Although the pressure before the exam is great, even if it is only a small monthly exam, it is still stressful, but it will be different after the exam.Those who did well in the exam were in a wave, and those who did not do well in the exam, after two days of suffering, they also began to make waves in the waves.

After this exam, Lao Huang switched positions.Yang Ru and Jiang Yi were transferred, but it was okay, Yang Ru ran over after class, drove her away from the front desk, and then talked to her.

But this time the seat adjustment made Xu Ming very happy. He was transferred in front of Jiang Yi.Lao Huang understands this too well, as the saying goes, the moon is the first to get close to the water, tsk tsk, he is worried that he has no reason to talk to Jiang Yi!

After that day, Zhou Qing went to Jiang Yi again, wanting to ask her what happened that day.But Jiang Yi didn't say anything.Zhou Qing asked Jiang Yi why he just stared at the ground and didn't speak. In the end Zhou Qing got a little annoyed and asked Jiang Yi to go out, his tone was so cold that it contained ice scum.

But Jiang Yi is an idiot, she can't tell what happened to her that day.Zhou Qing kept asking, but she didn't know how to say it, so she started pretending to be dumb.Hearing that Zhou Qing asked her to go out, she thought that Zhou Qing would stop asking, she was relieved, and went out at a cheerful pace, and she didn't make Zhou Qing half dead with anger.

Zhou Qing called his girlfriend at night and called Jiang Yi a white-eyed wolf. He was so kind to her, worried about her, asked her, cared about her, and ignored him. Good Jiang Yi, you can do it.

Originally intended to be comforted by a friend, but Li Qingfeng sneered, "I told you to keep a distance from your students. You are a teacher. They are too young and naive now. What you do is not what they want. They think that eighteen generations of ancestors can do it." Greetings again."

"How can it be so exaggerated?"

"You still think I am teasing you? You can grow up yourself."

But for Jiang Yi, Zhou Qing asked himself if he didn't offend her, and he didn't know what was going on, but he was sure of feeling cold, so he didn't take the initiative in dealing with Jiang Yi. After all, he was also very busy, so there was no need to Find yourself unhappy.

It wasn't until Jiang Yi didn't get summoned by Zhou Qing for the next week, and she found Zhou Qing's gaze on her in class, that she realized that something was wrong, and then she started to panic.

She bought candy and chocolate, and then went out with Zhou Qing after a class, but Zhou Qing didn't intend to talk to her, she found that the child was spoiled, so he was good enough to her, so he still acted there , she must be fully aware of her mistakes.

Jiang Yi didn't know where the courage came from, but she reached out and tugged at the corner of Zhou Qing's clothes.

"What? What's the matter?" Zhou Qing turned his head and gave her a light look.

Jiang Yi swallowed, shrunk her neck, and handed over the things in her hand.

Hmph, what is this?

Zhou Qing almost laughed angrily at this guy, why didn't she find out that others were like her.She has been angry for so long, and she just found out!At the beginning, Zhou Qing was getting more and more angry, but later she got used to it, this is a fool, she can't argue with her, otherwise she will die of anger.

Then what?Now I finally realize that I am angry, belatedly, and naively want to use sugar to calm myself down?And chocolate!Who is asking for peace and using these things!

"Don't you like to eat?" Jiang Yi asked when Zhou Qing was watching that he was not going to reach out to pick up something.

"No, you won't get paid for nothing. Let go."

But Jiang Yi didn't say anything, and just kept pushing, so Zhou Qing was helpless. He was messing around at the office door, and he lost face!

"You let go first."

Seeing that Zhou Qing seemed a little angry, Jiang Yi nervously let go.

"Sorry, I know you're mad. I didn't mean to make you mad, I thought you just didn't want to know."

"You don't have to think that at the time, you can also think that I don't want to know now."

"No, I know you are well-intentioned, but," Jiang Yi gnawed, not knowing how to describe it, "that is, emotions, this thing is very strange, I don't know what's wrong with me, but it's just a little I'm not happy, and I don't know how to say it. It's a strange feeling." Jiang Yi didn't know what she said or what she wanted to express.

Zhou Qing was even more helpless, and took the things in her hand, "I'll take it, let's go back."

"Oh, don't be angry."

"Uh." Zhou Qing had already decided to control herself. She felt that she was quite strange now, with mood swings or something. This time things were even more inexplicable. She couldn't even tell what she was angry about.

Zhou Qing wanted to reflect on herself, but Jiang Yi was not too happy. Seeing that Zhou Qing still had a cold expression, she was terribly flustered, but there was nothing she could do now, so she could only turn around and go back to the classroom.

"I just saw you go out with chocolates and candy, did you tell the dog?"

As soon as he came back, he asked a question. Xu Ming sat at the same table with his ears pricked up and listened seriously. He was also very curious, and gave him chocolates!

"Don't say that." Jiang Yi didn't want to tell Yang Ru, but if she didn't tell her, she would joke like this. If she let it go, she would default to being a dog outside herself for the math teacher. I don't know why, but thinking of this, Jiang Yi actually felt good of? !

"What! It's fixed now? Sure enough, I'm not your favorite person anymore!" Seeing Jiang Yi's swaying face, Yang Ru felt that something was wrong and became even more excited.

