Teacher she is sweet and soft

Chapter 3 Intern Teacher

The day I came was Sunday night, and Lao Huang led a class meeting, which was to summarize the military training and let everyone imagine the future.

For example, what are you planning to do in three years of high school, what plans do you have for your studies, and which university you plan to go to after the college entrance examination.

At the same time, I also poured a bowl of chicken soup for everyone, affirming everyone's excellence, otherwise I wouldn't be sitting here, and then encouraged everyone to continue to work hard and so on.

After the class meeting, Huang Rang wrote out the study plan and handed it to him before school.

As the end of school was approaching, everyone's plans for the future semester were also collected by the monitor Qian Hongda. Qian Hongda was a boy who looked very quiet on the outside, but Jiang Yi didn't know what his personality was.

"Teacher, it's all collected." Qian Hongda walked to the back of the classroom,

There is a big red table here, which is set up by the school for the convenience of teachers to attend classes, self-study classes or other classes when the head teacher checks the students' situation and takes care of the class.

"Okay, let's put it on the table." Lao Huang roughly glanced at the content of the first copy, checked his watch, cleared his throat, and walked to the front of the classroom.

"Students, tomorrow we will start our first class in high school. The class representatives of each subject must take responsibility and go to the teacher's office in advance to ask what needs to be prepared for class."

"Everyone must sit in the classroom and keep quiet 3 minutes before class starts, or endorse according to the teacher's requirements, and the class committee will take responsibility."

"And besides me, the teachers in our class lead at least two classes, so everyone must take the initiative in learning, communicate with the teacher in time if there is a problem, and take the initiative to ask the teacher to ask questions."

"The math teacher in our class is an intern teacher, so he may not have enough experience in teaching methods. If you don't understand, you must ask."

Jiang Yi thought: Intern teacher?Lack of experience?That is very young?

At this time, the bell rang, and Lao Huang stopped. After the bell rang, he said again: "By the way, tomorrow morning is the Chinese morning reading. Your Chinese teacher should come to assign tasks for you. Also, my The subject of physics requires you to prepare a big book for error correction."

"Understood." Everyone said in unison.

"Okay, go back to the dormitory quickly, move quickly, I will check the dormitory after the lights are turned off."

As soon as Lao Huang finished speaking, everyone ran out quickly. There was only half an hour to wash up!

After Jiang Jiang finished washing, he just lay down on the bed when the lights in the whole building went out.Zhou Yu let out an exclamation, she was still soaking her feet

"Why did you turn off the lights so quickly, damn!" Zheng Yu also complained dissatisfied.

"Hurry up and go to bed. The head teacher didn't mean to check the bed." Jiang Yi didn't know what form the bed check was going to take, and was a little worried about the two who hadn't gone to bed yet.

"Alright! The head teacher is a man, and our bedroom door is still locked, so he can't come in." Zhou Yu didn't care, and even groaned because the feet were too comfortable.

"Class will start tomorrow, tsk, class has finally started!" Sun Xia lazily sighed while lying on the bed, "I don't know if the class is difficult or not."

"I don't know if it's hard or not, but I have to say, there are too many subjects!" He Qiuyue was a little frightened, and she handed out a table full of books tonight, which is difficult!

"I also feel that just reading that book is stressful." Yang Ru also sighed.

Jiang Yi didn't interrupt, but suddenly she seemed to hear some movement outside, and listened intently: "Shh, be quiet, the teachers seem to be coming up."

The others heard it too, and silently stopped talking.

After a while, she seemed to vaguely hear someone knocking on the door of the bedroom next to her, as well as voices. Jiang Yi thought it should be the head teacher.

Then, about a minute later, there was a knock on the door of my own dormitory, and then a voice came: "Dorm master, have all the dormitory members returned?"

According to Lao Huang's assignment, the head of the dormitory was He Qiuyue. She cleared her throat and said, "It's all set."

"Okay, rest early."

Then after a while, a conversation sounded, the distance was a bit far away, and it was indistinct to hear clearly.

Then there was no sound, and the world returned to silence.

Jiang Yi thought: So this is called checking bed! emmm,

After the class teacher left, the dormitory also became quiet. Jiang Yi checked the time on her phone, and it was only ten o'clock early. She is a night owl, and she couldn't sleep now, so she just opened a novel and started reading.

Jiang Yi, she usually stays home, the only thing she likes is reading novels and playing games.

Jiang Yi likes to read novels because she thinks there are some things in the books that are beautiful, but real life can never be so perfect. She has imagined more than once how wonderful it would be to live in books.

Every time she is sad, she likes to immerse herself in books, and she feels like she is addicted to books.

In this way, Jiang Yi read this novel for more than an hour, and it was almost early morning when she came to her senses. Considering that she had to go to class tomorrow, she turned off the phone with great reluctance.

The next day, due to lack of sleep, although Jiang Yi struggled to get up, she began to sway in her seat chaotically, half asleep and half awake.

When Lao Huang came, he found that many students in the class were dull-eyed, weak even after reading, and a little angry.

"Speak up, the plan for a day lies in the morning, why did you feel drowsy when you first arrived, and you didn't wake up, or something!"

