Magical Medicine in ancient times

Chapter 55 The Sleeping Woman's Backyard People Gradually Disperse,...

The people in the backyard gradually dispersed, and Master Liu and Steward Liu went to deal with the guests.

Zhou Jin and Liu Yongchang walked on the winding path.

There are many rockeries around, and exotic flowers bloom.If there is a scent that seems to be absent, it floats in the air.

Zhou Jin was still thinking about the little girl, and just followed Liu Yongchang silently, not noticing that there were fewer and fewer people around, and the courtyard was getting more and more remote.

Suddenly, Zhou Jin bumped into the front, he felt a sore nose, and tears overflowed on the spot.Only then did he regain his senses, only to find that Liu Yongchang had somehow stopped and stood quietly in front of him.

His broad back looks inexplicably lonely.

Zhou Jin frowned slightly, and he turned slightly sideways, only to realize that he was in an unfamiliar courtyard, and there was hardly anyone around.

He looked forward, and in front of him was a small, cold courtyard. Unknown vines were planted on both sides of the courtyard gate, with light pink flowers blooming, which was extraordinarily quiet and elegant.

He looked up and saw a wooden plaque above the courtyard gate, with three words "Ting Yuxuan" written with a brush.

Zhou Jin wondered, what kind of place is this?

"Brother Liu, this is?"

Liu Yongchang did not speak.

Zhou Jin looked at him, only to realize that his eyes were staring blankly ahead, the faint pain on his face seemed to be overflowing.The incandescent sunlight hit his pale face, his skin seemed to be transparent, and his whole body seemed to be dissipated between the sky and the earth.

Zhou Jin's heart tightened inexplicably, and he said softly, "Brother Liu?"

Liu Yongchang closed his eyes as if he just came back to his senses, and when he opened them again, all his emotions were hidden.

He said softly: "Doctor Zhou, do you know why I brought you here?"

Zhou Jin quietly looked at his slightly raised eyebrows, shook his head, and said, "I don't know."

Liu Yongchang smiled, and the voice was also light and ethereal, "There lives a woman who will never wake up. For eight years, I have sought countless doctors, but none of them can do anything."

Zhou Jin instantly understood Liu Yongchang's purpose for bringing him here.

Liu Yongchang turned his head slightly, and said softly: "Doctor Zhou, I'm sorry I didn't tell you in advance. I just don't know what to do..."

Liu Yongchang's expression was slightly condensed, and there was an imperceptible pain in his voice.

Zhou Jin blinked, and a strange thought suddenly came to his mind, could it be Mr. Liu's sweetheart living in it?

He glanced at Liu Yongchang quietly, and saw that his eyes began to drift away again, and he didn't know what to think of, and there was a faint melancholy between his brows.

Zhou Jin was startled, did he guess right?

This Liu Yongchang usually looks like a playboy and a fool, but he didn't expect to be a big lover in private!

No wonder he has never heard of it, so this woman is seriously ill?After being in a coma for eight years, Liu Yongchang still missed her so much. Just mentioning her caused him such pain, which shows the deep relationship between them.

Zhou Jin sighed inwardly, such sincere feelings are rare!What a pity for a pair of lovers!If it is possible, he is willing to do his best to save this couple so that they can finally get married.

I just don't know what's wrong with this woman?

Zhou Jin pursed his lips, wanting to comfort Liu Yongchang, he hesitated and said, "Brother Liu...""

The front courtyard door suddenly opened with a creak, and an old woman pushed the door out holding a cloth bag in her hand.

She didn't expect that there were two people standing at the door, and her face was startled.When she saw the person in front of her clearly, she immediately raised a smile on her face, with layers of wrinkles on her face, looking gentle and kind, "My lord! Why are you here!"

The old woman shouted in surprise, and said again: "Why don't you come in! Madam would be very happy to know that you came!"


Could it be that they are already married?

Zhou Jin was surprised, but after thinking about it, the ancients always got married early, and Liu Yongchang is in his twenties, so it's normal to have a wife!

Liu Yongchang smiled faintly, "Aunt Quan, how is she doing these days?"

The gentleness and kindness in their voices showed that they had a good relationship.Liu Yongchang seemed to respect Aunt Quan very much.

Aunt Quan stepped forward joyfully, and said, "Okay! Very good! Young Master, come in and talk!"

