"The growth is normal and the results are normal."

"Sugar and vitamins are normal."

Half an hour later, Qin Yun and Liu Wensheng came to the seed laboratory. It is now three o'clock in the afternoon. There are dozens of scientific researchers in the laboratory, and everyone is carefully recording around the glass room on the south side.

"Is this acid rain watermelon?" Liu Wensheng asked first.Now there are three football-sized watermelons in the glass room. The watermelons are round and firm, and there is a kind of tension that is about to split.

"Yes." Song Yueshan flashed the location for the two, and then opened the data on the glass room: "This is the acid rain watermelon data..."

Glass house panels refreshed.

Product name: watermelon. (unnamed)

Seed sources: Jinghe No.[-], Longlei No.[-].

Ingredients: glucose, sucrose, fructose, malic acid...

Soil suitable for acid rain: 100%.


Acid Rain Watermelon is a cross between Jinghe No.[-] and Longlei No.[-].

In July 3028, since the heavy rain in Longnan and Zhongnan, the production of Longxia watermelon has been greatly reduced.Now the watermelons on the market are all grown in fruit greenhouses. Due to the increase in production costs, watermelons have risen from three yuan per catty two years ago to 7 yuan per catty.In addition, basic fruits such as apples, bananas and oranges have soared in a straight line. Now it is not only difficult to grow melons in Longxia, but it is also very difficult for residents to eat melons.

Acid Rain Watermelon was established a year ago.Mainly rely on the female parent watermelon to be transplanted to the plantation, and then rely on plantation observation and laboratory data for joint research.Acid rain watermelon is a major breakthrough in the farm's independent research. Now that the acid rain watermelon research has been successful, it also means that the farm can bypass the system seeds to research more autonomous plants!

"It's good to have watermelon." Liu Wensheng praised without hesitation, and then pointed to the glass room: "Can I eat it?"

"There are base watermelons." Song Yueshan ordered the staff to bring five watermelons.These watermelons are grown in the watermelon base outside the farm. The watermelon base is mainly used as the local control group of the farm. With the increase of research projects on the farm, an experimental base of [-] mu has been surrounded outside the farm.

Song Yueshan picked up a watermelon and placed it on the weighing platform next to it. This watermelon weighed 23 kilograms and belonged to the king of small melons on the market.

"Okay!" Liu Wensheng was very satisfied with the weight and appearance of the watermelon, then picked up the fruit knife and cut it very skillfully.

The watermelon was divided into two, and Liu Wensheng cut it into multiple pieces and handed it to Song Yueshan.Song Yueshan rolled up his sleeves and handed them to the researchers behind him.

After a while, the researchers had a piece of watermelon in each hand.Liu Wensheng took one and handed another to Qin Yun: "Try it."

Qin Yun took it without hesitation.

"It's delicious." The moment Qin Yun ate the watermelon, he felt completely at ease.This watermelon is sweet and refreshing. Even before the rainstorm in Longnan, there were very few watermelons with such a good taste.

"Really delicious."

While eating, Liu Wensheng thought about the scene when the watermelon was connected.Now in late January, it is a good season for planting watermelons. When the watermelons are ripe and long-ripe, everyone will be able to eat watermelons in May at the earliest.

Five minutes later, Liu Wensheng found a palm of watermelon seeds in his hand.He looked up, and the other researchers also had watermelon seeds in their palms.Although these watermelon seeds do not necessarily grow watermelons, the global fruit production has decreased, and these watermelon seeds have extremely special collection value.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, the researchers sorted out the acid rain watermelon data.Once the acid rain watermelon has passed the Ministry of Agriculture's approval, it is expected to be planted nationwide in mid-February.

Early the next morning, Liu Wensheng took the watermelon report to Jinghe for a meeting, and Qin Yun got up and went to Mongolia.


"This is the Hazana Grassland. In the past, everyone would hold horse riding competitions here."

On the morning of January 27, on the off-road vehicle heading to the pasture base, Bamu pointed to the grassland road outside the window.

Bamu is a researcher of the agricultural group, and his ancestral home is Wufeng County, Mongolia Province.Due to the busy work of the Agricultural Research Institute, he didn't go home for two years. Now that the acid rain watermelon research has been successful, it happened that Qin Yun came to Mongolia to do a task.Considering his situation, Song Yueshan arranged for him to be the guide of the mission.

In fact, with the execution ability of the farm, there is no need for a guide at all. Bamu knew that it was Song Yueshan who asked him to take the time to go home and have a look.