Suddenly being jerked by Yang Ru made Jiang Yi wake up instantly.Glancing at Lao Huang, he didn't notice himself, so Jiang Yi opened her voice and hurriedly began to endorse.

Lao Huang looked at a group of kids below, walked around the class and then went out through the back door.

After seeing Lao Huang go out, Yang Ru leaned over, "What's the matter? Are you so sleepy? Didn't you sleep well?"

"I played with my phone last night." Jiang Yi yawned.

"Everyone please stop reading."

"Everyone please stop reading."

The loudspeaker suddenly sounded, Jiang Yi and Yang Ru stopped talking, looked up, and the class gradually became quiet.

"Today is the flag-raising ceremony for Class [-] and Grade [-]. Flag-raisers Zhang Tong, Li Qingwei, flag guards Zheng Feng, Wang Kai, Jiang Siqing. Please stand up and pay attention to the flag, and sing the national anthem to the music!"

Jiang Yi stood up a little puzzled: raising the national flag in the classroom?

Then the national anthem was played. At first, there were only a few people humming softly. Later, more and more people sang together, and their voices gradually became louder.


"Next, Xu Haocheng from Class One, Senior One, will share with you—new semester, new atmosphere, please welcome everyone."

Scattered applause resounded, which eased Jiang Yi's sleepy spirit a little, but she still couldn't resist the call of the God of sleep. When she lowered her head and was about to fall asleep again, Yang Ru touched her again. one time.

Jiang Yi suddenly raised her head and saw Lao Huang standing on the podium, she broke out in a cold sweat from fright, and woke up instantly, feeling a little uneasy in her heart, wondering if Lao Huang found out?

In the speaker above, the representative is still speaking.

The student representative finally finished speaking, and the head teacher of the first class summed it up for a few minutes. After the whole flag-raising ceremony, Jiang Yi turned her head and looked at her watch. She was twenty, and it took nearly half an hour.

After waking up, Jiang Yi looked at the tasks written down by the Chinese teacher on the blackboard and memorized them.

There is a small self-study after dinner, and the class schedule on the blackboard has been updated.stared for a few seconds

, five classes in the morning, five classes in the afternoon, and four classes in the evening.

Today, the teacher can meet once a day, and then the fourth period in the morning and the last two lessons in the evening are self-study, which is probably used for homework, because it seems that there is no other time to do homework.

As for the first class, looking at the number, Jiang Yi was inexplicably looking forward to it when the head teacher said that the math teacher was an intern teacher last night.

Facts have proved that Jiang Yi's expectation was not wrong.

When Zhou Qing walked into the classroom, everyone was stunned, and there were boos in the class.It wasn't until Zhou Qing stepped onto the podium that the class representative came back to his senses and stood up immediately: "Stand up!"

"Hello teacher!"

"This teacher is too good-looking! This is definitely my goddess!" Yang Ru kept whispering in Jiang Yi's ear, Jiang Yi's dark eyes stared straight at Zhou Qing, and she just nodded perfunctorily.

Jiang Yi has never seen such a person, elegant and gentle, with elegant eyebrows and eyes, and a gentle temperament like a pool of spring water.

Jiang Yi can understand the hard work of teachers. She likes every one of her teachers, but this teacher is especially suitable for her.

It was only later that Jiang Yi learned about the sufferings in the world, whether she is gentle or gentle, she is really gentle and harmless!

Zhou Qing took a piece of chalk and wrote his name on the blackboard.

The handwriting is beautiful, and of course the hands are more perfect, while Jiang Yi stares at Zhou Qing helplessly.

This teacher, at first glance, is not particularly stunning, but she is indeed attractive, especially her gentleness is very aggressive, making it impossible to ignore her existence.

Jiang Yi scanned the surrounding area, seeing many boys grinning and laughing uncontrollably, she couldn't help but hum softly, "It's so ugly."

"Ah? So ugly? What makes this teacher so ugly? It's so pretty!" Yang Ru was a little confused, and Zhou Yu in the front row seemed to hear it too, and nodded frantically, as if to echo Yang Ru.

"It's not about her, I think she's pretty too."

After explaining a sentence, Jiang Yi stopped talking.

Zhou Qing on the podium could see the expressions of the children below at a glance. To be honest, this time she was asked to take a fast class and a parallel class. She was very nervous. The internship period was three months and three monthly exams. Time to go too.

Rubbing between his eyebrows, Zhou Qing felt a lot of pressure.

"This is my name. You can call me Mr. Zhou. I will take everyone to study mathematics at present. My office is next to your class. If you have any questions, you can ask me."

"Then after this class is over, everyone prepares two notebooks, one for accumulating wrong questions and one for homework. Now let's start today's study."

After a brief explanation, Zhou Qing began to lead everyone to learn today's content.

Regarding the current situation, I can only do my best. If I am dismissed due to poor performance, it is unlikely that the other four middle schools will hire me. Sighing, Zhou Qing focused on the textbooks.

The author has something to say:

Well, the teacher has released it, and the next chapter will be the first interaction between the two of them

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