Aunt Quan's tone was full of joy and kindness, looking at Liu Yongchang as if she was looking at her own child.

"Huh? Who is this?" Aunt Quan seemed to have just noticed Zhou Jin, and she asked hesitantly.

Liu Yongchang immediately said: "Aunt Quan, this is Doctor Zhou!"

As soon as these words came out, Aunt Quan's eyes widened suddenly, and her lips trembled slightly, "You are Doctor Zhou..."

Zhou Jin was almost taken aback by her extraordinarily excited emotions, he nodded and said, "I am!"

The bundle in Aunt Quan's hands fell to the ground with a thud, and tears welled up from her eyes. She said with a trembling voice, "Mr. Zhou, I heard the young master talk about you. He said that you have excellent medical skills, which is rare in this world! You can really cure Good lady?"

Aunt Quan moved her feet, wanted to move forward, but barely stopped.She shook her hands like dead branches, and looked at Zhou Jin expectantly.

Zhou Jin was stabbed by her eyes full of expectation, and sighed slightly in his heart. When he was about to speak, Liu Yongchang suddenly said, "Aunt Quan, let Doctor Zhou go in for treatment first!"

"That's right, that's right! The old slave was rude for a while! Doctor Zhou, please don't take offense! Please come in!" Aunt Quan tugged at the hem of her clothes at a loss, and moved aside.

"Doctor Zhou, please come in!" Liu Yongchang raised his hand and took a step forward to lead the way.

Zhou Jin followed into the yard, and Aunt Quan wiped her red eyes and hurried in too.

The courtyard is a small courtyard with three entrances. Although it is small, it is extremely elegant.

The grass is green, and unknown vines are full of flowers along the courtyard wall, which is fragrant.

A lush pomegranate tree in the yard blocked most of the scorching sunlight, and the faint coolness lingered on Zhou Jin's sun-burned skin, which was extremely comfortable.

Although it is remote and there are few people coming and going, it is also very suitable for recuperating.

Zhou Jin felt a little more sympathy for Liu Yongchang in his heart, and it could be seen that he was putting his heart into it.

Soon, Liu Yongchang stopped in front of a room.

He stood there, raised his hand slightly, but never pushed the small door open, as if the door in front of him weighed a thousand catties.

Zhou Jin stood behind without speaking, but waited silently for a moment.

The incandescent sunlight shone quietly in the courtyard, and the trees sang loudly and loudly, no one knew Liu Yongchang's inner struggle.

When was the last time he was here?He can barely remember.

a year?two years?

Liu Yongchang tightened his fingers, and with a sudden force, the door creaked open.

The room is very quiet, and the sunlight shines through the windows on the clean ground, forming patches of light and shadow.

Liu Yongchang stood at the door, his feet seemed to be nailed to the ground, he suddenly lost his strength and dared not take a step forward.

After all these years, he is still a coward!Don't dare to face the cowardice in your heart!Don't dare to come and see her!

He just evaded blindly, relying on daily drunkenness and dreams, and spent day after day in a daze.

What a coward he is!

Liu Yongchang's heart seemed to be pricked by needles, and there were waves of dense pain.

"Brother Liu?"

Zhou Jin finally spoke out. He understood Liu Yongchang's feelings. No one could remain indifferent to his beloved who was seriously ill.

"Doctor Zhou! I'm sorry!" Liu Yongchang looked back at Zhou Jin and said, "She's inside..."

"En!" Zhou Jin nodded, "Let's go in!"

After he finished speaking, he directly passed Liu Yongchang and walked in first.

The long-term pain does not protect the short-term pain, and it is always necessary to come in.Zhou Jin also wanted to see what kind of illness this lady had!Let Liu Yongchang be so sad.

He heard footsteps behind him and knew that Liu Yongchang had followed in.

So he quickened his speed and walked into the inner room very quickly. There was a big carved nanmu bed at the end of the room. The thin gauze was quietly hanging beside the bed, and only a figure could be faintly seen lying on the bed.

Zhou Jin stood at the head of the bed, not moving.

After what happened in the backyard just now, he is much more cautious now.

Although Liu Yongchang brought him here, and Liu Yongchang's personality should not be a pedantic person, but he still planned to wait for Liu Yongchang to come and open the gauze curtain.

Soon, Liu Yongchang also stood at the head of the bed.

He frowned, and looked at the woman inside quietly through the gauze curtain, his eyes filled with sadness.

