"On August 25, Longxia's seventh batch of medical supplies was shipped to Longnan, Central and South."

"The seventh batch of main supplies: pickled masks, pickled isolation suits, medical disinfectant..."

"The cucumber mask isolation suit is a technological material, and the follow-up materials will be shipped to the first-line hospitals across the country in batches."


At 25:[-] p.m. on August [-]th, Longxia's materials were broadcast on the news broadcast.

"A courgette mask?"

"Too fast!"


Netizens were instantly excited when they saw Long Xia's simulcast.On August [-]th, Long Xia announced the data of the pickled masks. Everyone is full of expectations for the pickled masks, but it is guessed that the pickled masks will be on the market at the end of September at the earliest.And now, it's so fast!

"Long Xia's speed!"

"Great productivity!"


Netizens checked the news for a while, and someone asked, "Is the courgette mask easy to use?"

"I just received it this afternoon." A medical netizen shared the video.

Cucumber masks are made of farm technology cotton. There is a coin-sized filtering and testing device on the mask. The main steps of use are as follows: the user downloads the Longfeng APP—wears the mask—exhales for pairing—pairing succeeds.

Cucumber masks can only be used by paired users, and the pairing information will be recorded in the Longxia Health Bureau, and the Longfeng APP will test the condition of the masks.

"It's too high-tech." Netizens stared blankly.

Before everyone came back to their senses, medical netizens exposed the cucumber isolation suit again.Cucumber isolation clothing is made of mask isolation material, and its air permeability and comfort are far better than ordinary isolation clothing.

"How does it feel to use?" Netizens asked.

"【Thumbs up】!"

Medical netizens published 'thumb' emoticons.According to the latest air testing, the current Longnan, Zhongnan, and South China are currently at the third level of pollution, and industrialized cities are at the fourth level of pollution.He tried the cucumber mask in the afternoon. The mask can purify the air, and the breathability and lightness are absolutely comfortable.Now all the staff in the department have put on pickled masks, and everyone is discussing pickled supplies in the afternoon.

"That's great." The more netizens watched, the more envious they became.In this constant chat, some netizens questioned——

"Is it all for free?"

"Longnan Zhongnan sent 700 million pieces, calculated at 5000 yuan per piece, worth 300 billion yuan..."

"How much does it cost for 2000 million medical staff across the country?"


Cucumber masks are life-saving masks. Now that medical staff have them, they don’t have them... the more I think about it, the more sour I get.

"Why only give it to the medical staff and not us." Some netizens were not happy.

Some diving netizens couldn't stand it: "You go to the front line."

"I'm not a doctor."

"Now the hospital is recruiting volunteers, do you want to go?" There is a shortage of volunteers in hospitals across the country. Volunteers mainly do some hospital logistics work, and they are also on the list of hospital supplies.

Some netizens wanted to refute, but they couldn't say the word 'go'.

They dare not go, they are afraid.

"Countless." The diving netizen exhaled.Now that the world is closed, they will certainly not force ordinary people to volunteer in hospitals.This is not voluntary, but it adds to the chaos of medical work.It's one thing to go or not to go, but it's another thing to keep the rhythm online.

If cucurbit virus is compared to a battlefield, doctors are soldiers on the battlefield.Sending materials to the front line can not only ensure the safety of medical care, but also prevent the spread of the virus to a greater extent.Now that the first-line equipment is not ready yet, they are clamoring for the distribution of supplies, which is not a problem.

The more the diving netizen thought about it, the angrier he became, and his words were thorny: "wash up and sleep!"

"I'm just worried about the safety of my life..." The rhythmic netizen was discouraged.They also know that there is nothing wrong with the country's practice, but it took at most half a month for cucumber H1 to die from the disease. Before death, the lungs were like briquettes. Now there are more than 50 deaths across the country. They are too scared.

"When the masks are produced, I don't know when they will be officially launched."

"The child is three years old this year, and his resistance is weak, so he dare not let him go out at all."

"Our whole family has been at home for a week, and I don't know when it will be the end..."


Netizens chatted for a while, and then turned the question to the launch of cucumber masks.Since the outbreak of cucumber H1, the global economy has been paralyzed.Some residents with financial subsidies are okay, but self-employed workers are completely overwhelmed.

Difficult. Difficult.

This is a portrayal of the mood of residents across the country.Everyone is not demanding, just hope that the cucumber mask will be on the market, so that you can go out and continue working...

During this constant chat, some netizens asked: "If the Hugua H1 is launched, what is the price in your mind?"

"Five thousand."

"Seven thousand."

"Below [-] is still acceptable."


Netizens are talking about estimates in their hearts.Now that the global disaster is serious, some purification masks have been sold for more than [-].Five thousand masks are not cheap, but as a life-saving mask, it is worth it.

Netizens fell asleep amidst the sound of discussions.

Early the next morning, when netizens just woke up to take their body temperature, two popular searches on Longbo——

[The production and follow-up distribution process of cucumber masks. 】

[Longxia has signed cooperation plans for courgette masks with 77 countries including Will, Canberson, and Natal, and cooperation with other countries is continuing to be negotiated...]


Longbo's hot searches are all related to cucumber masks.According to the hot search details, Long Xia's main policies are as follows: 1. Before September 5000th, ensure that the whole country has a cucumber mask.The order of distribution of masks is: hospitals, volunteers, community residents... Cucumber masks can be collected with ID, and an additional purchase of [-] yuan per piece is required.

2. Longxia has signed courgette production lines with Dongshan, Fengmai and other technology companies. Each technology company intends to start production of courgette technology production lines in various countries, and further negotiations on specific cooperation are underway.

Netizens focused on the first item: Cucumber masks are collected with ID.

"my God!"



Netizens carefully read it three times, and were immediately shocked after confirming that the cucumber masks were distributed for free.

Last night, a medical netizen posted a video of a mask. According to the material of the mask and the cost analysis of the purification mask, some technology practitioners found that the cost of a cucumber mask is at least 5000 yuan. Adding manual production, [-] yuan is definitely a conscience price.Everyone is ready to bleed, and now it is a complete surprise!

"How much does it cost?"

"With a population of 15 billion, 5000 yuan per person...who will do the math?"


Netizens who envied medical care before were speechless. With a population of 15 billion, each person has a pair of life-saving masks... This is a miracle at the current level of the virus!

"I didn't expect it to be delivered for free!"

“Acceptable at cost price!”

"It's really free..."


Netizens looked at the hot search again.While looking at it, I felt a warm feeling in my heart.Now that the cucumber virus is in crisis, they can really feel that Long Xia has only one purpose in doing this: to protect the lives of the people, and to reduce casualties regardless of all costs!

[Dongshan Technology donated 27 boxes of masks to Longnan Hospital, and the donated masks are scheduled to be delivered on August [-]. 】

[Bai Le Clothing adjusts the production workshop, and plans to change [-] clothing production lines to sterile isolation production. 】

【Zhongda Steel donated 20 pieces of mineral water to Longzhong Hospital...】


Before everyone could react, another piece of news hit the trending searches.

This time, there were 120 donations from three companies, mainly major hospitals and front-line departments in the community.In addition to material donations, many related companies have temporarily adjusted their production lines.

Netizens watched and thought of the rainstorm in Longnan three years ago.At that time, there was heavy rain in Longnan, and enterprises across the country donated materials to Longnan.Different scene, same enthusiasm.

Longnan rainstorm.

Cucumber H1.

Everyone felt that there was a ray of light shining in their hearts. This ray of light pierced through their hearts and would not be extinguished!

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