In this way, Chen Yao stayed at Yuan Yuan's house.

That night, Chen Yao cooked for Yuan Yuan. Unfortunately, when Chen Yao walked out of the kitchen with the dishes, Yuan Yuan was no longer in the living room.

Chen Yao's face was as cold as ice.

Yuan Yuan didn't leave a message for her, nor did she have a note.

In order to act realistically, Chen Yao told Yuan Yuan that she had also lost her mobile phone, so the two did not exchange contact information at all.

Chen Yao put the dishes on the table in the living room, and went out to find Yuan Yuan.She followed Yuan Yuan's breath and came to a box in a bar. Seeing Yuan Yuan drinking with a lot of male and female ghosts, her face became more and more ugly.

In the evening, Yuan Yuan returned home drunk and was supported by a man. Chen Yao was still smiling, but Shiyue could tell that she was already in a state of rage.

However, Chen Yao still took good care of the drunken Yuan Yuan. She helped Yuan Yuan remove the mask-like heavy makeup, put on soft and comfortable pajamas, and cooked sober up soup for her to drink.

"Little rabbit..." The drunken Yuan Yuan murmured.

Chen Yao, who was just about to walk out of Yuan Yuan's room, froze, she turned around and answered Yuan Yuan's bedside, and reached out to touch her head.

"If I had known that you would become like this, I would not have left." Chen Yao whispered.

She stared at Yuan Yuan, sighed, and turned to leave.

"Don't go." Someone grabbed her hand.

Chen Yao was stunned. She wanted to turn around, but someone hugged her waist.

"Is it you?" Yuan Yuan's soft voice came from behind.

At this moment, Yuan Yuan took off her disguise and became the Yuan Yuan she was when she was a child.

Chen Yao was very surprised. She turned to look back, but only saw Yuan Yuan who was sleeping with her in her arms.

Talking in your sleep?Chen Yao only felt that it was a false alarm, she put Yuan Yuan back into the quilt again, and prepared to leave after covering the quilt.

At the moment when she was about to leave, she suddenly realized later, who did Yuan Yuan think she was?It is impossible for her to know her identity.So who is the person who made her remember when she fell asleep?Boy friend?

Chen Yao soon knew the answer.

The next day Yuan Yuan woke up and thanked Chen Yao, and then she said to Chen Yao: "Yaoyao, I invited my boyfriend to come over to play at home, can you help us prepare lunch?"

Chen Yao's expression froze inaudibly, and she nodded in agreement, "Okay."

Chen Yao then prepared a very sumptuous lunch, and she also wanted to take a good look at what kind of person Yuan Yuan cared about so much.

Noon came soon, and Yuan Yuan's boyfriend came to the door.

Yuan Yuan happily went to open the door, and Chen Yao followed, and saw a rather handsome boy.

In terms of appearance alone, the two are a good match.

Chen Yao thought so, but she didn't ignore the displeasure in her heart.

"Yuan Yuan, who is she?" The boy asked Yuan Yuan when he entered the door and was immediately attracted by the girl standing behind Yuan Yuan.

Yuan Yuan happily introduced him, "A new friend, Chen Yao. Something happened recently, so he is staying at my house."

The boy also smiled, and greeted Chen Yao, "Hi, I'm Zhang Bai."

"Hello." Chen Yao also smiled.

"Okay, don't just stand here, go in and eat." Yuan Yuan pushed Zhang Bai inside very affectionately.

"Okay, okay." Zhang Bai walked in obediently.

Chen Yao looked at the intimacy of the two, and her eyes became a little darker.

She still remembers how Yuan Yuan's parents fell in a pool of blood more than ten years ago. The police finally gave the ending that Yuan Yuan's parents killed each other.

Human emotions are so unreliable, is Yuan Yuan trying to follow in the footsteps of her parents?

"Yaoyao, why are you standing there in a daze? Come over to eat." Yuan Yuan walked to the dining room and found that Chen Yao hadn't come yet, so she hurried out to greet her.

"Here we come." Chen Yao made a decision in her heart, and went to the dining room with a smile on her face.

The three of them ate this meal together, and after the meal, the three of them played games and cards together in the living room, and finally drank wine and played truth or dare.

Chen Yao didn't know how things got to this point, she looked at Yuan Yuan who was very happy and felt very helpless.

On the floor of the living room, Yuan Yuan was spinning the wine bottle, and the bottle stopped leisurely in front of Chen Yao.

"Yaoyao, truth or risk?" Yuan Yuan asked her with a smile.Zhang Bai watched from the sidelines.

Chen Yao smiled compromisingly and said, "Let's tell the truth." She didn't want to do anything weird.

"Then Yaoyao, tell me if you have someone you like." Yuan Yuan asked.

Chen Yao shook her head quickly when she heard this question, and answered very quickly, "No."

Yuan Yuan's smile paused, and she quickly said, "You can't lie."

"Really not." Chen Yao also answered seriously.

Before Yuan Yuan had time to say anything, Zhang Bai on the side smiled and said, "It's up to me to turn around. Let's see which of you two is luckier."

Chen Yao and Yuan Yuan didn't answer the words, they both silently watched the direction in which the wine bottle was turning.

The wine bottle stopped spinning very quickly, and the mouth of the bottle stopped leisurely in front of Yuan Yuan.

"Ha, Yuan Yuan, is it true or dare?" Zhang Bai asked her excitedly.

Yuan Yuan glanced at Zhang Bai with a smile, "We're so familiar, it's meaningless to tell the truth, it's a big adventure."

