While Yuan Yuan was thinking about this question, familiar footsteps came from the corridor outside the house.

Yuan Yuan's heart sank, and before she had time to react, the door was opened.

Chen Yao stood there looking at them with a calm expression.

The exorcist saw some surprise in her eyes, they knew that the monster was Chen Yao as soon as Chen Yao appeared, but they didn't expect the monster to be so calm when facing them.

Does this monster think that she alone can beat them all?

"Yaoyao, why did you get off work so early today?" Yuan Yuan went up to her, feeling full of uneasiness.

"I noticed that some strangers came to the house." Chen Yao gave her a comforting smile.

"Do you know them?" Yuan Yuan didn't feel at ease, she asked Chen Yao.

Chen Yao remained silent, "I don't know each other, but I know what they are looking for me for."

Yuan Yuan didn't believe it, "You know?"

Chen Yao nodded, approached Yuan Yuan and performed a magic trick, Yuan Yuan fainted immediately.

The exorcists were almost about to make a move, but they didn't make a move when they saw that Chen Yao only made Yuan Yuan faint, but they still looked at Chen Yao vigilantly.

"This matter has nothing to do with her." Chen Yao said to these people.

One of the leaders among the exorcists stared at Chen Yao and said, "We will not involve irrelevant people."

Chen Yao nodded, this is the best.

She carried Yuan Yuan into the room, put Yuan Yuan on the bed, covered Yuan Yuan with a thin quilt, bowed her head and kissed Yuan Yuan's forehead, and walked out of the room.

"I'll go with you." Chen Yao said calmly to the demon masters.

Several demon masters didn't believe that Chen Yao was just let them catch them like this. They still looked at her vigilantly, but when they saw that she really had no resistance at all, they approached her with the demon rope.

"Do you really want to be caught like this? You are a monster, so what if you kill a few people as a monster, why should you submit to human rules?" The demon in Chen Yao's heart couldn't believe that Chen Yao would make such a choice.

Chen Yao ignored it, and just let the exorcising master tie the demon binding rope to her hand.

The heart demon didn't want to be captured just like that, it forcibly controlled Chen Yao's mind at that moment, quickly withdrew its hand from the demon-binding rope, and immediately attacked the demon catcher in front of it.

"Back away quickly." The demon catcher next to him quickly pulled the demon catcher in front of Chen Yao away.

The heart demon just made a feint, and immediately turned into green smoke and fled after the demon catcher in front of him backed away.

"Damn it, let that monster escape!" A monster catcher was annoyed.

They also noticed the huge change in Chen Yao's expression before and after, but they thought it was a monster's disguise, so they didn't think much about it.

"It's okay, isn't there another person in the room?" The leader of the monster catcher was not discouraged.

It was already afternoon when Yuan Yuan woke up, and she was a little dazed at first, but she woke up immediately after remembering how she fell asleep.

Yaoyao!She immediately got up and ran out of the bedroom, but she didn't see Chen Yao.

"Are you looking for that woman?" A female demon catcher got up from the sofa in the living room and looked at her.

Yuan Yuan looked back at this person, it was one of those people at noon.Yuan Yuan looked at her warily, "Why haven't you left yet? Have you arrested her?"

"I have to guard you. As for that woman, she ran away." The female demon catcher smiled, and then put on a serious expression, "It seems that you have an unusual relationship with that woman."

Yuan Yuan felt relieved for a moment when she heard that Chen Yao had run away, then she frowned and said, "What does that have to do with you?"

"Do you know her real identity?" The female monster catcher looked at Yuan Yuan. If this person knew that that person was a monster, he would be scared to death.

Yuan Yuan didn't answer after hearing this, she just looked at the woman silently, "What exactly do you want to say?"

"That woman is a monster." The female demon catcher waited to see her frightened expression, but she didn't see it.

Not even the joking look of disbelief and suspicion that most people get when they hear about yokai.

"Do you know that she is a monster? Or did that monster tell you her identity?" The monster exterminator was very curious at this moment.

Yuan Yuan lowered her eyes, she already knew that Chen Yao was a monster.

No one else could make her feel that way, except the rabbit as a child.

After a simple test, she confirmed that it was indeed her.

Although this incident was hard to believe, Yuan Yuan quickly accepted it.

No matter whether Chen Yao is human or demon, she only wants Chen Yao.

But now...

Yuan Yuan raised her head and asked the woman, "Who are you?"

