"I am Zhao Shunhai from Wanjiazhuang, do you still have children's diapers in your store?"

"Sold out?

"Shout when the goods arrive."


On the morning of April [-]th, Zhao Shunhai made a phone call wearily.

Zhao Shunhai is a villager in Wanjiazhuang, Shaanxi Province. His wife was helping his son and daughter-in-law to take care of their children in the city, and he worked as a farmer at home.Since the dust disaster, respiratory diseases in the city have increased. For the health of the grandson, the daughter-in-law and grandson went home for the summer.Life was going on like this, but the day before yesterday afternoon, my grandson ran out of diapers.

Now the diapers are out of stock in the whole town, he ran for two days, but couldn't buy any.

Now at [-] o'clock in the morning, after Zhao Shunhai hung up the phone, he lit a cigarette irritably.Just halfway through the cigarette, Wu Xiuli entered the room dissatisfied: "Wenwen and Lele can't smell the smoke, you still smoke."

"I'm smoking indoors."

"Not even in the house." Wu Xiuli cut off the cigarette directly and opened the window for ventilation.Zhao Shunhai felt distressed looking at the cigarettes. Now that the price of tobacco has risen, this cigarette costs [-] yuan.

After Wu Xiuli opened the window, she sighed and asked, "Is there any for sale?"

Zhao Shunhai shook his head: "No."

He searched all the supermarkets in the neighboring villages just now, but they didn't sell them online, nor did the supermarkets.

"I'll look for old clothes and get some diapers later." Wu Xiuli sighed.

"Wenwen willing?"

"Wenwen has no comment."

The older generation used to cut strips of coarse cloth to make diapers. Although these can save costs, it is unhygienic to reuse them, and these strips are easy to cover the red buttocks of children.Although the daughter-in-law now agrees to use rough cloth as diapers, she feels very sorry for her grandson just thinking about it.

The two chatted for a few words, and the cry of the little grandson came from the next door.

"Go." Zhao Shunhai waved his hand.

Wu Xiuli got up to coax her grandson.

Zhao Shunhai was stunned for a while, then picked up the cigarette on the ground, he wanted to take two puffs, but after thinking about it, he threw it outside.

Early the next morning, Zhao Shunhai prepared a hot water bottle and drove the donkey to the corn field.In July last year, a batch of corn was harvested at home, but with biological locusts as fertilizer, the corn field will be more fertile than before.Now in mid-April, it's time for corn planting again.

"Uncle Zhao."

"Shunhai is here?"


On the way to the cornfield, many villagers greeted Zhao Shunhai.

"Here we come!" Zhao Shunhai greeted with a smile.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Zhao Shunhai skillfully planted and sowed the seeds. Because he wanted to finish the work in the field quickly, he did it until nine o'clock in the evening.Now the bright moon is in the sky, and there are no other villagers in the cropland.

After Zhao Shunhai rested, he drove the donkey home.It's just that he just took two steps when he saw a familiar figure from behind in the field next door.

Zhao Shunhai squinted his eyes and walked over: "Uncle Song?"

"Shunhai?" The man's name is Song Changjun. He is 73 years old this year. There are two sons in his family. The youngest son was killed at the construction site before, and now he lives with the eldest son.

"Shall I take you back?" Zhao Shunhai asked, pointing to his donkey.Song Changjun suffers from cardiomyopathy. Last year, he spent three days in the county hospital for emergency treatment. Now Song Changjun is the only one in the corn field. He is worried that something will happen.

Song Changjun looked at the unfinished work and felt a little embarrassed: "It's troublesome."

Three minutes later, the two got into the donkey cart.

"Dachuan is back?" Zhao Shunhai asked casually when the donkey cart started.Song Changjun's son is named Song Dachuan, 38 years old this year, and worked in Shenzhen City before.Now I am bringing my grandson and daughter-in-law back, and I heard that I want to contract a courier station in the village.

Song Changjun was silent for a moment: "I'm back."

