"Jingle bell~"

"Jingle bell~"

Jiang Yi was extremely irritable by the continuous ringing of the bell, hung up impatiently, turned over and continued to sleep.

But the person who called her was very persistent and called again.

Jiang Yi half-closed her eyes and glanced at it, and when she saw the word "Her" displayed on it, she woke up instantly from fright.

Ahhh!Almost forgot!

She answered it quickly, and a gentle female voice on the other side of the phone rang out, "How are you doing? Are you awake?"

【Woke up...Last night, it seemed that I couldn't fall asleep because of the irregular schedule before...] Jiang Yi was aggrieved here to defend herself.

"Hahaha, I think so too. Hurry up and wash up! After washing up, do you want to go out to buy something to eat, or make something for yourself?"

"I'm preparing to eat here, so I won't tell you more."

[Okay...] In fact, Jiang Yi really wanted to say a few more words to Zhou Qing, but she can't disturb him for dinner!

"Okay, then I'll hang up first, remember to eat!" Zhou Qing reminded again, and then hung up the phone.

"Who are you calling this early in the morning? Boyfriend?"

Ms. Zhou heard Zhou Qing hang up the phone and asked curiously.

"Where did I get my boyfriend? Don't you know that I have a boyfriend and won't tell you?"

"Then who are you calling? And you are so old, it's time to consider finding a boyfriend!" Ms. Zhou persuaded her earnestly.

This child is quite reassuring, she has never had a puppy love, and the distance between her and boys is controlled, and she has never been intimate. Ms. Zhou is quite at ease, but now she is so old...

"I'm a student, and I have a good time with her. I feel that her parents are quite irresponsible, and they love her very much. As for finding a boyfriend, don't worry!"

"What students? Male students and female students, you care about others so much!" Ms. Zhou was a little alert when she heard that it was a student.

"Where did you go? It must be a female classmate! I take care of my students as my younger brothers and sisters!" Zhou Qing was really speechless. She complained about Ms. Zhou while eating.

"Anyway, you should be careful and don't have that kind of relationship with the students, you understand?" Ms. Zhou was still not at ease, mainly because the high school her daughter taught was not much older than those students.

Don't young boys like older sisters nowadays?

Zhou Qing rolled his eyes, "Please Ms. Zhou, can you trust your daughter a little bit? Am I the kind of person who doesn't know the importance? How can I have anything to do with students!"

"Anyway, you have educated me for so many years, am I such a person with no bottom line?"

"You can know it yourself, and I won't tell you more. Just now you said that your student's parents are very irresponsible. What do you say?"

"Hey, let me tell you, I get angry when I say this! What kind of parents are she! I'm convinced too!" Zhou Qing became excited when he heard Ms. Zhou's question.

"Look, it's like when I was in junior high school or high school, no matter it was a holiday or any time, you would wake me up at around eight o'clock in the morning to have breakfast, and then tell me to go to bed early at night or something."

"But do you know? That kid's parents don't care about her, and let her eat takeaway all day long, what kind of parents are these! And her schedule is also very irregular..." Zhou Qingbalabala just complained.

"What's it like to eat takeaway all day?" Ms. Zhou stopped chewing and asked.

"It was her parents who told her that they were going to work, and then let her stay at home by herself, give him some money and it was over,"

"I think his parents did the right thing. It must be mainly to make money!" Ms. Zhou didn't think it was so irresponsible. After all, it is not unreasonable for children from poor families to start families early!

"No, is this normal?" Hearing what Ms. Zhou said, Zhou Qing was a little confused.

"Let me tell you this. In most families, the situation is like that of your student. Parents must be making money. You are just being taken care of by me since you were a child. You are used to it. It should be, but not all families are like ours."

"Furthermore, your student is also sixteen or seventeen years old, right? At this age, she should be able to cook by herself, and she has irregular schedules. She will be considered an adult soon, and she must learn to treat herself act responsibly!"

"Then... so don't his parents have any responsibility at all? Are Jiang Yi's parents really...really great?" Zhou Qing couldn't understand what Ms. Zhou said.

"Baby, there is no right or wrong in many things in this world! Just like your student, since her family is already like that, and her parents have to work, she must not focus all on her, then she has to be responsible for herself. Be responsible and know what you want!"

"Of course, it doesn't mean that her parents have no problems at all. As a set of parents, there must be no guidance in it, so this cannot be simply judged by right or wrong!"

"And it's all other people's family affairs, so don't get involved so much."

"I..." Zhou Qing was a little speechless for a while, but she felt that there was something wrong with what Ms. Zhou said. "Her family conditions are not bad, so I think her mother can take care of her at home. After all, high school is still very important!"

"What do your parents think, can you make a decision?"

"Eat your meal well!" Ms. Zhou urged Zhou Qing to eat quickly. "If you want to replace her parents as a guide and supervisor, that's no problem. Since she feels that she can't discipline herself, you can Help me to supervise it. As for other things, don’t worry about it so much, don’t comment on whether other people’s parents are doing right or not, this may lead you into a misunderstanding.”

