Teacher she is sweet and soft

Chapter 66 You don't want me anymore?

After following Lao Huang through the students one by one, Lao Huang took the report card and looked at it, then compared the key points and marked, and nodded.

"Okay, then we can proceed to the second stage. Hey, by the way, just now Jiang Yi applied for the science department. I think you have doubts. The report card shows that she is quite even in both subjects. If you look carefully, the science department is There is a slight advantage. No problem!"

Lao Huang smiled, and then said, "And this is your class representative, don't you want to take it with you for three years?"

"You have to know that our school is most famous for its teacher-student relationship. Many students will return to their alma mater after graduation. On the one hand, there are still many who choose to come here as teachers."

"The most ironic thing is the relationship between the class representative and the teacher."

Zhou Qing's heart moved, why didn't she want to take Jiang Yi with her for three years?But she can't mistake someone's future for her!

Like her parents, Jiang Yi definitely did not discuss with them when she made a decision, so perhaps the biggest reason for choosing science is herself!

Zhou Qing's heart twitched, and besides, she didn't believe that the two of them would be separated because of the division of subjects.

"Okay, you will know later, I will talk to these students first, if you think it is necessary, you can talk to Jiang Yi?"

"Okay, Miss Huang, go get busy, I'll talk to her."

"Well, okay."

Afterwards, Lao Huang ordered a bunch of names, and several people walked out one after another.

Jiang Yi breathed a sigh of relief after hearing that she was not there. If she had known about the division of classes, she would not have told Zhou Qing that she would score less in the test paper.

But the next second she froze, she heard the familiar voice call out to "Jiang Yi, come out."

Seeing Jiang Yi bowing her head guiltily, Zhou Qing raised her lips, "Tell me, why did you choose science. According to my opinion, you probably didn't communicate with your parents, and then I'll see your grades, and liberal arts is more suitable. Such a rash Don't you regret your decision?"

"I've made up my mind. I just want to choose science." Jiang Yi stiffened her neck and looked stubborn.

"Why?" Zhou Qing had a very headache. What was this little guy thinking? Now she really wanted to analyze it clearly with Jiang Yi's head. You must know that she really doesn't like disobedient children.

But now facing Jiang Yi, Zhou Qing suppressed his irritability, and patiently explained, "Can you see if your grades are good? You said that you added 40 points less for politics this time. I usually see that your political grades are among the best. Ranked top."

"Let's not talk about history, and the geography and geography scores are also very good! Chinese, mathematics, English, this is what you need to learn when you choose essays and science. Now your math scores are considered average. If you rely on it, the mathematics of liberal arts will be easier. At that time, you will be excellent in mathematics."

"But looking at your science grades, you can't do physics and physics, you can't do chemistry and chemistry, and you only have one biology, which is barely enough. What do you use to choose science? What do you use to compete with others?"

"Why do you have to look at the grades? This time is the first year of high school. I can study hard later! I promise! I don't want to go to the liberal arts class!" Jiang Yi cried with tears.

"Why? Why don't you go to a liberal arts class? I think it depends on your personality. You have said more than once that you don't like to use your brain. Liberal arts is very suitable. Read what you have memorized."

"I just don't want to go. What's the reason? Are you trying to drive me away? Are you annoying me?"

Jiang Yi almost collapsed, why did she have to let herself go to liberal arts class?Zhou Qing, does she know something?

"I'll take care of you after I say it. I'm putting aside my identity as a teacher now. I'm your sister. You didn't discuss this decision with your parents. As an adult with thinking ability, I think I should give you a clear analysis. Great relationship."

Zhou Qing frowned irritably, she felt that Jiang Yi should be more obedient and go to liberal arts class.

"If you choose liberal arts, it can be said that you will have a stable academic record and can impact better universities. But if you choose science, judging from your current grades, it is very difficult."

"How do you know? I said I would work hard. I don't want to go to the liberal arts class."

"Ham, no..."

Zhou Qing groaned with a headache and pulled her hair irritably, but after hearing what Jiang Yi said next, she didn't know what to say.

"Why do you have to drive me away! Since I have chosen, I will be responsible for my future. My friends are all here, why do you have to let me leave by myself, and didn't you say that you spoil me? My dad Mom doesn't want me anymore, don't you want me too?"

Seeing such a lonely Jiang Yi, Zhou Qing felt very sad.

Forget it, as long as the child is happy!Isn't it just grades? There are still two years left!No matter what, I have to make up for her!

"Why would I not want you? It's just that you don't believe in the relationship between us? Will it change if you go to the liberal arts class? "

Zhou Qing smiled and comforted, trying to ease Jiang Yi's nervousness and collapse.

"But it's different. At that time, I didn't have time to come to you all day, and I was a student in a liberal arts class, and you were a teacher in a science class. The circles are different, and there will inevitably be distance." What's more, I don't want anyone to be able to replace me.

