No. 01 paused for a long time, and finally choked out a sentence, "Host, this is not impossible!"

Zhou Jin's eyes lit up, "Really? Then when can I do it?"

No. 01 said quietly: "When will you upgrade to 3S mental power."

Zhou Jin let out an "oh" and said thoughtfully, "Then what level of mental power am I now?"

No. 01: "You haven't leveled yet!"

Zhou Jin choked for a moment, and then he thought optimistically, well, if there is no level, there will be no level, just go up slowly!

No. 01 noticed his thoughts, and really couldn't bear to break his beautiful vision!He is such a kind and considerate good system!

After Zhou Jin had breakfast at the inn, he leisurely returned to the clinic.There are only Gouzi and Ahua in the lobby.Shang Gui and Chen Xiufang should be busy in the backyard.

Ah Hua has already changed into a new set of clothes, and the pink and tender dress wraps her thin body.Her hair has been washed and combed neatly.It is tied behind the head with a light-colored hair band, and there is a bright red flower on the side of the ear.

Zhou Jin's eyes blinked at the sudden big red flower.

The corners of his mouth twitched unconsciously. This bright red color, matched with the pink skirt, and her dark and thin face, the visual impact is really amazing!

As soon as Gouzi saw him coming in, he quickly threw the medicine bag wrapped in his hand on the counter, pulled A Hua up with a smile and said, "Master, look, the clothes I bought for A Hua, and this flower Flower, how is it? Doesn’t it look good!”

Zhou Jin: ...

He took a deep look at Gouzi, and couldn't help but worry about his aesthetics.

It's the first time for Ah Hua to dress like this, and she feels uncomfortable all over, and doesn't know where to put her hands and feet!Especially the big red flower beside her ear, she always unconsciously wants to reach out to touch it.

Her face was flushed, and her eyes were full of excitement and timidity. Seeing Zhou Jin looking at her, she hid behind Gouzi in embarrassment, and whispered: "Doctor Zhou, thank you for saving me..."

She quietly raised her eyes to look at Zhou Jin, and saw that he had a handsome face and clear eyes, and he didn't mean to laugh at her at all.The feeling of embarrassment in her heart eased a little.

"You're welcome!" Zhou Jin looked at her and smiled softly.

Ah Hua's face turned red suddenly, she didn't expect Doctor Zhou to be so gentle!In fact, speaking of it, she seemed to have never seen Miracle Doctor Zhou lose his temper, as if they were all so gentle and gentle.

It's just that for some reason, when she faced Zhou Jin, she always felt nervous and cramped unconsciously. In her heart, she always felt that Dr. Zhou should be a strict elder!

Probably because he is the master of Gouzi!

"Master, I'm going to take A'hua to the new house now. Her injury is fine, so I'll go back and take medicine to recuperate first, and I don't need to stay in the hospital anymore."

Zhou Jin saw that her injury was stable, so he nodded, "Remember to take the medicine with you, you have to drink it every morning and evening."

"Hey!" Gouzi nodded, picked up the medicine on the cabinet, and took A'hua away with a happy face.

"Doctor Zhou, I bought chicken today, do you want to eat boiled chicken or braised chicken nuggets?"

Chen Xiufang stood at the door of the backyard, wiping her hands on her apron.

Zhou Jin thought for a while, then said: "Bai Zhan, the weather is too hot, this is refreshing!"

"Hey! Alright!" Chen Xiufang nodded, and was about to go back to the kitchen to pack her things.

Zhou Jin suddenly stopped her and asked, "Didn't Xiaotong come over? Why didn't you see him?"

Chen Xiufang smiled, and said helplessly, "He's playing in the yard, no matter how many times I tell him, he won't listen!"

Zhou Jin also smiled and said, "It's normal for children to be playful! Go get busy!"

"Hey!" Chen Xiufang responded, then turned and went back to the backyard.

When she raised her eyes, she saw Xiaotong lying beside the osmanthus tree, not knowing what to do.The fine petals that were scattered all over the tree fell on his thin back.It seems to be covered with a floral dress.

She was startled, and rushed forward to pull up Xiaotong, who was also startled by this unexpected action, her round eyes were still full of panic.

Chen Xiufang reprimanded softly: "How many times have I told you! Tell you not to offend the sacred tree! Why don't you listen!"

She pulled Xiaotong back several steps, and then with a look of panic, she said sincerely: "Don't blame the sacred tree! Children are ignorant! You must not blame it!"

