The memory ended at the moment of Chen Yao's death.

Shiyue felt pulled back by a force at that moment, she opened her eyes again and found that she was lying on the bed in her own room, she didn't feel the feeling in her memory, but at this moment she suddenly felt extremely exhausted both physically and mentally.

"Are you awake?" Yue Zhihan's voice came from beside his ear.

When Shiyue suddenly looked up, she found Yue Zhihan sitting by the bed and looking at her.

She sat up and rubbed her head that had been hit before, "Why are you still here?" She asked in a muffled voice.

Yue Zhihan was playing with a red demon pill in his hand, and raised his eyebrows and smiled when he heard the words, "I don't stay here, I don't know when I die. From now on, I will stay by your side—until the symbiosis Talisman is unlocked."

Shiyue's eyes fell on the red demon pill she was playing with, and she frowned and asked, "Isn't it just a memory?"

"Naive!" Yue Zhihan scolded lightly, "That's Chen Yao's obsession. You were drawn into the obsession in your sleep. If no one brings you out, you will always be trapped in the obsession. The cycle repeats until the soul is exhausted."

"..." Shiyue pursed her lips, she felt physical and mental discomfort, and understood that what Yue Zhihan said was true.

"Thank you." Shiyue tilted her head and thanked in a low voice.

Seeing Shiyue's awkward expression of thanks, Yue Zhihan smiled, lifted his chin and said in a leisurely tone, "Thank you, I'm not doing it for you."

Shiyue didn't speak this time, she had already thanked her, and whether Yue Zhihan accepted it had nothing to do with her.

She still had some doubts in her mind, she couldn't help but looked back at Yue Zhihan and asked, "How will that dream end?"

Since it is not to find the murderer, what is the condition?

Yue Zhihan looked at her and asked with a smile, "What do you think?"

When Shiyue saw Yue Zhihan's appearance of testing her, she lowered her head, "You said that the memory just now was Chen Yao's obsession, and that dream was obviously also a manifestation of Chen Yao's obsession. Maybe we should convince her that it was indeed her. Killing Yuan Yuan will end that dream."

"According to the situation, it is true." Yue Zhihan nodded in agreement, motioning for her to continue.

"But Yuan Yuan was killed by a demon in her heart." Shiyue insisted stubbornly.

"Shiyue, you have to remember—an inner demon is the other side of a person." Yue Zhihan seemed to be teaching a student.

"Chen Yao will not kill Yuan Yuan."

"The fact is that she killed."

"That's because she was controlled by a demon."

"The inner demon is also herself."


Shiyue looked at Yue Zhihan and was silent.

Yue Zhihan shrugged, extraordinarily sober and rational, and smiled at her, "That's the truth."

Shiyue actually disagreed with Yue Zhihan's point of view in her heart, but she couldn't say no to Yue Zhihan, and she didn't know how to refute.

Perhaps again because, as hard as this fact is to accept, it is the answer.

"Perhaps, have you ever thought about it—that is, Chen Yao herself admits this fact. In this way, she cannot accept the truth." Yue Zhihan's smile also subsided at this moment, and he looked at Shiyue seriously.

Shiyue was speechless, and after a while, she said, "Maybe."

Even as an outsider, Shiyue couldn't help but feel pain at this time, not to mention for Chen Yao, a person who was in the middle of it, the various emotions in it were probably incomprehensible to outsiders.

Shiyue suppressed her thoughts, turned her head to look out of the window, saw that it was still dark, she got up and threw off the quilt and lay down.

"I'm very tired and I'm going to rest. Let's talk about tomorrow." Shiyue lay under the quilt and looked at Yue Zhihan beside the bed, and said, "Are you going to sleep on the bed or what?"

Yue Zhihan glanced at the room with only one bed and one desk, and the single bed in front of him.

She deliberately smiled at Shiyue, "I'd better go back to the old place."

"You..." Before Shiyue could speak, the person in front of her turned into a puff of smoke and came towards her.

At that moment, she felt that there was another person in her spiritual platform, and it was Yue Zhihan.

Shiyue hesitated for a moment and asked, "Why?"

"Why?" Yue Zhihan was puzzled.

Shiyue asked her own doubts,

"According to what you said, you should have been in my body for a long time. But why couldn't I feel your existence before? But now I can feel you?"

"That's because I didn't want you to feel my existence in the past." Yue Zhihan laughed teasingly at Shiyue Lingtai: "Now, it's naturally because I want people to feel me."

Shiyue: "..."

Well, she shouldn't have asked this question just to confirm her guess.

What Yue Zhihan said as a matter of course made her feel that her IQ was worrying.

It's time to sleep, I have to go to work tomorrow.

Toki closed his eyes.

Seeing that she was sleeping with her eyes closed, Yue Zhihan stopped disturbing her.

It's not long before dawn, so it's better to let the child have a good rest.

Shiyue soon fell asleep again,

This time, she didn't have any more nightmares.

The blood that had entangled her for many years turned into nothingness, and a woman in red appeared in the dream, and Shiyue curled her lips unconsciously.

