Teacher she is sweet and soft

Chapter 7 Monthly Exam

Children, it is always easy to worship someone, especially the so-called adults, and they want to be the so-called adults, but when they grow up, they realize that adults are nothing more than that. On the contrary, most of them live very tired, Struggling with life.

But now Jiang Yi didn't think so much, she didn't eat the candy Zhou Qing gave her, so she decided to confess (?)

Although she wanted to do her best to do what Zhou Qing said, but she was a loose person by nature and didn't like restraint, so the effect was not obvious.

Jiang Yi has carefully recorded homework and tasks, which is indeed a lot more convenient, but she still hasn't improved much in terms of learning efficiency, and she still takes homework back to the dormitory to write, but she always has sugar in her mouth during class, which is indeed a bit use.

Soon the first monthly exam came, and the exam took only three days, so the exam schedule was still very tight.

After the exam is a short holiday, so that after the exam break, you can directly evaluate the papers.

Going home this time is still the same as before. Jiang Yi doesn't understand why every time she goes home, either her father is working the night shift or her mother.

And although her mother was at home, Jiang Yi didn't eat hot meals a few times. They seemed to be always busy, and I didn't know if other families were like this.

But she is a person who can hide things very well, and her dissatisfaction is only suppressed in her heart.

In fact, Jiang Yi couldn't spend all the living expenses every week, but the two of them didn't care, it was just a routine, and they gave Jiang Yi some money every time.

Jiang Yi never refuses anyone who comes, and accepts whatever is offered.

"Hey, Jiang Yi, did you finish your homework?" Yang Ru was doing homework when Jiang Yi came, and when she saw Jiang Yi coming in, it was like meeting a lifesaver.

This student has become slicker after going to high school a few times, which is specifically reflected in the holiday homework, for example, Yang Ru didn't write it.

"Of course it is..." Seeing Yang Ru's expectant eyes, Jiang Yi drew a long voice, "I didn't write it!"

"Is the game not fun anymore? Or is the novel not good? Why do I have to do my homework!" Although Jiang Yi always poured chicken soup on herself from time to time, trying to improve herself, but no one was in charge, she never persisted .

"Harmful." Yang Ru changed her expression in an instant, "⑦Then why don't you hurry up and write, they will accept it when they are in the classroom."

"Who?" Jiang Yi was a little confused, she was at a loss, why didn't she know that someone had said it.

"Class group!"

"What classes? We have classes?"

"You don't know?" Yang Ru took out her phone and fiddled with it for a while, but found that Jiang Yi was not inside, so she pulled Jiang Yi in. "Maybe Ma Qingyi forgot to pull you!"

"En." Jiang Yi agreed to join the group, and Ma Qing had a good time with the boys, but Jiang Yi didn't say a few words to her.

Although the two are in the same dormitory, she is always quiet when everyone talks together.

I thought she was the quieter kind, but she plays well with boys and is good at making jokes!confused

As soon as Jiang Yi joined the group, she found a lot of messages in the group, and there were people who welcomed her. She replied thank you and put down her phone.

But maybe I just met, everyone talked a lot, every minute 99+, Jiang Yi blocked it because she was annoyed.

"Hurry up and do your homework!"

"What are you doing at home? You didn't do your homework."

"⑦Although I don't read novels or play games, the TV series are good! Ah, my Oppa is so handsome, he is not old!"


"No, I finished writing this, you copy it first."

"But I only promoted physics, not chemistry."

"Sister, give me the math! Nuo, I've finished copying the answer I asked for in chemistry, here it is for you."

The two exchanged homework.

When Zheng Yu entered the dormitory, he found that the two were writing hard.

"What's the matter with you two! Didn't you say that Lao Huang will check his homework this time? He hasn't done his homework yet!" Zheng Yu felt that these two people were really bold.

"Hello, comrades, I, Hu Hansan, am back again! Hahaha!" Shi Banxue rushed into the door.

"Have you finished your homework?" Yang Ru wailed, and her hands kept moving.Jiang Yi has no time to distract, she has to write quickly.

"It's finished! Hey, so you guys are going to make up your homework again." Shi Banxue took a closer look, and both of them were half kneeling on the ground, lying on her bed.

"Hurry up, Jianghu rescue!"

Shi Banxue and Zheng Yu took out their homework for these two people to copy, and then the two people put the things they brought into the cabinet and went to the classroom.

"I didn't expect that Jiang Yi didn't write her homework. Damn, I thought she was that kind of good student!" Zheng Yu sighed on the road.

"Well, I really feel that she is not serious about playfulness." Shi Banxue felt that Jiang Yi was indeed not very like, a bit serious, this person, but she was very crazy when she was with Yang Ru, and she was polite to other people Very, very polite.

"Who knows, she always doesn't say anything, although she is always crazy with us, but it feels like she is always carrying it."

"Well, I never take part in gossip, and even say that it's not good to talk about people behind their backs." Shi Banxue was upset when she thought of this, why is she called talking about people, she doesn't believe that Jiang Yi has never done it, Qingqing is right , this person is hypocritical, and he doesn't know what he said to the math teacher, the relationship is so good.

"Forget it, stop talking!"

Both Jiang Yi and Yang Ru broke their handwriting, and finally finished their homework.

But after arriving in the classroom, Lao Huang didn't mention it.

Jiang Yi died!