Zhou Jin didn't speak, and gave Liu Yongchang enough time.Although he was eager to see what this woman who held Mr. Liu's heart firmly looked like.

Aunt Quan sighed softly, walked over slowly, and gently lifted the veil.

Zhou Jin's eyes widened slightly, and he looked curiously at the slowly opened gauze curtain.

The scene inside appeared in Zhou Jin's field of vision inch by inch.

When all the gauze curtains were lifted, Zhou Jin's eyes suddenly widened. What is it?

The woman in front of her was very thin, her eyes were slightly closed, and her haggard and pale face was covered with fine lines.A head of withered and yellow hair was spread out on the blue pillow, and the white hair mixed with it was clearly visible.

This is an elderly middle-aged woman.

"This is?" Zhou Jin looked at the sleeping woman in front of him incredulously, where is the lover he promised?

This doesn't look like it!

Zhou Jin subconsciously looked at Liu Yongchang, but saw him closing his eyes in pain.It seemed that no matter what, he couldn't bear to see her at this moment.

Zhou Jin was even more puzzled, he hesitated and said, "Brother Liu, who is this?"

Only then did Liu Yongchang open his eyes, and a deep voice sounded, "Doctor Zhou, this is my aunt! Please treat me!"

Surprised, Zhou Jin took a closer look at the woman, only to realize that she looked very much like Mrs. Liu!

But compared with the well-maintained Mrs. Liu, she seemed old and haggard many years older.

Unlike Mrs. Liu's younger sister, if she was said to be Mrs. Liu's mother, he would believe it.

Zhou Jin was surprised that Liu Yongchang had such deep affection for his aunt, but he didn't seem to get along well with his biological mother.

I don't know what the secret is.

Although Zhou Jin was a little curious, he would not intentionally pry into other people's secrets.

Aunt Quan stepped forward and gently took out the woman's hand, and placed it beside the bed.

Her hands are very thin and thin, with a pale and powerless feeling that has not seen the sun all year round.

"Doctor Zhou, I'm sorry to trouble you!" Aunt Quan said softly, and then stepped aside.

Zhou Jin sat on the small stool beside the bed, his fingers lightly resting on the woman's thin and boneless wrist.

Liu Yongchang and Aunt Quan didn't speak, they just looked at him expectantly.

The room was extremely quiet, and the sound of cicadas came in from the window.

Zhou Jin could hear Liu Yongchang's rapid breathing.

He felt the woman's pulse for a while, the pulse was very weak, almost none.

Zhou Jin frowned slightly, "Total, let's see how she is!"

"Drip... The patient's brain was severely impacted and fell into a coma! The mental domain is closed, and the five senses are lost. The body is static for a long time, and the muscles atrophy. The vitality is rapidly depleted. It is recommended to use brain nerve therapy to activate the mental domain! Restore the five senses."

Through the perspective of the system, Zhou Jin saw that the spiritual sea in the woman's brain that should have been active was as calm as the dead sea, without a single ripple.

Isn't this a vegetable?

Zhou Jin quietly injected energy into the woman's body, and the blue energy slowly entered the woman's brain along with the veins, and plunged into her spiritual realm like a dead sea.

With the stimulation of energy, the calm and waveless spiritual sea suddenly trembled, and the mental belts rose and fell like electric waves, and the woman's fingers trembled suddenly.

Zhou Jin noticed it sharply, and he immediately withdrew the energy beam, and the ups and downs of the spiritual sea gradually returned to calm as if the tide had returned.

No wonder so many doctors couldn't cure this disease. Even in modern times, it is difficult to cure it.

However, it is not a difficult problem for him. He tried it just now, but the patient's spiritual world is only closed and needs the stimulation of external radio waves.

He quickly calculated a treatment plan in his mind.

Zhou Jin made up his mind, and he lowered the woman's slender wrist.

"What's the matter?" Liu Yongchang and Aunt Quan said at the same time, their tone anxious and anxious.

Zhou Jin understood their feelings. He met Liu Yongchang's dark eyes and said, "This madam has suffered a severe brain injury, so she is unconscious. She has been in a coma for too long, and ordinary methods have no effect on her."

Liu Yongchang opened his eyes slightly, and took a step back involuntarily.

Zhou Jin quickly said: "I will use Zhou's original acupuncture technique to stimulate her brain. She will wake up within a month!"