The purpose of everyone's trip is located in the east of Wufeng County. According to the plan, they will go to the plantation base to finish the task first, then go to Bamu's house for a rest at night, and return to the farm the next day.

"I used to like herding cattle on the grassland the most. I remember that in the second year of junior high school, I once lost my way while herding cattle. It was my sister who brought me home." Bamu talked about an anecdote when he was a child.

Bamu is 33 this year, and he is tall and burly. After hearing this, Qin Yun was curious: "Where is your sister?"

"I'm married to a nearby county. I knew I'd come back, so I went home early today." Bamu grinned.

Half an hour later, the convoy drove into a red yard with a sign hanging on the yard: [Longteng Ranch].

Due to Long Xia's arrangement in advance, after Qin Yun entered, he went directly to the planting area of ​​the pasture.Longteng Ranch is mainly based on ryegrass and sweet elephant grass.Now the previous batch of pastures has just been harvested, and the new batch of seeds is growing.Qin Yun turned back and forth, then picked up a handful of ryegrass seeds, and sprinkled them on the open space.

Host name: Qin Yun.

Current task: Participate in twenty kinds of planting labor.

Mission progress: 95%.


The moment the seed is planted, the system refreshes.

"What's going on?" Bamu asked nervously.


Now that the pastures have been planted, a handful of rice can be planted to complete the project.

The straight-line distance from Longteng Ranch to Bamu's house was [-] kilometers. Everyone took a brief rest and drove directly to Bamu's house.Although the buildings in Mongolia are mainly Mongolian bao, you can still see many houses built with red bricks and white walls along the way. Against the backdrop of the blue sky and white clouds, these houses look very empty.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, everyone came to Wufeng Village where Bamu was located.

As soon as everyone entered the village entrance, they saw a group of men, women and children standing at the entrance of the village, and everyone was looking in the direction of the road.

"Mom, Dad!" The car just stabilized, and Bamu jumped off first.

The two sides communicated in the local language, and then Bamu introduced to both sides: "This is my grandma and grandpa."

Bamu's parents were about seventy, and Qin Yun and others gave them the junior ceremony.Then he looked behind the two old men... This is a middle-aged woman in her forties.The woman held a two-year-old girl in her arms, and two seven-year-old boys stood beside her.The three children were wearing red padded jackets, and they were looking at Qin Yun and his party timidly.

"Here's chocolate for you."

Qin Yun took out the gifts he had prepared in advance, and then handed over a bunch of exquisite pastry boxes to the two elderly people: "This is the wish of my colleagues." These gifts were secretly sent by the agricultural team before departure. Plus what I prepared, the overall look is very grand and rich.

After Qin Yun finished speaking, the two old men hurriedly made gestures.

Qin Yun looked at Bamu.

"They said thank you, these gifts are too expensive, you must take them back." Bamu scratched his head and said.

He didn't know in advance that the agricultural group was preparing gifts, and he didn't understand the intention of the agricultural group until he got on the plane.He is a bad guy, but he almost cried when he saw the agricultural team preparing gifts.

The weather in Mongolia is still a bit cold, so everyone chatted for a while and went back to Bamu's house together.Bamu's home is a spacious courtyard house. Because he has often sent money home in recent years, he now has electrical equipment such as refrigerators and microwave ovens, and the house looks very spacious.

As soon as everyone entered the yard, they saw five or six villagers washing pots and dishes in the yard, and beside them were some cold vegetables and beef covered with steaming cloth.

"These are neighbors in the village." Bamu explained.Rural people have a tradition of helping each other during festivals and events. He is a college student who came out of Wufeng Village, and this time he went home for the first time in two years. Everyone came to help before noon.

"There's no need to be so grand." Qin Yun and the others were embarrassed by the reception.There are a total of 12 Jiabamu people on this mission, and this is the first time that everyone has received such a warm reception.

Ba Mu also felt that it was too troublesome to the neighbors, so he conveyed Qin Yun and others' intentions to sister.

"You guys just wait here." Elder Sister pressed Bamu directly on the table in the yard.This is a square table prepared in advance, surrounded by some long chairs, Qin Yun and others were forced to put them on the shelves.

My sister brought up the prepared cold dishes.

Mom and Dad are seated.

Although Dad was old, he still poured the kumiss prepared in advance for everyone.

"Thank you, thank you!" Qin Yun and the others got up quickly.

At seven o'clock in the evening, some chicken and fish were served one after another.Now that the sun was setting and the moon was hanging high, a villager set up two fireworks at the gate of the yard.

The fireworks are lit like peonies, making the yard very bright.

