Teacher she is sweet and soft

Chapter 97 The Future I Want

After the exam, the group of children were sent home as usual.

Before correcting the paper, Zhou Qing told Jiang Yi in advance that the child was very good and didn't bother her, so the first thing she did after correcting the paper was to tell Jiang Yi.

"I finished correcting the paper."

Jiang Yi responded quickly to the message as usual, "Finished?"


Jiang Yi thought about it, and felt a little embarrassed, because she seemed to seldom hang out with Zhou Qing, so...

"I thought about it, Ms. Zhou Qing, I have something to tell you."

Seeing that she was really serious, Zhou Qing was inexplicably flustered, and hurriedly said in front of her, "Don't say it, it's impossible!"

"Huh? I haven't said what I want to do? I want to ask you to watch a movie! Don't you want to go? It's too cold! Ms. Zhou!"

Looking at Jiang Yi's words below, Zhou Qing was so ashamed that she thought Jiang Yi wanted to confess...

"Oh oh oh, this! Go, go!" Zhou Qing hurriedly replied to express his attitude.

Holding the phone, Jiang Yi looked suspiciously at Zhou Qing's previous reply, so what was she thinking just now?But even though she racked her brains, she still didn't understand what Zhou Qing did just now.

The next day Zhou Qing dressed up beautifully and went out to watch a movie with Jiang Yi.

Jiang Yi was already there when she arrived. In front of her was a piece of popcorn, a glass of Coke, and a glass. Zhou Qing didn't know what was in it.

Seeing Zhou Qing approaching, she even picked up the cup and handed it to Zhou Qing.

Zhou Qing was confused, "What is this?"

"When I was living with you during that time, I found that your aunt seemed to be in the past two days..." Jiang Yi felt uncomfortable as she spoke, her voice became lower and lower until she finally lost her voice.

No way sir, you live with me just to see when my aunt comes? ? ?

Zhou Qing's head was full of black lines, but it was undeniable that her heart was warm, and the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, "You only pay attention to this when you live with me? Let me hear what else you have to say?"

"I... It's gone." Jiang Yi shook her head quickly, she wouldn't say that Zhou Qing's aunt's scarves belonged to Sophie!

Of course, she not only pays attention to these, but also other things, such as Zhou Qing will get tired after eating, eat and rest, it is really cute!

For example, Zhou Qing likes to read paper books at night. For example, Zhou Qing's work and rest are very regular, and he has some desire to control.

Another example is that Zhou Qing likes... to sleep naked, thinking of this, Jiang Yi's face turned red.

How did she find out? It was because Zhou Qing was dishonest and wanted to take off his clothes that night. In the end, she held him down, and Zhou Qing slowly calmed down. So Jiang Yi guessed that when she didn't come, Zhou Qing probably sleeping naked...

Zhou Qing had a look of disbelief, this guy didn't know what he was thinking, her face was so red, she stretched out her hand and tugged, "Baby, you have to sound like a fool, how can I blush like this?" letter?"

But she didn't delve into it, after all, she did all these because she liked herself!Thinking of this, her heart was sweet.

When the time came, the two checked tickets and entered the venue.

This time the movie is a suspense film called The Tenant.

Jiang Yi likes to watch suspense films, but she also gets scared in some places. Zhou Qing also likes to watch suspense films. In contrast, she is a little bit more courageous, a little bit.

Originally, the two of them were watching intently, but Jiang Yi was startled by the sudden cutting of the head under the bed, and then she tightly grasped the hand of the person next to her.

In fact, Zhou Qing was also afraid, but the little warmth from the side made her a little distracted, and she could no longer focus on the movie completely, so she was not so afraid.


After the test results came out, Zhou Qing spent a week talking with enthusiastic mothers, and talked to some mothers of students who she felt necessary to ask their parents, and she also talked to some students.

Among other things, Class [-] and Grade [-] fell into the quagmire, but now it is slowly improving step by step, and it has stood up instead of falling down from a setback. This is what Zhou Qing feels the happiest about.

After everything was done, Zhou Qing felt that he could pour chicken soup to these children again during the class meeting.

Zhou Qing wants Jiang Yi to go up and pour chicken soup for everyone this time. This kid has to learn to take the initiative to express himself!And she has made great progress, so it is quite appropriate to be the representative.

Speaking of which, the reason why Zhou Qing never let Jiang Yi speak is because the child's grades are really balanced except for physics, and there is nothing particularly outstanding, but physics is holding him back.

This time, it was because she was fourth in the exam, Jiang Yi's best exam in memory, this time she got 130+ in English, 130+ in math, and 110+ in Chinese, so it was quite appropriate for her to go up.

She communicated with Jiang Yi in advance, but Jiang Yi was full of resistance, she felt embarrassed to speak in front of everyone, or something.

She usually goes to the podium to write homework on the blackboard, and everyone's stares make her a little unbearable.

"There is no room for discussion." But Zhou Qing was firm and did not give her any room for discussion.

So when the class meeting was held at night, Jiang Yi was typing the draft over and over again in her heart, but when she was really standing on the stage and being stared at by everyone, her mind was still blank.