There were even a lot of people who were doing their homework. When Lao Huang saw it, he just said that he would remember to finish it at home next time, but he didn't reprimand them.

After dinner, the answer was sent out, and I asked myself to check the answer. When I talk about it tomorrow, Jiang Yi only filled in the blanks and didn't think much about the others, mainly because she couldn't remember the answer.

Then there was the class meeting, without any information, just a summary exam, although the results have not yet come out.

After the lights were turned off at night, Jiang Yi was about to go to bed but was held back by Yang Ru.

"Go to the bedroom next door later, which one of you is going?"

"I want to go!" Zhou Yu raised his paw excitedly.

"Me, me, me! How can I be missing in this kind of thing! I haven't visited other dormitories yet!"

Jiang Yi frowned, what if the teacher found out?But she didn't say anything. After thinking about it, it should be fine if the teacher left at that time. These days, she didn't hear much noise in other dormitories.

"After the teacher leaves later, let's knock on the door opposite and make sure to scare them."


After the teacher finished his routine inspection, the door of 204 opened, and then a small head poked out to look around.No one was found, and then tiptoed out.

Jiang Yi followed Yang Ru, and then Zhou Yu and Sun Xia came out one by one.

Jiang Yi looked at the lights in the dormitory opposite, thinking that they were probably doing their homework too.She pulled Yang Ru and leaned closer: "I'll knock on their door, don't talk."

"Dong dong dong." Jiang Yi tiptoed over and knocked three times.

The people in dormitory 205 were almost frightened to death, they turned off the lights in an instant, and then kept quiet.

"Dong dong dong."

Three more.

Jiang Yi originally planned that they could come out to be watched, but then found that no one came to scare them outside the door!As a result, no one came out!

"Who is it?" Shi Xi, the dormitory head, got out of bed and walked to the door.

Seeing that the fish had taken the bait, Jiang Yi waved her hand, motioning for a few people to stick to the wall.

"Dong dong dong."

There was no sound outside the door, but there were knocks on the door.Shi Xi turned her head to look at her roommates, and everyone leaned forward and looked at them.

Shi Xi opened the door, and just stuck out her head, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" The moment her head stuck out, she was startled, she reached out and patted her chest, and found that it was Jiang Yi, Yang Ru and the others.

The people in the dormitory are unknown, so "what's the matter?"


"Hey, why are you here?" Ma Shan was a little surprised when she saw the four people who came in.

Shi Xi sighed, "I was scared to death."

"Let's come to your dormitory to have a look." Zhou Yu replied in a low voice.

"Hey, what is this? Mosquito net But why does this mosquito net look like this!" Jiang Yi looked at the bed in the corner.

"Ham, this, the bed curtain! Why haven't I seen it before?" The owner of the bed answered Jiang Yi's doubts.

"Ang? Oh, I want to get one too."

"Yeah." Yang Ru also liked it.

"How do you make the upper bunk?" Jiang Yi walked over and took a closer look inside with the help of the light, and found that she had wrapped wire around the bed, but there was no way for the upper bunk to do this?

"Maybe you need to buy a bracket for the upper bunk."

"Hey, it's so troublesome, forget it!" Yang Ru gave up, and Jiang Yi decided to give up after thinking about it.

Zhou Yu and Sun Xia also had a chat over there, and there were a few people in 205 who wanted to go for a walk with 204, so Jiang Yi took them back, and then went around 205, chatting for a while, Satisfied and went back.

Everything was fine the next day.The teachers held a meeting as usual during the students' Chinese quiz in the afternoon.

The grade leader summarized the results of the monthly exam, and then asked each teacher to summarize the speeches based on the results.

In the end, he summed up, "Most of the students did well in the test this time, which shows that they have successfully adapted to the study and life of high school, but some students have regressed seriously. The teacher must make a good summary of the situation when they go back. Then each class Under the circumstances, the fourth class performed very well."

"Then about the grades of each subject, the report card is very clear," the head of the grade glanced around, "The performance of a few trainee teachers is also relatively good, our school has always been like this, from the first year of high school to the third year of high school, it is also good for your teachers. nourish."

"However, Zhou Qing, the overall grades of Class [-] are pretty good. This time, there are the largest number of students in Class [-], but Class [-] is at the bottom of Math! And the average grade is also much lower than that of other classes. Go back and write a summary for me, and analyze the reasons. .”

"Ah? Good." Zhou Qing felt a little heavy. She had thought of this problem when she took over Class [-].

Sure enough, Zhou Yang taught all ordinary classes, and nothing could be seen in the ordinary classes, but in the fast class, it was obvious that there were only four classes.

"Then there is the classroom situation. When I transferred classes, I found that there were quite a lot of people sleeping in each class! This issue should be brought to the attention of the head teachers of each class. We must ensure the classroom efficiency of students."

The author has something to say:

Well, the manuscript will be posted later, and it should be at this time in the short term, because I found out that she couldn't check it out because it was too late.

Then I changed my name again, and I don’t know when it will be reviewed. From the ordinary person at the beginning to the daily necessities, to the current name, it’s really a data teaching to be a person. I even suspect that I don’t have a single reader now. Click all I ordered it by myself, so the next week will be full of manuscripts. I don’t want to use a single computer to post, but I don’t know that I still have to use a single computer after posting. I’m not in the mood to look at the data codewords, so I will concentrate on coding later. Strive to reach the full text deposit as soon as possible

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