After hearing this, Liu Yongchang's eyes lit up, he stared at Zhou Jin in disbelief, and said with trembling lips, "Doctor Zhou, are you serious?"

Liu Yongchang's heart trembled, eight years!He searched for famous doctors everywhere, experienced countless expectations, and countless disappointments.

From the pain at the beginning to the numbness later, he thought he had resigned to his fate, and he even thought it might as well be like this!Let him send her off for the last time, instead of lying on the bed unconsciously like a living dead.

But every time he looked at her like this, he couldn't do anything.The pain in his heart seemed to overwhelm him.

Gradually, he no longer came to listen to Yuxuan, nor did he look around for famous doctors.

Master Liu also thought that he had let go, and no one mentioned Mrs. Xuan or Ting Yuxuan anymore.He seems to have really forgotten it, and hangs around restaurants and pavilions every day, living a life of drunken dreams.

But now, Zhou Jin told him that Mrs. Xuan was still alive, and he could still see her smile again, and hear her call him Yongchang softly.

so good!He thought, layers and layers of sourness flooded his heart, and there were bursts of high-pitched cicadas singing in his ears, sometimes far away and then near, and finally, he seemed to be unable to hear anything, only the last words Mrs. Xuan said to him , that shrill and frightened shout echoed in his dreams every night, "Yongchang, be careful, come back quickly!"

Zhou Jin couldn't bear to look at Liu Yongchang. He had seen him in high spirits, seriously ill and dying, and domineering, but he had never seen Liu Yongchang like this, so cautious, with a hint of fear, a hint of fear. look forward to.

Zhou Jin felt inexplicably upset. He nodded and said, "Don't worry! Since I say it can be cured, it will be cured! I never lie about this kind of thing! This lady has been in a coma for too long and her body is very fragile. The prescription asked her to recuperate well! After that, I will come here to give her acupuncture every day! I believe she will recover soon!"

Liu Yongchang nodded slowly, the whole person was in a daze.

He staggered a bit, then half-kneeled in front of the bed, tremblingly said: "Auntie, did you hear that? You will get better soon!"

He stretched out his hand to hold the woman's hand hanging on the edge of the bed, and said softly, "Auntie, wake up quickly! Yongchang has been waiting for you for a long time!"

Liu Yongchang lowered his head, Zhou Jin couldn't see his expression clearly, but he could see his broad shoulders trembling slightly.

This man, who seemed to care nothing, was like a child at the moment, both aggrieved and sad.

Aunt Quan covered her mouth and wailed one after another. Her thin body leaned against the pillar, her whole body trembling uncontrollably.Tears fell from the reddened eyes.

Looking at the two silently crying in the room, Zhou Jin felt uncomfortable.

After all, human beings cannot escape the torment of illness, and the pain suffered by their relatives is also inevitable.

Zhou Jin became more and more aware of the significance brought by his medical skills.

Although he cannot save everyone, within his ability, it is good to save one more person from the pain of life and death.

The lotus flowers on the surface of the water are delicate and beautiful, and the red fish under the water are briskly playing under the green lotus leaves.

Zhou Jin sat in the gazebo and enjoyed the beautiful scenery by the pool. He put his hand into the water, and the fish flicked its tail quickly, and disappeared into the water in the blink of an eye, leaving only ripples.

"This fish is really fat! I don't know how it tastes when it's braised in brown sauce?" Zhou Jin smacked his mouth and said.

Liu Yongchang turned his head and stared at him for a while, then smiled slightly, "If you like it, I'll ask my servants to get you two to try. The cooks in Liu's mansion are very good at cooking fish, so keep it if you like it!".

Zhou Jin's eyes lit up suddenly, and he said with a smile, "Thank you brother Liu for that! It just so happens that I've digested everything I ate before, and I'm feeling hungry right now!"

Zhou Jin was not full just now, and he saved the little girl and confronted those guests for a while, his stomach was already empty!

At this moment, he suddenly remembered the taste of braised fish, and the saliva in his mouth quickly secreted. He also wanted to taste the taste of braised fish cooked by Liu's chef!

Liu Yongchang laughed, and loudly called the servants on the side to come over, and ordered him to bring people over to catch fish.The man froze for a moment, with surprise in his eyes, "My lord, this fish..."

Liu Yongchang lowered his voice slightly, and said, "If you're told, go!"

The man immediately bowed his head and said, "Yes!"