The female demon catcher smiled, "It seems that you really know her identity. As for us, we are demon hunters."

After Yuan Yuan heard this, she fell silent, the demon master...

"You go. No matter what you want me to do, I won't agree." Yuan Yuan whispered.

"That monster killed someone, and you still want to protect her?" The female demon catcher felt that she was fascinated by the monster.

Yuan Yuan turned around and entered the room. After closing the door, she leaned against the door weakly, absent minded.

So what can she do?Help them find Yaoyao, and let them kill Yaoyao?

she can't...

After Chen Yao woke up, she found that she was not tied up. She was hiding in a small alleyway with a little light. She immediately realized that she was controlled by the inner demon and ran away.

"Since you don't want to live, you might as well give your body to me." Xin Mo didn't expect Chen Yao to wake up, and after being surprised, she began to talk about the things she was afraid of.

"Anyway, Yuan Yuan must know your identity at this time. She knows that you are a monster, and she knows that you have killed someone, so she will definitely be afraid of you. What's the point of being alive if the person you love is afraid of you?"

As long as Chen Yao's willpower is a little weaker, it can completely control this body, or make Chen Yao completely bewitched.

"No." Chen Yao knew what the demon was thinking, she didn't want to let the demon be happy, she struggled to keep her sanity.

"What's the point of persisting? From now on, you and Yuan Yuan can no longer be together. She is a human, you are a demon, and you are still a monster who killed people. Those demon masters will keep chasing you until they kill you. "

"At that time, Yuan Yuan will forget about you completely, and she will fall in love with someone else and marry someone else."

Chen Yao covered her head with an unbearably painful expression on her face. She fell to the ground and beat her head frantically, trying to make the voice echoing in her head disappear, "Stop it, it won't, it won't."

"You can keep Yuan Yuan by your side, as long as you kill those demon hunters and those who are chasing after you."

The inner demon encouraged her, "Your cultivation base is not low. Although it is difficult to deal with those monster hunters, it is not impossible to fight back. If you eat a few people, your cultivation base will rise faster. When the time comes, kill all those monster hunters, and no one can stop you from being with Yuan Yuan."

Chen Yao was shaken for a moment, her eyes quickly became blurred, but she quickly came to her senses, "No, I can't."

If she eats people again, one day she will lose control of herself, and she will attack more and more humans.

Yuan Yuan would not like her to become like that.

She had to go see Yuan Yuan. She ran away, and those demon masters didn't know what they would do to Yuan Yuan.

Chen Yao struggled to get up, wanting to go back to Yuan Yuan's house.

The demon in her heart didn't want her to take this body to die again, those demon masters would definitely send someone to guard Yuan Yuan's house, this guy looked like he had completely given up on resisting those demon masters, it was really embarrassing to the demon.

As a demon, he was so addicted to love, the demon suddenly felt that Yuan Yuan was in the way.

Since Chen Yao is going to see Yuan Yuan, it's fine to go see her, as long as she doesn't regret it.

The heart demon smiled fiercely, and temporarily stopped mentally disturbing Chen Yao, but it still secretly eroded Chen Yao's heart with its demon energy.

At this time, Chen Yao didn't know what the devil was planning. She just felt that she felt much better than before, so she had the strength to go out of the alley and walk towards Yuan Yuan's house.

She walked near Yuan Yuan's house, and felt the aura of those exorcising demon masters before she got close.

What a hindrance!Chen Yao couldn't help thinking like this in her heart, she didn't realize that her thoughts were full of hostility.

"Yuan Yuan, I'll wait for you on the roof. I have something to tell you personally." Chen Yao went up to the top floor of the building where Yuan Yuan lived, took out her mobile phone and sent a message to Yuan Yuan.

Yuan Yuan was holding a fruit knife in her hand at this time, and she stared at it for a long time.

A life for a life, Yaoyao killed that man, then use her life to pay back.

The phone beeped to indicate that there was a message, Yuan Yuan subconsciously took out the phone and glanced at it.

After seeing that message, Yuan Yuan was stunned, and the fruit knife in her hand fell to the ground with a bang.

Why come back?You are gone, what are you doing back here?I don't know if there must be an exorcist guarding around here?

"You go, I don't want to see you." Yuan Yuan knelt down, folded the fruit knife and put it in her pocket, and then sent such a message.