She bowed to the osmanthus tree, and then she dragged Xiao Tong who didn't know what to do into the kitchen.

After Shang Gui fed Aunt He the medicine, he came out of Zhou Jin's room. He took an empty bowl and washed it by the well, then walked into the kitchen.

Xiao Tong was obediently sitting by the stove watching the fire for Chen Xiufang, his face was flushed red by the light of the fire.Seeing that the fire was getting weaker, he skillfully picked up the firewood on the side and stuffed it into the stove.

When he saw Shang Gui coming in, he yelled crisply, "Brother Agui!"

When Chen Xiufang heard the voice, she turned her head to look over, and said with a smile, "Doctor Xiao Shang, what's the matter with you! Look, it's very hot in here, go out and rest!"

Shang Gui has a good impression of Chen Xiufang's mother and son.

He had long heard that Chen Xiufang's husband, Sun Ming, had joined the army seven years ago, except for a letter in the first year and sending some money back, there was no news after that.Everyone thought he had died on the battlefield.

Chen Xiufang has to take care of her sick grandmother and her newborn son all by herself, which can be described as physically and mentally exhausting!Some even advised her to remarry.It's just that she refused, and just wanted to wait for Sun Ming to come back.She firmly believes that Sun Ming is not dead, and one day he will go home and reunite with them!

Not two years later, the grandma passed away due to overwhelmed worries, leaving only their mother and son to depend on each other.

Shang Gui saw the figure of his mother from Chen Xiufang's body, she was so tenacious!That thin body seemed to weigh a thousand catties, able to hold up a piece of heaven and earth.

Shang Gui nodded to the happy little pupil, and said: "Sister Chen, I'll come in and put a bowl!" He saw the meat in the bowl, and asked again: "Chicken for lunch today? Can you figure out how to cook it?" ?”

The kitchen is as hot as a steamer.Chen Xiufang's flushed face was stained with fine drops of water, and the hair on her forehead was also wet with sweat, tangled together and tightly attached to her skin.

She flicked the drops of water from her hands, and said with a chuckle: "Doctor Zhou said that he would cook chicken for nothing. He said it was hot, and it was delicious!"

Shang Gui put the bowl on the stove and said, "Very good! Ah Jin just likes to eat boiled chicken! Sister Chen, let's make another egg soup at noon!"

"Okay!" Chen Xiufang responded readily.

Shang Gui walked over and touched Xiaotong's hot face from the firelight, and said with a light smile, "Xiaotong is really sensible, let's have lunch together later!"

After hearing this, Xiaotong's eyes widened immediately, as if there were countless tiny stars shining brightly.He quietly glanced at the white chicken with no feathers beside him, and unconsciously rolled his throat and swallowed.

Chen Xiufang hurriedly said anxiously: "How can Doctor Xiaoshang do this! I took Xiaotong back after I finished cooking."

She felt very sorry, her boss was kind, and her salary was much higher than that of her previous boss.Give her a bag to eat!She is already very grateful in her heart!

How could he take advantage of his master without knowing what to do!It's okay to eat with Xiaotong once or twice.There are too many times, and if the boss doesn't say anything, she herself is embarrassed!

Usually, she would pack her portion of meals back home, and give Xiao Tong the meat to eat, and she would eat some side dishes!Even so, the food is excellent!

Zhou Jin has high requirements for food, and he always buys good rice.The snowflakes of that rice are dazzling!Every dish must have meat, vegetables and soup!The seasoning is also enough!

After Xiao Tong ate for a while, her body grew fleshy, and she was no longer as thin as before.

Shang Gui smiled, "What's the matter, since you're here, let's stay and have a meal! Look at Xiaotong, he also wants to stay together!"

Chen Xiufang turned her head to look at Xiao Tong, but saw that he was staring intently at the meat with his mouth pouting.

Xiaotong noticed Chen Xiufang's gaze, and quickly lowered her eyes to look at the fire in the stove, pursing her pink lips as if she had done something wrong.

Then he quietly raised his eyes and glanced at Chen Xiufang. Seeing her bitter eyes, he hurriedly said, "Mother, Xiaotong is not hungry! Xiaotong doesn't need to eat meat! Let's go home after Brother Jin is ready for dinner!"