"You are blessed now, your son is filial, and your son and grandson follow you." Zhao Shunhai said what the villagers loved to hear.

"It's quite filial." Song Changjun smiled.


"Grandpa Grandpa!"


At [-]:[-], the donkey cart just arrived at the door of Song Changjun's house, and Song Changjun's two grandsons rushed forward like gourd dolls called grandpas.

"I brought it for you." Song Changjun gave each of the two children a straw grasshopper, and then looked at Zhao Shunhai: "Thank you."

"It's okay." Zhao Shunhai waved his hand.

Three minutes later, Zhao Shunhai drove the donkey cart away.Song Changjun looked at Zhao Shunhai, and then brought the two children into the house.


At [-]:[-], Zhao Shunhai had just returned home when he received a call from the owner of the supermarket in the neighboring village.There is no other reason. When the boss was sorting out the warehouse, he found two bags of impending diapers.

"I'll keep it for you first, and when you have time, come and get it, or how do you get it?" asked the supermarket owner.

"I'll go there now." Zhao Shunhai didn't care about taking a break, and rode the tram directly to the next village.

"This is from the year before last, and there are two months to expire." At [-]:[-], in a dim rural supermarket, the supermarket owner found two bags of [-]-piece diapers from the shelf. These diapers were carefully packaged, but the There was a thick layer of dust.

"It's okay." Zhao Shunhai wiped the dust on the diaper with his sleeve, and opened the mobile phone payment code: "How much?"

"One hundred and five."

"A bag?"

"Two bags."

"Could I remember it wrong?" Zhao Shunhai was taken aback. This is a well-known diaper. It used to cost 65-80 yuan a bag, but since the sandstorm, it has risen to [-] yuan.

The supermarket owner waved his hand: "In the past, the advance price was low, and there is no need to increase the price when it is about to expire."

Now diaper supplies are in short supply, but he doesn't need to be black-hearted and double sell the products that are about to expire.

"I've scanned it for you." To express his gratitude, Zhao Shunhai bought another twenty catties of rice and left.


Half an hour later, just as Zhao Shunhai entered the house, his little grandson ran over with a chubby face.

"Here are your panties." Zhao Shunhai didn't care whether his grandson could understand or not, and directly changed the diaper on his body.At this time, the diaper has been covered for a day, and there are already red spots on the buttocks.

"It's only April, what will happen when it's July..." Wu Xiuli sighed.

She specially learned about diapers in the past two days.The main raw materials of diapers are bamboo pulp, cotton, and plant fibers.Now the global crisis, the trees are corroded and unable to grow.Now the main raw material for diapers and toilet paper comes from grass, but these grasses are not only fed to livestock, but also industrially produced... It is not enough.

"Alas." Zhao Shunhai looked at the diapers and also had a headache.

The two chattered for a while, planning to save some diapers and make it through the day.

In the next two days, Zhao Shunhai planted all five mu of land at home.In the past two days, Song Changjun also left early and returned late, but on the afternoon of the third day, Zhao Shunhai passed by the cornfield again, only to see neat picks and hoes on the edge of the field, and Song Changjun was not there.

"Did you see Uncle Song?" Zhao Shunhai turned around and asked the villagers next to him.

"He was still here just now."

"Did not notice……"


The villagers were a little confused.

Zhao Shunhai felt that something was wrong, so he searched directly along the mountain, and other villagers followed suit.

Half an hour later, everyone came to the open space behind Wanjia Mountain and found Song Changjun.Above the clearing was a jujube tree seven meters high. At this time, a hemp rope was hanging on the jujube tree, and a figure fell on it.

"Uncle Song!" Zhao Shunhai felt his legs go limp.

Everyone rushed under the jujube tree in one go.

Zhao Shunhai got Song Changjun off the dead branch. At this time, Song Changjun's face was pale and purple, and there was an empty pesticide bottle beside him.

"Quick hit 120."

"Get the person down first and send them to the health center."

"The one who opened the tractor..."


