At two o'clock in the morning on August 58th, Liu Wensheng carefully looked at the documents in his hand.As of 32:1 in the morning, Longxia confirmed [-] cases and [-] deaths.According to the test, cucumber H[-] is derived from bipolar biological virus, and the virus produces pathological changes under high temperature.

At present, 23 kinds of cucumber mutants have been discovered in the world. This mutant will continue to evolve. If it evolves into a severe mutation, the virus will expand rapidly like a Harma storm.

"Oh." Liu Wensheng walked out of the office with a headache.

Outside the office, Qin Yun was returning to the earth building with several members of the agricultural team. When everyone saw Liu Wensheng, they immediately stood at attention: "Mr. Liu."

Liu Wensheng asked: "Just came back?"

"Stayed in the plantation for a while." Everyone reported.Since receiving the task of the wishing pool, the agricultural team began to work overtime for research. After continuous trial and error, the agricultural team has now found the direction of soil restoration based on the soil of the plantation, and the specific work still needs further research.

After everyone reported the progress, Liu Wensheng said: "Pay attention to rest."

"Thank you Commander Liu."

The researcher went back to the dormitory to rest, and Qin Yun followed Liu Wensheng back to the office.

"How's the situation?" Liu Wensheng asked, rubbing his eyebrows.

Qin Yun opened the system interface.

Host name: Qin Yun.

Unlock scene: [The beginning of a disaster] (red)


The currently unlocked scene is still red.

"Oh." Liu Wensheng was exhausted physically and mentally.During this period, although Long Xia had made preparations, the courgette H1 spread rapidly, and there was no cure for the disease. Now not only the whole country, but also the farm atmosphere is very low.

The two chatted for a while, and came to the Hope Shed.After three years of growth, the hope tree has grown from a small sapling to a height of five meters. In the past six months, the hope tree has grown at an average rate of two centimeters per month. The hope tree is like a quiet elf.Whenever he encounters difficulties, he likes to come and meditate under the hope tree.It's just that since last month, hope is no longer growing, and the leaves on the top of the tree have a tendency to turn yellow.

The hope tree is the growth of hope that gathers the world.If there is no hope in the world, the leaves will wither at the fastest speed...

Liu Wensheng picked up a dead leaf from the ground and carefully put it on the specimen table. These leaves are precious research specimens. Although the farm doesn't know its function, every fallen leaf is carefully collected.

Qin Yun and Liu Wensheng stayed in front of the hope tree for half an hour before leaving the hope tree shed.

Liu Wensheng walked in front, and Qin Yun walked behind.

Qin Yun stepped on Liu Wensheng's shadow.

Liu Wensheng's temples had already turned white, and Qin Yun noticed that Liu Wensheng is 56 this year. Due to his long-term responsibility for farm work, he is more mentally and physically exhausted than he was three years ago...

There was the sound of croaking frogs on the farm, and the two of them did not say a word one after the other.In this quiet atmosphere, Liu Wensheng turned his head and said seriously: "We can pass this test."

Qin Yun was taken aback.

"Food crisis, raw meat crisis, locust crisis... You see, we have encountered so many difficulties, and we have survived them all. From 5000 years ago to now, our Longxia has always been a land of troubles. A land of troubles, a land of troubles Xingbang..." Liu Wensheng rambled on.

Qin Yun slowed down.Just now I hoped that the atmosphere in the greenhouse was too depressing. Liu Wensheng was worried that his psychological burden was too heavy, so he racked his brains to comfort himself...

"Thank you." Qin Yun felt warm in his heart.

Liu Wensheng patted Qin Yun on the shoulder: "Cheer up."

Now the whole country is facing great difficulties, but he has never thought of giving up from the beginning to the end, and Long Xia will never give up.

At four o'clock in the morning, Qin Yun returned to his residence.

Now at [-]:[-], Qin Yun lay down on the window of the earth building and looked out.From him, he could clearly see the experimental area of ​​the farm. At this time, the experimental area was brightly lit, and there were researchers working on shifts.

Qin Yun suddenly felt relieved.