"Okay, I see..."

Zhou Qing often made videos with Jiang Yi later on, and then instructed her to make lunch. Seeing Jiang Yi's mess from the beginning to the present, Zhou Qing was quite proud.

I just don't know how it tastes, but it looks good!


Soon the New Year will come, and Jiang Yi's family will simply go to the house of their grandparents and grandparents.

Zhou Qing's side is even simpler, they only need to visit their grandparents, and other relatives, Ms. Zhou, have long since stopped communicating with them.

After all, a friend in need is a friend. Ms. Zhou feels that she does not need these plastic relatives. If she has the time to build a good relationship with them, she might as well have a good relationship with her neighbors!

Then Zhou Qing, who was bored at home during the New Year, wanted to take Li Qingfeng to play with Jiang Yi. After all, he had already promised that child before, and went to play with her after the New Year!

After Zhou Qing made an appointment with Li Qingfeng, Zhou Qing talked with Jiang Yi again.

Jiang Yi heard that Zhou Qing was coming to play with her, and excitedly shared the news with Shi Xi and Yang Ru.

Then the two expressed their desire to play with Zhou Qing, although Jiang Yi was reluctant in every possible way.

But thinking that Zhou Qing was going to bring his best friend, and that the best friend was the young lady whom he had stared at, Jiang Yi stopped struggling.

It turned out that I had secretly liked Zhou Qing in my heart so early!

Anyway, it's not embarrassing if there are too many people. Jiang Yi talked to Zhou Qing, but Zhou Qing didn't think there was any problem.

So the original threesome became a fivesome.

Finally, the appointed day arrived, because the two of them took the first bus in the morning, and it would be around noon when they arrived.

Therefore, there is still plenty of time for the three of Jiang Yi.

But Jiang Yi was so excited, she got up early this morning and washed her hair, then found a new suit to put on, and dressed herself up beautifully, very grandly.

At 09:30, Jiang Yi urged Yang Ru and Shi Xi to go out quickly. Yang Ru Shi Xi was really speechless to her, but couldn't stand her continuous calls.

Shi Xi and Yang Ru said that she was really bored to death!

Then at about ten o'clock, the three of them had a round, and the result was that the three of them wandered around the square boringly,

At ten o'clock, Zhou Qing sent a message telling Jiang Yi that he was coming.

After Jiang Yi asked clearly about the location, she went to the milk tea shop and bought three or five cups of milk tea, then shared two cups with Shi Xi and Yang Ru, and carried the remaining three cups by herself, and then the three went to the imperial capital to wait.

The five of them planned to have a meal today, and then go to the following activities, watching a movie or visiting the garden, or both.

When Zhou Qing came to the restaurant on the fifth floor, he saw the child at a glance, but he didn't notice it in the video. Only when he saw the real person did he realize that she seemed to have grown a little taller.

She is still thin, and she wears pink and tender. The child is already very white, so she looks very cute in this way

Zhou Qing directly led Li Qingfeng over.

"Hello~ little beauties!" Li Qingfeng greeted the three little guys familiarly.

"Hello sister!" Shi Xi and Yang Ru almost said in unison.

Then Jiang Yi was slow and didn't say hello, and she felt embarrassed to ask her to call her sister.

She looked at Zhou Qing in embarrassment, Zhou Qing smiled and touched her head, and said, "Let's eat something first, and then go play later, what do you think?"

"We can both, otherwise let's talk about it after dinner!" Zhou Qing probably discussed it with Jiang Yi. After all, he is the host, and she must be the most familiar with how to play!

Then Jiang Yi made a statement on behalf of the three of them.

Shi Xi and Yang Ruqi nodded in agreement,

Zhou Qing saw that everyone was fine, so he decided.

So everyone dispersed again and each bought something to eat.

After sitting back, Zhou Qing introduced Li Qingfeng and Shi Xi Yang Ru to each other, mainly because they had never played together before, so as to avoid embarrassment.

But Yang Ru and Li Qingfeng are not reserved.

Yang Ru talked about her sister, her small mouth was so sweet that Li Qingfeng never stopped smiling.

Zhou Qing was quite satisfied watching this scene.

The author has something to say:

I have three new ideas: (However, I haven't finished my first book yet, I'm exhausted!

Moreover, my writing style can never catch up with my brain hole. Even though I thought it out so well, I wrote it like a mess. I am autistic!

Then I accidentally saw an early written meat, I feel that other people write meat better than my plot :)

I basically stopped reading novels when I started writing, because I was afraid of unintentionally incorporating other people's references into my writing, which is really embarrassing.After all, I don't want other readers to score negative points on me, and I'm lazy, and I don't like tearing things up.When I first read the text, I thought it was really simple, but I realized that it was difficult in hell after I wrote it myself. I still want to learn from other people’s description techniques. I didn’t pay much attention when I read it before, and my head is bald.

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