"Fengshan constant temperature purification will be launched nationwide on May 31... this is good."

On May 25th, in Zhao's hometown in Yu Province, Wang Shuoyang was seriously swiping his phone.Since Longxia Daily released information, Longxia constant temperature purification is a hot topic in the country.

According to the official announcement, constant temperature purification will be launched on the Longxia Grain APP, with limited sales in the first five months, and a large-scale listing after October.It is also because of this that the download volume of the Longxia Grain APP ranks first in the country after the national grain grabbing in 3028.

Wang Shuoyang swiped for a while, then Wang Qinghai took the car keys and went out: "Clean up and go to the Agricultural Bureau."

"Do you need to line up?"

Wang Qinghai said: "I have already called to make an appointment."

Wang Shuoyang followed Wang Qing in the car.

The Yangyang Litchi Garden covers an area of ​​[-] mu. A week ago, the Litchi Garden purchased fertilizer and reclaimed all the land.A soil test is required after one week of application of the improved fertilizer.

The improved fertilizer comes with a test paper, but it involves an investment of 2000 million yuan. The whole family discussed it carefully and decided to ask the Bureau of Agriculture to conduct a professional test.

An hour later, the two arrived at the Yuxiang City Agriculture Bureau.

"Yangyang Litchi Garden, I have consulted by phone before." Wang Qinghai took out the land report of the Litchi Garden.

"No. 120, Zhaojia Township?" the staff at the window of the Agricultural Bureau asked after looking at Wang Qinghai's application.


"Two pieces of land per mu, just pay the inspection fee, and you can inspect it now."

Wang Qinghai paid 400 yuan.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the two returned to the litchi garden, and now the sun was shining.The two waited for a while, and a dark gray van arrived.

"Hello, Yuxiang City Agricultural Bureau." The truck staff got off.

"Hello." Wang Qinghai greeted quickly.

After the communication between the two parties, the staff took a water pump-style device from the car.These soil testing machines equipped by the Agricultural Bureau, the staff pushed the machine around the litchi orchard, and then the soil testing machine displayed specific data such as soil acidity, humidity, and organic matter.

"92 points." The staff recorded carefully.

The soil testing machine can detect an area of ​​up to ten acres. After one hour, except for half an acre of land that has not been fertilized, all the others are qualified.

"You're not fertilizing enough in this area, just add half a bag." The staff pointed to the areas that did not meet the standards.

Wang Qinghai took a serious look.This piece was fertilized by himself. There was not enough fertilizer at that time. He was lazy and did not fertilize according to the standard. He did not expect that there was a problem with the test...

Wang Qinghai marked the area mentioned by the staff, and then asked: "Is it possible to transplant litchi trees now?"

The staff member said: "Seventy points are up to the standard, theoretically it is possible."

"Here is the checklist. You can check if there is no problem. Sign here." Half an hour later, the staff handed over a checklist.

Wang Qinghai signed seriously.

"Let's leave after dinner?" Wang Qinghai warmly invited.

Land testing is only to test the quality of the land, not responsible for the quality of planting.But even so, for 400 yuan, five people from the Agricultural Bureau had been busy for two hours, and he was very sorry.

"There are other jobs." The staff declined Wang Qinghai's invitation.Zhao's hometown is a well-known lychee base in the country. During this period of time, besides Yangyang lychees, other lychees are also improving fertilizers.

After a while, there were only Wang Qinghai and Wang Shuoyang in the litchi garden.They used test strips to self-test before, and now they have passed the professional test of the Agricultural Bureau, and the confidence in the two of them has increased a lot.

Wang Shuoyang swiped through Moments: "Tiancheng, Chenlu has transplanted seedlings."

Tiancheng and Chenlu are well-known lychee bases in Zhao's hometown. This time, the two sides each bought [-] lychee seedlings.

"Let's move too!"

Wang Qinghai called the sapling base, because he ordered in advance, and the next morning, [-] saplings were transported to Yangyang Litchi Garden one after another.

"I haven't planted a lychee tree for three years."

"The lychees from Zhao's hometown are more beautiful."


The workers who came to plant lychees are still old workers.Everyone touched the lychee seedlings with nostalgia, and then planted them in a hurry.

On May 28, all [-] lychee seedlings were planted.

These lychee seedlings are two-year-old seedlings. At this time, the lychee seedlings are planted one by one in the litchi garden, looking very neat and vibrant.

"Hopefully alive."

The lychee orchard was hot, Wang Qinghai wiped off his sweat.Irrigation devices have been connected around the litchi garden now. If the litchi can take root and survive the first week, new litchis will grow in the litchi garden next May.


"Sprinkle it here?"


While Wang Qinghai was looking forward to the litchi, Qin Yun sprinkled a handful of seeds in Hongshan Town, Hongshan County, Ontario.Following Qin Yun's actions, the system refreshed——

Host name: Qin Yun.

Current task: Participate in twenty kinds of planting labor. (100%)

Mission Reward: Useful Planting Package X1.


Qin Yun and Liu Wensheng heaved a sigh of relief.

Twenty kinds of planting labor is a task updated in July last year. The task needs to plant twenty kinds of seeds according to the season.Since it takes a long time, the task is progressing slowly since accepting the task.After ten months of fast planting, the task is finally updated...

"It's not easy." Liu Wensheng sighed as he looked at the task interface.

