Magical Medicine in ancient times

Chapter 9 Big gift package Zhou Jin came to the room and closed the door, and put a few...

Zhou Jin came to the room and closed the door, took out several things and put them on the table.

There were only three seeds of Chiba Magic Jade Grass, which looked a bit like pea seeds, very small. Thinking that the system indicated that this thing was a limited edition, he carefully put the three seeds aside.

He shifted his gaze to the Psionic Sand, which is the only 3S-level prop in it.It is contained in a transparent glass bottle, which seems to be only about 100ml.

The psychic sand was very fine, Zhou Jin shook the bottle lightly, and the sand flowed along the transparent glass like flowing water, reflecting a light golden luster.

"System, this is too little, why are you so picky! How much land can I spread with such a little thing."

As soon as these words were uttered, No. 01 was very dissatisfied: "What do you know, host? Do you know how precious this thing is! It is also very rare in the Interstellar Psionic Sand, if it weren't for me...if it wasn't for my developer Dean Lom has a special status, and he can't get Psionic Sand!"

If No. 01 had five senses, he would have pouted his mouth to the sky: "And do you know how much land can be nourished by just 100 milliliters? One milliliter of Psionic Sand can nourish at least one mu of land. You It’s enough to save yourself some money!”

Holding the glass bottle, Zhou Jin looked at the small bottle and asked a little suspiciously: "Is it so powerful?

He looked at the seeds next to him again, suddenly eager to try.So he carefully wrapped the seeds in a rag and walked out to the yard.

Except for the tall and straight osmanthus tree, the yard is full of unknown weeds.

Zhou Jin found a corner, loosened the soil with a shovel, and pulled out the surrounding weeds. Then he opened the small cloth bag and planted the three seeds one by one in the pit.Then loosely cover the seeds with soil.

"What should I do next? Sprinkle Psionic Sand directly on the soil?" Zhou Jin picked up the glass bottle and asked.

"Yeah, you sprinkle the spiritual sand on the soil now, and the soil in your yard will be improved soon."

Zhou Jin got an affirmative answer. He unscrewed the cap of the bottle, and tilted the mouth of the bottle at the soil where the seeds had just been planted.

"Wait, what are you doing?" No. 01 exclaimed suddenly, his voice hurried and tense.

Zhou Jin was so startled by the voice that his hands trembled, and he managed to stabilize himself.Otherwise, the can will have to be spilled.

He patted his chest, and said dissatisfiedly, "Why did you make such a sudden noise, I almost knocked over a whole bottle!"

"Are you going to pour it in like this?" No. 01 questioned.

Zhou Jin frowned, "Otherwise? Didn't you ask me to sprinkle it directly in the soil?"

No. 01 was heartbroken and said: "Prodigal! Prodigal! You just pour it in with your bare hands like this? How much psionic sand do you have to waste? Your yard is only a little big! It's only fifty square meters in total. Go get a spoon!"

Zhou Jin pouted, and obediently went to find a small spoon.

"Less, less..."

Zhou Jin shook the spoon, and half of the spoon went down again.

"Less less..." No. 01 urged.

Zhou Jin continued to tremble, "Is it all right?"

No. 01 snorted, and said with heartache: "Less less..."

Zhou Jin looked at the point of psychic sand on the tip of the spoon, and pursed his lips: "If there is less, it will be gone..."

That being said, the subordinates were obedient and shook again, leaving behind a quantity that cannot be caught by the naked eye. Just from the light refracted by the sun, it can be seen that there is still psionic sand on the spoon.

"Okay, it's almost done, let's play it." The voice actually contained a little bit of regret.

Zhou Jin carefully took the spoon out of the bottle, held his breath and moved closer, squinting his eyes for a closer look.

You can vaguely see a little light golden luster on the tip of the spoon.

He really doubted that such a small amount would make much difference.

He moved the spoon close to the soil and shook it, but he didn't see any change. He was afraid that the psionic sand on the spoon would not fall along with the trend, so he inserted the spoon into the soil and stirred it a few times before he felt relieved.

"Is that all right?" Zhou Jin asked uncertainly.

"Well, don't worry, there's no problem, just wait for the Psionic Sand to work!" No. 01 was full of confidence.

Zhou Jin was a little uneasy in his heart. How effective would such a little Psionic Sand be?But seeing how confident the system was, he had no choice but to hold back.

Just in case, Zhou Jin found a few more branches and inserted a small fence around the seeds, and finally got some water from the water tank to irrigate.

Zhou Jin squatted aside and watched for a while, and finally went into the room with satisfaction to continue studying other things.

