororota was half flooded due to the tsunami. Residents of Dororo floated on the sea with their rubber boats, and the sea flooded the surrounding roofs.

"The weather is so abnormal right now."

"I can't see the Dororo Tower at all... There is also a spire."


The passengers watched the news in a daze. They were still discussing the flooding of Guccia just now, but they didn't expect that Natal was also flooded.

Just when their Natal was just an episode, at [-] o'clock that night, Longxia issued an early warning: [At [-] o'clock in the evening on March [-], Longxia Ningzhou tide level station monitored a one-meter tsunami wave. In the event of a super tsunami, coastal residents need to be prepared for safety...]


"Everyone pay attention to safety, how are the friends in the south?"

"Very good, I didn't feel the tsunami."

"Pay attention to safety and try to walk to a safe place."


If two years ago, everyone would have thought that this was an ordinary tsunami warning.But after experiencing the heavy rain in Halma, everyone is full of worries about Ningzhou, Fuzhou and other places.


"Today's harvest is pretty good..."


While the whole network was discussing the tsunami in Southern Province, Zheng Taolin and his nephew were earnestly catching sea fish on a private boat in Xiaoyugang Village, Ningzhou.

Zheng Taolin, 47 this year, is a fisherman in a small fishing port in Ningzhou. He and his second uncle's family contracted a sea fishing boat.In the past, the fishing boat business was good, and the two companies could share more than 50 yuan each year. Now, affected by the global acid rain, the global fishery industry is very depressed.

At nine thirty, the two docked the boat.

"How's the harvest?" A fisherman asked loudly in the night.

"Two cars can be harvested." Zheng Taolin is very satisfied with today's harvest.

After the Harma storm, 70% of marine fisheries have been polluted by acid rain. Acid rain marine fish will be made into soil fertilizer after treatment. Since the study of Vitality 01, marine fish carcasses have been sold as fertilizer supplements. Small fishing villages have also established many recycling company.

"Sell it or not?" Just as the two of them got off the boat, a salesman who recycled sea fish came forward to ask.


After bargaining, the price of three thousand catties of sea fish was five thousand two hundred.

Zheng Taolin transferred two thousand and six to his nephew.

"The market has been pretty good for the past two days, and the little fish are jumping out desperately..." His nephew is named Zheng Ran, who just graduated last July.

Zheng Taolin finished packing his tools and said, "There may be a tsunami in the past two days."

As a senior fisherman, of course he saw that the sea water in the past two days was abnormal. It was just a matter of wealth and wealth. Small fishing ports can see abnormal sea water seven or eight times a year, and they are used to such sea water.

Half an hour later, more and more fishing boats returned.

"Are you coming tomorrow?" Zheng Ran asked.

"Come on, let's go to the south again." Zheng Taolin said.In the past two days, the fishery has been too rich, and if you don’t come, you will lose money completely.


The two had just chatted a few words when a whistle suddenly sounded in the distance.

"Don't die?"

"When did you go to sea!"


The director of the brigade shouted very seriously with a loudspeaker.

"what happened?"

"what happened?"


The fishermen were a little confused.

The brigade director shouted: "Didn't read the group notice?"

Zheng Taolin took out his mobile phone, which had seventeen missed calls.He opened the group message, and an hour ago, the brigade issued an urgent notice: [At [-]:[-] p.m. on March [-]th, a [-]-meter tsunami wave was found at the Ningzhou tide station in Longxia. 】

Zheng Taolin had just finished watching, and his nephew Zheng Ran was on the phone next to him: "I just came back, the people in Shanghai are pretty good, there's nothing wrong..."

The call was from Zheng Ran's mother. Just after Zheng Taolin finished listening, the phone rang in his hand.

Caller: Daughter-in-law.

"The village has sent a notice..." The daughter-in-law asked nervously as soon as the phone was connected.

"I just saw that it's fine now." Zheng Taolin said a few words and hung up the phone.

"Hurry up and go back, pack up your things when you get home, and be ready to evacuate at any time!" The brigade director continued to shout.

"What about these boats?" a villager asked.Although these are small boats, the cheapest ones cost [-] to [-] yuan.

"My life is almost gone, I still need a boat!" The brigade director yelled back.

"I feel fine..."

"There are a lot of fish these two days."


The villagers are very sorry.In the past two days, the sea water was abnormal, but there was no sign of a tsunami.

Just want to return to thinking, everyone still pack up their things and go home obediently.

As the villagers of the small fishing port stayed at home, Long Xia issued an important document: [Because of the tsunami wave, starting from March [-], seagoing ships in the southern waters of Long Xia are prohibited...]

"It feels a bit exaggerated."

"Guccia is only in the small town, are we too nervous..."


Netizens feel that Long Xia's precautions are a bit strict, but there have been accidents in the past two years, and everyone has to take precautions.

"The real estate certificate and household registration book are all collected, and it will be troublesome to reapply in the future."

On the morning of March NO.12, Zheng Taolin and his wife packed their luggage.

Yesterday afternoon, the small fishing port issued a notice asking all the villagers to evacuate urgently, leaving no one in the small fishing port.This notice is not only for Xiaoyugang Village, but also for other villages.

"The documents are installed, can we move the refrigerator and home appliances?" At [-]:[-], the wife asked after packing up.Now the state has notified one after another, and the atmosphere in the village has gradually become tense.

"I don't have a car, and I don't have a place to put it when I move it." Zheng Taolin glanced at him and said.

"It's a pity..." The wife felt very distressed.

