After Zhou Qing became the deputy class, it was actually the same as before. It was nothing more than a different place to handle things and prepare lessons.

She spends almost half of the day at work.

The deputy class teacher also has a lot of rights, he can transfer to patrol during class, of course it refers to the kind that is not too much, but Zhou Qing rarely does this.

Because when she was in class, she was actually quite annoyed that Lao Huang suddenly came over and turned around, and then said a few words to the students, which actually disturbed the order of the class.

Let Zhou Qing say, instead of this, it's better to let him sleep!

Thinking that Lao Huang did this, maybe it was because no one let him see the dangers of the world, and then in order to let Lao Huang know how she felt, she purposely imitated Lao Huang and wandered around when Lao Huang was in class.

As a result, she was muttered by Lao Huang after class. Although his tone was very tactful, the obvious disgust was really hard to ignore.

So Zhou Qing settled down, not daring to be too skinny.

Of course, I felt the same way, thinking that other teachers might feel the same way, so the scope of Zhou Qing's inspection was basically the last two rows.

Then she went to the infirmary to get a bottle of cooling oil, and handed it over when she caught it.

After a week, the students were also beaten by her one by one.

Maybe they were tortured too hard. On the day of physical education class, all the students were so excited that they were gearing up to show off their glory on the court to express the grievances they have received in recent days.

Jiang Yi is still studying basketball this semester, because basketball sucks!

The teacher probably talked about the movements and it was basically ok. After more than ten minutes, the rest of the exercises were all free activities.

Looking forward to the stars and looking forward to the moon, we finally ushered in the physical education class. Fortunately, the physical education teacher did not go out for a meeting in this class.

The students in Class [-] couldn't wait to go straight to the playground.

Shi Xi, Yang Ru, and Zhou Yu and Sun Xia also turned their backs on Jiang Yi's Amway this semester, and the five of them were not in a hurry, and they swayed around, looking very grand.

Sure enough, it was another class where the water exploded. Just after the class, the teacher said that everyone practiced the content of the previous class in this class, and then the free activities were disbanded.

"It's so boring!" Jiang Yi felt that it was too watery and not very good, although she was very happy to see other groups still working hard (?)

But for basketball, there are relatively few women to choose. Although they have bewitched their own dormitory and the dormitory next door, there are fifty students in a basketball class, and girls only account for about one-fifth of them.

For boys, free activities are like playing basketball or playing games, but for girls, they usually have free activities and just stand aside and watch.

What's more, these ten girls are also composed of three classes, and they are not very familiar with them, so it is even more boring.

Jiang Yi usually knows how to play ball, but now it's getting hotter and hotter, and she's sweating all over if she moves casually, and Jiang Yi doesn't want to move anymore.

"Fortunately," Yang Ru stood under the shade of a tree with a satisfied face, "It's nice to rest."

"Don't you like playing ball? Play ball!" Shi Xi sat on the ground boldly, leaning against the big tree.

Seeing her like this, Yang Ru sat directly in her arms, not to mention, the pillow of human flesh is very comfortable.

Shi Xi silently adjusted her posture so that Yang Ru could rest more comfortably.

"It's so hot, and it's boring for me to play by myself!" Zhou Qing looked at the two people sitting on the ground, and then at the two lying on the sports equipment, and suddenly felt that he was a bit redundant.

Especially the two people on the ground, can they still do it, can't they sit apart?It's so hot and you have to hug and hug!

Jealousy changes people beyond recognition, Jiang Yi may have forgotten that she hugged Zhou Qing emmm

Zhou Yu and Sun Xia started to write the homework they smuggled out on the sports equipment.

Those like them are usually girls. After physical education class, they come out to take their homework. As soon as the teacher says they can move freely, they start to do their homework. In fact, the study pressure is too great in the final analysis.

But Jiang Yi doesn't like to do this, because if you do this, you won't be able to play to your heart's content, and you won't be able to write well.

Jiang Yi stared at the basketball tangled, she was thinking about whether she should play with one, when Shi Xi suddenly carried her and motioned her to pay attention to one direction.

Jiang Yi followed the trend and only saw a figure from the back.

But this also made her excited instantly, and she immediately arranged the following activities in her mind.

After regaining her senses, Jiang Yi went straight to the small trolley where the basketball was placed, and then carefully selected a ball that she thought felt good.

Shi Xi was dumbfounded watching her operation, she turned her head and asked Yang Ru in a daze, "Are all these girls so capricious?"

Yang Ru pinched her.

"Hiss~ what are you doing!" Shi Xi struggled aggrievedly to show off her cute eyes.

"Hmph, aren't you a girl?" Yang Ru snorted, lazily leaning against Shi Xi not to move.

"I don't mean that! Look, she said just now that she was hot and bored, and she saw Teacher Zhou, and then she was playing tricks?"

"Just play it. Look," looked at Zhou Yu and Sun Xia, and estimated the distance. She lowered her voice and at the same time signaled Shi Xi to bow her head.

Then she raised her head slightly, "Take Jiang Yi as a boy now, she must act handsome and cool in front of the person she likes to attract Teacher Zhou's attention!"

The warm breath blew to her ears, with the soft jade in her arms, Shi Xi couldn't help feeling a little distracted for a moment.