The two chatted for a while, and took the opportunity to return directly to the farm. The first time they returned to the farm, Qin Yun clicked on the task reward.

"Useful planting package, intermediate level, do you use it?"


As Qin Yun clicked, the backpack interface was refreshed again.Useful grow packs: sickle, dustpan, axe, shears, bucket...

The useful planting package is a complete collection of planting tools, which contains a total of 130 props, in addition to the common sickle, dustpan and axe, there are also scissors, screwdrivers and hammers, which mainly include planting props and basic life props.

Qin Yun clicked [Scissors].

[Scissors]: Sharp scissors, 1000 points, only available on the farm.

Qin Yun clicked to buy.

At the same time as Qin Yun purchased it, a pair of silver folding scissors appeared in his hand.Scissors are the most common structure of scissors, with sharp blades and a weight of 50G.Scissors are only effective for hardness above 5 Mohs, if the hardness is lower than 5 Mohs, the effect is like cotton candy.

For example, nails have 3 degrees on the Mohs scale, and glass has 6 degrees on the Mohs scale.The scissors can cut glass, but not nails.

After reading it carefully, Qin Yun poked his finger with scissors.There is a dull feeling in the fingers without any pain.

"It's interesting." Liu Wensheng felt strange, so he tried it.

The scissors are cool and cool, without any feeling.The two tried it for a while, then looked at the stone by the field.This is a cobblestone that has been beaten by the wind and sun, with a hardness of at least 7 degrees on the Mohs scale. Liu Wensheng picked up the stone and cut it tentatively.

The stone is split in two.

"Awesome!" The two looked at the scissors in amazement.

After serious discussions, the two guessed that the scissors should be related to the composition of the material, and the effect of the scissors should be the mirror image of modern scissors.For example, modern scissors can cut A4 paper, but cannot cut quartz stone.The scissors in front of you can cut quartz stone, but you can't cut A4 paper.

After confirming the effect of the planting package, Liu Wensheng directly held a plenary meeting.

"A very amazing pair of scissors."

"There are no such metals in the country for the time being."

"No radioactive material..."


Everyone looked at the planting package in surprise.

In the next half an hour, Qin Yun bought all the sickles, hammers, and wooden barrels.

Some of these things have the same appearance as modern objects, while others require a systematic introduction to distinguish them.The farm has a complete safety inspection system. These items are just 'items', without radioactive elements, and have no effect on the researcher's body.

"Is this an anti-corrosion constant temperature barrel?" Liu Wensheng picked up a wooden barrel.

Wooden barrel introduction: constant temperature anticorrosion, can effectively store drinks and food.Liu Wensheng put a cup of hot water inside, and then put the barrel into the refrigerator.One hour later, everyone took out the wooden barrel, and the water temperature was tested: 100°C.

"This is Dora the Tiger's treasure chest."

"Very practical research value."


The researchers looked at the prop in amazement.

"The science and technology team has a task." Everyone looked at Sun Yiping.

"The task must be completed!" Sun Yiping rarely teased.

The planting package can only be used within the farm range, coupled with material restrictions such as scissors and barrels, it cannot be replicated on the water blue star.But even so, the technology team may also make some unexpected breakthroughs based on these tentative improvements to modern tools.

Everyone teased for a while, Liu Wensheng asked: "What do you think about the mission of the Wishing Pool?"

The current tasks on the farm include——

1. Plant one billion acres of off-site seeds. (27%)

2. Sell 5000W ice storage machine and 5000W purification machine.


Both of these are main quests.The off-site seeds were just released at the beginning of the month. Now the speed of Longxia seeds is limited, and the overall planting task is expected to be completed in October.The sale of the ice storage machine purifier is still in preparation, and it is also due to the problem of production output, and it is expected to be effective in October.

In addition, the farm also has an annual wishing pool task. This task has determined the direction of biological research, but the specific reward has not yet been determined.

"Now that the temperature is high, there are too many animal deaths and injuries. Animal bacteria may evolve at high temperature. We can study in this direction."

"There are too many respiratory diseases at present, and high temperature respiratory diseases must also be solved."

"This year's marine impetuous organisms have decreased by 32% compared with last year, and we must also consider the problem of algae oxygen production..."


Researchers express their views.Now Longxia has restored green plants on a small scale, but the catastrophic damage to the global environment cannot be resolved in a short time.

Liu Wensheng carefully recorded that, in fact, during this period of time, the farm has made wishes in the wishing pool for these aspects.But making a wish is the same as improving the soil, all PASS.

You can make a wish in the task of the wishing pool, but the specific wish...has a very large limit.

"How about the constant temperature series and purification masks?" Liu Wensheng finished memorizing and looked at the production staff on the side.

"It has been shipped to the Jinghe warehouse, and it can be officially launched on the 31st." The production staff said.The materials are now complete, and the daily output of the technology factory is 70W. After nearly half a month of storage, the farm already has 1350W products, which is equivalent to 300W per product.

The number of existing products is small, but major technology companies are building factories, and it is expected to be fully relieved in October.

"Everyone summarizes some reports." At six o'clock in the evening, the meeting ended.

There are many problems in the country at present, but from wheat seeds to dual-machine series, the country is making progress every day.

Now it is difficult, just overcome it.

The agricultural base and the people of the whole country are full of confidence.


Just in the anticipation, on May 31, the Fengshan dual-machine series was officially launched.

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