Zhou Qing sighed silently, so in the final analysis, it was because of himself!

Seeing that Jiang Yi is so dependent on herself now, she is really half happy and half worried.

Looking at Jiang Yi with complicated eyes, Zhou Qing finally compromised and said, "Since you don't think you will regret it, then it's up to you. But you must work harder in the future! Don't keep thinking about whether you want to use your brain or not, since you chose science , this is inevitable. All right, you go back."

Zhou Qing wanted to be quiet, she always felt lost now, as if the child she raised had grown up, was disobedient, and was about to fly.

Shaking his head with a smile, Zhou Qing felt that his thoughts were really ridiculous.

"Okay." It seems that besides choosing subjects, this is still the obedient and obedient Jiang Yi.

After the conversation with Lao Huang, the selection of subjects was finalized at the reporting stage. In the end, eight students in class four chose liberal arts.

Soon after that, the final exam will come. Compared with the test paper of Yucai, this final exam has not received so much attention.

After the exams, the students all went home on vacation.

After staying at home for a while, Yang Ru suddenly sent a message saying that she and Shi Xi had confirmed their relationship.

Jiang Yi thought, sure enough!But I'm still very curious about how the two of them made it. After all, I haven't made any progress on my side.

Zhou Qing seems to only regard her as a child, damn child, and always wants to be his sister, obviously she is even taller than Zhou Qing!

"Why did she chase you?" Jiang was curious about Baoyi's online presence.

【Just chase normally】

"head scratching.jpg"

"How do you know she likes you? Did that bastard of hers tell you?"

[I didn't know at first, but that night when I went to sleep with her, she told me that she would chase me well, you know, I had a good impression of her. 】

"Okay. Damn, I have a headache! Teacher Zhou, I always feel like I'm spinning in circles, making no progress."

[What more progress do you want? 】

[No progress is best.Although Teacher Zhou is very nice, to be honest, you two are not realistic! 】Although Yang Ru's CP is very cool, but it can't be realistic.

Jiang Yi didn't want to listen, and ignored Yang Ru. Although she knew what Yang Ru said was right, Zhou Qing treated her better and better. Although she might treat her like a younger sister, it didn't stop Jiang Yi from wanting more...

Suddenly, a message about changing the group name came out. Looking at the group name, Jiang Yi's head started to hurt again.

"Have you caught up with Zhou Qing today?" What the hell is this group name!

"Hey, don't mess around all day, okay, this group name is very dangerous!"

【Ah... again, what's the danger? Let's talk about it ourselves. Who knows? 】

Yang Ru looked at the messages sent by the two, and silently changed the group name.


Jiang Yi looked at the name of the new group, and her head hurt even more, "Jiang Yi wants to fart today?" What the hell is this!

"Don't mess with me, let's talk about how cowardly I am"

【Very cowardly, do you dare to tell Zhou Qing that you like her】

(What's wrong with you, you're not thinking about farts, what are you doing)

"It's different, okay..."

[Why is it different? 】

"I'm just afraid, I think too much, but I want more and more..."

"I, now she always treats me like a child, you see you are all together, give me some advice"


【Don't think about it, study hard】

(Don't worry about it, it's good for you and Mr. Zhou, she treats you as a younger sister, so you can be a younger sister honestly)

"I want to give up too, but every time I see her, I can't help being moved. I feel so soft when I see her. I can't control myself."

"Every time I persuade myself that it's impossible not to be married, but I still can't help but think, what if? She treats me so well, what if the two of us can succeed?"

[You are really studying hard now. Our situation is different. My wife and I are both students, so we don't have to think so much. 】

[But you are a student and a teacher, please be realistic, Zhou Qing must want to settle down. If I were at that age, I would definitely find someone who could marry directly. 】

[But look at you now, let's not consider gender for now. The only thing is that you are her student, and it feels like you are both impossible. Even if she spoils you again, she will stay away after knowing that you have thoughts about her. 】

"She said she likes things that put her at ease, like me."

(A girl can’t believe what she says before she has a partner. Even if she tells you ten thousand times that I’m not looking for a partner, the person I don’t like may get out of the order in the next second, really!)

Yang Ru, who watched the battle silently, also joined the discussion.

[My daughter-in-law is right, so you should study hard, anyway, there is no one else around Zhou Qing except Zhou Yang, right?You don't have to rush. 】

"Don't show your affection in front of me, it caused me strong discomfort! No couple is innocent when a dog dies!"

[Hahaha, the daughter-in-law I found with great difficulty, why don't you let me show it off, I can't wait to tell the whole world now, if you are not convinced, find one too]


(In our school, at our stage, there are quite a lot of t, and there should be p, but it is not easy to find, you want to introduce that type to you, don't give up on Mr. Zhou)

The author has something to say:

Yesterday I originally set it at 12 o'clock, but I checked it at 12:30, but it was not sent out. I looked at the time and it was set for July. three o'clock

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