In the next two hours, the yard of Bamu's house was like a grand view garden, and many villagers came to watch the excitement.

Ba Mu is the most promising child in the village. Now he heard that he works in Jinghe Agricultural Institute, and this time he brought back his friends from the Agricultural Institute. This is completely new in the small village.Although Bamu was a bit naive, whenever a villager came over, he would greet him with handfuls of melon seeds and candies.

Everyone's language communication is not fluent, but the atmosphere of joy is contagious. In the end, Zhang Hu actually wrestled with several local villagers, and the night of the third day of the Lunar New Year was spent in laughter.

At ten o'clock in the evening, the villagers went home one after another.

Bamu's house was not enough to live in, and several staff members went to live in the neighbor's house temporarily, while Qin Yun and Zhang Hu stayed at Bamu's house.

Qin Yun and Zhang Hu lived in a guest room that had been arranged in advance. The electric blanket had been heated up in advance. There were two quilts on the bed, and there was an electric blanket at the head of the bed. The room was clean and tidy.

"I'm sorry." Zhang Hu scratched his head.They came to visit Bamu's house by the way, but they didn't expect to trouble Bamu's family so much.

"It's a little bit." Zhang Hu was embarrassed, and Qin Yun was equally embarrassed.

Probably because of the heat from drinking the kumiss, Qin Yun could not fall asleep after lying down for a while, and was about to go to the yard to blow some air.As soon as he arrived at the yard, he saw Bamu clearing the dishes by himself at the table.

"Not asleep yet?" Qin Yun went over to tidy up.

Just as soon as he walked up to Bamu, he felt something was wrong.

Qin Yun looked up.

At this time, Ba Muzheng's eyes were red and weeping.

Qin Yun realized that he came at the wrong time, and was about to go back, Bamu wiped his eyes and said, "It's okay."

He didn't go home for two years, and this time he saw his parents bent back and their hair all white, and he was completely blocked in his heart.

Maybe it was because of too much emotional fluctuation, so Bamu said to Qin Yun: "I was chatting with my mother just now. My sister went to the mountain to cut grass and feed the sheep a few years ago. She fell from the mountain and broke her arm. I have been on the mountain since the afternoon. Seeing that his arm is not right..."

Elder Sister has a hard life, she is 42 years old this year, she looks like 48 years old due to long-term exposure to wind and sun.Now my brother-in-law is working outside the home, and my elder sister is taking care of the children at home. Because there are too few sources of income, I just squeeze some goat milk to sell.

His memory has always been that he was lost while herding cattle, and Ajie looked for her girlish appearance in the dark.Coming back this time, not only my parents are old, but my sister is also old.

Qin Yun could feel Bamu's emotions, but he didn't know how to enlighten him.

He thought for a while and asked, "I'm applying with Academician Song, will you stay at home for two more days?"

Just after Qin Yun finished speaking, Bamu touched his nose and said, "No need."

Now the acid rain watermelon has been researched, but there is still a lot of work on the farm.He would still go around without the farm, but he didn't want to miss the research progress.

Ba Mu looked at Qin Yun: "I told my mother just now that I have met the researcher of acid rain herbage. My mother said that I am very good and asked me to research plants like grass in the future."

Not only has he met forage researchers, but he's also involved with forage seeds.It's just that these involve confidential research, so it's not convenient for him to say more.

He also thought about whether to resign and go home before, but he felt sincerely proud to see Wufeng Village become plump again from the barrenness and withering last year.Now he wants to continue to do it, and when the ecology returns to normal, let the villagers of Wufeng Village go to the outside world to see...

The two of them chatted one sentence at a time until midnight in the morning.

Early the next morning, everyone returned.

Bamu and his family parted reluctantly, and Bamu's family watched the convoy leave just as they did when they came.

Bamu's eyes turned red again. He remembered the embarrassment of last night, and he was a little embarrassed: "I'm fine."

"Eat some cheese slices." Qin Yun handed Bamu a cheese slice.

This was what the Bamu family stuffed into the trunk of the car before they left. In addition to cheese slices and kumiss, there was also some dried beef.This is the most simple way for the Bamu family to express their welcome.


Longxia News: [On January 3030, 1, Longxia Agricultural Research Institute developed acid rain watermelon, and the watermelon was officially named [Chu Yi No. 25]...]

At the same time that Qin Yun and others were returning, on the evening of January 28, Long Xia announced the news about the acid rain watermelon.Because of the successful research on the first day of the Lunar New Year, the watermelon was officially named [Junior No. [-]].

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