Soon a message replied, "If you don't come to see me, I won't leave, Yuan Yuan, I'll wait for you."

Yuan Yuan immediately got up and ran outside. She quickly ran out of the room and took the elevator to the top floor.

The elevator was very fast, and Yuan Yuan reached the top floor in no time.

She pushed open the iron door on the top floor, and at a glance she saw Yaoyao standing by the fence of the building with her back to her.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Chen Yao turned around, "Yuan Yuan." She smiled.

Yuan Yuan stared at her fixedly, her eyes were red, "Go away, those people will come to arrest you soon."

Chen Yao approached her and hugged her, "I'm not leaving. I did something wrong and should be punished."

"I'm not afraid of death, I just can't bear you." Chen Yao hugged Yuan Yuan tightly, "I'm sorry. Regarding my identity, I'm a monster. I didn't mean to lie to you. I'm just afraid that you won't accept me."

"I knew it a long time ago." Yuan Yuan also hugged her tightly, smiling with red eyes, "I also know that you are the little rabbit I raised when I was a child."

Chen Yao was stunned for a moment when she heard this, and then she laughed, that's why.

"Yuan Yuan, you have to live a good life alone in the future." Chen Yao slightly let go of the strength of her hug, and looked at Yuan Yuan from a distance, "Don't be like before, or I will be sad."

She was saying goodbye to Yuan Yuan, and both of them knew that she had killed someone and was caught by the exorcist, so there was no possibility of her being alive.

Yuan Yuan couldn't accept this fact, she shook her head and looked at Chen Yao helplessly, "No, I don't want to be alone."

"Good boy, Yuan Yuan, you are the most obedient." Chen Yao looked at Yuan Yuan, stroked Yuan Yuan's head comfortingly, and kissed her forehead.

Yuan Yuan tightly clenched the hand holding her sleeve, so she wouldn't be obedient.

We agreed to stay together forever, why did we leave her alone in the end!

Is it because she did something wrong?So punish her?

"Yaoyao." Yuan Yuan said suddenly, "You killed that man because—"

"It's my own fault, it has nothing to do with you." Chen Yao interrupted Yuan Yuan, looked away, her eyes were dim, "It's because of my own cultivation that I gave birth to a demon, even if it's not him this time, it will be someone else in the future, Even... someday I might kill you."

At the end of the day, that's what she's most afraid of.

She didn't want to wake up one day and find Yuan Yuan's blood on her hands, so she ended it all while she was still awake.

Yuan Yuan didn't listen to these words. After all, she thought that if it wasn't for her temptation, Chen Yao would not have come to this point.

It was as if a heavy shackle was placed on her heart, and she was filled with a heavy sense of guilt.

Not only to Chen Yao, but also to the man who died innocently.

Sensing the aura of the exorcist ascending to the top of the building, Chen Yao slowly let go of Yuan Yuan's hand, "Yuan Yuan, I should go."

Chen Yao reluctantly told Yuan Yuan, "Live well and take care of yourself."

Yuan Yuan remained silent, she could not accept this result.

She looked at Chen Yao and made up her mind that she would stay with Yaoyao, whether it was life or death.

"Chen Yao! I didn't expect you to come back!" The demon masters stood around and surrounded the two of them, preventing Chen Yao from escaping. "It seems that the relationship between the two of you is really unusual. When you come back to see Miss Yuan, you know you can't escape, so you came to say goodbye?"

"Jie Jie Jie, I don't know whether you are right or wrong." Chen Yao's aura suddenly changed viciously, she stretched out her hand and quickly grabbed Yuan Yuan's neck, smiling wickedly, "I did come here on purpose." Those who saw her were not saying goodbye, but killing her!"

"Cough cough cough..." Yuan Yuan looked at the person in front of her in astonishment, her face flushed, and she felt that the person in front of her was no longer her beloved Yaoyao, and Yaoyao wouldn't be like this to her.

The exorcists were horrified, it was Chen Yao's caring attitude towards Yuan Yuan that made them relax, they never expected that Chen Yao would attack Yuan Yuan.

"Chen Yao, let go of Miss Yuan!" The exorcists carefully approached her, preparing to attack her as they walked.

The heart demon saw the actions of the exorcising demon masters, but it didn't care at all, and came to the guardrail on the roof with a whimper.

"Don't move, if you move again I'll throw her downstairs!" Xin Mo lifted Yuan Yuan over the guardrail and let her hang in the air.

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