Hu Xiaodie signed the signature, but the operation could not be carried out immediately, because it was necessary to check whether the patient's condition was suitable for the operation.

When Zhao Tingyan came, only Wen Yuan was in the ward, holding Shi Yao with one hand, and resting his head on his palm.

The incandescent lights of the hospital hit the floor, reflecting indifferent light.

The instrument next to the bed made a beeping sound, and Shi Yao lay pale on the hospital bed with various tubes inserted into his body.

"Brother Yuan?" Zhao Tingyan looked a little uncomfortable.It was obviously fine before, and there was no sign of illness.

It took Wen Yuan a moment to raise his head.

Zhao Tingyan put the fruit on the table, "How is Brother Shi?"

"Surgery tomorrow." Wen Yuan's voice was extremely hoarse.

He frowned tightly, staring at Shi Yao with a breathing mask on his face, motionless.Zhao Tingyan wanted to ask something else, but swallowed the words back.He walked up to Wen Yuan, patted him on the shoulder, and said firmly, "It will be fine."

At first he thought it was just an ordinary ailment, but later he learned that the success rate of the operation was terribly low.

But he believed in Shi Yao, and believed that Shi Yao couldn't bear to leave Wen Yuan alone.

It was already late at this moment, Hu Xiaodie followed the hospital nurse to sign the form, and the needle in the hall was just pointed at 12:30 in the middle of the night.

She took a deep breath and walked towards the hospital bed.

Zhao Tingyan asked for leave from school, and he really wanted to persuade Wen Yuan to take a break, but when he saw Wen Yuan's eyes, he obediently chose to shut up.

In fact, Wen Yuan didn't look much different from usual, still very calm, if it wasn't for the crumpled sheets of the hospital bed under his hands, Zhao Tingyan probably felt that he was just thinking or in a daze.

When Hu Xiaodie entered the door, she saw Zhao Tingyan standing there hesitating to speak, "Is he a classmate from childhood?"

"Auntie," Zhao Tingyan turned around when he heard the voice, "I'll come and see Brother Shi."

Hu Xiaodie nodded and forced a smile.With deep tiredness in her eyes, she glanced at Wen Yuan, then at Shi Yao and said, "When I was young, you and your classmates should go back to rest first, I'm still here, come back tomorrow morning."

"No, I'm fine." Wen Yuan squeezed Shi Yao's hand tightly: "Zhao Tingyan, you go back first, and tell my mother by the way."

He had a tough attitude, Hu Xiaodie knew he couldn't persuade him, so he turned to Zhao Tingyan and said, "Son, you go back first. There are two of us here."

Zhao Tingyan nodded. He actually didn't want to leave, but it was useless to keep so many people in the ward.

After Zhao Tingyan left, Hu Xiaodie and Wen Yuan stayed until four o'clock in the morning, and at five o'clock, Shi Yao was pushed to the operating room.

The lights in front of the operating room were flickering red, and the corridor was eerily silent. Wen Yuan stood at the door, pinching his palms with his fingertips.

In the first 18 years, Wen Yuan had never felt this kind of emotion. Even if he was abandoned by his parents back then, he never suffered as much as today.

He didn't even dare to think about what would happen if the operation failed.

He looked at the red mark on his palm, and realized belatedly that it turned out to be fear, and this is what it feels like to be afraid.

Afraid of never seeing this person again.

If so, what is his significance in this world?


I thought it would be a long operation, but the door opened after only half the time.

The moment he opened the door, Wen Yuan smelled a familiar smell, which was Shi Yao's unique smell of pheromone.

He suddenly trembled in his heart, and then a nurse came out, looked at Wen Yuan and Hu Xiaodie, and said sadly: "We did our best."

Hu Xiaodie's body went limp and almost fell to the ground, but was supported by Zhao Tingyan from behind.

It took Wen Yuan a long time to find his voice: "What do you mean?"

"During the operation," the nurse didn't dare to look into Wen Yuan's eyes, "the patient's pheromone leaked in large quantities, the attending doctor is doing his best to treat him, but..."

The little nurse was still talking.

Wen Yuan's ears rumbled and his ears rang. He could only hear the little nurse's mouth opening and closing, but he couldn't hear what she was saying.

This situation lasted for a full minute before it got better. He saw Hu Xiaodie grabbing the nurse's arm and begging with tears, "There must be a way, right? My son hasn't yet, he is still so young, so he must be There is a way! I beg you, I beg you."

The little nurse couldn't help it.

At this time, a doctor surnamed Chen came out. He walked out of the operating room, took off his mask, but didn't say a word.

Hu Xiaodie staggered a bit.

"I'm sorry," Dr. Chen said after being stunned for a while, "We have never encountered such a situation before. The patient's condition is very bad, and the loss of pheromone cannot be stopped. If this continues, the gland will be exhausted."

He didn't finish what he said, but he could understand it.Once the glands are exhausted, the Da Luo Immortal will be hard to save.

"His attending doctor is still inside," Dr. Chen said, "but he can only hold on for a while."

Wen Yuan's eyes were red, his drooping eyelashes slowly lifted up, and the hospital's incandescent lights seemed to penetrate him.

"Really, is there nothing you can do?"

Hu Xiaodie also raised her head, and several people looked at him together.