Two hours later, the two got into the car with their parents.Zheng Taolin has been married for 17 years, and his son Xiaorui is in high school in Ningzhou City. This time he plans to take refuge with relatives in Sichuan Province, and pick up his son when he passes by.Affected by news reports, this road is full of vehicles fleeing north.There are small and medium-sized vehicles on the road, as well as large goods. The trucks are filled with furniture and home appliances.

"It's just like a disaster movie." Zheng Taolin looked at the scene outside the car window with emotion.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, they finally arrived at Ningzhou No. [-] Middle School.

"Mom and Dad." His son Zheng Rui was wearing a school uniform and a mask, and was waiting at the door with his luggage.

"Did you wear the clothes I bought for you?" Zheng Taolin got out of the car and asked.

Since Long Xia developed the isolation sick suit, Long Xia Academy of Sciences has developed a constant temperature jacket that can isolate viruses based on the constant temperature series and the principle of isolation sick clothes.The constant temperature virus coat is between [-] and [-]. Last Wednesday, he gritted his teeth and bought [-].

"It's on." Zheng Rui unzipped the zipper of the school uniform, and inside was a thin black long sleeve.

"That's all right." Zheng Taolin heaved a sigh of relief.

The Lungsia Meteorological Observatory reported that the sea area along the south-central coast of Lungsia is abnormal, and all personnel must be evacuated from the dangerous area of ​​12 kilometers along the coast.The danger zone divided by Longxia covers an area of ​​nearly [-] square kilometers. For safety, residents try to evacuate to the inner circle as much as possible.

With the attention of the whole people, #龙南海岸逃防# was on the hot search list.

"It's more tense than the drug circle in the game." Some game fans complained online.

The drug circle in the game is 100 people fleeing, but now it is the real version of a million people fleeing.

Evacuate the traffic, set up safety points, increase the frequency of the railway... In the next two days, Long Xia worked intensely to evacuate.


"It's troublesome." On the morning of March [-]th, at Liunan Zhongtian Hotel, Zheng Taolin thanked his relatives.

Liunan is [-] kilometers away from Ningzhou. Although he said he came to join his relatives the afternoon before yesterday, the relatives’ house is [-] square meters. The whole family will definitely not be suspected of living at home. After a lot of trouble, everyone found a hotel next to the relatives. .

The two chatted for a while, and the relative said: "Your sister has booked a restaurant, and she will go over to have dinner later."

"I'm so sorry." Zheng Taolin was a little embarrassed.

The relative waved his hand: "What's the matter?"

The two chatted for a while, and the relative said: "Don't pay too much attention to the news, it's not as exaggerated as on TV."

On the night of March [-], the sea level rose by [-] centimeters in Mali's Cyberola. The rising sea level reduced the land area and increased the number of refugees in the two places.This rise in sea level is caused by a variety of factors such as melting glaciers, decreased algae oxygen, and increased carbon dioxide.

Since the New Year in 3031, cucurbit virus, reduction of marine algae, and rising sea level are the three major problems facing the world.

According to the latest report from Shuilan United, the global oxygen content now accounts for 17%, and many areas around the world have experienced difficulty in breathing and lack of oxygen.Cucumber masks can filter the air, but they cannot generate oxygen out of thin air. As the algae in the ocean decreases, the global sea level will rise faster than last year.

Zheng Taolin has been reading the news for the past few days, and the dark circles under his eyes have grown two times.

"Calm down." The relative continued.

"It's okay." Zheng Taolin smiled.Now he thinks about the gate of his house... The gate was made by sawing wood by himself when he first got married. The wooden door is worthless, but after so many years of pushing and pulling, he is worried about what will happen to the gate of the house if there is a real tsunami.

Just as he was thinking about it, there was a burst of thunder outside the window.

Zheng Taolin opened the curtains.He lives on the [-]th floor, and he can clearly see the scene outside: there are dark clouds outside the window, and there are bursts of thunder from the dark clouds. The dark clouds are very dark and thick. After a while, it rains heavily.

"Is it raining?" The relative looked out.The weather forecast for the past two days is rainy. He thought it would rain at night, but he didn't expect it to rain so quickly.

"Should I cancel the order first?" Zheng Taolin asked while looking at the weather.The hotel they booked was five kilometers away from here, and now it was stormy outside, and the telephone poles they saw were blown down.

The relative wanted to be courteous, but after thinking about it, he called his wife.

After 10 minutes, the relative said apologetically: "The hotel called just now, it was raining outside, and asked if we could cancel the reservation..."

It was raining too fast outside, and the hotel was wrapping sandbags outside for fear of the heavy rain in Longnan.

Now both parties want to cancel the reservation, and after a while, the relatives and wives will complete the operation.The hotel is sorry, but also specially sent a 300-50 dining coupon, which can be used when making the next reservation.

"I'm sorry." The relative said apologetically.

"It's okay." Zheng Taolin said quickly.

The two chatted for a few words, and the relatives worried that the family would go back first.Zheng Taolin looked outside worriedly... Liunan City is an inland city, and now it is stormy outside, he is very worried about the houses in the small fishing port.

Zheng Taolin had already anticipated the most serious consequences, but in the next two days, the torrential rain was even more serious than expected.

Pictures taken by Longxia drone: Affected by tsunami waves and blue ocean currents, the sea water in the south of Longnan is fluctuating, and the sea water is rolling towards the land like a high wall, the high-speed bridge is rolled up, the building collapses, and the village is instantly covered... …

Everyone watched the video and immediately thought of the building block game they played when they were young.No matter how good the building blocks are, as long as a child has a finger, the house built with building blocks can collapse in an instant.At this time, the coastal area is like a complete building block, and the tsunami is the fingers.

The finger moved and the block collapsed.

This is nature's dimensionality reduction blow.

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