The shipjacking investigation did not last long.Under the strong pressure from countries around the world and Longxia, Shuilan jointly announced the investigation results: seven major grain companies were indeed involved in the ship robbery case, and there were 73 high-level personnel involved in the case.According to the Shuilan United Law, the seven major grain companies have to pay Longxia 220 billion in contractual compensation. In addition, the seven major grain companies have been blacklisted by Longxia, and this blacklist is permanent.

"Support Long Xia's decision and refuse any food under HHSA!"

"A stupid, arrogant robbery."

"The arrogance of big food companies."


As soon as Shuilan United was announced, many international residents praised Shuilan United.The result this time was even more unexpected than expected. Although they didn't know the details, it was clear that the glory of the seven major grain companies was no longer there.




"47 is old."


"Vice President of HHSA International..."


At [-]:[-] p.m. on February [-]th, in the Shuilan joint heavy-duty detention room, Kaante and the exclusive police officer had a question and answer.

Caant is vice president of HHSA and has been featured in Global People magazine three times.In the past two years, HHSA has become the world's top enterprise relying on food, and its market value has increased fifty-fold in two years.Although he has a steady stream of wealth, he still wants to make more profits. In this way, he and other companies jointly planned the shipjacking incident.

As the world's top grain company, their grain has been distributed to all parts of the world.He believed that Long Xia didn't dare to touch him, and Shuilan United didn't dare to touch him. Even if they were in danger, they could still get the protection of their own government...

The seven major grain companies were blindly confident, but they didn't realize that something was wrong until 53 countries searched the sea area and 220 the three countries jointly spoke out.In the past two days, they had contacted Long Xia's government in private, but Long Xia's attitude was tough and there was no reconciliation.

He is the vice president of HHSA and an olive branch extended by HHSA. He knows his end, but he still can't figure out why all the countries in the world support Long Xia.Even with food aid, it shouldn't be like this...

Half an hour later, Caant finished the interrogation.

After sorting out the documents, the exclusive police officer asked, "Is there anything else you want to convey?"

Caant thought for a while and asked, "Why do they support Long Xia?"

In addition to the pressure from the world, the pressure from the five major countries is mainly from their own country: since Long Xia issued a statement, there have been [-] protest marches in Natal. Participate in grain enterprises.It is also because of this that the current results appear.

After Kaante asked, the exclusive police officer said very affirmatively, "Because of peace."

Long Xia is one of the few countries in the world with super weapons.If the robbery continues, the result is clearly foreseeable: Long Xia suspends shipping, grain merchants greedily provoke wars, Long Xia takes out super weapons, and the world is destroyed.

In the past, some passionate young people would yearn for war.However, after two years of crisis, everyone deeply felt the pain caused by the disaster. Long Xia's food could not be snatched, and they hoped to survive peacefully compared to the brutal and rude war.

Now, except for a small number of passionate youths, 90% of Natal residents support peace.

Normal ecology and peaceful development.

This is what the inhabitants of the globe desperately need.


"On February 350, [-] countries in Shuilan signed the "Anti-Piracy Coalition Convention."

"Global Daily: A survey of 3000 million people around the world shows that 98% of the world's residents are against war."

"Create a good shipping route and create a global survival route."


In the next three days, countries around the world signed the "Anti-Piracy Alliance Convention", and world peace is the theme of the world.


"World peace."

On February 22, Liu Wensheng put down the latest international newspaper.After this period of turnover, the compensation payments from the seven major grain companies have now arrived.Although the follow-up attitude of the seven major grain companies is good, Long Xia never believes in the tears of the crocodile. Long Xia has already terminated the cooperation with various grain companies, and the termination time is permanent.

Now at ten o'clock in the morning, Liu Wensheng looked at it for a while, then looked at Qin Yun and asked, "How many updates?"

Qin Yun was arranging documents at the table next to him, and said, "98%."

Five days ago, the Hope Tree finished bearing fruit, and the farm received three kinds of rewards: [Building Upgrade Card] [Virtual Simulation Laboratory] [Gift of Hope Tree]. [Hope Tree Gift] is the research authority of the Hope Tree. After everyone read it, Qin Yun clicked [Building Upgrade Card].