Looking at the head below, she was a little dazed, until she met the person standing in the crowd, her eyes shimmered, warm as always, Jiang Yi slowly found strength, she opened her mouth slowly, but once What he said was completely different from what he thought.

"We have been in the same class for almost two years. If we make progress, everyone can see it. I won't describe too much. The purpose of coming up today is to pour chicken soup for everyone."

The students below laughed a little, Jiang Yi was a little embarrassed, she continued, "Actually, I often think a lot but I don't want to put it into practice. I always think about what will happen if I work hard, but I always think about it." Can't find motivation."

"I often draw a blueprint for a particularly beautiful future in my heart, but I don't want to work hard. Until I fell in love with a particularly amazing person." She looked into Zhou Qing's eyes and paused every word. "She made me feel ashamed. I thought maybe I could be better, and maybe I could find the courage to show her the love I keep in my heart."

"I found my source of motivation. I want to give her a particularly good life. I think in the future we will have our own small house, a car, a cat and a dog."

"So I think I have to work hard and earn money. Don't think I'm vulgar, everyone is vulgar, or it's just because of the red ticket. Don't mention poetry and distant places. The stars and the sea need tickets, poetry and Far places are also very expensive, so I can only protect her sea of ​​stars if I have money."

"I don't know what I said, so just listen to it!"

But there was warm applause from below, and Jiang Yi's face slowly heated up, and she began to feel embarrassed.

These words seem to be for everyone, maybe the only person she wants to convey to is the person standing in the audience.

After hearing her finish, Zhou Qing said, "The squad leader organizes everyone to continue." He left in a hurry, and Jiang Yi followed closely after seeing this.

Several people in the class saw it, and there was a trace of inquiry in their eyes.

Zhou Qing felt that she really couldn't afford Jiang Yi's passionate and pious love. She felt that she was really a scumbag who couldn't respond to Jiang Yi now.

She went out and leaned against the wall outside to calm herself down, but she didn't expect Jiang Yi to follow her.

"What's wrong with you?" Jiang Yi stood in front of her and cast a small shadow.

Zhou Qing raised his head, it turned out that this child had unknowingly grown taller than himself!

She lowered her eyes and said listlessly, "It's okay, the room is too stuffy."

"What I said made you unhappy?" Jiang Yi's eyes dimmed.

Zhou Qing was silent, and only after a while did he say, "I'm not as good as you think..."

"I know, but you're still my miracle!"

Zhou Qing raised his head and looked at Jiang Yi with burning eyes, his mouth was half-opened and half-closed, but in the end he still didn't utter a word. It is undeniable that these words made her very happy.

She admitted that Jiang Yi did have that ability, she could easily touch her heartstrings with every word, and she thought maybe it was not unreasonable for her to fall on Jiang Yi.

She looked at Jiang Yi, and Jiang Yi looked at her intently, with tenderness written in her eyes, as if she was everything to her, no, she was everything to her.

Zhou Qing suddenly felt relieved, maybe he shouldn't be frightened by the young man's fiery liking, she should be her moon, and only by being loyal to himself can he be worthy of the young man's pious love. I am the one who should feel this way!

"Go back." Zhou Qing straightened his body, "You go in first!"

Since what happened to Zhou Yang, the teachers and students in the school have been paying attention to keeping a distance.Although it hasn't appeared on the teachers and students of the same sex for the time being, Zhou Qing can't help but feel guilty for being a thief!

Jiang Yi saw that Zhou Qing's state had adjusted, so she felt a little relieved and walked towards the class, but she wondered again, did she put too much pressure on Zhou Qing?

To be honest, at that moment just now, she was really afraid that Zhou Qing would suddenly give up on herself.

In the final analysis, she still lacks love, does not have enough sense of security, and always doubts the world. A trace of loss emerges from the bottom of her heart, and she laughs at herself.

The class meeting in the class was still going on, and the class leader saw that the atmosphere was enthusiastic after Jiang Yi's speech just now, so he had an idea, so he simply took this opportunity to let everyone who wanted to speak freely come to the stage to express themselves.

So below everyone heard some seemingly absurd dreams, and some people's innocence. Some people even said that if he could, he would like to hug the thighs of rich women, eat and drink well, live in a luxury house, drive a luxury car, and travel around the world.

There was laughter in the class, and Zhou Qing also came to the back of the classroom at some point, seeing the little boy on the stage uttering shocking words, his mood gradually relaxed and he laughed along with him.

Yes, why think so much, isn't the happiness of children so simple?So when exactly do we lose our joy?

The author has something to say:

After finishing this book, it may take about a week to open the next one, mainly because I have saved a manuscript and written an outline. I will run away without a plan, and only have a rough outline.I didn't know anything at the beginning of writing, so I was motivated. After reading the post bar, I learned a lot.This may be because there is no outline, so I really can’t grasp the rhythm or something, and I can’t finish life and death. Then, the code words have not been motivated enough in the past two days, and I want to play Chu Liuxiang and Jian San. I have played both games, but They all belong to those who can’t understand the game (because I’m playing online games on a single player, and they took me into the pit, and I’m A before my level is fully upgraded, and I don’t want to play anymore), so I uninstalled it, I always like this, I’m impatient

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