Then he turned and left.

Zhou Jin watched from the side, slightly puzzled in his heart, "Brother Liu, what's wrong with this fish? It's fine if it's inconvenient, I just mentioned it casually."

Liu Yongchang waved the folding fan and shook it, the black hair on his chest fluttered with the breeze, sweeping across his fair chin.

He seemed to have become the unrestrained and suave Young Master Liu again, "What's the inconvenience, it's their blessing that Dr. Zhou likes this fish!"

After finishing speaking, he paused holding the folding fan again, and the tail of playful flying hair fell quietly on his chest again.

He suddenly saluted Zhou Jin respectfully, and said solemnly: "Doctor Zhou, I will never forget your great kindness to my Liu family! Please accept my respect!"

After speaking, he lifted up his robe and knelt down.

Zhou Jin was startled, and hurriedly stepped forward to support him, barely kneeling down.

He breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Brother Liu, why are you so serious all of a sudden! You and I, why are you so polite! Besides, saving people is my duty, you really don't have to."

Zhou Jin waved his hand, feeling a little helpless.

He didn't think it was such a great thing that he saved the lady, it was just a matter of little effort to him.

Liu Yongchang shook his head and sighed: "Doctor Zhou, you don't understand how important this matter is to me! I really don't know how to thank you, only..."

As he spoke, he strained his body, and his knees were about to kneel down again.

Zhou Jin quickly pulled him back and said angrily, "Brother Liu, what are you doing! I treat you as a friend, but you want to kneel down to me! How do you let me deal with myself? If you really kneel down today, go We won't have to see each other again! I don't need a friend who kneels to me!"

After finishing speaking, Zhou Jin also let go and stopped looking at him.

Liu Yongchang was startled suddenly and got up immediately.

Seeing that Zhou Jin seemed to be really angry, he sighed and said, "I'm vulgar, Doctor Zhou, don't be angry!"

Zhou Jin only looked at the water surface and ignored him.

Liu Yongchang chuckled suddenly, and said: "Hey! I really can't speak, and I actually made the good-tempered Doctor Zhou angry! If my father finds out, I'm afraid he will teach me a lesson again. Paused!"

"Oh? Mr. Liu is so old, isn't he still afraid of his father?"

Liu Yongchang laughed loudly, "Doctor Zhou doesn't know about it this week. Whenever my father got angry, he wanted to search for my treasured wine. It really hurts my heart!" Liu Yongchang shook his folding fan with a heartbroken look.

Zhou Jin leaned back on the gazebo, raised one leg and stepped on the chair, and lay on it slantingly, saying: "What's so good about wine! I see you drinking it like this again, I'm afraid that you will die because of it." You burned a stick of incense."

Liu Yongchang was not angry when he heard it, he lifted his robe and sat opposite Zhou Jin, the jade pendant around his waist made a crisp jingling sound due to his movements.

"What am I afraid of! With the God of Medicine here, Lord Yan would not dare to accept me." Liu Yongchang said indifferently, drawing out the end of his voice.

Zhou Jin's ears turned red, he really couldn't hear the word "Master God of Medicine", he was so ashamed!

He raised one leg and kicked Liu Yongchang's shoe, leaving a dusty footprint on the snow-white shoe.

"Don't mention this again! Otherwise, you won't find me if you drink to death in the future!"

Liu Yongchang stretched out his hand and patted his shoes, and smiled with the corners of his mouth, "Doctor Zhou is so skilled in medicine! Who else can I look for if I don't look for you! I think Doctor Zhou will definitely not let me die."

Zhou Jin snorted, but didn't speak.

Liu Yongchang looked at the pink lotus in the pond, and the smile in his eyes gradually faded. He said slowly, "Doctor Zhou, do you know why my aunt became like this?"

His voice began to be ethereal again, Zhou Jin raised his head and looked at him, his deep eyebrows and eyes added a bit of melancholy.

Zhou Jin said softly, "I don't know."

Liu Yongchang suddenly chuckled again, his smile was full of sarcasm,

"Doctor Zhou must have seen the contradiction between me and my mother. In fact, she was not like this when I was young."

Liu Yongchang sighed, and said: "Sometimes I hate her very much! I hate why she treats me like this! But sometimes I understand that she should really hate me."

Zhou Jin sat upright unconsciously, he knew that the person in front of him was telling a secret that had been buried in his heart for a long time.

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