He put the spiritual sand into the system storage compartment. After all, this thing is so precious, it is safest to put it in the system.

Zhou Jin looked at the alchemy furnace on the ground, which was a bit similar to the alchemy furnace of Taishang Laojun on TV.The surface is carved with strange patterns, which has a strange beauty.Other than that, there's really nothing special about it.

He doesn't know how to make medicine now, and after admiring the pattern for a while, he put it back into the system. It's a bit big, so it's not because he's afraid of losing it, but because he thinks it will take up space, so he put it back.

In the end, Zhou Jin set his sights on the sterile transparent liquid, the only big gift package that didn't have an S grade.

This thing is also held in transparent glass, with a pressing head on top.

The sterile transparent liquid is clearer than water, and if it is left still, it is almost impossible to see what is in the bottle.

Zhou Jin pressed the nozzle, only to feel a chill in the palm of his hand, and a small stream of liquid dripped onto his palm.

He raised his palm and sniffed it closely, but there was no smell.Looking carefully again, the lines on his palm could be clearly seen through the water droplets.

Zhou Jin rubbed his hands and spread the liquid evenly on his hands.

Soon the wet and slippery hands were dry, and he stretched out five fingers to scratch, and there was no change from before.

"Tongtong, what's the matter with this thing? I don't feel it at all. Is it volatile?"

"Put your hands up and put them in the sun to see..."

Zhou Jin's ignorance made No. 01 feel a little sympathetic for no reason.

Zhou Jin walked to the window, raised his hand, and through the sunlight, he could vaguely see that the surface of his palm was covered with an extremely thin transparent layer.

He rubbed it with his hands, and there was no response from the thing.

He moved his fingers, but he didn't feel that there was an extra layer of film on his hands, and it didn't affect the feel at all.

It's as if it was born with both hands.

"It's amazing, how did you do it?" Zhou Jin looked at his hands in amazement.

"Sterile transparent liquid is an essential item in Interstellar Hospital. It replaces conventional sterile gloves. It will make it easier for doctors to operate during surgery, and it will be more effective in isolating germs. It is something that almost every doctor and nurse will carry with them .”

After Zhou Jin heard it, he felt that it was simply something that clean freaks couldn't put it down.Spray it on your hands every time you go out, so you don't have to worry about getting germs on your hands anymore.

"Ah Jin, a guest is looking for you!" Shang Gui's voice came over.

Zhou Jin responded with an "ah", then put down the glass bottle and returned to the medical clinic.

I wonder who will come to him.

He walked through the courtyard and opened the door, and at a glance, he saw Li Tie and Li Dan standing in the lobby in yamen uniforms, talking to Shang Gui.

The three of them turned their heads in unison when they heard the movement, and Li Dan smiled and said, "Little Doctor Zhou, congratulations! Why didn't you inform us of the reopening of the medical clinic today, so let's come over and say congratulations."

"Yeah, it's also thanks to the two of us patrolling the streets today and seeing the medical clinic open, otherwise we wouldn't know." Li Tie echoed loudly with a smile on his face.

"It's a great honor for the two elder brothers to come to my clinic despite their busy schedules. Sit down quickly. Ah Gui, quickly serve tea to the two elder brothers."

Zhou Jin was also full of surprises, he didn't expect these two people to be so intentional.

"No, no, let's just take a look, and we have to work soon." The two waved their hands.

Shang Gui didn't stop on his feet, and hurriedly walked to the kitchen in the backyard.

"Brother Li Dan, how is your back injury?"

"It's fine, I don't feel uncomfortable at all. I feel extra energetic at work recently, thanks to Dr. Zhou!"

"Should be, should be. If it weren't for the help of the two big brothers, I'm afraid I'm still in the yamen now." Zhou Jin smiled, a little embarrassed.

"Hey, don't say that, we haven't been of much help, and it's Mr. Xu who knows clearly."

Li Dan waved his hand, not daring to take credit.

They chatted for a while, and soon Shang Gui made the tea and brought it out.After the two had a sip, Li Dan suddenly looked hesitant, and asked, "Little Doctor Zhou, you said that I still need an operation for my back injury, so when is the right time?"

Zhou Jin froze for a moment, he almost forgot about this.

It's just that performing an operation is easier said than done, not to mention that Zhou Jin, a novice, has systematic help, but he still has a guilty conscience.

Seeing that Zhou Jin's expression was wrong, Li Tie put down his teacup and said worriedly, "Little Doctor Zhou, is there any problem?"

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