"Keep your voice down. I gave it to the math teacher, and she is angry with me." Jiang Yi had a headache, "But although she took my things, the anger has not subsided."

"What, you actually made my goddess angry!" Zhou Qing was startled, and instantly attracted some eyes, and the classmates in the class looked at the two curiously.

Xu Ming shook his head in satisfaction, this way, the baby is scared to death!

"Keep down!" I was so tired, I wanted to be hugged by the teacher to sleep, ahem, Jiang Yi shook off the intrusive thoughts.

Jiang Yi roughly described what happened. Yang Ru felt confused. Why was the teacher angry?If you don’t say it, don’t say it, think about the time again, no, then Jiang Yi will be quite normal, is the mood wrong?

Yang Ru felt something was wrong, she didn't know what happened?

"What's wrong with you? Why does the teacher think you're not in the right mood?"

"I don't know! If I knew, I wouldn't make her angry. Don't pay attention to this, how can you apologize?" Jiang Yi panicked a lot now.

"I don't know that! To be honest, no teacher has ever been angry with me. It's so bitter. The relationship between the goddess and you is really good. Does it mean that the good-looking ones make friends with the good-looking ones?"

"How can there be, harm, forget it."

"The idiot is still afraid of being pestered by Lie Lang, how much do you bother?"

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Jiang Yi is going crazy, what are you talking about, can she say that to the teacher?

"Ham, the words are rough and the rationale are not rough. If you like to listen, you will not listen. If you don't listen, you will be discouraged. If you give me advice, you won't listen! I won't serve you anymore, what do you want!" Yang Ru felt that Jiang Yi was asking too much. Hmph, go back to your seat.

No one knows how hard it took Xu Ming who was eavesdropping to restrain his smile. This is so powerful, hahahaha!

Jiang Yi had no choice but to decide to try.In the next few days, she bought sugar and chocolate, and bought a cup of milk tea for Zhou Qing from time to time.

It made the teachers in the office tease Zhou Qing, "If the person who delivered the things wasn't a little girl, we would all think that he likes you."

Hearing this at the time, Zhou Qing's first thought turned out to be why can't girls like it?After realizing that my thoughts were biased, I quickly let go of this inexplicable thought.

At first Zhou Qing ate and drank, but after almost a week, Zhou Qing couldn't eat anymore.

"Don't buy it! There's nowhere to spend the money, right? If not, give it to me, and I'll spend it for you." Zhou Qing intended to stop Jiang Yi's behavior, but it turned out that Jiang Yi just touched his pocket and took all the money come out.


Children, do you have a lot of question marks?

Is the RMB worthless now?I will give it if I say it, I am afraid I am not a fool!

Damn, Zhou Qing really didn't understand how he got angry with this fool.

"I'm really not angry anymore." After speaking, Zhou Qing sneered. "Pick up the money."

Jiang Yi was a little slow to react because she was too cautious in front of the teacher.She wasn't really stupid, she had already realized what Zhou Qing meant, and she was in a state where she just wanted to find a hole in the ground, which was too fucking embarrassing!Jiang Yi wept silently in her heart, the baby was so tired. . .

Damn, seeing Jiang Yi lowered her head, Zhou Qing patted her head, "I'm really not angry anymore, in fact, I was just angry at the beginning that you didn't tell me anything, I thought I was so kind to you, but in the end you were A white-eyed wolf." Zhou Qing said this with a clear conscience, because it is true, she was inexplicably nice to her from the beginning, and she may be attracted by this face (actually, she hasn't found the reason for her abnormality yet. Blame it on your face)

"I don't. I'm not a white-eyed wolf. I know that you treat me well." In fact, Jiang Yi knew it in her heart, maybe because her parents were sure about this. Jiang Yi is actually quite sensitive. It was clear that Zhou Qing was kind to her, that's why she wanted to make up for it. If it were another teacher, what Jiang Yi did might just be useless.

But this time the matter is over, although the protagonists feel very baffled.

Then everything was the same as before, except that Jiang Yi was a lot more active in finding teachers to ask questions, but it was only limited to Zhou Qing. Seeing Zhou Qing and Jiang Yi's peaceful years, Ma Qing felt more and more unbalanced. She paranoidly thought that Jiang Yi had taken away the love that belonged to her, and also attracted the attention of the boys in the class. Now she hated Jiang Yi so much that she gritted her teeth.

Doesn't she know that those boys are blind?Obviously she is a hypocrite group, but you can see who she plays well with, she plays equally well with anyone! It is really hypocritical, she began to smear Jiang Yi behind her back, saying that she has a cold nature or something.

But this really wronged Jiang Yi, she wanted to have a good time with him.It's not like it is now, it's just a polite exchange, maybe I won't be able to contact you after leaving school, but she is powerless about it, she doesn't know how to get along with everyone, become good friends, harm, in fact, sometimes see She has a lot of friends, she is quite envious!But until now, there is only one Yang Ru by her side, but Yang Ru just plays well with her, she has other friends, and Jiang Yi doesn't insist on it.

The author has something to say:

I'm still in the draft box

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