Liu Wensheng didn't give up, Long Xia didn't give up, he never thought of giving up from the beginning to the end.Not only himself, but also the farm researchers never thought of giving up.

How difficult it is to make a country prosperous.

Longshar is an indomitable rock, and the inhabitants of Longshar are equally indomitable.


"Secretary Qin!" Qin Yun slept from four o'clock to two o'clock in the afternoon, and Zhang Hu knocked on the door outside in a daze.

"En." Qin Yun responded, feeling that he hadn't reacted.

"The technology team has made a breakthrough!" Zhang Hu said excitedly.

Qin Yun jumped up directly from the bed. He usually seldom sleeps in, but now he felt excited all over his body.

Ten minutes later, Qin Yun and Zhang Hu rushed to the farm laboratory.

"This is the cucumber mask newly researched by the science and technology group..." In the farm laboratory, Sun Yiping explained while holding a square mask.

Cucumber masks are researched based on purification masks and courgette test paper.

As early as 20 days ago, the farm biology group developed a cucumber test paper based on the cucumber genome.After overtime production, cucumber measuring paper has been widely used in hospitals and residents' lives.

Although the cucumber test paper can detect the cucumber virus, the detection process is very cumbersome due to various reasons such as the long detection team, the heavy workload of the staff, and the long queue time of residents.

Since the outbreak of Cucumber H1, the biological group and the scientific and technological group set up a joint team, and the two sides aimed to study a new type of measuring paper for convenient detection.After continuous research, the science and technology group has developed a cucumber mask based on existing technology and biological genetic methods.

On the basis of the original purification, the cucumber mask has added a cucumber detection technology device. When the user uses the mask to breathe, the mask can be automatically detected by breathing gas, saliva, etc.Positive patients will issue a cucumber alert at the first time.With immediate medical attention, early stage patients may be treated before pulmonary fibrosis develops.

According to the data of the science and technology group, the detection success rate of cucumber masks is 100%, and the masks will not let go of any virus alarm.

"Okay!" Liu Wensheng clasped his hands tightly after hearing the function of the cucumber mask.

According to the data of the biological group, the patient's lungs are peaceful within 1 to 1 days after being infected with cucumber H3, and the lungs are infected within 3 to 15 days, and it is difficult to cure after [-] days.

Now if the treatment is carried out in the early stage of cucumber infection, the chances of treatment will be greatly improved.


"Is it possible to increase the healing rate!"


After Liu Wensheng finished speaking, the other staff also choked up with excitement.During this period of time, although everyone is doing research on the farm, they have been paying attention to the cases across the country.Every time an additional case is added, everyone will feel that their hearts have been pulled.

During this period of time, the farm looked stable, but everyone was floating in mid-air. This was a feeling of drifting without direction and at a loss.Now seeing the purifying cucumber mask, everyone's sense of wandering has finally landed.

"What's the barrier rate?" Liu Wensheng rubbed his eyes and asked.

Cucumber masks are a new type of masks based on research on purification masks. According to previous research, the virus blocking rate of purification masks is 85%.

After Liu Wensheng asked, Sun Yiping said, "99%."

According to the experimental test, the virus blocking rate of the cucumber mask is 99%.1% of them are caused by irregular wearing by users.

"Is it possible to block 99% of airborne transmission?" Liu Wensheng asked.

"Yes." Sun Yiping nodded seriously.

The main modes of virus transmission are airborne transmission, food transmission, contact transmission, iatrogenic transmission...

Among the intricate virus transmission, airborne transmission is the most extensive one of human-to-human transmission.

Now the cucumber mask has been successfully researched, as long as the residents wear it carefully, it can isolate most of the airborne viruses.

"Okay!" Liu Wensheng said the word 'good' again. At this moment, all the emotions were concentrated on this word.

Before Liu Wensheng came back to his senses, Sun Yiping continued: "The courgette mask has added an ID activation function, and non-personal biological IDs cannot be worn."

In short, users can only wear masks activated by their own genes, and other masks cannot activate the purification and isolation functions of the purifier and barrier.

This can also ensure that as long as a user is infected, the Longxia Health Bureau can accurately identify each infected person and reduce the risk of transmission after infection.

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