The surrounding villagers were in a panic, and Zhao Shunhai tried his best to help with cardiac resuscitation.It may be because he had just hanged himself. Although Song Changjun's face was blue and purple, his body was still warm.

Zhao Shunhai tried it under his nose, and his nose was also a little warm.Half an hour later, everyone carried Zhao Shunhai to the bottom of the mountain. At this time, the nearby health center also sent an ambulance to the scene.The medical level of the health center is limited, and people are sent directly to the county central hospital.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Song Changjun hanged himself and became a hot topic in Wanjiazhuang.


"The patient was rescued in time, but he was not sure how much pesticide he had eaten, and needed gastric lavage for observation."

At ten o'clock that night, a middle-aged doctor came out of the emergency room.The middle-aged doctor is 47 years old. According to his explanation, Song Changjun took ordinary pesticides.It is also because of this that there is still a little hope of rescue.

"I shouldn't have let him go out alone."

"I know that something is wrong with him these two days, I should watch him more..."


After the middle-aged doctor finished speaking, a tall young man threw himself against the wall.The young man's name is Song Dachuan, his hair is half white, and he is Song Changjun's eldest son.

Zhao Shunhai saw that his fist was bleeding, so he quickly persuaded him: "Uncle Song can't think about it for a while, so don't blame yourself too much."

"It's my problem." Song Dachuan cried helplessly.

Half an hour later, Zhao Shunhai understood what had happened.Song Dachuan originally worked in a Shenzhen electronics factory, but the economic environment has been bad for the past two years, and the electronics factory closed down. He took his wife and son back to his hometown to start a business.

Song Dachuan's education is not high, and he has only saved 10 yuan for food and savings these years. He originally wanted to invest this money to open a post station.It's just that Song Changjun had myocardial surgery last year, and only 10 of the [-] yuan was left.

Song Dachuan has been running express delivery in the town for the past six months, and his daughter-in-law is working as a temporary kindergarten teacher in the kindergarten.Now the two grandchildren should go to kindergarten, and Song Changjun pays 300 yuan a month for medicine.

Family expenses, kindergarten tuition fees, myocardial medicine money... The family will closely follow the financial arrangements.

At the end of last month, due to the increase in the price of pills, the price of three hundred medicines rose to five hundred.Now it costs two hundred more per month, and there is no export for the two hundred and one time. This is the straw that overwhelms Song Changjun.

Song Changjun didn't want his son and daughter-in-law to worry about 200 yuan every day. He was so worried that he kept running to the corn field during this time, and often said at the dinner table: When the corn is planted, I will relax, and you will also relax.

Song Dachuan and the two didn't take it seriously at first, they only thought that Song Changjun wanted to plant corn and rest for two days, but they didn't expect to have such thoughts.

While crying, there was a rattling sound in the corridor of the hospital.

"How is our dad?" A fat woman in her thirties came.

"Still in the intensive care unit." Song Dachuan pointed to the location of the operating room.

The woman's legs are weak.

"Pay the medical fee at the toll office." The two chatted for a while, and a medical staff brought a bill.

The medical expenses this time will not cost much, but there is a national shortage of medicines, and Song Changjun's heart muscle tablets are temporarily out of stock. If he wants to treat him, he can only temporarily use more expensive alternative medicines.The price of alternative medicine is one thousand, and there is no guarantee that it will be in stock every month.

The two stared at the medical bill in a daze.

The medical staff couldn't bear to ask, "Does it work?"

"Use!" Just after the medical staff finished speaking, the fat woman didn't even think about it.

Now the monthly family income is [-], and she plans to deliver express delivery after get off work, so she can save an extra two hundred or two hundred.

The fat woman and Song Dachuan looked around.At this time, there were many patients with severe coughing around, and the hospital corridor was crowded with people. Some of these people had the same illness as Song Changjun, and most of them had acid rain respiratory disease.

Without medicine, it is difficult to see a doctor.This is the biggest problem of 3030.

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