The next morning, Shiyue woke up before seven o'clock, and reached out to turn off the seven o'clock alarm clock set on her mobile phone in advance, and she got up to take a shower.

"I went to bed so late last night, why did I get up so early today?" Yue Zhihan emerged from Shiyue's body, sitting by the bed and asked her.

Shiyue paused and looked at her sideways, remembering that she had dreamed about this person at night, she felt her face was getting hotter.

Realizing this, Shiyue quickly turned her head away from her, and said, "I'm used to getting up early, so I won't be able to fall asleep by then."

Yue Zhihan nodded his head to express his understanding, but seeing a blush on her indifferent face, he raised his eyebrows suspiciously, "Why is your face so red?"

Panic flashed in Shiyue's eyes, she reached out and touched her cheek, the scorching temperature made her heart skip a beat, she quickly turned her face to avoid Yue Zhihan's seeing, she lowered her eyes and said: "Maybe it's too hot Well, I'm going to brush my teeth. You stay here first."

She lifted her legs and left the bedroom quickly, without looking back at Yue Zhihan.

Yue Zhihan watched her leave playfully, then turned his head to look at the window, which was still slightly white.

It's frosty this fall morning, too hot?

Besides, it's too hot if it's too hot, why hide from her?

Yue Zhihan was keenly aware of Shiyue's shyness, but couldn't figure out what Shiyue was thinking.

When Shiyue walked to the sink, she stared straight at the person in the mirror in front of her.

Seeing the flush on the familiar face and feeling the temperature on the face that has not cooled for a long time, she pursed her lips, turned on the cold water faucet suddenly, bent slightly, and splashed a handful of cold water on her face with her hands Rinse up.

The sound of water was splashing, and the face washed in cold water was finally not so hot. Shi Yue put his hands on the sink and looked in the mirror. He saw that the red face of the person in the mirror had lost color and turned pale. , she then turned the faucet tight.

After emphasizing the current relationship between her and Yue Zhihan in her heart again, Shiyue felt that some delusions in her heart were dispelled.

After a brief wash, she walked out of the bathroom.

Yue Zhihan was sitting on the small sofa in the living room, holding the remote control of the TV in his hand, with a smile on his face.

Shiyue could see joy from Yue Zhihan's face, she walked up to Yue Zhihan and asked, "I'm fine, are you going to brush your teeth and wash your face?"

Yue Zhihan looked up at her, curled his lips into a smile, and softened his voice, "These things can be solved with a cleansing technique."

There was no surprise on Shiyue's face, this guy is a monster, and he shouldn't be too surprised if he does anything.

"By the way, there is something I want to ask you." Yue Zhihan patted the place beside him and motioned for her, "Sit down."

Shiyue looked at her and sat down suspiciously, "What do you want to ask?"

"The human world today is not the same as before." Yue Zhihan's eyes fell on the TV, where a science program was playing, and she asked sincerely: "People nowadays seem to believe in science. Where is the god? There are so many believers? Also, how can there be images in this square thing? I didn’t feel any traces of magic from here. And the clothes you are wearing now are not ugly, but they are more A lot has changed since then.”

This series of questions made Shiyue slightly stunned. She looked at Zhihan last month with sincere eyes, and she didn't know how to answer for a moment in her mind.

Where is science?This question is not difficult to answer.

The important thing is, it seems that she should first ask Yue Zhihan how long it has been since he came to the human world.

"Huh? Why don't you talk?" Yue Zhihan felt that Shiyue was dumbfounded. Is it so difficult for her to answer this question?

Shiyue shook her head and asked, "Have you not been to the human world for a long time?"

"No." Yue Zhihan answered the question honestly, "I have been in the human world, but I have been sleeping underground for many years, so I don't understand the changes in this human world."

Only then did Shiyue understand why Yue Zhihan was so ignorant of human affairs, she looked at Yue Zhihan's face that could not tell the slightest age, and continued to ask: "How old are you now?"

Hearing this, Yue Zhihan narrowed his eyes, relaxed his body and sat back, with a half-smile, "Why do you ask this question? Does it have anything to do with the question I asked you?"

Shiyue shook her head again, "It's okay, I'm just curious."

This kid asked her so straightforwardly, why is he so curious about her?

Yue Zhihan's smile deepened, "You can't ask a woman's age, you know?"

Shiyue snorted, and she was not disappointed if she didn't get an answer, so Ben would give it a try.

After all, he is older than himself, Shiyue thinks so, it should be much, much bigger.

"You haven't answered my question just now." Yue Zhihan reminded her.

Shiyue came back to her senses suddenly, and said, "I can't explain your question clearly for a while, so let me take you to a place."

Seeing her serious expression, Yue Zhihan became interested and agreed.

Shiyue stood up, and she looked at Yue Zhihan's blood-red ancient dress, "Your clothes are not suitable for going out, you have to change clothes."

Yue Zhihan slightly raised his eyebrows, looked at Shiyue's clothes, "Change to something similar to yours?"

The author has something to say:


Thanks to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: 4 bottles of Zhiyu Juntong; 1 bottle of Dark Blood and Moon Night;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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