"Haha, what you said makes sense, so let's smoke it." Zhang Bai pushed the pen container containing the big adventure notes written by several people in front of Yuan Yuan.

Seeing the familiar faces of the two, Chen Yao felt uneasy again.

Yuan Yuan randomly took out a rolled-up note inside, and after opening it, she smiled subtly at it, then turned the note over and showed it to Chen Yao and Zhang Bai.

"Kiss anyone present for 1 minute."

"Zhang Bai, did you write this?" Yuan Yuan raised her chin and asked him.

Zhang Bai stroked his chin and nodded triumphantly.

This content made Chen Yao's face darken a bit, and she glanced at Zhang Bai with displeasure.

"Are you doing this for your own benefit? You really know how to plan." Yuan Yuan's voice was low, and she casually threw the note aside.No matter who gets this note, Zhang Bai will not suffer.

Zhang Bai looked at her with a smile, waiting for her to come and kiss him.

In the next second, Yuan Yuan grabbed Chen Yao who was sitting beside her, and kissed Chen Yao.

Zhang Bai was dumbfounded by her choice, "You..."

Chen Yao was kissed unexpectedly, and she stayed for a while.But Yuan Yuan's lips were very warm, and she didn't feel disgusted at all when their lips were pressed together.

The two kissed each other face to face, looking at each other, Chen Yao didn't know why she felt some sad emotions from Yuan Yuan's eyes.

"Okay, okay, how long do you two have to kiss! One minute has passed." Zhang Bai watched the time after being surprised, and saw that the two kissed together for a long time and did not let go. Personally pull it away.

Yuan Yuan took advantage of the situation to let go of Chen Yao, and smiled at Zhang Bai: "We are willing, but we can't."

"Okay, okay, but you are my girlfriend, can you give me face in front of your friends? And you are not afraid of your friends getting angry." Zhang Bai said so, looking at Chen Yao, but he didn't expect Chen Yao to be angry. smiled at him.

Although Chen Yao was smiling, but Zhang Bai didn't know why, he always felt that Chen Yao seemed to think he was in the way.

"You don't give me face, how can I give you face?" Yuan Yuan first said something to Zhang Bai, then turned around and asked Chen Yao with a smile, "He said you would be angry, Yaoyao, are you angry?"

Chen Yao shook her head, and said with a smile: "There is nothing to be angry about, we are friends."

The tacit understanding between the two of them made Zhang Bai feel a little embarrassed, and his face sank, "Okay, next game."

He handed the bottle to Chen Yao, but Chen Yao didn't pick it up and just looked at Yuan Yuan.

Yuan Yuan's smile faded a little at this moment, she stood up and said, "I'm not going to play anymore, it's boring, you can go back, that's all for today."

"Yaoyao, let me help you clean up the kitchen." She pulled Chen Yao up again.

"Okay." Chen Yao originally just wanted to play games with Yuan Yuan, but Yuan Yuan didn't want to play anymore, so she naturally didn't want to continue playing.

The two of them walked towards the kitchen like this, Zhang Bai stayed where he was alone, his face turned red and then blue, very embarrassed.

He became angry, and quickly chased after Yuan Yuan and grabbed Yuan Yuan's hand, "Yuan Yuan, what do you mean? Are you angry?"

"Hehe, I'm just angry. So can you go?" Yuan Yuan pulled out her hand impatiently.

"You, you play because you want to play, and when you are angry, you are angry. What do you think I am? You are too willful." Zhang Bai asked her angrily.

Yuan Yuan raised her eyes to look at him, her eyes revealing her annoyance towards this man, "Yes, I'm self-willed, so can you go?"

"You!" Zhang Bai felt her eyes, and couldn't hold back the anger just now, he raised his hand and slapped Yuan Yuan, wanting to step forward and hit Yuan Yuan.

Seeing this, Chen Yao quickly pulled Yuan Yuan away, and then used a little sorcery in her hand to make Zhang Bai stumble.

Zhang Bai's head was blue from the fall, and he yelled angrily, "Yuan Yuan, you stinky bastard."

Yuan Yuan smiled indifferently when she heard this.

Chen Yao was so angry, why is this guy still swearing?

She stepped forward and grabbed Zhang Bai's trousers and dragged them towards the door.

Zhang Bai wanted to stand up, but he didn't expect Chen Yao to be so strong that he couldn't break free at all.

"Boom! Pop!" Chen Yao dragged Zhang Bai out of the door and left it behind, then closed the door.

She turned around and met Yuan Yuan, who was smiling very happily. She suddenly felt embarrassed and worried, and asked Yuan Yuan cautiously, "Are you not angry when I treat your boyfriend like this?"

"Do you think I look a little angry?" Yuan Yuan asked her back like this.

"Besides, he is not my boyfriend now."

Yuan Yuan smiled at her, stepped forward and opened the door and said to the people outside who were still cursing: "Zhang Bai, don't come to me in the future, let's break up."

Then she also closed the door with a "snap!" and smiled at Chen Yao: "Let's go, let's clean up the kitchen."

Chen Yao nodded with a smile and breathed a sigh of relief.

Before, I was still thinking about how to break up Yuan Yuan and Zhang Bai, but I didn't expect that I didn't have to think of it myself.

This is really good!

After Shiyue read this incident, she only felt that the relationship between Chen Yao and Yuan Yuan was really good, and they only met for a few days.

The more so, Shiyue is more puzzled.

Why did Chen Yao kill Yuan Yuan?

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