Dr. Chen has been in the hospital for more than ten years, and he is most afraid of such eyes, watching his family members go from hope to disappointment, and he endures this process every day.

Whenever I see such eyes, it is no less than receiving the punishment of Ling Chi.

He let out a long sigh.

The light in Hu Xiaodie's eyes dimmed all of a sudden, and then she heard Dr. Chen say: "It's not like there's nothing, but it's almost the same."

Wen Yuan looked at him: "What is it?"

Even if there is only a glimmer of hope, he doesn't want to give up.

"The patient's glands are seriously depleted, but if there is Omega's pheromone, which is as high as 90.00% of his pheromone, then the problem will be solved."

Wen Yuan was stunned for a moment when he heard the words. He suspected that he hadn't heard clearly, and asked again: "As long as the pheromone matching rate is as high as 95%?"

Dr. Chen frowned, what do you mean?

He suspected that this classmate didn't understand at all, so he explained: "But the difficulty is that the pheromone matching rate is as high as 95%, which is less than 1% in the country. The patient is in critical condition, and there is no time to transfer the matching in the pheromone library. pheromones."

"Also, even if you get a match, people may not be willing. Because this kind of match is different from a temporary mark, it has been bound and will never be released."

After talking so much, he turned to look at Wen Yuan, wanting to ask if he understood.But Wen Yuan walked over quickly and stretched out an arm to him: "What do you need to do, take me there."

Dr. Chen: "???"

"The matching rate between Shi Yao and I is as high as 98%." Although Wen Yuan's brows and eyes were still deeply locked, they were a little looser than before, "Can you?"

Dr. Chen was taken aback and asked, "How much?"

Wen Yuan: "98%"

Dr. Chen has been practicing medicine for so many years, and he has rarely seen such a high matching rate. He said to the nurse in a daze, "Take him for an examination."

Although the classmate said 98%, for the safety of the operation, it is still necessary to test again. If it is true, the operation will definitely be successful.

Feeling the ups and downs of emotions, Hu Xiaodie finally recalled it in grief at this moment, and said in a daze, "Is he saved when he was young?"

"Well," Dr. Chen was also a little excited. If successful, this would be the first successful case in China. "As long as the matching result is correct, the patient's surgery success rate will increase by 50%."

Wen Yuan was brought into the laboratory, and in order to save time, he took special passages.

The three of them were a little anxious waiting for the test results. Ten minutes later, Dr. Chen finally came out with the test results.

He looked down at the test results, shaking his head as he walked.

Hu Xiaodie quickly ran over: "Doctor, how's the test result?"

"The previous match was wrong," Dr. Chen said with deep eyes.

Hu Xiaodie's heart sank, and Wen Yuan was also taken aback.

How could it be wrong.

Seeing the expressions of the two, Dr. Chen realized that they had misunderstood. He quickly explained: "No, it's not what you think. It's because the matching rate of the two students has increased again."

He had never seen such a high match rate.

"The matching rate between the two is now as high as 100%. The success rate of the operation will be higher, not to mention that his attending doctor is an expert in this field."

"So, it must be fine."

Hu Xiaodie breathed a sigh of relief.

Wen Yuan took the list, glanced at it, and confirmed that what the doctor said was correct, he quickly said: "Now you can go for surgery."

"It's ok," Dr. Chen said, "but student, are you sure you've thought it through? After the operation, you will never be able to disconnect from each other. This kind of connection will stay with you for the rest of your life, until you get old and die. This kind of traceability will be unraveled."

Wen Yuan didn't even blink his eyes, and only answered four words: "I wish for it."

Seeing that the two of them didn't look like brothers, Dr. Chen asked curiously, "Who is he to you?"

Wen Yuan said seriously: "I want someone who will be together for the rest of my life."

He didn't say boyfriend or lover.Boyfriends change, and love fades over time.

However, Shi Yao is the person he wants to be with all his life.

The doctor gave him a deep look, didn't say anything, and led him into the disinfection room.


The surgery went well.

The anesthetic on Wen Yuan's body was still strong, so he was arranged to share a hospital bed with Shi Yao.

Zhao Tingyan moved his seat and sat between the two of them. After a tiring day, he felt sleepy and squinted his eyes for a nap.

The ward was very quiet, and the beeping of the monitor could be heard. Shi Yao's hands were pale and bloodless, with a blood glucose saturation tester between his fingers. During the data changes of the monitoring instrument, his fingers moved slightly. for a moment.


When Wen Yuan woke up, the morning light outside the window had just begun, and the oriental fish-belly white had just appeared. He first glanced around blankly, then suddenly remembered something, suddenly turned his head, and saw that Shi Yao had already woken up by leaning on the bed next to him.

His lips are still a little pale, and the oxygen mask has been removed. It may be because of nutritional supplements, and there is a hanging bottle on the back of his hand.

Seeing that Wen Yuan woke up, the corners of his mouth curled slightly, and he said with a smile, "Good morning, my deskmate."

The morning light outside the window is changing rapidly, and at this moment, the sun has missed a tip on the horizon.

Wen Yuan got up slowly, and the large golden light became the background color.

The eyes of the two collided, and they both smiled. Wen Yuan said in the same gesture: "Morning."

The author has something to say:

End countdown.

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