He knew that he was naughty and injured before, causing his mother to spend all the money to treat him!One night he woke up suddenly and saw his mother sitting on the bed, covering her mouth and crying quietly.He also knew that every time his mother brought food back, she would give him the meat!He also said that he had already eaten it!But he saw his mother waited for him to finish eating, mixed the leftover soup with the rice in the kitchen, and ate it with big mouthfuls.

He knew that his family was very poor and had no money to buy meat!So he never pestered his mother to buy meat to eat!

Chen Xiufang's heart suddenly felt sore, Xiaotong still liked to eat meat when she was still growing up!It's just that although she has wages now, she still owes Zhou Jin money for medicine!Not only did she have to save money to pay back to Zhou Jin, but she also had to save money to study for Xiaotong!I really dare not spend the extra money to buy meat!

But I didn't expect Xiaotong to be so greedy!

There was a sad look on her face, and she felt very uncomfortable.

Seeing this, Shang Gui hurriedly said, "That's it! I'm going out to find Ah Jin!"

After he finished speaking, he went out without looking back.

Zhou Jin sat at the counter and calculated the accounts. These days, he is really making a lot of money!There are also some ordinary people who pay in installments.

Zhou Jin has a special roster, which records the situation of every household that pays by installments!

Population, age, address, how much down payment, how much is left, how much to pay every month, how many years to pay off in total, all written clearly!

Zhou Jin is not afraid of them reneging on their debts, unless they move their family directly!Otherwise, Zhou Jin will always find a way to make them pay back the money!

Currently, there are only sixteen people on the roster.There are three people who need installment for more than two years, and one of them is Chen Da!Zhou Jin performed brain drainage surgery and nerve repair surgery on him!Including later recuperation, money is needed, so the repayment time is longer.The other two had a broken leg, and the other had dysentery. The medicinal materials they needed were relatively expensive, and their families were too poor to pay for it for a while, so they paid it off in two years.

The rest will be paid off within a year.Most of these are not serious illnesses, just a cold or something.

When Zhou Jin heard the movement, he saw Shang Gui walking in from the yard.He asked, "Ah Gui, how is Aunt He?"

As soon as Aunt He was mentioned, a smile appeared on Shang Gui's face, "It's much better! I'm very energetic today, and I just drank the medicine!"

He said a little shyly: "My mother knew that she slept in your room last night, and you had to go out to live. She was quite sorry. She kept saying that she should let her out quickly! I will let her go to my bed to rest first Bar!"

After hearing this, Zhou Jin smiled indifferently, "It's okay, let Aunt He rest! I'm going to Beijiang Mansion tomorrow! During the days when I'm not here, you will be responsible for the affairs of the clinic!"

Shang Gui nodded, "Ah Jin, don't worry! I will take good care of the clinic!"

Zhou Jin shook the roster in his hand, and said: "There is also this. If someone comes to pay back the money, remember to mark it! I have to issue another certificate for him, and press a fingerprint! In order to avoid problems in the future !"

Shang Gui nodded, "I will definitely pay attention!"

He walked over, took the roster and looked at it carefully.

"Doctor Zhou! Fang came here uninvited, don't be surprised!" A thick and hearty voice sounded from the gate.

Zhou Jin raised his head suddenly when he heard the words, and saw Fang Yingxuan walking in with a smile on his beard, followed by Mrs. Zheng, whose face was bound by a veil.

"Doctor Fang!" Zhou Jin was overjoyed and rushed to meet him.

Since the farewell in town that day, the two have never seen each other again.

In Zhou Jin's heart, Ying Xuan was extremely admired by the other party!

He didn't help systematically like Zhou Jin, he was just an ordinary doctor. With the benevolence and righteousness in his heart alone, he could resolutely enter the place where the plague broke out regardless of his own safety!

Even if they are infected, they are still actively developing prescriptions to treat patients.

Zhou Jin always has great admiration for such a great and ordinary person.

"Hahahaha, I haven't seen you for a long time, Doctor Zhou is still in high spirits!"

Fang Yingxuan also admired and admired Zhou Jin very much, not only for his superb medical skills, but also for his calm, benevolent and compassionate qualities!It is really rare that he has achieved such achievements at such a young age, but still upholds the ambition of medical ethics and benevolence, without the domineering and flying of young people!

"Doctor Zhou, I haven't seen you in January, how are you doing these days?"

Mrs. Zheng looked at Zhou Jin with shining eyes, her voice was still so clear, like the trickling water clearing her heart.

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