System reminder: The upgrade card cannot be used temporarily during the system upgrade.

Qin Yun moved to [Virtual Simulation Laboratory].The system reminds again: the system is being upgraded...

During the system upgrade process, the new card cannot be opened temporarily, but the existing items on the farm will not affect the use.In this way, the farm was researching according to the original rhythm while waiting for the system to be upgraded.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the farm upgrade, farm optimization permissions: system point exchange rules, mall purchase rules, mall gift pack wishing rules...]

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Qin Yun was about to sort out a new file, and the system was finally updated.At the first update, Liu Wensheng directly contacted various departments of the farm.

At [-]:[-], everyone came to the seed laboratory.

[Building Area Card] is an optional card. During this period, after analyzing the farm buildings, the team decided to use [Building Card] in the Seed Lab.The seed laboratory covers an area of ​​[-] acres and has been in use for two years. It is also the most important research laboratory on the farm.

At this time, everyone was standing outside the laboratory, and Song Yueshan was the first to ask, "Start now?"

Song Yueshan is the project leader of the agricultural group. Knowing that the laboratory has been upgraded, the members of the agricultural group even walk with a sense of breath.

"It will start in a while, let's take a good look at the upgrade laboratory." Xiang Qingchuan said sourly from the side.Xiang Qingchuan is the person in charge of the biology group. They developed a bio-fertilizer last year and have been thinking about getting a biology laboratory.It's just that the purchase conditions of the biological laboratory are harsh, and they pin their hopes on the system lottery and hope tree fruit.

Now there are berries, I didn't think they were the exclusive props of the agricultural group... At this moment, he felt sour in his heart, sour.

"I'll lend you a test bench when it's upgraded." Song Yueshan seemed to see Xiang Qingchuan's idea.

"Thank you in advance." Xiang Qingchuan teased very depressed.

In the midst of this banter, Qin Yun clicked [Area Upgrade Card].

"[Area upgrade card], intermediate props, area upgrade range: Seed Lab. Are you sure?"



After Qin Yun finished clicking, there was a booming sound in front of him.They saw that the Seed Lab was like a sourdough bread that changed from a small lab to a lab PLUS.The laboratory PLUS covers an area of ​​[-] mu. Because the location was reserved when it was selected, the two sides are empty and not crowded at this time.

Everyone went in directly. Compared with the appearance of the laboratory, they were more looking forward to the inside.

On the south side of the laboratory are research glass rooms, with a console in the middle.Everyone walked for half a minute, and found a new type of glass house in the north. The glass house here is bigger than the previous one. There are signs in each glass house: [soil][reproduction].

There are sixty of these large glass rooms, each covering an area of ​​more than 20 square meters. Inside the glass room is a silver-white operating table, and the overall atmosphere is very grand and sci-fi.Song Yueshan walked around in front of the nearest glass room, and then checked the details of the glass room.

[Off-site seed propagation room]: 100% simulate the off-site environment to conduct acid rain seed research. Due to the influence of the simulated environment, most of the off-site seeds are at most two generations of seeds.

[Off-site seed breeding room] is a bit complicated. In short, due to the influence of soil climate, acid rain seeds can only be planted in Longxia range, while seeds bred through [Off-site breeding room] can be planted in other places, and these seeds cannot breed offspring , belonging to the state of [seed-plant-grow grain-grain cannot breed new species].

"Is it possible to grow exotics?"



Most of the seeds on the market are sterilized seeds. Although the sterilized seeds cannot reproduce normally, they can be grown and eaten normally.At the moment they saw the [Seed Breeding Room], everyone present immediately thought: Long Xia's food pressure has eased.

There are too many disaster victims in the world, and Long Xia cannot feed the world.Now that the seed breeding room has appeared, Longxia can sell seeds to other countries. Due to the huge global food shortage and the limited production of Longxia seeds, these seeds will not affect Longxia’s global food exports within 20 years. This is a survival reward .

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