Her hand sneaked in along the hem of Yang Ru's shirt.

Yang Ru looked around in a panic, pressed Shi Xi's hand that was making trouble under her clothes, and gave Shi Xi a coquettish look.

"What are you doing! Pervert! Why are you touching me!"

"What's wrong with touching your belly? How about touching mine for you too?" Shi Xi pinched it lightly.

Yang Ru felt itching and wriggled uncomfortably.

Thinking that there were so many people outside, Shi Xi didn't go too far, and took out her hand again. Now Yang Ru didn't dare to sit in Shi Xi's arms. She found that this person was really shameless and dared to do anything. .

It's really that this guy has taken advantage of all her advantages, thinking that she still has a crush who doesn't tell her name, Yang Ru feels bad for a while.

"I'll look for you in your dormitory at night." Yang Ru was unwilling and wanted to take advantage of it, but she wasn't that shameless and embarrassed to do such a thing in public, so she had to pretend to be vicious.

When Shi Xi heard this, a playful look flashed in his eyes, "Are you sure?"

"Why not sure!"

"Then baby, I will wait for you on the bed tonight!"

"Don't talk about this all day long!" Yang Ru felt embarrassed again.


Yang Ru didn't listen to others' words, she just wanted to watch Jiang Yixiu operate.

Because Zhou Qing came over, maybe he noticed the physical education class of Class [-] today.After she went to the bathroom, she headed straight to the basketball court with a clear goal.

Jiang Yi carefully calculated, seeing Zhou Qingzhen coming, her heart became more and more excited, then she sneaked a glance at Zhou Qing's distance, she was going to play a three-step layup.

As a result, she was excited and took an extra step. She froze, and threw the ball in her hand habitually, but there was a non-stick...

That's embarrassing...

Looking at the child who was frozen in place and wrapped in remorse, Zhou Qing couldn't help laughing.

At this time, the watching duo also let out a "good-hearted" laugh.

"Hahahaha! This is too embarrassing!"

"Pfft..." Although Yang Ru was not as bold as Shi Xi, she couldn't help laughing.

It was even more embarrassing to hear Jiang Yi being mocked, and now she wished there was a crack in the ground that she could slip into.

From the corner of the eye, Zhou Qing was still slowly approaching, Jiang Yi was at a loss for words.

"What's the matter? Seeing that I'm so nervous coming over, I can't even hit the ball?" Zhou Qing came over with a joke, and Jiang Yi's face was burning with embarrassment.

She looked at Zhou Qing aggrievedly, and the corners of Zhou Qing's mouth rose slightly, "Is it hot? Let's go, I'll take you to buy a drink!"

"Ah! Okay!" Jiang Yi saw that Zhou Qing had stopped talking, her eyes lit up, and after putting the ball back, she followed Zhou Qing's buttocks in a bouncing manner.

"Tsk, I can't help my mother? Look at her unpromising appearance, and Teacher Zhou took her away with just one word!" Shi Xi didn't admit that she was sour.

Damn, she glanced at the straight steel girl beside her, and she also explicitly hinted, why does this guy always think that she likes someone else!

Do I have to tell her clearly that I like you and want to have a date with you?

Really bald!

Also, this precautionary awareness is too bad, isn't it, do you just touch your stomach just because you are a girl?

Hmph, we're together, I have to treat this guy tonight!

Shi Xi's eyeballs twitched around, and his heart was full of bad water.

"What happened just now? We both know each other so well that we can sleep under the same quilt. Are you still nervous and shy? Why do you feel that you have become more and more shy recently?"

"What! Why sleep under a blanket!" Jiang Yi was almost driven crazy by Zhou Qing. She wiped off her non-existent nosebleed. Sleeping under a blanket is a bit exciting!

Even if they slept together in the same bed back then, it was two people, one person and one quilt!

"Little friend, the focus is wrong~" Zhou Qing dragged his tone, "I'm just doing a comparison."

"Then what should I pay attention to? Shy and shy? Is there any? I feel okay!" Jiang Yi felt like jumping off topic.

"Hahaha, as long as you are happy. Anyway, I like you very much. I have preferential treatment for being good-looking!"

Jiang Yi was sour when she heard this, "You are too good-looking, superficial!"

"Who doesn't like a good-looking one?" Zhou Qing shrugged, feeling that he was right.

"Look at what you drink and take it yourself, and then get a bottle for your roommate Shi Xidu."

"I'll just drink mineral water to quench my thirst."

"Save me something!" She waved her hand and took five bottles of juice, "You kid, shouldn't you buy the expensive one when someone treats you?"

"You're not so rich!" Jiang Yi murmured.

"Hahaha, juice is still affordable. Then you go back, I'm going to the office directly." Zhou Qing said goodbye to Jiang Yi after paying the money.

Jiang Yi also went back to the playground, and then divided up the water.


A day passed quickly, Shi Xi deliberately said "I'll wait for you on the bed!"

When the people next to her heard it, they kept looking at the two of them. Yang Ru stared at her in embarrassment, and said viciously, "Wait!"

Shi Xi smiled and retired, only waiting for the battle to start on the bed, hahaha!

The author has something to say:

Can I say that I missed the time playing the game? (狗头) Then I came to the present for the metaphysics (sorry, my pot, I modified it and sent it directly without finding it)

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